A/N: Holy crap! Two chapters in one week?! That never happens! Fair warning with this chapter: this is where I sort of go away from the Lost Girl plot (well, I mean more so than usual) in order to justify some...shall we say, 'extra goodies.' Call it artist liberty-or laziness, whichever works. I also have some good news, bad news. Good news-I finished writing the last chapter in this story. Bad news-the chapters between this one and the last one...not so much. I seem to have some sort of literary ADHD.

Shout out goes to skyandclouds, urban29191, mmax, and aniklan8 for your reviews. Please keep sending them- I love to read them!

Chapter 15: Hungry Like a Wolf

Bo could not help the chill that went down her spine from the elderly elf's proclamation. Severus however just rolled his eyes and snarked, "Merlin save us from damn overly-dramatic house-elves!" Bo's glare stopped the man from going verbally eviscerating the poor creatures as he clears his throat and asks with a gentler manner, "Mimsy, could you perhaps give us more information on this 'darkness?' Where is your source for a start?"

The old elf nods in her sedate way as she adds, "Mimsy was informed by a couple of the younglings when one did not return."

Why am now just hearing about this?! This uncertainty did not sit well with Bo. The desire to investigate was making her body hum for activity. "When was the youngling noticed as missing?" the investigator immediately asked.

"It has been a day."

"Is it possible that the young elf just wandered off?" questioned the Potions Master. This time it was Lucky who shook her head.

"The domina can always sense the elves under her care. Mimsy came to Lucky when Mimsy could not sense the youngling anymore."

Bo's heart hurt hearing that but she stood up and said, "Well I better check out the forest and see what happened." She headed to her surveillance/weapons room to stock up before heading out on her mission. Unfortunately, Severus decided to voice his opinion on the plan.

"Ysabeau, you cannot possibly think traipsing through the FORBIDDEN FOREST at night is a good idea?! Do you not recall what happened the last time you decided on a midnight stroll?"

"Okay, one-you're clearly mispronouncing 'kicked blond baddie's ass' when you said 'midnight stroll'; two- I was rescuing Harry and his two backup singers. Three-," she sighs before saying seriously, "Sev, this is what I do."

He studied her for a moment before crying out in exasperation. "Fine! But if you get us eaten, I will never speak to you again!"

She gives him a wry smile before what he said fully registered, "Whoa cowboy, it sounds like those potion fumes are getting you to 'cause, you just spouted some crazy talk about coming with me."

"Of course I am coming with you," he argues, "if you insist on being such a Gryffindor; someone will need to accompany you in order to temper your asinine, suicidal tendencies."

It was her turn to roll her eyes as she deadpans, "You're a regular Mother Theresa, you know that?" She considers for a moment before picking up a dagger and pretending to fiddle with it; making sure that Severus did not see her pricking her thumb. She turns to the dour man and offers him the dagger saying, "I would feel better if you had something other than your wand if you want to go with me. We don't know what's out there." He nods at her reasonable suggestion and takes the dagger from her. As she hands the weapon, she 'accidentally' scratches his inside wrist.

"Ow-blasted hell woman! Watch what you're doing!"

"Lemme see you big baby," she huffs as she grabs his wrist, and subtly wiping her blood onto the slight cut. "You are bleeding," he observes with a frown. " Puh-lease, I've got hangnails worse than that. Oh and you'll live by the way." She resumes gearing up, ignoring his grumbling as she gets ready for her trip to the dark forest.

Several minutes later, the couple (lead by Lucky) trekked into the forest to the last location of the missing elf. As they went deeper into the enchanted woods, Bo pulled out her katana and turned to the elf. "Lucky, why don't you head back to the castle and let Al know what's going on? Sev and I got it from here." The two females ignored the sole male bristling at being called 'Sev'.

The elf pulled her ears nervously before nodding, "Lucky will let the Headmaster know where Mistress Bo and the Potion Professor are. The elfling was lost twenty more paces that way." She pointed south.

