Pam has an obsession, an addiction to a secret so guarded from her maker. Can Eric resist the temptation of a makers command? Or will Pam finally come clean? The truth remains to be seen. But will this secret settle to remaining hidden? Or will she take matters into her own hands? Eric/OC "Welcome to the family dollie."
"Pam, are you ever going to introduce me to your maker?" The girl questioned clearly enjoying the look it put on her dear friends face.
She took a sip of her luke warm coffee," I mean you talk so highly of him, isn't it only natural that my curiosity would get the best of me. You as well as I know, my curiosity is insatiable."
She giggled at the slight pull on her hair," Your curious nature will get you killed one day girl."
"Mm, don't we both know it?"
Although comical, Pam could not feel the hilarity of this conversation. She had been avoiding it for years, on both ends. Eric was just as curious about Pam's obsession with this mortal. Just as her friend was curious about her maker.
"Shush girl, let me finish your hair. You do not want me to mess this ombre up now do you?"
She giggled once more at Pam's obvious attempt to not answer her prodding. "Oh please, its just purple. A pale purple at that. Now stop avoiding the question. Aren't vampires supposed to be fabulous at multitasking anyways?"
"Must you be so observant?"
"Would you have me any other way?" The girl spoke softly meeting Pam's gaze through the mirror.
"If you really must know, yes. Yes, I would love to have you in many ways. I can list them out if you'd like?" Pam responded, letting her eyes trail over her friend's delicate form.
"Ugh. Pam! Take that lezbo stuff from a 10 to a 2 please," she huffed crossing her arms. "You know I love you, but not like that. Never like that. No offense."
"None taken."
"Will you answer my question now, Pam? You always avoid it, and if I'm honest, I am tired of being hidden."
"You're not."
"Stop being short!" The girl demanded, hurling herself out of the styling chair.
"Please sit back down. Your hair is damp, and the color will bleed if I do not dry it properly," Pam scolded as if she were speaking to one of the teacup humans she so despised.
The girl obeyed, sulking slightly, and Pam pulled out her blow dryer, attempting to dry the girl's hair.
"Do you have an outfit prepared?"
"Don't I always?"
"Now who is being short?"
"I have reason to be, thank you very much."
Pam knew that was the end of their conversation over the subject for the night. She could only hope that she would soon forget the idea of meeting her maker.
After her hair was dried and styled in the mermaid wave fashion she so desperately craved, she jumped up to go change into her outfit planned for the night. It surely wouldn't fit Pam's idea of the perfect outfit, but it sure did please her knowing that she would be the talk of the town with her purple hair and strange style.
"At least use the Chanel bag," Pam said loud enough to hear from her recently converted closet. "Something to ease my sanity over you intrepid fashion sense."
"You seem to know me so well my dear," she laughed out loud as she stripped off the robe she currently wore.
She danced around the space on the hunt for the perfect top and lone behold she found it. It was a vintage maroon tank crop with fringe going down to her belly button, the fringe had oak beads woven into it. The cut and style of the shirt would require her to go braless for the night. It was a good thing she was only a hefty B-cup or else that would be impossible. Now on with the hunt, of shorts of course. She stumbled and mumbled her way through the rack of shorts Pam was so determined to supply until she came across an ombre light washed high wasted cut.
"These will do," she grinned deciding to go without her under garments to match the whole braless theme. Only issue she had with any style short was that no matter how hard she tried, her genes gifted her with a rather large behind, so she could never prevent her cheeks from making an appearance. It didn't bother her personally, she wasn't all that modest, but she knew most people would think of her differently. Again, this bothered her little since most of her time was spent with Pam, but it was still a nuisance to receive all of those dirty looks.
She popped her head out of the door to ask," What shoes should I wear? I know you well enough to know that if I step out of here wearing anything less than a heel you will throttle me."
"Glad you have some sense to you," Pam grinned holding up tan chunky healed booties that matched closely in color to the beads woven into her shirt, and what seemed like her favorite pair of black thigh high socks.
"Really?" She grinned. "You're going to let me get away with wearing those? You hate those!"
"I do know how to be nice sometimes you know."
She squealed and ran over to throw her arms around Pam who stiffened at first, only to relax and slid her arms around her to return the hug, "The Chanel bag is still required."
"Oh, of course Pam," she giggled slipping on her thigh highs and booties. "Can I do my makeup this time? I am a makeup artist you know."
Pam just flicked her wrist and sped off to change herself.
The girl sat in front of her vanity and applied primer to her eyelids and face. She then chose to use her Rainforest After Dark pallet from Tarte to achieve a purple and gold smokey eye that brought out her hazel eyes beautifully. After her eyes were shadowed, lined, and had mascara applied, she moved onto her face to which she used a Chanel foundation and the bronzer, highlighter, and blush from the Tarte pallet she just used for her eyes. To finish the look off she used the Xtreme eyebrow stain marker to perfect her brows and applied her skin drink chap stick to moisten her lips as well as add a slight gleam to them.
"Beautiful as always," Pam voiced from the door way, where she now stood ready to go looking as flawless as ever.
The girl smiled brightly at her friend and jumped up to grab the Chanel bag hanging on the wall and met Pam at the doorway ready to go. "Where are we going anyways?"
"Fangtasia," Pam stated simply before turning on her heel and leading the way to her car.
"But you just said…" she started to protest.
"I said nothing. My maker is out of town, and I decided to close the bar down for the night so you could finally see where it is that I spend most of my time when I'm not with you."
"Aw, Pam you do care!" She squealed launching herself into the front seat to buckle up and pick a station to listen to. Pam had awful taste in music, and she was craving some N.W.A at the moment.
"Your music choice is awful."
"Says you," she snorted.
"How long til we get there?"
"Just sit down, and rap. Or whatever it is called that you do."
Author's Note:
I really am a makeup artist, so if you have any questions I would gladly answer them. I have been studying and practicing makeup for over 10 years now, and have been doing it as a profession for just about 5 years.
Also, I have an etsy account. Please feel free to check it out! I love crafting jewelry and just fun things. I will custom make anything you want if it's within my skill range. My store is called CoexistingReality and my username is Shalakamalac.
So, what do you guys think of this so far? This idea came to me randomly today as I was drinking some coffee and watching Flip or Flop on HGTV, it's a great show. I am addicted.
Anyways, I would love to hear what you think of this so far! Tell me how you feel about this, and what you wish to see from this story in the future. I take all ideas seriously and will truly consider them if you wish it!
Much love and kind regards,