The Avengering Twin: Percy Jackson/AvengersFor years the Jackson twins have been separated, but when they are both forced back into high school they will finally have the chance to meet once again. All Percy and Merida wanted was peace and quiet-though Merida also wanted to stop being compared to Princess Merida-though nothings ever peaceful for a Jackson.

This is set after Age of Ultron, and Pietro's alive. The Maximoff twins are 17 in this story as Marvel never said there age, and Percy's 17. It's kind of like a going to high school story, as in it The Seven plus Nico, Will and Calypso are in high school along with the Maximoff twins and my OC Merida. The OC Merida will have the same eye colour as Percy but her hair will be red and messy (So she's kind of a sea-greened eye, non-Scottish Merida) and she'll be good with a bow and arrow. I wanted to say this encase someone decided to read the story then got mad that I didn't write in the Blurb what was written above. I would have written it but I couldn't think of a way to include it and make the blurb short.

Also I'm Australian, though to those who have read my other works you might know that, but I wanted to say that to everyone else as some of the words will be different. And as I am Australian and have never been to the US in my life I will probably get some things wrong so feel free to correct me (though I may not change it if it's something big). Also this is going to be my main fanfiction that I'll be working on so the updates for others might be a bit slow, but I'm working on them I promise.

Disclaimer: I don't own Avengers or PJO and HoO.

Chapter 1-Polouge:


Two twins played in the sandbox at their kindergarten .One a boy with straight black hair and sea-green eyes and the other a girl with curly red hair and sea-green eyes. The two were as close any twins could be, even though Percy was half-an-hour older then Merida. They had been waiting for their mother to pick them up, so they decided to play whist they wait, and it had turned into a laughing concert-well for Merida- Percy had stood up to do a superhero pose but had tripped over his own feet causing him to land on his back with a 'Hump'. Merida had known that her brother wasn't hurt and dissolved into a fit of giggles.

"Meanie," said the Percy whist crossing his arms over his chest and pouting like the four year old he was.

Merida let out another series of giggles, before falling backwards in the sand and rolling from side to side whist clutching her stomach. Percy let out a huff before his face lit up like Christmas, and a mischief twinkle lit up in his sea-green eyes.

"Oh Merida," he sang. Merida sat up, before saying "Yes", then dissolving into giggles again. Percy crawled over to his sister and tackled her to the ground before tickling her. The small red head started laughing even more and tried to push her brother away, though it did not work and it turned into a tickle war.


"What am I to do with you two," said Sally-the twins mother-when she walked up to them, to see them covered from head to toe in sand.

The twins looked at each other before laughing once again; Sally shook her head but scoped the two of them up.

"You are both going to have a long shower to get that dirt off," sighed Sally.

"Sorry mummy," said the twins at the same time. Sally looked at the two four year olds and melted, they both had an apologetic look on their faces that would make anyone melt-'well besides Gabe' she thought-.

"How could I stay mad at you two? Just promise you won't do it again," Said Sally, the last part more sternly then the rest.

"Yes mummy," said the twins. Sally fondly shook her head knowing that the two of them wouldn't keep the promise as this was the third time this week it had happen, each time the twins promising they wouldn't do it again. She set the twins down and took one of their hands in each of hers.


As Sally and the twins walked down the sidewalk of one of the busy Manhattan streets, Sally knew something was going to go wrong and that's exactly what happened.

As one of the shop alarms went off, a woman ran out a hoddie casting a shadow over her face, ripped jeans, a backpack slung over her shoulder and a gun in her hand. Sally pulled the twins closer to her, though she didn't need to as they were frighted by the woman and clung to their mother's hands.

Sally rushed away from the woman whist holding her children's hands tight.

"Mummy what's going on?" asked Percy. Sally stopped and dragged the twins into an alley, and hiding in the shadows before dropping to her knees.

"You're too young to know, the both of you," Sally whispered. Percy and Merida both lunched themselves at their mother; Sally didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around the two twins.

"Mummy," said Merida, "I want to go home, I'm scared."

Sally nodded and grabbed the twin's hands before looking them in the eyes.

"I want you to never let go of my hand and to stay as close to me as possible, got it," Sally said. The twins nodded, and looked back at the chaos that was happing before turning back to their mother. As they were about to leave the darkness of the alley Percy and Merida locked eyes, having a mental conversation that only the two of them could hear. 'I'll keep you safe I promise' Percy said/thought, 'I know you will, and I'll keep you safe to' said/thought Merida. The two broke eye contact and walked with their mother into the chaos.


'Merida' though Sally and Percy as they saw a person ran between Sally and the red haired causing her to let go of her mother and get lost in the crowd.

"Merida," screamed the two of them, and they begin searching for the short red head.


'Percy, Mum,' thought Merida as the man ran between her and her mother causing her to let go and get lost in the crowd.

She tried moving against them but it was impossible, every time she tried a person would block her path and knock into her causing her to fall backwards of walk backwards.

As she got to an area where the crowds begin to thin out she sat on a bench and cried her eyes out, 'would she ever see them again,' she thought. She was only four yet here she was lost in the big apple, and all she wanted was to go home and snuggle up to her mother and brother while watching movies.

She curled up into a ball and slowly rocked back and forth not caring if she fell of the bench.

"Hey kid, you ok?" a woman's voice asked. Merida looked up to see the woman who had broken into the shop-though Merida didn't know it-.

"I got separated from my mummy and brother," she said, though it was more of a whisper.

"Do you want me to help you find them," asked the woman. Merida's eyes lit up and she nodded furiously, the lady held her hand out and Merida uncurled herself and took the woman's hand. She stood up and followed the woman. Now may would say that it was an unsafe thing to follow a person you had just meet, but Merida was only four so she still had much to learn and unfortunately for her she would be learning about how to survive the new world quickly.

As Merida walked with lady she didn't notice burn mark-though mostly hidden-on the ladies neck that was the symbol of Hydra.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you like it.