I don't own the rights to Bleach
Room 23
Maybe it was the loud music that would constantly wake him up in the middle of the night or it could be the constant banging he would sometimes hear. Whatever it was, Kurosaki Ichigo knew that the man who lived across the hall from him was a son-of-a-bitch. It could be the narcissism that made Ichigo want to lose a shoe in the man's vagina. There was also the fact he was both arrogant and had lecherous tendencies. Ichigo had learnt that keeping track of the man's flavour of the month was almost as difficult as trying to catch smoke with your hands.
It was true what they say; first impressions always lasted and theirs had definitely not been what one would expect. He had just been returning from a business trip in Tokyo – a possible client for the law firm he worked for had growing interests in hiring a lawyer in case he ran into a shit storm. Ichigo had tagged along with his superior Ichimaru Gin to sign the deal and bring the man into Ichimaru & Kuchiki, one of the most reputable corporate law firms in all of Japan. It had only taken a train ride home when a scandal broke out from their new client; an alleged affair and a possible love child. Fantastic.
So now instead of resting and getting some well-deserved sleep, he would be preparing the casework needed for their defence when they went to trial sometime next week. More bullshit piled on top of more bullshit. That was when he had run into his new neighbour. The apartment across from his had remained vacant for the past year; the person who had previous lived there had suffered from a nervous breakdown and had to be sent to a rehab. He had been some sort of med student or something.
The door swung open as Ichigo placed his key in the lock, slightly startled he spun around to see an almost completely naked man standing in his doorframe eating an apple. The first thing that had struck him was the man's incredulous blue hair that would make even the sky resentful. It had to be fake there was no person in this world with blue as a natural hair colour. A firm jaw that supported a beautiful face with a straight nose, full lips, and eyes the colour similar to a Swiss blue topaz.
A herculean body that looked as though it had been chiselled from the era of European Renaissance, strong muscles rippled through the sheen of what was either water or sweat – the man had possibly just come out of the shower. Ichigo's eyes trailed down his body unintentionally; the man had abs that could make a washboard jealous, a treasure trail of blue hair begun at his naval – seems as it was biological – dipping down behind a tea towel covering the rest of the man's glory. Long fingers held the dishtowel in place as he bent down to grab a piece of mail outside of his door.
Ichigo instantly averted his eyes from staring any further as they snapped back up to make eye contact with the topaz ones ogling back at him. Shit. The eyes went from surprise to anticipation as the man threw the mail into his apartment, grabbing the ruby red apple he had been holding in his mouth. A loud crunch as teeth sunk into the fruit, a teasing smirk growing on the corner of his mouth. Ichigo could feel the blush begin to tickle his cheeks; shit the man oozed sex appeal. All he wanted to do now was sink into his door and never run into his new neighbour ever again: for the rest of his life and then those afterward.
"Sup?" came a baritone voice making Ichigo jump in his skin at just how suggestive this man made that word sound. A Cheshire grin grew revealing pearl white teeth. Just one word and Ichigo's brain had managed to turn to mush, who was this man? "the names Jaegerjaquez Grimmjow, your new neighbour."
The man leaned against his entrance bringing the apple up to his mouth, filling the hallway with a loud crunching noise as he took another bite. It took Ichigo a few minutes to recover and his brain to catch up as he focused solely on keeping eye contact with the man across from him, he would not break eye contact so help him God. However this did not help Ichigo as his brains scrambled for words to fit into a cohesive sentence, step one with introductions: don't look like an imbecile.
"That's a mouthful," said Ichigo, step one of introductions: critical failure.
However the man seemed to have taken it positively as a deep chuckle rumbled from his throat making his beautiful pectorals tense a bit, "ya pronounce it Jagger-Jack. Now what would your name be neighbour?"
"Kurosaki Ichigo," he responded, feeling his lock click as the key finally turned.
"Ichigo…like a strawberry?"
