Sooo, I just finished the first season of the show, and MAN.. I'm obsessed already! And I've especially grown obsessed with Frank and Laurel's relationship (or whatever you call what they were doing lmao). I can't wait to begin season 2, but I also couldn't wait any longer to write fics for them, so here it is.. Unfortunately, I can't write the dramatic murder storylines the way they are in the show, so I'm choosing to leave the whole Sam & Lila part out. It's AU and only focuses on the relationship and friendship aspects.


Laurel Castillo was formerly one of the top students of the class at Middleton University, and that wasn't to say she was no longer a good student; it was just that she had been a bit distracted lately. Normally, her complete focus would be on the exams and preparing to impress her instructor Annalise Keating (a real hardball compared to all the other teachers she had in her life). Professor Keating had hired her, as well as a few other top students, to work with her at her firm. And Laurel greatly appreciated working at Annalise's firm. She was usually all in about doing her job and studying for the class, but unfortunately, she found herself the biggest distraction possible: a guy.

He wasn't just any guy, either. He was one of Annalise's employees. He had a reputation for hooking up with his students, and Bonnie (another one of Annalise's employees) had warned her about this, but she honestly didn't think too much about it. It wasn't like she was expecting him to marry her. In all honesty, being a part of this intense class and law firm was a bit stressful. She desperately needed something (or someone) to keep her calm, and this guy happened to do the job just right. Buff Frank Delfino and his electric personality. Something about him was just so... attractive.

'Meet me. Car. I'm outside.' Frank Delfino, 1:43 PM

Laurel licked her lips when the text message popped up on her phone. She quickly grabbed it before any person in her study group could ever get a glance at the message. It almost felt dangerous knowing that they could get caught at any moment for what they were doing, and certainly could get in some serious trouble. If Annalise cared enough, she could fire the both of them for what they were doing together.

"Um, since when did texting become more important than studying for our exams?" Michaela Pratt challenged, setting her pencil down on the glass table in front of them. All of the group had met at the Keating household to study for their upcoming exams. "I ignore my calls from Aiden just so I can study, I don't see who could be so important that you need to text right now."

Laurel rolled her eyes. Michaela had been all too quick to shove her diamond rock in everybody's faces. She was engaged to the 'love of her life' Aiden Walker, and there probably wasn't a day that she didn't bring him up. It showed dedication, she guessed.

"I don't see why it concerns you," Laurel spat back. "I never told you not to talk to Aiden while we're studying."

"Suit yourself. Stuff like this is what's going to get you a lower grade than all of us on your exams," Michaela warned, as if her advice was actually helpful.

Laurel couldn't help but roll her eyes once again.

"And that must be why Frank thinks you're the shooting star of the group?" she challenged, folding her arms.

Michaela pursed her lips for a moment, and then argued, "He's stupid. Since when does what Frank says mean anything to you, anyways? You were the one spitting fire about how how he's a misogynistic ass after the first day of class."

She decided it was best not to try and argue with Michaela again. She just sighed and got up from the table. Michaela didn't seem to truly care about her doing things besides studying during their study time, as she didn't even blink when Laurel left the Keating household. She went outside, where she saw Frank's car was parked. He smirked at her from the driver's seat, and unlocked the door. Without hesitation, Laurel hopped into the other seat of his car, immediately bending over and placing a chaste kiss on his lips.

"Oh, come on," he muttered. "I drive all the way here on my day off from work, and that's what I get? I think I deserve a little more than a short one."

Laurel giggled quietly and leaned back in again, this time kissing him much rougher. Her hands yanked the collar of his shirt, deepening it, while he ran his hands through her soft brown hair. He was almost left breathless by the second kiss, which was obviously much longer and more passionate than the first.

"I can't be gone too long. Michaela was already on my ass about how I was 'texting during our study time'," she rolled her eyes at Michaela's actions for the third time. "I don't understand why she's even concerned about what I do. Wouldn't it be better for her if I failed the exams? It would eliminate some of her competition, so she could get Annalise to like her even more, which is clearly what everyone wants around here."

"You are not going to fail the exams," Frank assured her, reaching over and giving her hand a squeeze.

