Sorry for the long wait guys! I just finished high school and had my finals and university tests so it was a lot. I hope you guys like this chapter! I promise I will try to update this week!

Oh and I realized that sometimes I right quiet instead of quite or vice-versa ahahahahah

Sorry again for keeping you guys waiting.


And thanks for all your amazing reviews and suggestions!
And for the first time I'm not starting with a Halsey lyric! AHAHAHAHA

Sometimes I'm terrified of my heart; of its constant hunger for whatever it is it wants. The way it stops and starts

- Edgar Allan Poe

Caroline woke up with the sound of her phone. She was about to ask her mom to prepare her breakfast because today was Sunday, and every Sunday her mother stayed home and they would spend the whole morning together watching silly movies. She was about to scream "mom" when she realized that she wasn't at her bed and that wasn't her room or city. The last days played on her mind and then she felt another presence in the room. She took courage and opened her eyes just to meet his.

Klaus looked at her with a worried expression and she didn't understand the why. He approached her and sit by her bed. And his voice got out of his mouth as a whisper "Are you feeling alright, love?"

"Why shouldn't I?" she tried to get up but he didn't allow.

He froze in his place and looked perplexed at her "You truly don't remember?"

"What should I remember?" she questioned him. He stayed there with his worry gaze on her while his mind worked with millions scenarios. "The last thing I remember was you being a total ass while trying to be gentleman" she expected it to make him calm down but it seemed to have done the exact contrary. "WHAT. SHOULD. I. REMEMBER." Caroline demanded.

"Last night I woke up with you screaming, so I came to your room and found you trembling in your sleep. I tried to wake you but I couldn't. Then I tried to get inside your head but something stopped me. When I finally managed to wake you up it was just for you to say 'the heretics' and go back to sleep"

"What? How I don't remember that?" How could something like that happen and she didn't remember? Every time the heretics got into her dreams before she remembered, so why this time was so special that they had to make her forget?

"I'm just as clueless as you" the hybrid answer.

When she mentioned to get up, he helped her as if she was made of porcelain "Klaus, I'm fine. Whatever they it didn't affect for too long" Caroline believed it would calm him down.

"Love, you didn't see what I see, so let me be worried" the words got out of his mouth as a whisper. The worry that was on his voice and face made her shut up and allow him to continue treating her like something breakable.

Klaus led Caroline till the kitchen where he prepared what she usually had for breakfast. "How do you –" before she could finish he just lifted his eyebrow. Of course that like every good stalker he knew that every morning she eats pancakes and drinks milk with coffee (not the other way around). He put the plate in front of her and watched as she devoured her meal.

"Did Elijah or Rebekah send any news?" she questioned him expecting that he would stop looking at her as if she was some lost puppy.

"Rebekah sent me a message warning that they were going on a little trip to talk to some elder witch Davina is friend with" he continued treating her as lost child.

"Okay. So we continue here doing nothing. I mean you continue your reading on the heretics while I just sit there and wait" she stated frustrated.

"Or maybe we could do far more pleasurable things, love. I mean, we do have this gigantic house just for ourselves." He gave her a daring look.

"There it is the asshole we all know and love" she said in the middle of her laugh.

"And there it is the smile that brings light whatever it goes" he stated, and even though he didn't say a thing about the love part it didn't go unnoticed, he just preferred to comment about it.

"I better go back to the hotel to change and get some blood before we start our daily mission" Caroline stated as she moved towards the door.

"Let's go" he followed her.

"So Freya is your sister?" Caroline couldn't contain that question anymore.

"You hold that question for a long time" he chuckled; "And yes, Freya is my older sister"

"How? I mean, she isn't a vampire, so she isn't immortal, but to be your sister she might be like a billion or something, right? She inquired.

"I believe the doppelganger shared with you our history, am I correct?" Caroline just nodded; "Well, Freya is the sister who were supposedly dead and made us come to the other world. The truth is that my mother gave her to our wicked aunt so she could have other children." He gave her time to digest all the information before continuing. "Dear Aunt Dalia was quite found to dark magic and wanted a substitute to her sister who had left her for a dreadful Viking. She raised Freya and created a spell that allowed them to be wake for a year each hundred years. My sister, tired of the wickedness of our aunt, ran away. Dalia found her when all the Mikaelsons who were still alive found each other once more and then with the help of our most 'beloved' mother we defeated Dalia, and I was allowed to watch my mother perish a fourth time."

"That is quite a story" Caroline was without words, and this is something difficult to happen.

"I know"

"Wait. Fourth time? Shouldn't it be the third?" Caroline raised her brow.

"This is a story for another time" And they stayed quiet until they arrived Caroline's hotel.

Caroline didn't even bother to tell him to wait for her in the lobby because something told her she wouldn't have a choice on that. They entered in her hotel room and she made her way to the mini fridge. She grabbed a blood bag; and felt her vampire features coming out. Just like the other time they were in this position she turned away so he couldn't see it and the hybrid sighed.

She gathered a few clothes and went to the bathroom without bothering to throwing Klaus a look. She locked the door for reasons. She took a bath, got ready and went back to the room just to find all of her things packed.

"Excuse me?" she lifted her eyebrow.

"Don't even try to reason me. Caroline" and he mentioned for them to get out.

Klaus gave her bag to a hybrid passing by and lead her to a different direction.