And there it was; the nickname that the local bullies had given him as a kid. That was until he broke the ringleader's nose. Though hearing the semi-naked man say strawberry in a deep voice didn't sound like an insult, it sounded like he was flirting? No that's impossible, "ahh…no. I get that a lot but it's actually written as number one guardian not strawberry."
"That's misfortunate," Grimmjow teased turning the apple in his hand as the cocky smile remained on his face, "sounds like ya have ta explain that every time ya meet someone new."
"More or less," Ichigo said, as he desperately just wanted to get out of the situation. Though the man was being friendly there was something about his body language that screamed he was hungry, and not in the way that apple could satisfy him. Another loud crunch filled the hallway, "well this has been…nice, but I have a lot of things to do. Take care Grimmjow-san."
"You to berry," Grimmjow spoke his hand bringing up the dishtowel, that had been concealing his manhood the entire time, dabbing his face to wipe off any residue of apple juice.
Ichigo's face blazed like a forest fire as he swore his skin tone turned five shades redder than any tomato. The back of his neck began to perspire as goose bumps uncomfortably prickled his skin. He dare not look down at whatever that cloth had been hiding as he opened the door to his apartment and slammed it behind him. Leaning against the door he began to vent through his nostrils as he felt sweat begin to form on his forehead.
An audible cackle could be heard behind Ichigo's thick door, and was probably heard the other four floors down. This was the kind of man that he was sharing a floor with? Christ he missed the man who had a mental breakdown over this blue haired prick, at least there wasn't a fear of getting flashed by Rehab-kun. Sliding down the door he released an exasperated breath, now he had to work on court prep for Ichimaru. He just hoped that they didn't have to go to court – it always made him nervous, that and Gin was an absolute monster when it came to court battles.
With another sigh Ichigo stood up and walked into his apartment, placing his messenger bag on the dining room table. He proceeded to his room where he stripped himself of his suit; hanging up his black blazer and lavender tie making a mental note he would have to visit the dry cleaner's soon. Once completely undressed of his work attire he then slipped on a pair of grey cotton sweats and a Chappie the Bunny tank top.
He walked back out to his dining room, pulling out one of the chairs to sit at the small wooden table; as well taking out a blue folder, a yellow note pad, and his laptop. Placing on his reading glasses he then grabbed a yellow highlighter and black pen from another pocket of his messenger. With a deep inhale, Ichigo set off to work looking for any probable causes in winning their new client's case.
He had fucking scored with this apartment. Grimmjow had been apprehensive when his company had requested he moved to the new offices that were being built in Karakura, he wasn't really a "small town" kind of guy. However he had been more than surprised to see that Karakura had met his expectations and then some. The apartment he had rented was fairly cheap for a bachelor in the downtown core of the city. The layout of the building was fairly odd with four floors holding three apartments on every floor – though they were rather spacious. Whatever he couldn't complain.
Grimmjow had then furthered his luck when he had finally gotten to meet one of his neighbours, an intriguing man. He didn't know what to expect when he had opened his front door, orange hair the first thing catching his eyes. Of course he wasn't one to comment on strange hair colour considering his own. It was more than amusing watching the man's face change so quickly; he had gone from a contemplative scowl, to minor shock, and ultimately to complete embarrassment.
He was slightly at fault for the last phase of the man's expression. He had just gotten out of the shower after unpacking the last of his shit when he had remembered he'd forgotten to grab the mail that was sitting in front of his door this morning. Snatching a dishcloth from his kitchenette and picking a red apple from his fruit bowel – he also had to finish unpacking his groceries – he opened the door and was surprised to see another person in the perpetual vacant hallway.
After the initial shock of seeing another living person in the otherwise silent apartment building – he hadn't seen a single soul since he moved in – Grimmjow hastily took note of the man. From the way he dressed it was obvious that he worked at some kind of desk job, though the man looked astonishing in a suit. This wasn't the kind of man that let the suit wear him; he had gotten it tailored to not look like a complete idiot.