"Come along, Cowboy."

"For the love of Salazar," he grumbles as he follows the succubus. "At least let me light the way," he pulls out his wand to start the lumos spell, when Bo puts her hand over his. "Slow down, tiger. If you light up, you might as well bring out a neon sign saying 'Fresh Meat' pointing to us."

"Well how the hell do you propose to see in the pitch black?!" he snaps.

"Take my hand," she offers, "I can see just fine." His slender, calloused fingers wrapped themselves with her small, soft yet strong ones as they continued on. After a few more minutes, the succubus stops suddenly; raising a hand to stop her companion from questioning. As silent as the night, Bo throws one of the shurikens just to receive a howl on the other end. She runs in the direction of the cry with the dark wizard running behind her. On the other side of some brambles there stood a dirty, tattered, scarred man trying to pull the shuriken out of his bloody hand that was pinned to the oak tree. At his feet were the pieces of the man's wand. Severus immediately cast an incarcerous along with an immobulus on man, who growled at the two Hogwarts staff. Taking a deep breath, Bo was able to confirm that the man was a werewolf.

"You got him?" she asks her donor. He nods as she walks over and yanked her throwing star out of his hand; the wolf's cries out in response.

"You fucking bitch!" he roars. Bo immediately decks him, causing the wolf to growl again before spitting blood out the side of his mouth. "You're a fiery one, aren't you? You would make a nice bitch for my Alpha," the werewolf leered at the succubus, licking his lips before adding, "I think he'd let me mount you after he had his turn." Bo only had about a second to restrain Severus as the livid Potions Master whipped out his wand to deal with the werewolf.

"Chill, Severus; he just baiting you."

"And I am just pulling on the line," he retorts angrily, his eyes never wavering from the incapacitated shapeshifter. His hand tightens his grip on his wand but no did not release a hex. Severus finally turns his gaze to his Fae lover. "He is not going to give us any information outright. I do not have any veritaserum on me and legilimency on a werewolf would be challenging at best. I can...employ some methods as long as you do not reveal to the Headmaster what was used."

She didn't need to know what 'methods' the dark wizard mentioned to know that wouldn't end well."You don't need to do that," she tells them. "I can compel him."

"Making him randy is hardly going to help our situation," Snape snaps at her.

"I won't do it the 'succubus' way; I'm going to do it the 'vampire way'." She leans forward and stares into the man's eyes. Her eyes dilate and using instincts that are familiar yet foreign she imposes her will on the man. When she feels him under her compulsion she asks in a low voice, "What is your mission?"

"To gather information on the new professor," he immediately replied.

Bo hears a quick intake of breath behind her but she maintained eye contact with the werewolf in order to keep the compulsion as she continues with the interrogation."Who sent you?"

"The Dark Lord initially sent out the order to Alpha to use the pack to hide in the Forbidden Forest but the Alpha had additional plans," the wolf admits in monotone.

"What does the Dark Lord want specifically?"

"Rich boy Malfoy was brought before the Dark Lord without his right hand. The Dark Lord tried to create a new one like he did with the rat bastard but whatever the new professor did prevented any magic to work on the stump. The healer that was brought couldn't even seal the wound; it had to be done the muggle way. The Dark Lord demanded to know what magic the bitch had that could stop his."

This surprised the succubus but she remained calm and continued. "You mentioned your Alpha having plans for me. What are they?"

"When Alpha told the pack about the Dark Lord not being able to counteract your power, he declared that the new professor and her talents would be perfect for the pack. He is planning to turn you and have you by his side. Alpha believes that if the Dark Lord could not overcome you, then our pack can rise to the top. Alpha said that we could let the Death Eaters and Aurors destroy each other with the war. Once the humans are weak, we swoop in and take over. The day of the Wizard is coming to an end; the day of the Wolf will soon dawn."

"Is there anyone else in the forest with you?" she asks.

