Hey, guys! It's been a while. First, I'd like to apologize for the error in upload. I didn't even realize it until my friend had told me. That being said, I'm sure you guys have noticed the new upload I have...

I know I haven't posted anything on here in a while, but I have continued my stories on other documents. There's been a lot of things going on in my life, but I thought it was time to come back so here I am!

Problem is, while I have a good continuation point, I no longer can really connect to the beginning of this story. In light of this, I've already started revamping it. It follows the same storyline, and all the chapters will be pretty similar. The only difference will be some additional foreshadowing and well, maaaybe a few surprises.

Sorry for the long wait, and I promise to be better. I know it's not a great start, but I'm working on it. I even have a couple of people helping me out (i.e. beating my ass and keeping me on task)! I also ask that you have patience with me. I do have a life outside of this, and if it gets hectic and I get behind, just remember I will come back and finish. It just might take a while.

Most importantly, I want though is that there is no way i could have restarted this without all the positive feedback and constructive criticism that I've received both on here and Archive of Our Own. So thank you all for still being interested in this story.

This story will be crossposted, and I will be restarting a few of my other stories as well though they might not be crossposted too.

Once again, thank you!