Hello everyone yeah this is my very first fanfiction. I have yet to decide on the main pairing yet but I want to get this out there right now. THIS WILL NOT BE A HAREM FANFICTION! I'm sorry but I just don't see Naruto as the type of person to have more than one girlfriend plus in my own personal opinion feel like that would just make him a player.
"Demon talking"
"Demon thinking"
Chapter 1: Life changing
A young Naruto was running down the streets. Why was he running? A simple answer he was being chased. Now for other kids this may seem strange or even terrifying. However for young Naruto this was a weekly occurrence. Well, it used to be a weekly occurrence here lately it's been more of a daily occurrence. Naruto looked up in onto a nearby roof. He expected to see those masked ninja that were usually following him when this happened.
However much to his distress there was no one there. He sighed and looked at the path he was currently running down. However when he did he saw a few more villagers cut off his path forcing him to make a sharp turn down the nearest alleyway. 'Maybe I should just give up. I mean they've been at this all day and something tells me they aren't going to give up anytime soon.' He then thought as he exited the alleyway and made a few sharp turns into another alleyway.
When he did he saw he was at a dead end. He then heard the footsteps of the villagers that were behind him and looked quickly looked around for anything he could use. He found only a single object in this alleyway and that object had the privilege of being a trashcan. The blonde sighed and looked at it. He thought about it for only a second before he once again heard the sound of clicking soles on the ground.
When he heard this he wasted no time in jumping into it. When he did he grabbed the lid to the trashcan and put it on top of it. He cringed as he smelled some of what was around him. He then felt all of his muscles freeze as he heard a voice speak. "DAMN IT! Looks like the slippery bastard got away from us again." He heard a male voice say.
"Well let's hurry up and find him he couldn't have gotten far." He heard another male voice say. When he did he raised the lid slowly and quietly as to not alert them that he was there. He then made a small hole barely large enough for him to see out of and looked at the villagers.
"Well, what are we waiting for? We only have two more days before the Hokage get's back from the summit." He heard another villager say looking at looking at one of the others from before. They all then left the alleyway. However when they did Naruto waited a little bit before coming out of his hiding spot. When he did he looked around and started to run for his house.
Surely he'd be safe there, right? As he made his way to his house he started to notice that the streets started to get less and less crowded. However, he soon saw why as he reached his apartment. When he saw the scene that lay before him his eyes almost immediately widened. His apartment the only place that he had to live had large flames erupting from the windows. He also saw several other flames in different spots as well.
"Hey, there he is!" He heard someone yell. He had been so occupied trying to process what he was seeing he hadn't realized that he was staring at his own apartment that did have several other people in front of it. People which hated and most likely wanted to hurt him. When he turned to locate the source of the voice he saw that there were several people running towards him. He on instinct started to run.
Lucky for him there wasn't that many actually chasing him this time. As he was running, he unknowingly made his way to the park. While he was running, he ran by the lake and saw an island in the middle of it. He had never actually been there, but he had always been curious as to what it looked like. He then once again heard the all too familiar sound of running behind him.
When he did he jumped into the water. When he did he began to swim to the center of the lake eventually making his way to this small island. When he got there he saw that there wasn't really much to it. A tree and some glass. That was about all there was to it really. He then walked over to the tree and looked to the night sky.
"I don't understand it," Naruto said looking up at the sky. "I don't understand why they always go for me. What did I ever do to them? I mean sure I play a few pranks here and there, but I didn't think they'd burn my home down." Naruto said as he looked up to the sky. He then slowly closed his eyes and tried to sleep.
However, the night wind made it a bit difficult to do that with it chilling him to the bone every time it crossed over his body. That and the fact his clothes were still wet from where he had just crossed a lake at night made it extremely difficult for the young six-year-old to sleep. He then felt something grab ahold of his shirt.
When he felt this his eyes almost instantly shot open and what he saw almost made his heart drop. He saw a man with whitish-gray hair and green eyes. "Finally found you," He said picking him up by the color of his shirt.
"M-Mizuki-Sensei?" Naruto asked looking at the male confusion evident in his voice.
"Yes, Naruto now it's time to go." The male said tucking him under his arm before he went off into town. Naruto was genuinely confused by this. Muzuki had always been nice to him. However, he soon remembered that everyone else was also trying to get to him.
"Oh, so you hate me too?" Naruto asked looking at the roofs that he passed along the way. The fact that the male was quite only further proved his point. However, Muzuki suddenly came to a stop and went to the edge of a roof.