"No-Alpha will be arriving tomorrow night. He is planning to lure you into the forest so he can attack."

"There was a young elf that went missing yesterday," she begins but pauses when she sees the cold smile on the werewolf's face.

"He was tasty."

Bo immediately closes her eyes in revulsion, inadvertently releasing the disturbed wolf from the compulsion.

"What the fuck are you?!" he gasps. He was ignored as Severus and Bo looked at each other.

"What should we do with him?" he asks her.

She considers for a moment before asking, "You said that mind reading a werewolf is hard; what about mind wiping?"

"Doable if it is just a plain obliviation; if you require me to implant new memories; that will be as complicated as legilimency, if not more so." Bo's mind processed what her lover told her as she tried to think of a plan. She didn't realize she was pacing until Severus stepped in her path, causing her to stop abruptly as she gazed up at his surprisingly amused face.

"What is going on in that head of yours, Woman?"

"Can you go to Al's brother's bar and buy a couple bottles of booze?" She stole a glance at their filthy prisoner before adding, "the harder and cheaper the better." When all she received was an eyebrow raise in response she said, "Trust me; I have a plan."

"Oh this should be good," he sneered but looks at the wolf before shouting, "Stupefy!"

Once the werewolf was unconscious, Bo put her katana away and smirks at the potions master. "Feel better?"

"Surprisingly... I do," he admits. "Will you be alright here with the mutt?"

"Yeah, no probs on my end."

Severus hesitated before saying, "The ropes should be sufficient until I return."

"Ah, no biggie," she assures him as she pulls out a pair of metal handcuffs causing the wizard to blink in surprise.

"Should I inquire as to WHY you happen to have handcuffs on you?" he smirks.

"Come on now; are you seriously surprised that a succubus keeps any kind of restraint on hand?" she smirks in return, daring him to say anything in response. He simply rolled his eyes as he handcuffs the knocked out wolf behind his back.

"I shall return as soon as I can," he informs her as he makes a slight turn and, to her amazement, disappears with a pop!

"Damn-living in a magical school and I still get surprised," she mutters to herself as she takes out her katana once again and stands guard. Fortunately, there were no changes by the time Severus returns an hour later with a bag.

"Your contraband, madam," he drones dryly.

"Cheers, mate!" she replies with a bad English accent as takes the bag and opens it crouching close to their prisoner.

"Gods above and below; do not EVER do that again!" he sneers as he rolls his eyes and watches her pull out two bottles.

"As I said before Snape; you NEED to unclench," she replies distractedly as she opens one of the bottles, sniffs it before recoiling and scrunching her nose at the smell.

"Say what you will, Ysabeau but I would never be allowed to call myself an Englishman if I allowed that deplorable accent to continue," he snaps, but his face softens when he hears her giggle at his mock put-upon comment before asking, "Now will you tell me what you are planning to do?"

"Wake him."

He immediately casts a rennervate, before hearing the shape-shifter groan in response. Bo was right by his face, and when the wolf opens his eyes, she was there with the compulsion ready to go. "You will sit here and drink this until you are about to pass out, understand?"

"Yes, I will sit here and drink this until I am about to pass out," the monotone voice acquiesced. She removes the metal restraints, and loosens the ropes enough for the wolf to grab the offered bottle of booze with one hand and proceeds to chug as instructed.

"THAT is your great plan? To have him drink until he is three sheets to the wind?" Severus sniffs disdainfully.

"Actually yeah," she admits. When she saw his incredulous expressions, she explains. "I figured that once he's completely shit-faced you can wipe his memories of us and give him a new one that makes him believe that he stole the alcohol and spent his night boozing it up. The memory doesn't even have to be perfect and you don't need to fill in all the gaps, since he'll just do as Jamie Foxx sang and 'Blame it on the Alcohol.'" At his confused look, she mutters, "Wizards; my wit is wasted on you."

"And what about in the morning when he returns to the pack? Do you not think that they would find his state suspicious?"