So he was clever, Grimmjow could dig that. He always did have a thing for people who dressed well and nothing was more appealing than a well-fitted suit in his opinion. Next were those cinnamon brown eyes that had a twinkle of wonder to them. A strong sharp jaw supported thin lips and a nose that had the smallest bridge that was otherwise undetectable – so he wasn't all just brain. Yet the first impression he got when the man opened his mouth was scramble brained.
Grimmjow could tell that this man wanted to say something but something else would always come out instead. When the encounter was coming to an end Grimmjow had decided to leave a lasting mark on the berry, flashing was not always his style but for some reason he wanted to see the man squirm again. His face looked like it just about caught on fire as he stuttered a goodbye and retreated behind the door to room twenty-three.
Following releasing his explosive laughter he picked up his mail and walked back into his apartment. A buzzing noise was coming from his kitchenette as his black Galaxy S6 vibrated from receiving a text. Pressing the touchscreen he opened the email from his good friend Nel. Along with himself, a few of Grimmjow's old co-workers had been moved to work at the company's new IT department. They didn't care as the pay had doubled for a few of them, especially their team head: Coyote Starrk.
Drinks tonight? Starrk says he's buying the first round for the move -N, the message read as a shit-eating grin grew on Grimmjow's face. There was no way in hell he would ever turn down free drinks, especially when his boss was buying.
Duck yeah! -G
Fuck** -G
Cool, Hal and I will come get you in 5. -N
Karakura was shaping up to be a lot better than he had expected, especially after meeting his neighbour who lived in room twenty-three.
4 Months Later
The client that Ichigo and Ichimaru Gin had signed a few months ago on their trip to Tokyo had managed to be nothing more than a pain in the ass for the law firm. The lawsuits against the man never seemed to stop pouring in, of course neither did the man's money. However it had taken its toll on both Ichigo and his superior Ichimaru to the point where the older man had personally threatened to kill the client if he didn't put on a condom or make friends with all the people he was pissing off.
The train ride back had been spent in complete silence as both Ichigo and Gin were releasing a very dark and pungent odder that warned all those to stay well away. Sitting in a pool of anger and frustration for two hours straight had made their skin look loose and had gotten them stray looks when they walked back into the law firm. Kuchiki Byakuya himself had to come in and gave relief to the co-owner and his subordinate as it was scaring most of the other workers.
To say the very least, Ichigo was not in the best of moods. Thankfully his return back to his apartment had been swift and he'd run into very little delay. All he wanted to do was strip out of his suit and into something more comfortable, kick up his feet, and watch Netflix for the next six hours of his life. Since Kuchiki had sent both he and Gin home with no work, he was planning on taking full advantage of it by catching up on all of his shows.
Once in his apartment he stripped out of his work clothes and threw on a pair of slim fit jeans, which had holes in the knees and a black t-shirt with a picture of the Mona Lisa with the caption thuggin underneath the painting. He sat down on his couch – muscles instantly relaxing as his body sank into the worn leather – and opened the bag of chips as he chose the Netflix original Daredevil. He could not remember the last time he didn't have to bring work home with him or the last time he got to eat a bag of chips.
He was almost home free when his door swung open and the blue haired menace that was his neighbour walked in unannounced, blue eyes panic stricken. Well there went the relaxing mood. Ichigo's face snapped into a dark scowl that threatened death if the man didn't get out of his living area in less than ten minutes. The relationship that he and Grimmjow had developed was rocky at best. The man got a rise out of making Ichigo blush and trying his very hardest to make the orange haired man want to punch the other square in the face.
Grimmjow was loud when Ichigo needed quiet, he was very explicit when it came to talking to Ichigo about his sexual exploits, and the man was a womanizer. Ichigo had become the crown asshole for kicking woman out of their apartment since Grimmjow was too chicken to clean up his own mess. Though Ichigo had gotten a few laughs out of the one friend, her name was Nel if he wasn't mistaken. There was just something about her that made Ichigo laugh.