"Have fun, kid." The male said holding Naruto off the ground by the back of his shirt. He then dropped the young male off the building making him land with a solid THUD against the ground. When he did hit the ground he grunted in pain and slowly tried to get up. When he did he found that his leg was in a massive amount of pain.
He then looked down at his leg to see that it was red and was already starting to swell up. He then tried to get up, but the pain he felt from his leg made it rather difficult. He then heard the sound he had dreaded all day. The sound of clicking soles on the ground.
He then tried to get up even faster. This only intensified the growing pain in his already sore leg. As he finally managed to get up he looked down the alleyway and saw two men walking towards him.
The two even though their faces looked different their attire was almost identical. They each wore a headband symbolizing that they were ninja's from Konohagakure as well as what Naruto had come to know as a chunin jacket.
He then sighed as his sore leg finally gave out and he fell back down to the ground. 'At least this way it'll be over quicker.' The young blonde thought as he listened to the two men approach him.
When they got in front of him Naruto just smiled his big goofy grin that he usually put on when others were around. "Hey, guys what are you doing here?" Natuto asked looking at them.
"Oh you know just hunting." One of the men said looking at him.
"Really in the village? Okay, I'll bite what are you hunting for?" Naruto asked looking at them.
One of the ninjas then reached down and grabbed Naruto by his color. "Oh, you know just a little fox." The man said picking him up off the ground.
"Careful man he might figure it out because of you." The other warned slapping him on the back of the head.
"Yeah like he's going to figure it out. If he hasn't figured it out at this day and age I don't think he ever will." The male said turning his attention to Naruto. He then pulled back one of his hands and delivered a firm hit to the ground six-year-olds jaw.
This caused the young blonde to spit up somr blood. When he did he looked at the man in front of him "Why?" was the young blinde managed to ask looking at him.
"It doesn't matter you'll be dead before you even realize why it matters." The male said looking at him.
"HEY STOP THAT!" Naruto heard a new voice say. This actually concetned Naruto just a but for the sole reason thatno one was ever really concerned for his well being. He looked to the side and saw the source of the voice standing at the end of the alleyway.
As it turned out this voice belonged to a child. He had black hair as well as gray eyes. He wore white shorts and a blue shirt that had the mark of his clan on the back. "Go home Sasuke this doesn't concern you." One of the males said looking at him.
"Maybe not but you are ninja your job is to protect Konohagakure and it's people not hurt them." The young male said as he walked into the alleyway.
"That may be true, but this is an entirely different situation." The male said looking at the yound figure befire him.
"How so?" Sasuke asked looking at him.
"This monster is responible fir the death of hundreds of Konoha citizens as well as a crime that can never be forgiven." The older male said looking at him.
Sasukr then looked at the blonde that was currently on the verge of passing out. Sasuke looked at what kind of shape he was in. Sasuke then turned his attention back to the males that were in front of him. "Him a killer? It's a little hard to imigine a killer wanting to become Hokage. I also find it hard to believe that this so-called killer would be beaten by two Chunin without putting up any fight." Sasuke said looking at him.
At this point, the man that was holding Naruto was getting more than frustrated with this new unexpected guest. The male that had been quite thus far then put his hand on his friends shoulder and looked at him. "It's pointless to argue with an Uchiha they always get the last word," He said looking at him.
The male that had been holding Naruto by the throat then grunted in discomfort and dropped Naruto. When he did Naruto hit the ground and started to violently cough. Sasuke looked at the men that were in front of him and watched as they walked off into the streets.
When he could no longer see them he walked over to Naruto. When he got there he saw that the blonde had already passed out. Sasuke looked around for anything or rather anyone that could help him in this situation.
He saw nothing and sighed. So he did what to him seemed right at the time. He turned around slung Naruto over his shoulder and started to walk down the streets with a passed out blonde on his back.
He slowly but surely made his way to his families estate. When he finally got there he opened up the gates and walked inside with Naruto still on his back. He then slowly walked towards the house that he stayed in. When got there he opened the door and kicked it shut behind him. He then made his way to the living room and placed Naruto on the floor.
Sasuke then walked over to the couch and sat down and looked at the male in front of him. He must have waited for no more than ten minutes before the blonde started to stir in front of him. When the young blonde was fully awake he looked around and spotted the other male in front of him.
"S-Sasuke? What am I doing here?" Naruto asked looking at him.
"After those men left I took you to my home. Now if you don't mind I got a few questions of my own." The raven haired male said looking at him.