"Nope because when he wakes up; he'll be too focused to get rid of the evidence since it'll look like he didn't follow his Alpha's orders and wants to hide his screw up."

"What about his hand? As we have discovered, it seems that your immunity to magic seems to carry over to your weapons," he reminded her of Malfoy's status.

"We just break one of the bottles near his hand and he'll come to his own conclusions."

The potions master starred at the leather-clad defense instructor before admitting, "That...could work. It is, in fact, almost Slytherin. Well done."

She gives him a smirk before turning to watch the prisoner attempt to drink himself into a stupor. Once he starts to sway, she nods to Severus who crouches to the wolf and works his magic. Ten minutes later, the two leave a once again unconscious werewolf in the Forbidden Forest as they head back to the castle. Once they head to Severus's rooms, Bo tries to start up the conversation with, "So what was that teleporting thing you did?"

"That is called apparition."

"Hold up-I read about that," she frowns in recall, "Isn't that impossible to do in Hogwarts?"

"It is unless you are the Headmaster or his pet Death Eater spy who he previously gave permission to," he ends, with a slight scowl on his face from the reminder of the dangerous position he is forced to play. When she places her hand on his arm in compassion, he shrugs it off. "Speaking of unusual gifts; how do you have vampire abilities?" he asks.

She pauses before sighing and running her fingers through her dark locks. "Fae genealogy is a tricky thing. My grandfather is a Blood Sage which means he can manipulate situations just by writing in his blood. I somehow inherited a wacked out version of his ability with my blood. I can enthrall people with my blood." When she sees his eyebrows furrowing, she quickly adds, "You're not enthralled. You only had one drop. All that does is make it so I can always find you."

"You did that knowingly," he sneers but she ignores his demeanor by nodding.

"Al asked me to do it a while ago and it was my first real chance to do so," she replies unapologetically, "and I can't say that I don't agree with him. It could come in handy if you're in too deep and need the cavalry."

"Tell me about the 'enthrallment'," he demands.

She runs her fingers through her hair again before admitting, "I didn't know that I could do this until a couple of years ago when I was in a relationship with a Dark Fae who started to become a little obsessed with me. It turned out that he came into contact with my blood and I became his whole world. My grandfather and my best friend Kenzie released him from being my thrall and then that was the end of it. Later on when I was to fight a great threat to all Fae that fed on negative energy, I temporarily had my team become my thralls to fight without the animosity that was normally between them. Kenzie again released them for me and I swore to myself that I wouldn't let it happen again."

"What changed?" he asked. She looked at him but when she saw no reproof in his eyes she continued.

"This past year my abilities have…well, I guess you can say have 'matured'. I don't know how to describe it exactly but, long story short: a few months before I took this gig I encountered a human-based vampire near New Orleans and he tried to drink from me."

"He became enthralled instead," added Severus. Bo nods.

"Yeah, but something else happened. Before when I enthralled someone, I could kind of feel them in my gut but now I started to take on additional abilities. My ex-girlfriend is a human doctor who works for the Light Fae and she tested me and discovered that whoever I enthrall now I take on their abilities and talents as my own."

"Because of the vampire…" he starts.

"Because of the vampire, I'm stronger, faster, my senses are keener and I can compel someone."

"What about blood lust or the aversion to the sun?" Severus asked, intrigued. She shakes her head.

"I only take on their strengths; not their weaknesses."

"Interesting," he murmurs as he studies her.

"Slow your roll cowboy; I know that look. My ex Lauren used to have that look and I have no interest in being your science experiment, Mr. Wizard." At his second confused look of the night, she groans. "Seriously, would it kill you to pick up on some muggle pop culture references? You're gonna affect my street creds!" As she heads to the secret passageway to her rooms she calls out, "Get some rest, Sev; tomorrow night we're going wolf-hunting. I have a sudden urge for an Alpha-size throw rug!"