I was walking back to Finn's car. Alone and cold. Finn had stayed back a bit to take care of something. I was shivering from the cold until I heard footsteps behind me and heard a soft sigh, "Holley, you never change, do you?" Finn asked as he wrapped his jacket around my shoulders giving me warmth. I smiled at him in thanks as we got close to his car, we heard strange noises. Very strange, as if someone was in pain. Finn had already disappeared to find whoever it was.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" Finn asked concerned. The woman was a short middle age woman with brown curly hair and brown eyes. She started to cry as she shook her head no. "He, he took my son, I want my baby!" I looked at Finn and he sighed. This was going to be hard.

From what we gathered, Imallion took her son and she was shaken up and distraught. I would be too. Her son was only five. We sent her to protective care while we worked on the case. I was sitting beside Finn on the bed on my laptop. He was too. I was busy typing away on my keyboard trying to escape reality. I was also trying not to stare at Finn. Right now his handsome eyes were squinting at the computer. He let out a huff and closed his laptop and fell back. "Ack, I'm tired. you can continue, Holley." He was breathing heavily. I was running my thin fingers though my brown loose hair. I could feel Finn watching me as I tried to find out more about where Imallion's hide outs are thought to be near. "Holley, you're looking at this the wrong way," Finn mentored as he sat up and leaned against me, "maybe we should check how he was taken down? Where he goes in public? Ways to communicate-" I cut him off.

"Look Finn, he has that little boy. When I think about it, he reminds me of my little brother." My eyes were full of tears as I pulled up a picture of Mark, my five year old brother who is currently in a coma. I started to sob. I had no care in the world at all as Finn held me as I cried. He closed my laptop. I stared him in the eyes. He sighed and broke eye contact. I felt myself nodding off into sleep as tears ran down my cheeks. I felt a gentle touch rub the tears away. "don't cry, my dear," Finn whispered to me. His strong arms were comforting to my sad self. Ugh, Holley Ann Shiftwell, this isn't you. Crying on your partner. He made me look him in the eyes. He sighed as he put one hand on my face as he quietly made me promise, "Ms. Shiftwell, can you promise me that if anything happens to me, that you'll be okay? That you wont be too upset at anything happening to me. Even if I don't die, if I'm even hurt, you wont worry."

"Promise me, Holley!" he said louder.

"But you know I don't make promises I can't keep," I groaned. His sighed. He leaned forward and put his soft warm lips on mine. He pulled back and his face turned pink. Not red, but pink. "Forgive me, I didn't mean to-,"

"What the hell do you mean you didn't mean to!" I started to get frustrated.

"You didn't let me finish Holley. I was going to say, I didn't mean to get all emotional. I didn't want to kiss you." I almost died right there. I wanted to curl up into a ball and die. He sensed this, "But I did. I made a promise I have no intentions of keeping when I kissed you Holley."

"And that is," my voiced quivered.

"Letting you get away."