Hey guys, MightBeGone here.

if your having doubts this is exactly what you think it is.
I'm abandoning this story.

Let me explain:
I've lost all motivation for this story, I no longer like the show, I no longer watch the show, the motivation and any type of driving force for this had just been lost. I have no inspiration for this at all.

NeoXjaune is still my best ship by the way.

I'm giving this idea/premise/the story itself even up for adoption, i don't want it to die.

Now. For those of you who wanted to know where this was going. I have a very bare boned structure here:

(keep in mind this is an idea structure, and i might've never gone down anything here at all)

Jaune and Neo earn trust in each other, from missions from beacon, to just day to day activities, Neo eventually realises she is falling for Jaune, Neo tries to kill Jaune for said reason. Neo realises that Jaune will not fight her during said fight, Neo realises she and jaune have feelings for each other.

Pyrrah attacks neo at midnight, neo in self defence either seriously maims or kills Pyrrah (not cliche) if pyrrah survives she goes after Jaune, trying to persuade him to leave neo for her. ( she can be selfish too). jaune is persuaded. Neo fights vale for Jaune

meanwhile Jaune realises he'll never get over Neo, and fights beacon for her. two meet, ride off into the sunset for happy ending ( like i said extremely bareboned, i like to flesh things out)

if Neo did kill Pyrrah then Jaune leaves Neo. Neo ashamed of herself joins back up with the white fang. Jaune and Neo meet sometime later on the battlefield, old flames arise and they fight the white fang and beacon to be together.

Please keep in mind that if i ever do get back into the series I'll try my hand at this

thanks for everything, hopefully you'll guys will give me the amazing and lovely support you have on this story, with anything else I try.

i read all the comment and messages, they've helped me improve, i love you all, and hopefully i'll see you next time, for now, peace-MBG

please note i am doing a warframe FF