At this very moment however Grimmjow had chosen to completely ignore the atmosphere of impending doom as he marched straight up to Ichigo a desperate look painted on his face. He sat down on the couch beside Ichigo making the man slightly bounce from the added weight. Ichigo knew that he was going to regret this, as Grimmjow's name was being screamed from an almost feminine voice coming from the hallway.
"Ichi ya got ta help me out man," Grimmjow began as both of their eyes shot towards the door, the voice was now being followed by loud bangs as the person rammed their fist against Grimmjow's door.
"What. The fuck," Ichigo said, his eyes reverting back to Grimmjow who had gone from panic to pure horror.
"Please Ichi, you have to help me here!" Grimmjow begun to whisper as the banging continued.
"Why should I help you?" asked Ichigo, whispering as well not wanting for his own door to receive the same treatment as Grimmjow's, "is this one of your hook-ups? I knew this would happen to you; go clean up your own fucking mess. I'm sick of kicking all these crazy bitches out."
"That is not one of my hook-ups!" Grimmjow said, voice in a deep warning. The man's cellphone began to vibrate as an unknown caller started making the phone buzz, tapping the ignore call, "how the fuck does he keep changing his number?"
"Oh shit," the phone began to ring again, "I'll explain it later, just please! Ya gotta help me man, that guy is psycho!"
"Ugh…" Ichigo said giving in after a long moment of staring into those topaz eyes. He was going to regret this, "…fine."
"I owe ya big time Ichi!"
"Whatever just…hide would you? I've had a shit day and this is going to be a blood bath," Ichigo's tone was dangerous and as sharp as any knife. It even made Grimmjow flinch a bit, the man took up a position in the hallway that led to Ichigo's room so he was both out of sight but could still hear everything that was going on.
Ichigo hadn't realized until he was at his door that he was really looking forward to taking out every single one of his frustrations out on one of Grimmjow's messes. The fact that it was a man made it all the better as he didn't need to feel any sort of guilt for tearing into him like he did when it was a woman. Clutching the doorknob he swung the door open to see a short effeminate man with his cellphone up to his ear.
The man had youthful facial features with black curly hair that was unevenly cut into a bob. Lavender eyes looked surprised at Ichigo, three pink star tattoos were over his right eye. The short man brought down the cellphone from his ear to look at Ichigo a smug superior look growing on the man's face that just read I'm better than you. Ichigo was really going to enjoy this.
"I'm sorry to bother you, I'm just looking for my boyfriend Grimmjow," the man lied through his teeth, there was no way that the man was Grimmjow's boyfriend from the banging that the door had suffered.
"He clearly isn't here," Ichigo responded putting as much poison into voice as he could. The short man faltered as his lavender eyes widened for a second and had to take a step back. This made Ichigo smile on the inside.
"No, I know that he is here," the man said stepping up to his confrontation.
Good, Ichigo thought, step up to the challenge bitch boy.
"We were supposed to meet up after he's done work," the man continued, "…unless."
Ichigo watched as some sort of realization dawned on the man, his face quickly turning to a vicious anger in a matter of seconds, Ichigo asked "unless what?"
"Unless you are hiding him from me pretty boy," the man began his voice sounding as though he were about to fly into a total rage any moment. He took a step towards Ichigo, looking past the man into his apartment, "step aside if you know what's good for you."
The man was about to shove his way into Ichigo's apartment when his fist shot out inches away from the man's face, connecting with the wall; drywall giving a pleasant cracking noise as some dust fell from his ceiling. The stress of the day had managed to be used for something useful as Ichigo's entire demeanour turned almost demonic as he made eye contact with fear wracked lavender ones. How dare this man think he could enter into his humble abode in his crazed search for the asshole across the ways.
"Listen here you little shit, I am going to make this as crystal fucking clear so a nut like you can comprehend," Ichigo growled out as his demonic aura grew so that the entire apartment complex disappeared and it was just the two of them surround by a black and purple backdrop. He continued as the tone of his voice was as animalistic as a trapped animal, "you have three options here. The first is that you take another step and I slap you so hard with a restraining order you go cross-eyed.