Naruto then sighed and looked at him. "Go ahead it's not like I got anywhere else to be at this point," He said looking at him.
"Okay first off why were those ninjas attacking you?" Sasuke asked looking at him.
"I wish I knew everyone's been acting like that today. I heard one of them say it was because the Hokage was at something called a kage summit, but I don't what that is so I guess it doesn't really help." Naurto said looking at him.
Sasuke nodded almost as if he understood what Naruto was saying. "Alright, next question. Why did they say you're a murderer? Have you actually killed people before?" Sasuke asked looking at him.
Naruto shook his head side to side and looked at him. "No, but they aren't the only one's that accuse me of that. A lot of others seem to think I'm a murderer too." Naruto said looking at him.
"Why?" Sasuke asked looking at him.
"I don't know it's always been like this," Naruto said looking away from the raven haired male.
"Why haven't you told anyone about this?" Sasuke asked looking at him.
Naruto then sighed and placed his head on one of his hands. "Who am I supposed to tell. Almost the entire population of the village hates me and the others just don't want anything to do with me. I've tried telling the Hokage a few times, but nothing ever changes when I do." Naruto said looking at him.
"I see," Sasuke said looking at him. He then turned his head to the side and looked at a local clock that was hanging on the wall. "Well, you might want to start heading home it's getting a little late." The male said looking at him.
"I can't do that either," Naruto said a little sad.
"Why not?" Sasuke asked looking at him.
"They burned my apartment down today," Naruto said looking at him. Sasuke's eyes widened as he heard this and looked at him.
"And you're certain it was them?" He asked looking at the young blonde in front of him.
"Yeah I'm certain when I went home because I thought I'd be safe there I found it on fire and a bunch of people standing in front of it," Naruto said looking at him.
Sasuke gritted his teeth and looked at Naruto. I mean sure Sasuke might not have liked Naruto if anything he hated him But this was just getting ridicules. The people of the village are singling him out and even the ninja's are taking part of it now. There's no way he's going to survive if this keeps up.
Sasuke then looked at Naruto and said the first thing that came to his mind. "Then why don't you leave?" He asked looking at the young male.
"What?" Naruto asked a little confused.
"Why don't you leave? I mean if people are really treating you like this every day and things aren't getting any better for you then why don't you just leave?" Sasuke said looking at him.
"But then I'd be considered a rough nin-" Naruto started only to be cut off by the young male that was looking at him.
"NO you wouldn't a rough ninja is a NINJA that leaves their village you're not one of our ninjas yet. Which means you can leave and be free of consequence." Sasuke said looking at him. The blonde then looked down as if he was considering the idea. It looked as if he was considering the idea but just need a little extra push to make it happen.
"Look at it this way. You'll leave a village where people hate you and you're treated like dirt and in turn you may find a place where the people like you and you're welcomed home with people smiling at your return." Sasuke said looking at him.
Naurto was quiet for a moment before a smile overtook his face and he looked at the male in front of him. "You know what Sasuke you're right I'm Leaveing the village. Who needs this crappy place?" Naruto said looking at him.
Sasuke mentally smirked at this. Not only did he possibly give someone a better life but he also managed to get rid of someone he heated without getting into any real trouble. Naruto then stopped when he reached the door and looked down. Sasuke saw this and looked at him. "What's wrong? I thought you were going to leave the village?" Sasuke asked looking at him.
"Well I was but I don't have anywhere to go. I mean I never had any family that I know of so where am I supposed to go?" Naruto asked looking at him.
Sasuke then looked down at the ground and thought for a moment. However, while he was thinking Naruto also brought up another point. "And that's only if I manage to get outside of the gates. I mean those people hate me why on Earth would they let me leave?" Naruto said looking at him.
Sasuke thought about it for a moment then sighed. "We'll think more about it later," Sasuke said looking at him. He then walked into the kitchen and when he saw that Naruto wasn't following behind him he turned to look at the Blonde male. "Well, aren't you coming dope?" He asked looking at him.
Naruto got a little irritated at the fact Sasuke had decided to call him by his nickname but answered nonetheless. "Well, it's just that this is your house and I don't want to . . . well you know . . . take advantage of your kindness." Naruto said looking at him.
"What kindness?" Sasuke asked looking at the blonde male.
"Well, it's just you've done more for me today than anyone else has in years. You saved me from someone, took me to your house, are planning to help me with something, and now you're heading to the kitchen. I mean I just feel like you've done too much for me already." Naruto said looking at him.
