Author's notes: This is hardly a chapter, more of an extremely small drabble I wrote while roleplaying. I hope you enjoy it despite its shortness, and I'll probably be able to whip up a longer, proper chapter in the near future.

Ayame's attention was fully focused on the scenes playing out before her - at least until she became aware of quiet sniffles coming from beside her and turned her head. Her older sister Yuri was crying, clearly making an effort to keep the sounds minimal, but crying nonetheless.

Without saying a word, Ayame reached for the remote control placed between them and paused the movie.

"Oh, Aya", Yuri said, blinking and looking a little dazed, as if she'd just now noticed that Ayame hadn't been watching the movie, "I'm fine, don't worry."

"No, you're not." Ayame replied curtly, scooting over to the older girl. "You're crying."

"Well, yes, but that's only because the story -" Yuri broke off abruptly, her mouth still a little open. Ayame didn't pay it any heed, continuing to wipe away her sister's tears with her fingers. They had stopped falling by now and Yuri was beginning to recompose herself, so Ayame stroked her cheek gently. Strangely enough, tears filled Yuri's eyes again at that, soon spilling down.

"Onee-san…" Ayame said softly, feeling her own eyes sting as she wiped the other girl's tears anew. "What's the matter?"

"Oh, it's, it's nothing." Yuri answered, giving her a small smile. "It's only, I'm so glad to have you here…"

"Oh. Well, I'm glad to be here." Ayame said, returning the smile with one of her own.

With that being said, she moved her hands from Yuri's face down to her shoulders and pulled her into an embrace.