"The second option is that you take another step but instead of slapping you with a piece of legal paper, I shove my foot so far up your loose asshole that you taste the dirt on the bottom of my shoe. Last is that you fuck off right now and never come back, its clear that Grimmjow has no interest in some little fuck boy like you. Now which are you going to choose?"
The man was paralyzed in his spot looking like he was about to wet himself any moment his face was so pale. In fact it looked like any sudden movement would make the man want to run for the hills. Ichigo grew impatient as the man just stood there staring dumbfounded at him, "I'm really hoping that you pick the second option. I've had a really shit day and I'd rather forego the paperwork."
Without another word the man spun in his spot and made a run for the stairs. Ichigo watched until he was for sure that the man was gone before taking his fist out of the small crater he had made in his wall. Looking at his knuckles he noticed that small droplets of blood were dripping out of fresh cuts. Closing the door he shook his hand to ease the growing pain, he hoped to God he hadn't broken or sprang anything. Grimmjow came bounding to him, his eyes filled with both gratitude and astonishment.
"I had no idea ya had that in ya berry!" Grimmjow said as he picked Ichigo up in a hug and spun him in place. Though he didn't want to admit it Ichigo actually kind of enjoyed it, the whole experience was whacked but this was good. Grimmjow put him down, the smile on his face stretching from ear to ear, "I owe ya berry, I owe ya big time!"
"Well first you can stop calling me berry," Ichigo began as he made his way to his bathroom. Turning on the sink he ran his hand underneath the cold water, a stinging relief making him wince slightly a small curse under his breath, "you also owe me some answers."
"That was Luppi," Grimmjow said as he pealed open another bandage and placed it on Ichigo's gashed knuckle. When he had come bursting into the man's apartment for help, he hadn't expected the orange haired man to go so far as make a fucking crater in his wall. Damn that had turned him on.
"Are you serious?" Ichigo asked as he clasped his hands to see how the movement was. He was currently sitting on his toilet as Grimmjow kneeled in front of him, placing bandages on the cuts, "how suitable of a name."
This received a chuckle from Grimmjow as he placed another bandage on the outstretched hand, "and before ya ask, he is not my boyfriend, not even a hook-up."
"So then why was he so insistent on being your boyfriend? How did he know where you lived? And how in the hell did he get your number?"
"One question at a time man," Grimmjow said, placing the last bandage on the other's hand. He looked up into those expecting cinnamon eyes, taking a moment he let out a sigh tackling one question at a time, "because he's possibly my stalker? I don't know, I take one look at the guy at a bar one day and all of a sudden – well ya saw the rest."
"Was it always this bad?"
"No this was actually the first time it got to this level. Mostly it was just phone calls and text messages, which I'd always block," said Grimmjow as he ran a hand through his messy blue hair, an old habit he always did when he felt uncomfortable, "though I have no fuckin' clue how he got my address."
"Google would be my guess," said Ichigo, his voice sounding automatic and a little weary, "sorry. Habit, I'm a lawyer…that's not important go on."
"Though I do know how he got my number," Grimmjow started, not skipping a beat nor minding Ichigo cutting in, "he swiped Nel's phone that night we were at the bar and had gotten my number from her contacts. She's the green haired one with the big tits that's always stopping ya in the hall. Well she's the type of gal who doesn't have a password and likes to assign pictures to her contacts."
"What a sweetheart," said Ichigo sarcastically as he moved his bandaged hand, inspecting Grimmjow's work, "thanks by the way."
"Don't mention it," Grimmjow said as he stood up and grabbed Ichigo's hand leading the man out of the bathroom, "common we are going ta grab celebratory pizza, it's on me."