Sasuke then thought about what he said and looked at him. "Yeah well I wouldn't get used to it you're leaving remember," Sasuke said looking at him. Naruto nodded and looked at him. Once they got into the kitchen Sasuke walked over to some cabinets and looked for some food. He didn't find anything that he had the time or energy to cook well nothing except for a few cups of instant Ramen. When he saw them he pulled out the instant ramen in a cup and looked at Naruto. "I usually don't eat these, but they're all I ever see you eat so why not," Sasuke said tossing him a cup.
The raven haired male then walked over to the sink and began to run some water. He turned to look at Naruto while he was waiting for it to get warm and saw Naruto looking at the cup a bit nervous. "What's wrong?" Sasuke asked looking at him.
Naruto then looked at him and smiled a sad smile. "This may seem a little hard to believe, but I actually don't like ramen," He said looking at him. Sasuke's face then went from its emotionless feature to his confused look. Naruto saw this and decided to explain. "Well, you see the reason I'm always eating ramen is because it's really the only thing I can afford to buy," Naruto said looking at him.
"What do you mean?" Sasuke said looking at him.
"Well I don't have parents or a clan estate like you so I'm forced to get money however I can. However what I do save up usually isn't enough to get anything that will last. That and the stuff that will last the store clerks and managers usually won't sell to me for a fair price so I'm usually forced to settle for Ramen." Naruto said looking at him. He then looked up at Sasuke a little nervous. "I mean don't get me wrong I'm glad you're sharing your food with me, but I just thought I'd tell you something interesting about me before I left," Naruto said as he walked over to the sink and filled the cup with water.
Sasuke then started to fill his cup up with hot water and when he did he walked into the living room only to see Naruto giving thanks for the food. 'It's amazing,' Sasuke thought as he looked at Naruto. 'He's still able to smile like that. People treat him like this and yet he's still able to smile.' The young raven haired male thought as he also sat down and started to eat.
The finished around the same time and when they did Sasuke moved his cup to the side and looked at Naruto. "Alright, now that we're done eating I think it's about time we started discussing how you're going to leave." The raven haired male said looking at him.
"Alright, so any plans?" Naruto asked looking at the male in front of him. Sasuke lowered his head in a thinking pose. The room became quiet as Sasuke began to think about how he could get Naruto out of the village without drawing attention to him. He thought about it and only a few idea's came to mind.
"Hey Naruto how good are you at the clone Jutsu?" Sasuke asked looking at him.
"It's pretty crappy," Naruto admitted looking at him.
'Okay well there goes my first idea,' Sasuke thought looking at him. "Alright well, do you have any way to get ahold of some explosive?" Sasuke asked looking at him.
"I could try stealing them but since all the shop owners hate me I find it hard to believe that I wouldn't get the blame for it almost immediately," Naruto said looking at him.
'And there goes idea number two. That only leaves the last idea,' Sasuke thought as he looked at Naruto. "Alright well, I do have a plan. As to how we are going to pull it off I'll explain that part tomorrow." Sasuke said looking at him. He then stood up and looked at the blonde. "Follow me I'll show you where you can sleep tonight," Sasuke said looking at him.
They then started to walk down a long hallway and at the end of the hallway there was a room. Sasuke then opened up the door and let Naruto inside. When the blonde entered the room he saw that there was a bed a desk and a closet other than that there wasn't much to it. "Is this a spare bedroom or something?" Naruto asked looking at the raven haired male.
"Well, it used to be my brother's bedroom," Sasuke said looking at him. "However since he's not here anymore I guess he won't mind if someone else sleeps in it," Sasuke said as he shut the door behind him.
Naruto then looked at the bed and slowly walked over to it. When he laid down on it, he noticed that it was several times softer than the one he had been given to sleep on. He then sighed he had never been given a place to sleep that was so comforting. "I really will have to thank him before I leave tomorrow." Were the blondes last words as he slowly drifted off to sleep.
However, the blonde awoke to the unusual situation of feeling someone kick him in the side. "Come on I've already pushed him off the bed what else can I do to him?" Sasuke said as he continued to lightly kick the males side.
"Alright I'm up I'm up," Naruto said as he looked at the male. Naruto let out a tired yawn and when he did he felt a bag hit him in the face. When the blonde looked at it, he saw that there were several supplies inside of it. When the blonde looked at the only other male in front of him he sighed and looked at him. "I was up last night gathering supplies for you," Sasuke said looking at him.
"Why?" Was all the blonde could manage to say at the moment?
