Hi there, since I watched THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. I couldn't stop thinking about that fight scene between Illya and Gaby.

Loved the movie, by the way.

I do not own nothing, but I like playing with these toys.


After Wrestling

Chapter 1

Gaby, with the help of the four glasses of vodka she had drunk, lunged at full speed against Illya, grabbing him by the waist and pushing his huge body with her head until both of them fell onto the ornamented couch in the living room area.

The fight had just begun, and although the giant Russian could have gotten rid off her easily, the truth was that it wasn't proving to be as simple as it seemed. Gaby, despite her small figure, moved quickly, like a mouse that's almost impossible to trap, and rolling one over the other on the floor, banging furniture nonstop, she seized control of the Russian spy.

In the hallway a maiden stopped to listen the tremendous noises coming from inside the room, standing motionless for a few seconds trying to figure out what was happening, but perhaps she thought it was not polite to spy on guests, and also preferred not knowing what was going on at the other side of the wall.

"Ugh…" Gaby hissed trapping him to the ground with her hands against his strong shoulders. Both were breathing hard, but despite trying to catch her breath she didn't surrender. She had him under her, straddling his waist as he grabbed her by the wrists, just to hold her and without causing her any damage.

Gaby was beginning to find difficult to resist thanks to the alcohol, and her vision was becoming blurred. Although she didn't diminish the force she was using to press on Illya's shoulders, but began to become obvious that in a few seconds she would lose the battle against the Russian spy pretending to be her fiancé. That's when the forces began abandoning her, and her arms were just barely able to keep her in the attack position adopted against Illya. Her face fell down slowly until their lips almost touched.

Kuryakin, ice man, the perfect spy, the firm man of the KGB, was collapsing at the beauty of the creature over him, and her breath, despite the vodka, was sweet and appealing. He wished to taste those velvet lips, pressing them against his, and not let them to ever escape. But was it a good idea? Both were forcibly partners with an imposed mission that none of them had sought, and though the engagement was a sham to pretend to be just a normal couple, Illya was beginning to feel a strong attraction towards Gaby.

But Illya Kuryakin didn't fall in love, he is not able to love, or that's what they tried to steal from him for years and years of hard training to turn him into what he was today: the best KGB operative.

"Mmmm…" A small sigh escaped Gaby's lips just before sinking her face into his neck, causing the Russian to relax. The battle had ended and… "You smell so good…" she murmured the young girl, inhaling deeply and gently licking Illya's smooth soft skin.

"Time to go to bed, chop shop girl." Taking her in his arms he stood up from the ground and she automatically clung to him, wrapping her legs around his hips, arms around his neck. Like this he carried her to bed, the tiny bed in which he barely fitted, but that it seemed huge when it had to fit the delicate little body of Gaby Teller.

"Good night, chop shop girl." He whispered before leaving but her hand holding his stopped him. Illya thought she was still asleep and clung to him like a child who longs for her teddy bear. "Do not go." He looked at her and saw her eyes wide open and staring at him. "Please, stay."


"Please." She insisted.

Illya wanted to release him from the grip to go to the living room and grab a chair to sit beside her bed, but Gaby didn't let him go. Besides, after the fight none of them was sure the furniture had survived. The Russian spy had no choice but to sit down next to her body, without relaxing a muscle, until the young girl's soft hand began sliding up and down his back. "You can not be comfortable. Come on, lay down beside me."

Since his father was sent to a gulag and his mother decided to forget him with other men, Illya's life was very difficult. He barely knew what affection was, and when he enlisted in the ranks of the KGB it disappeared completely. Illya Kuryakin became the best, and to get it he had to get rid of the feelings that may pose a weakness. Like the ones he was now experiencing by laying beside her in bed, even though he was on the sheets and Gaby beneath them.

"Much better, right?"

"Yes." He replied with his thick accent.

Gaby grinned thinking about how serious he was all the time, never showing his feelings, and barely smiling. He thought about the seriousness of the mission, maybe too much, and pretending they were engaged was not easy for someone who didn't have a lot of contact with women.

"Why don't you take off your clothes?" Illya got up and started walking toward his own bed, but again Gaby's hand stopped him. "I mean that you should not sleep with your clothes on. It is not comfortable." She murmured waiting for him to react somehow.

"I am fine, thank you."

Every time Gaby closed her eyes felt a slight dizziness that became stronger and stronger, but she didn't feel bad. Happy and glad, perhaps too happy, and eager to have fun. "You know, when you were chasing us in Berlin I thought you were an imbecile," Illya turned around and gave her a hard look, "and I was right." She added, laughing. "But now…"

"Now what?" He was beginning to lose patience, and he had been trained for that to never happen. Also, they needed to pretend to be an engaged couple in love, at least in front of others, but in this room they could stop acting and behaving as they really were. "I believe you have drunk more than you should, and now you need to sleep." He got rid of Gaby's grip and laid down on the other bed, still wearing his clothes.

"You are so charming," she replied sarcastically.


Hope you like this first chapter.

Reviews will be welcomed.