Grimmjow was stopped in his tracks as another arm grabbed his outstretched one and tugged him back, awkwardly spinning him as he lost his balance. The hand gripped a fist full of material into his shirt as he was shoved against a wall, banging his head a fraction. When he regained some semblance of what was going on Ichigo was a breath away from him, brown eyes looking at him with a deep intent.
Grimmjow had never been so close to the man before had never gotten to smell the sweetness of his cologne. It tasted of an exotic fruit that had been mixed with the man's own unique sent. It was intoxicating. Grimmjow's eyes moved from the brown one's looking at him down to thin lips, the bottom lip being worried between Ichigo's teeth. This man was still on an adrenaline high from the close encounter of the fifth kind, he didn't want pizza; he wanted something more primal.
Without wasting a minute and not waiting for the other man to regret his decision Grimmjow moved his free hand behind Ichigo's head, lacing his fingers into the orange locks he brought his face towards Ichigo's. There lips met not with a soft passion but with a pushing desire. Grimmjow could tell that the other man had been dazed for a millisecond but quickly returned the desired kiss. Grimmjow enjoyed how the other man focused on his bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth and playfully gnawing at it. He forced open the others mouth so that his tongue could gain entrance which was enthusiastically greeted by the other's.
Regaining his senses he flipped them around so that it was Ichigo whose back was to the wall. The man gave a pant as his head hit the wall, arching his back giving access to his neck, and like the hunter that he is, Grimmjow went for the throat. He kissed a line of feathered pecks before reaching a pleasure spot where he lightly bit down earning a pleasant groan from the other man. Ichigo used his free hand to bring Grimmjow's lips back to his own – he needed this, and Grimmjow was more then willing to offer it to him.
Grimmjow smiled and chuckled as he felt fingers bellow the hem of his shirt, they swiftly tugged up the clothing as he propped his head back, he did the same thing to Ichigo's shirt both of articles of clothing finding each other on the floor. He leaned forward as he explored Ichigo's upper body, fingers coming to play with nipples earning some pants and curses from the man as Grimmjow's mouth worked the man's collarbone. Ichigo again brought Grimmjow's face up to meet in a fiery kiss, mingling their bodies together as skin touched skin generating a warm lust in the very cell of their bodies.
"Can't get pizza like this Ichi," Grimmjow teased as he laid his forehead on Ichigo's closing his eyes. The coy smile in place he opened his eyes to see yearning brown ones looking deep into his.
"Fuck the pizza," Ichigo replied as he took off both his pants and underwear in one swoop, stepping out of them and kicking them to where the shirts had begun a pile.
Grimmjow's eyes widened possibly as much as his smile grew. His eyes hungrily ate Ichigo, his gaze trailing from the man's toned abs to the scruff of orange public hair, which was a beacon for Ichigo's very hard cock that was just begging to be toyed with. Grimmjow grabbed Ichigo's shaft earning a surprised gasp as the man hunched over as he began to lightly stroke.
Grimmjow brought their mouths together again as he continued to lightly stroke Ichigo's dick with one hand while the other played with a nipple. It wasn't until long before Ichigo was begging for him to stop or slow down. The man wouldn't last long at this rate so he decided to switch up his tactics and get to the point.
"Turn around," said Grimmjow in a predatory order. Ichigo followed the demand as he faced the wall, arching his ass up ever so slightly. A moan slipped out of his mouth as the fabric from Grimmjow's pants rubbed against his sensitized skin, the outline of his massive dick making Ichigo all the more anxious. He turned his head as lips met, Grimmjow continuing to thrust lightly between Ichigo's cheeks.
Grimmjow brought himself down to his knees spreading Ichigo's ass cheeks apart to get a look at the man's winking hole. Before the other could protest, Grimmjow brought his tongue to the man's ass making the man press into the wall and giving a very pleasurable breath. He slicked up the hole probing it, outlining it, teasing it making Ichigo moan and his eyes water; he wanted more. Without even missing a stroke, Grimmjow spat on his middle and ring finger; circling the entrance while massaging it with his tongue he stuck his first long finger in getting a yelp from the other man.
