Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight

Nessie's POV

Chapter 1: Running Away

My heart was beating too loudly no matter how much I wished that I could stop it. I ran and ran as fast as I could hoping that my family hadn't yet realized that I was gone.

The problem is that I was half human. Physically I was about the size of a five year old human girl. Even though I was only three months old. I chose to run away because I didn't want to endanger my momma or daddy anymore. I didn't want to put anyone in my family in danger anymore.

Even though momma and daddy tried to keep me from knowing what was happening I understood. I also knew that it was my fault that bad people were coming after my family.

So an hour ago I got the idea to leave. My family had all gone hunting. They left me alone because Jake was busy. As soon as I got the idea I left and I ran as fast as I could. Didn't want Jakey or my family to find out what I was doing.

I tripped and fell and got all dirty. I quickly brushed the dirt off of my pants before I started running again.

I ran until I found something called an airport. I had learned about those. They had airplanes and I could get on one of them and leave.

Since I was still really small I was able to sneak past security without anyone noticing. Then I snuck onto the very first plane that I saw.

I took an empty seat and buckled myself in. I started to cry when I thought about my family. I was going to miss them so much. Especially momma and daddy. But they were safer without me.

A loud noise suddenly startled me. It was only someone that worked on the plane speaking to the rest of us.

"Okay ladies and gentlemen we have been cleared for takeoff and in just a few minutes we will begin our two and a half hour flight to San Diego, California. But first let's go over some safety tips"

San Diego, California? I had never heard of this place. Maybe it'll be fun. An adventure.

I wiped the tears from my face when I thought of momma and daddy once again.

I know it's really short. My chapters are usually a lot longer then this. But please review and tell me what you think.