"Well, you said that your house was burned down so I figured that you probably wouldn't last long without any supplies. So I got up last night and got what I thought was important." Sasuke said looking at the young blonde male in front of him.
"Alright, but why?" Naruto said looking at him.
"Well I could only think of one other plan and with it, you're going to need a decent sized head start," Sasuke said looking at him. Sasuke then looked at him and turned around to head out of the room. "Let's go it'd be better if we did this now rather than later," Sasuke said as he left the room. Naruto nodded and followed behind him.
They walked outside and from there they walked down the alleyways. "So what is this plan?" Naruto asked as they were walking down the streets.
"You don't need to know just yet," Sasuke said as they made a sharp turn around a corner and ran down the streets. It was still early in the morning so not many people were out yet and those that were, weren't paying that much attention to what was going on around them. When the two young males got to where they could see the front gate they stopped.
Sasuke then turned around and looked at Naruto. He then pulled out a kunai and handed it to the blonde. "Make sure you don't lose this," Sasuke said looking at him. "You're going to need it to in case you get attacked or if you run out of supplies and need to do some hunting." The raven haired male said looking at him.
"Alright, but what do we do now?" Naruto asked looking at him.
Sasuke then looked down at the ground. "This is going to be the hard part for both you and me. However, this will not only get them away from the gate but it will also give you some form of insurance." Sasuke said looking at him.
"What do you mean?" Naruto asked looking at him.
"I mean that after you do this you won't be able to return to Konohagakure again after you do this," Sasuke said looking at him.
"Alright well, what is it?" Naruto asked looking at the male in front of him.
"You're going to have to stab me with that kunai I gave you," Sasuke said looking at him.
"W-WHAT?!" Naruto asked not believing what he had just heard. However, the volume of what he had said came out much louder than he had wanted it to which in term got Sasuke to deliver a firm blow to the back of his head.
"Be quite you idiot do you want to attract attention? Just picture the situation you're in right now." Sasuke said looking at him. Naruto then nodded and looked at him.
"But why do you want me to stab you I mean you could die if I do?" Naruto asked looking at the male.
"Yes and that's part of my plan. You see when you stab me. I'm going to wait until you get over by the gate and when you do I'll walk over there and do some acting. When they see how bad I'm bleeding they'll take me to the hospital giving you the chance you need to get out of the village. When you're finally out of the village I'll tell them that you are the one that stabbed me and when I do others will start to look for you not realizing that you have already left the village." Sasuke said looking at him.
"B-But where am I supposed to go?" Naruto asked looking at the male in front of him.
"Go to one of the other villages you wanted to be a ninja right well what better way than going to one of the others," Sasuke said looking at him. Naruto looked like he was starting to doubt the plan so Sasuke decided to remind him what it was he was doing this for. "Remember Naruto you need to get out of the village if you ever want to get a better life. Trust me I know what I'm doing." Sasuke said looking at him
Naruto thought about what he said for a moment before he nodded and looked at him. "Alright I'll do it," Naruto said looking at him.
"Alright good just give me a moment to prepare myself otherwise I might go into shock," Sasuke said looking at him. Naruto then nodded and looked at him. Sasuke then nodded and looked at him then put out his arms. "Alright, I'm ready whenever you are." The young male said. Naruto then nodded and dashed forward. When he did Sasuke closed his eyes and felt a sharp pain in his stomach.
Sasuke then opened his eyes to see that the kunai was in his stomach. Naruto then pulled it out causing blood to drip on the floor. "Alright get going and make it quick before I pass out from blood loss," Sasuke said looking at him. Naruto then nodded and ran across the street and made his way beside the front gate.
When he did he hid in a bush that happened to be by the entrance. Sasuke saw this and began to walk towards the gate. "H-help," Sasuke said in a weak tone. Both of the males heard this and looked to see what was going on. When they did the only thing they saw was the blood coming from Sasuke. They both almost instantly got out and ran towards him. Sasuke then fell down in front of them.
One of them put their hand on Sasuke's head and began to panic. "Oh no he's cold we need to get him to the hospital." One of the male's said as he picked the young Uchiha up. The two then dashed off. Naruto saw this and looked at the village gates. He then took a deep breath and began to run through the woods. When he did only one thought crossed his mind. 'Thank you, Sasuke,'
Alright everyone I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Like I said this is my first fanfiction so please try not to judge it to harshly. Please leave a review and tell me what you think and if you have any questions let me know and I'll try and answer it at the beginning of the next chapter.