It wasn't long before another finger found its way into Ichigo's entrance and was swiftly joined by a third. Grimmjow prodded, scissored, and stretched Ichigo earning a mixture of pain and pleasure from the other man. When he determined that the man was loose enough he hastily took off his pants; letting them fall down his legs, these were then followed by his boxers as he to stepped out of them and kicked them to the side.
While still having his three fingers inside of Ichigo, he spat into his hand for a base coat of lube allowing the precum that had been soaking his boxer to mix in with the saliva. He pulled out the three fingers from Ichigo and quickly went over to where his pants had been kicked. Hastily taking out his wallet he grabbed a spare condom – which he always had on him – and tore it open, thankful he had bought the prelubed stuff. Spitting into his hand again he rubbed Ichigo's entrance to ensure that there was at least some lube so he wasn't going in semi dry.
"Ya ready?" Grimmjow asked.
"Just fucking do it," Ichigo panted as he looked over his shoulder, pushing himself slightly off the wall. Without a further-a-do Grimmjow eased himself into the other, earning a few moans from Ichigo, "slowly," the other commanded. Not wanting to tear the man he complied.
When he was buried to the hilt he waited for Ichigo's signal to continue. After a few seconds the man began to slowly push back, starting his own pace as he watched Ichigo impale himself on Grimmjow's rock hard cock. When it was clear that the man wanted to pick up the speed, Grimmjow grabbed his hips and began to thrust himself in, earning a ragged and surprised moan.
"Fuck," panted Ichigo as Grimmjow picked up the pace as he concentrated on moving his hips and pulling Ichigo's into his thrusts so that both were getting as much pleasure as the possibly could. Grimmjow soon became unrelenting as his hips snapped fast and deep into Ichigo the man barely able to breathe as his body was being so beautifully tortured, "Grimm…need to…fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…change positi—"
Without letting the man finish his sentence Grimmjow lifted the man up slightly and spun him around on his dick so that they were facing each other. Laying Ichigo's back against the wall he spread his legs out a bit more to distribute the weight accordingly, which also gave the added pleasure of going deeper into the man. Legs wrapped around his waist as he begun to move again, Ichigo holding on for dear life.
All it took was one well-aimed shot to the prostate to make Ichigo forget about his dear life. He threw his head back in a silent cry as Grimmjow began to target that spot again, making Ichigo's toes curl. His hand went down and wrapped around his shaft to pump it while the other grabbed the back of Grimmjow's head bringing their lips together.
"I'm really fucking close Grimm," Ichigo moaned out but was only met with an animalistic grunt, as the man's thrusts became even more needed as he himself was nearing completion. Ichigo began to pant as he looked down, his entire body tightening as his muscles drew in as he reached his orgasm, "awwwfffuccckkk, Grimm," Ichigo moaned as ribbons of white cum painted their stomachs.
Grimmjow drew himself into a kiss as he ferociously thrust into Ichigo. The tightness that drew around his dick only spurring him on; as Ichigo's lips trapped his moan while the condom trapped his orgasm. He lowered them to the ground where they sat on his knees, Ichigo awkwardly leaning against the wall, their lips only parting when Grimmjow's spent member fell out of Ichigo leaving a feeling of emptiness in the man. They kissed while ignoring their sticky mess; the smell of dried cum and sex mingling in the air. It was only when both of their stomach gave a growl that they broke away from each other.
"We should get pizza now," Ichigo spoke in a panting voice making Grimmjow laugh, "you're buying."
Oh yes, Grimmjow most certainly was going to enjoy it here in Karakura town from now on. Especially when he got to come over to room twenty-three.
Well this is my first one-shot in a long time. It's been a while since I wrote something smutty about these two boys, I quite missed them. This was also practice for writing smex in my other fictions! I actually got this idea from watching the movie What's Your Number the one with Anna Faris and Chris Evans, its one of my favourites. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed it! Please leave a review :).