Summary: Mabifica AU where the two are young adults who recently bought a shop together in Gravity Falls to start selling clothing.
Now they are moving in their things and getting comfy.

Author's note: Hiya! Long time no see. My apologies this isn't very long. Just wanted to get this idea out. So anyways! Hope you enjoy and if you can, leave a review and/or fave! It'll mean a bunch to me!~ 3

Mabel hummed as she danced into the empty building , carrying box after box. The place was huge and old, a little worn and smelly. But in her eyes it was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen. Her new home, her new life, new business!

"Ahh! I'm so happy right now!" She jumped up and down, the box in her arms rattling. "Pacifica! Look at our new home and store! It's amazing."

The tall blonde walked in. Pushing in a few boxes. Being used to living in such a fancy setting she didn't take too much of a liking to it. "...Uh. If you say so, babe." Placing the box down she took a breath, wiping away a bead of sweat which collected under her bangs.

The shorter pudgy adult came and stood next to her tall girlfriend. "Can't you see it, Paz! All of Gravity Falls, with their ugly outfits and all. Buying our stuff and becoming super hot!"

Pacifica looked around. Closing her eyes she imagined it while Mabel spoke.

"The place with floral and neon seats. So many clothes being sold in a flash. Old ladies lookin' hella swaggy in Mabes sweet sparkly sweater collection!" The blonde snorted as her brunette giggled. "Dipper finally throwing away his stained cargo pants he had since highschool!"

"Haha… Ew. He wore them at my college house party and that one tan blonde dude spilled his drink on them!"

Pacifica's eyes opened as she looked down to her lover. Who was grinning, flaunting her pearly whites. "Pff. What are you looking at?" She lifted an eyebrow.

"The most prettiest girl in the world!" Mabel said cheekily.

Without hesitation. Pacifica's arms wrapped around Mabel tightly. "Quiet, you dweeb."

Mabel's arms hugged back while she nuzzled into her girlfriend's neck. "Nope!" Looking up, Chocolate orbs gazed into sky blue. The chestnut haired girl going on her toes. Eyes closing their soft lips met. A warm feeling coming to them as sheer lipgloss clashed on bright lipstick.

They parted and gazed at one another. "Yo, I really love you, Miss popular prom queen of every year." Mabel whispered while nuzzling Pacifica.

"And I really love you too… Old sparkly dork."

The two shared a laugh. Then toned down to small snickers. "We… Should really get the rest of those boxes."

"Yeah. Lunch after at the diner, Paz?"

"You bet, Mabes the babes!"