Garcia's Secret

Penelope Garcia had a secret. She would never admit it to anyone else, but she had a crush on one Aaron Hotchner. Everyone thought she liked Morgan. Did you hear the way they talked? But the team was dead wrong. Sure Morgan was a nice guy and all, but he was more like a best friend than a lover. Besides, those phone banters were just to mask the real object of her affection—Hotch. Hotch was tall, dark, and handsome—just her type.

He was also kind and compassionate towards victims. The thought made Garcia swoon. But that wasn't the half of it. Aaron Hotchner had a dark streak. One that he would never show to anyone. Garcia just giggled. She would never admit this to anyone, but she had a thing for dark, mysterious men. Aaron Hotchner fit the bill. There was a certain thrill she got when Hotch called her and commanded her to widen a search, or something. Garcia wouldn't admit this, but there was something exciting about being told what to do. And, she wouldn't want anyone else but Aaron Hotchner telling her. On rare ocassions, when Hotch would tell her to tone it down with Morgan, she thought about responding, "And if I don't? What are you gonna do about it?"

She thought about what Hotch would to do her in his office—or heck, even in her lair. But, he wouldn't want her. She was too innocent, or so everyone thought. Besides, she was too good of a worker for that. She was too bright and bubbly for that. Oh well. Everyone has to have secrets. Maybe she'd walk on the wild side. Maybe she'd disobey and order—once.

She would watch the videotapes of Hotch interrogating unsubs. She had to applaud him for that. He had a way of extracting confessions out of unsubs. Good for you she thought Put 'em where they belong. But it was his glare, the infamous "Hotch glare" that made her swoon. Eyes so dark, they were almost like the night. She wondered what it would be like to stare into that, considering she'd never been on the receiving end of one. She wondered what it would be like to hear his low, growl in her ear. A girl can dream, though.

So Garcia would banter and flirt with Morgan. She would give important information to Hotch and the rest of the team. And then, she would sit and daydream in her office. Maybe someday she thought. Maybe someday she would bring out the dark side of SSA Aaron Hotchner.