Hello, everyone!

Here is the first chapter of "The World Ayumi Only Knows" (or simply AyumiNomi), which is a direct sequel to my previous fanfiction "The World Not Only God Knows".

We start with some author's notes that are EXTREMELY important, so you really should read them! Here we go:

1. The sole purpose of this story is romance between Ayumi and Keima, so don't worry – there'll be romance. There probably will also be a lot of kicking, arguing etc., but there will be romance.

2. This story heavily relies on the events shown in The World Not Only God Knows, so you really should read all of it before reading this, otherwise you'll have no idea what's going on, why some characters are aware of others and why they're acting different than they usually do. Moreover, in general my author's notes from the prequel hold here as well.

3. This story, similarly to the previous one, is based on The World God Only Knows manga (which is slightly different and much longer than the anime) with some flexible interpretations to make things plausible. Thus, knowledge of the manga is recommended. Otherwise you won't be able to recognize some references and such... On the other hand, knowledge of the manga is practically a must for the prequel story, so it is also implied here.

4. I do not own the original story of The World God Only Knows.

5. At the moment of posting this chapter I have already prepared 8000 words (meaning a prolog and two full chapters) and additional 11000 words making fragments of further chapters...

6. ...despite this, the frequency of chapters will be around one per week for now.

7. I was seriously tempted to make this story M-rated, but I have decided against it for now.

Okay, enough talking. Here's the short prolog. Enjoy!

(* * *)

Ayumi didn't know how much time had passed or if any amount of time had passed at all. All that she known was that she was aware of her own existence and that she wasn't aware of it moments before.

Was she dreaming?

Then slowly she started to remember things and after God only knows how long she knew where she was and why she was here.

Well... truth be told she knew where she was supposed to be, but she had no idea where she was. Actually, she wasn't so sure she was at all anymore...

She was barely aware of her own existence and that's it. Like her mind have been floating through nothingness of space.

Maybe even time.

Then something occurred to her. When Vulcan had mentioned a lifetime, Ayumi had understood it meant something like "until death do us part", but now she realized she forgot to ask about one thing.

When exactly did this "lifetime" begin?

She assumed it was supposed to be "from this time forth", which would mean that Ayumi should enter the game and still be seventeen years old.

But... what if she hadn't been born yet?

Before she could fully grasp this concept her consciousness started to fade.

Wait, I don't want to disappear, I don't want to forget!

(* * *)

Next thing she knew was that she could think again. So she truly faded away at least for a moment. She blinked, trying to get a grip on her confused mind when the realization hit it.

She had blinked.

That meant she had eyes. Moreover, when she blinked her vision darkened for a moment, so she truly could see something. The next instant she realized that, unlike the imperceptible colorless nothingness from before, the thing she was seeing had an actual color.

It was white.

White with a hint of gray.

Like a ceiling.

Similar to a computer system turning on one subsystem at a time, Ayumi suddenly realized she could, should and wanted to move. So she moved.

For the first time in what felt like forever she heard some sound as she sat up, though she didn't know she had been lying before. If she could hear normally then why haven't she heard her own breathing? As luck would have it she suddenly was all too aware of her own breaths. She was thinking. Breathing.


Her newly discovered ears proved useful, because she could hear her mother calling her from the first floor.

Mother. Second floor. Her bedroom. She was in her house.

Normally, she would just get out of the bed quickly, but this time she remained still, a few thoughts surfacing to the front of her clouded mind.

Maybe she just had a very elaborate, real and crazy dream.

Maybe something went wrong. Maybe even crazy wrong.

Maybe she was just crazy.

But if none of this things were true, then it would mean that she was now inside a completely new world. Similar, yet different.

Her mother called her once again and Ayumi found out she could speak when she answered, before putting her foot on the floor.

No use just staying here and thinking, she concluded. She might as well explore this new world.

(* * *)

This chapter was briefly and adequately described by ZelgadisGW as "an attempt to write the phrase 'Ayumi woke up' in 542 words", highlighting my dreadful ability to lengthen everything. And I don't deny any of it xD.

If you want to find out what awaits Ayumi in this new world then wait for the next chapter! Also don't hesitate to drop me a review (though there's not much to review for now).

See you next time!