"You haven't seen me in class lately," she sighed. "Usually, I'm always ready to answer whatever question Annalise springs on us. Now, I'm barely catching up with my work for the firm, and I never have any of those crazy good ideas to help with her cases. Everyone else is contributing the good stuff, and I'm just sitting on the sidelines and pretending like I'm searching hard for answers, but I'm pretty sure Annalise is starting to get suspicious to why I'm not coming up with any ideas for her cases. And along with that, I'm never prepared in class! I've always been ready to answer her surprise-not-really class questions, but then now, I'm fearing that she'll call on me because I never know the answer. And then she'll think I'm stupid."

Frank chuckled again and cut her off with a short kiss.

"Frank.." she mumbled.

"You worry way too much," he laughed. "Laurel, you're one of the smartest people in that class. Annalise would never think you're stupid. In fact, you're not stupid, so she'll never think that. You're freaking out for no reason."

She hated what he did to her. The way he looked at her and spoke to her sometimes.. dammit, she found herself falling for him, for real, when he said stuff like this. She had to be honest with herself, he did say some pretty douchey things from time to time, but she had accepted that about him. She almost forgot about the bad things he had said in the past when he said the slightest sweet comment. And times like these were the ones where she found herself really falling for him, beyond the frequent dirty sex thing.

They weren't dating. That was a key thing to know. They were in no way in a real relationship. This was a scandalous little fling they had going on, and so much harm would come out of taking this public. No, they didn't go on dates. They didn't watch movies together, cuddle up by the fireplace, go out to fancy restaurants, shower each other with mushy talk. That wasn't them, and Laurel was certain they'd never be anything like that. Even if they did end up dating, she couldn't see a mushy relationship like that happening with Frank Delfino and herself.

But she still needed to stop denying that her attraction was starting to go beyond wanting to rip his clothes off when she looked into his eyes. It was... romantic, actually. Sometimes she didn't even want to have sex with him, she just wanted to be with him and be in his presence. She liked spending time with him, although she could never tell him that, or he'd get it. He had this thing where he could read how she felt about him. He knew when she wanted him, and she was worried that he'd already figured out that she wanted more than what they currently had.

One small problem.. Laurel had a boyfriend. A good, sweet, boyfriend. He was this legal aid guy named Kan. He was nice and she liked him a lot. Well, she certainly did like him a lot, especially when they first met. But the interest, undeniably, was fading slowly. Especially as she spent more time with Frank, she lost more interest in Kan. She didn't mean to do this whole cheating thing. She was never that girl. And if you'd asked her before the situation, she would have said that cheaters were stupid and terrible. She was all anti-cheating.. until she became a cheater herself. Frank knew about her boyfriend, but that didn't stop him from wanting her any less. She didn't cheat on Frank with Kan, it was the other way around. She cheated on Kan with Frank.

"You look like you're thinking quite a bit," Frank pointed out.

Dammit, there he was again, able to read her so easily.

"Second thoughts about Kan?" he asked, which was more than scary.

She snapped out of her thoughts, and faced Frank.

"Maybe.." she muttered. "How the hell did you-"

"Wild guess. And also, Kan's calling you right now, so he popped into my mind," Frank notified her.

Her head shot downwards to see her ringing cell phone. She sighed, contemplating whether she should answer it or not. With an approving nod from Frank, she picked the phone up and pressed the 'accept' button, taking Kan's call.

"H-hey, Kan. What's up?" she asked.

"Hey there!" he exclaimed. "I know you're probably crazy busy as usual, but I was wondering if you wanted to come get Chinese food or something. I feel like having a lazy night, and I've been missing you all day at work. It would be awesome if you could join me tonight."

She knew she'd feel bad declining, but she also knew she'd feel bad accepting his offer and facing him after she'd cheated on him once again, as if she hadn't already done it more than countable times. Frank was watching her and listening to the conversation as best he could on his end, since he wasn't able to hear what Kan was saying. Sometimes he did wish Laurel and Kan weren't together. Well, why would he want them together? He did have some feelings for Laurel, and whether those feelings were purely sexual or beyond that was yet to be determined, but he knew he didn't want her in a relationship with another man, possibly screwing him. It would kill him if he knew she and Kan were also sleeping together, but for now, he wasn't going to assume they were. It wasn't something he could ask about, either. He couldn't just pop out the question and ask if she was sleeping with him. It wasn't the thing to do.

"Oh, man.. I really.. I really want to, but I can't! My exams are coming up, and I'm stuck at this study group. If I fail, then my whole law career will be screwed," she explained, even though it was a partial lie. She wasn't exactly at the study group, but she wasn't not at it, either.

