Ey, I'm back with another chapter! So yeah, I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 2: Flamekit's Plan

Flamekit looked at Foxkit one last time, than ran out of the nursery, hiding his pure anger at his new sis.

Flamekit burst out of the nursery, raw, raging energy coursing throughout his veins. The winds in his fur, his paws barley touch the ground. His sisters ran behind him, slower and smaller than him. He knew that he was the oldest, and that 'Foxkit' wasn't actually a kit. He knew she was a wolf, and that when he became the leader, FameStar, he would make her rouge, letting the strongest cats in the clan bring her dead corpse to him. "Heh… when that day comes... she will be my dinner that day~…

Foxkit looked at Stormkit and Snowkit. "Uh… what's wrong with him?" she asked the others, watching as they shrugged, not knowing about Flamekit's anger full rage, and running at the Elders den.

Roundfang sat down in the elders den, growling to himself. He had lost half of his tongue, and had barley any teeth. "Grr…. That Sstupid Wolff…" he growled to himself, being the only one in the den, unaware that a kit off by 1 day for his apprentice ceremony, running to the den as he saw the warrior going to the den.

Flamekit stopped, and looked in the den. "Hello, Roundfang? I need to speak to you, in private." He said, as the older cat flicked his tail, as a sign to come inside the empty den. "What do you need, young kitty..?" Roundfang said, a little peeved that Flamekit needed to talk to him, still wanting to rant about the wolf-pup was now a part of the clan. Flamekit explained a plan about how to get rid of the pup, not telling him about his plan to kill him and become leader. "Hmm… that's a good plan. We will put it in action tomorrow when you become an apprentice, now I'm going to go ask Rockstar if I can be your mentor when tomorrow comes. The orange kit shook his head ok, and left.

Roundfang got up and walked to Rockstar's den, peeking in and asking he can come in. "yes, Roundfang, you may come in." Roundfang walked into the den, sitting infront of Rockstar. He explained that he would like to mentor Flamekit, because he never was a mentor before and he was 'scared' that Flamekit's mentor would be mean to him. Rockstar agreed with him, and Roundfang left the den, giggling evilly to himself.

So that was the second chapter!

(Lol these chapters take less than one day to make and write… I'm writing the first few during homeschool XD)

I'll see you guy's next chapter, BYE!

(PS; please tell me if you see any spelling mistakes, I will fix them.)