"I understand," he said. He always understood. He was Kan! "Hopefully once those killer exams are over, we can get some quality alone time in. Laur, I seriously have been missing you. We barely see each other anymore, and your calls have been dropping in frequency. I mean, I know.. I get it. I get that being a law student for somebody like Annalise is stressful. I just hope that you'll still find some time for me."

"Of course I will!" Laurel exclaimed. "You're my boyfriend, Kan. I'm sorry I've been so busy.. I really want to see you again, but I do have a lot on my plate. But exams are going to be over soon, and I'll be able to see you as much as possible after that. Thank you for being so understanding, and so good to me throughout this whole thing."

Frank's face fell listening to this. He hated the way it sounded when she called Kan her boyfriend. It was absolutely disgusting. He hated it. So much. When she was setting her phone down, he looked away, pretending as if he hadn't been thinking hard about the phone conversation as she was speaking. She glanced over at him apologetically.

"Look, I know I need to break up with him," she told him. "I don't want to be that girl anymore. And, it's not fair to you. So, I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" he scoffed, putting his smug face back on. "Honestly, I feel sorry for Kan. I'm the one that's about to screw his girlfriend right in this car." He smirked at her. "If you want to break up with him for your own guilt reasons, do that. But I'm not the one making you break up with him. I don't give a crap if you're with him. If you're going to apologize to anyone, let it be him. I feel pretty good right now. Look where I am.."

She actually thought he had emotions about how she was with Kan, but apparently, he didn't care. And maybe that was something she liked about him. He wasn't an easy guy to get. Sometimes she thought she had him all the way, and other times, she thought she only had him because of her body. But throughout this all, she was still having the time of her life sneaking around with him. Kicking out those extra emotions and feelings made this thing way easier between them. He didn't expect her to be the perfect little good girl all the time like everybody else did. Her worst side could come out, and Frank would get it. He understood the darkness in people.

She dropped her apologetic look and replaced it with a lustful smirk. The look on her face was telling Frank that she was about to devour him, and he was right when he read her facial expression.

"Why don't you show me an example of the horrible thing I'm doing behind Kan's back?"

"I can show you tons of examples," he chuckled bitterly, lowering his head down teasingly so his lips were dangling around Laurel's face, yet not kissing her. "I can show you in this car, I can show you on that porch, I can show you behind a tree, and I can pretty much show you freakin' anywhere."

"Stupid me. I know you can show me," she laughed. "But wouldn't you rather have me show you?"

He raised his eyebrows in confusion, but his questions were quickly answered when Laurel climbed over the barrier cupholders and crap splitting them, and straddled herself against Frank's hips. She let her legs hang off the edge of the seat, dangling into the back area of the car. She cupped Frank's cheeks, offering him the most seductive eyes possible. He was dominated. She could tell. She had some major effect on him, because his eyes couldn't leave her. He was so damn seduced. He wanted her so damn badly.

"Show me exactly what you can do," he whispered into her ears in a husky tone, his breaths growing louder as Laurel stroked the crotch of his pants teasingly.

He was hardening at her touch, and she could feel it easily. Her hand slowly and provokingly lingered around the loop of his belt buckle. He was itching for her to take it off, but she heightened the effect on him by messing with him. Oh, she knew he wanted her so badly by the sound of the erotic moans escaping his mouth. He didn't mean to moan that way.. she was just so teasing with him. It was uncontrollable.

"Dammit, Laurel!" he groaned, impatient for her to make a move.

She laughed proudly at what she had done to him, and then finally cured his anxiety by whipping his belt off, tossing it on the adjacent seat. Her lips finally met his, relieving the massive desire he had for her. Man, he had been dying for this ever since she straddled onto him. She climbed up higher so she was way above him now, but their lips were still pressed together. She felt his tongue pushing against hers, and the erotic pleasures were traveling to her. Just the wetness she needed for what she was about to do...

Hovering above him, she made enough space to hastily push his pants down so they were at his ankles. The rough yank of his pants was enough to drag his boxers down, too, exposing his erect cock. Her eyes didn't even need to look at it. She knew exactly what to do. Her lips stayed fiercely pressed against Frank's, while the lust for her continued to grow. He knew her perfect ass was right there, hidden by that miniskirt that he wanted to just rip off so badly. He wasn't sure this kind of sexual desire was a healthy thing. He had never been so turned on in his lifetime. He had never wanted a woman the way he wanted Laurel Castillo.

They were masters at quickies. There was no need to get all the stupid clothes off; they just needed to get enough off to have sex. With that in mind, she dragged her own panties down her long, creamy legs. She let the panties fall to the floor of the car, and then re-positioned herself so she could ride Frank. The burning desire inside of him was so obvious with the blood that had rushed to his member. There was always that terrible moment where the condom had to be put on, and it was there. Both of them always carried spares around because they knew what they were doing with each other. It was a bit alarming- she had a huge amount sitting in her purse. If any of her 'friends' (or whatever they were) saw the contents of her purse, they'd be quite alarmed and concerned, and would probably wonder if she was some sort of sex addict. And maybe she was, but only for Frank. Finally, just finally, the tension that had been built up was released as Laurel held his cock in place, and then affirmed her position on him. She let his cock slide into her slowly until it was pushed as far as it could go in.

"Fucking.. Christ!" he groaned, his head tilting backwards. His eyes were closed while he felt the sensation Laurel created for him.

She came back up, releasing a few inches out, and then closing the distance again. She continued this pattern, moving up and down his member at a constant pace that kept building up the burn inside of Frank. He was almost positive that he was going to experience premature ejaculation from the way Laurel was pleasing him.

"Laurel," he moaned loudly- much louder than before.

Her eyes widened, but she didn't stop pumping. Her pace did get slower, watching his face turn red.

"Did you seriously just...?" she laughed, in total shock, pulling out of him completely. "Somebody was turned on today."

"Hey!" he yelled. "Shut up, let me finish you off. I can't let you go until you orgasm."

"As if," she rolled her eyes. "Clearly, I'm not as horny as you are today. I don't think you've ever finished in less than five minutes. This must be some sort of sex record!"

"Please leave my car before this gets anymore awkward than it already is," he said with annoyance in his voice.

"You want me to leave?" she asked, knowing it wasn't true. By the look on his face, she knew he wanted her to stay. "You don't want to finish me off? You'll let a woman leave you dissatisfied?"

"You are not dissatisfied. And besides, your goal was to pleasure me!" he argued. "You didn't give me the opportunity to return the favor because you were too busy riding me like a maniac. How would a guy not get turned on by that?"

"I underestimated the effect I had on you, Mister Delfino," she teased.

His nostrils flared. Taking action, he plunged two fingers into Laurel's clit, immediately causing her to moan loudly, taking by surprise. Her breaths grew rapid and heavy. She let her head rest on Frank's shoulder, trying to keep her breaths steady while he twirled two fingers inside of her. He increased his game by pushing in a third finger, prompting her mouth to open into a giant 'o' shape, releasing quiet moans.

"My God, Frank!" she cried out, about ready to bite into his shoulder.

"I knew I could make you just as turned on," he whispered seductively into her ear while he kept thrusting his fingers.

And he accomplished it. He got her to orgasm. She was practically screaming his name out. It was a lot bigger of an orgasm than the quick ejaculation he experienced. She was full-on breathless. She swallowed hard. Once they had both finished off, they just sat that way, both surprised by themselves. Her head was draped against his chest. She was sitting on his lap, staring out the window. His hands were wrapped around her, although he barely noticed it.

"I should get back," she admitted, and climbed off of Frank's lap.

She dragged her panties back up her legs, and adjusted her skirt so it was proper again. He watched her start moving towards the other seat, and decided to pull his pants and boxers up. He looped his belt back. As she was exiting his car, he playfully smacked her rear, watching her look over at him in shock.

"You did not!" she cried.

"You're Frank's girl now. Frank likes to be playful with his girls," he joked.

"First of all, I am not Frank's girl, and second of all, stop talking about yourself in the third person," she warned him.

"Oh right. I forgot that you're Kan's girl. It just didn't seem that way when you were screaming my name out, but whatever floats your boat, princess," he smirked. "By the way, you might wanna trash this condom. It's also funny that this is the product of Frank, not Kan. Hmm?"

Laurel rolled her eyes.

"I am not throwing that away here," she told him. "Do you seriously think Annalise Keating won't notice a condom in her trash that clearly doesn't belong to her? I'm pretty sure she has strict policies about her students not having sex in her house and office."

"We'll need to do it there one time. It'll be a fun challenge," he toyed, twirling a strand of her silky brown hair.

"You can go throw it away yourself. It is a product of Frank, after all," she smirked proudly, and then walked away from his car.

He smiled to himself. What a girl Laurel Castillo was...