"And where are we going?" she inquired.

"There is something I want to show you before we go back to our task" and he flashed them away.

Klaus took Caroline to what the recognized as the Bayou.

"Wow" she was speechless. The place was truly amazing, it was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen. It was a big contrast with city, while the city had it's on buzz and full of energy, the Bayou was calm and peaceful.

"When I want to take a time away from all the problems I come here" Klaus stated absorbing their around.

"I can see why"

They stayed quiet for another few minutes.

Caroline was the one to break the silence. "Last night wasn't the first time something like that happened. They tortured me. They locked me in one of their rooms and tortured me for days; when they finally let me go they started to torture me on my dreams. The heretics truly enjoyed driving me mad. I couldn't sleep for weeks because of fear what would happen when I closed my eyes."

"Caroline" he whispered in shock.

"I'm fine now. Believe it or not, but see your own father torturing you because he sees you like a monster is worst." Caroline knew that Klaus would understand what she said.

He moved closed to her and gently forced her to look at him. "I'm so sorry. I wished I could've been there and prevented all of that" Caroline thought for a second that she saw tears threating to roll down his face. "But I promise I will make them pay" and if there was any evidence of the tears she swore she saw they were vanished by the rage take controlled him for a few seconds.

They stayed quite staring at each other too close. But neither of them was self-aware of how little the distance between them was. They were too focused on the feelings that were passing through their minds and bodies.

"Anything would you like to share?" Klaus sounded more like a pleading than a joke or a demanding.

"Not yet" she answered shyly. "Do you have anything you would like to share?" it was supposed to be a tease but it went like a pleading just like when Klaus asked.

"Not yet, love" he copied her.

"I think we should go back to the city them. I'm a little hungry."

"As my lady wish" he took her hand, kissed and flashed them back to the city.

"Today will I be allowed to choose my meal?" Caroline teased.

"No" he answered with that cocky smirk on his face. Yeah they had left the heavy subjects at the Bayou.

"Can I at least know what we are eating?" she really hated not being in control.

"Calm you control freak self a little, love. Have a little faith" and with that remark he only won a annoyed look from Caroline.

They were actually eating at his place. He told her that he had a special chef to prepare their food, what kind of disappointed Caroline a little because she for a moment had the insane thought that the hybrid did some domestic tasks.

"Fine! You have an wonderful taste on food" she surrendered after a few bites.

"No need to say what we already know, sweetheart" his smirk was bigger than normal. "So tell me something about this time we spent apart that you didn't tell me yet."

"I believe I told you everything. Unless you would like to know about hot college boys with nothing on their heads" she stated.

"You are getting tired of those idiots a lot sooner than I imagined. That wouldn't have anything to do with our time on the woods, would?" he eyesexed her with the last stated.

"Ugh" she reacted before she got caught in his trap. "Tell me about you and what you have been through since the last time we saw each other"

"Nothing much interesting" he trying to run from her question but Caroline had no intent on allowing that.

"Liar! Please you truly want me to believe that taking a city isn't interesting? Please tell me the late Klaus Mikaelson's world domination attempts" they both laughed. "C'mon you must have done something interesting besides getting a new sister and a girlfriend" Yep, right after she said that she realized she had just fell in his trap by the way his eyes showed amusement.

"Girlfriend? And who would that be exactly?" He was finding the situation to amusing in Caroline's opinion and she had no way to run from that now. So she decided to fall completely in his trap this time, but she would definitely make her way out.

"You know, the other blonde – who looks too similar to me – works on bar, wants to be a therapist, speaks Portuguese fluently" she couldn't contain the disgust on her statement. That was old Caroline showing that she was still there somewhere.

"Camille?" he laughed. "Is Caroline Forbes jealous?" he chuckled. "Careful, love, someone might think you have feelings for me"

"I'm not jealous, I just think you could have picked someone who looked a little less like me. Okay her personality is completely different – although she is really cute and adorable, she is also pretty much boring and nosey. But even so you could have picked someone different than me. Someone might say that the almighty hybrid has a type for woman" he only lifted his eyebrows at her words. "Is just weird, okay?"

"Please tell me what is holding you back now? What is stopping you from admitting that what we have is more than a connection Caroline?" he dared her.

"The fact that you went 'chasing' the first blonde you found in this fucking town. Okay I know that you never meant to wait eternity by yourself, but you could've at least picked someone who didn't seem like an improved version of me. Someone who is better at everything!" she slashed. If Caroline wasn't sure she had fallen on his trap now she was.

And before Klaus could reply Caroline's phone rang. She took a minute to clear her mind before answering.


"Hey blondie, had your fun with the doggy in the woods yet?" she could she Damon's stupid smirk. And she kind of realized how Damon's smirk wasn't at all as attractive, adorable or infuriating as Klaus';

"What you want Damon?" she was in no mood for his jokes.

"Just checking. Stef asked me to do so while he was a little busy trying to kill step-daddy." He stopped. "And Caroline I was wondering, do you have any marks on your chest?"


"Because we do, so we were just wondering if…." Damon tried to continue .

"No marks on my chests. What form is this mark?"

"It is an X. Stefan and Valerie have one too." Damon told her.

"Valerie as heretic Valerie?" Caroline inquired.

"There is much more than we know, Caroline. You need to ask Stefan this story; he is the one who needs to tell you." Damon said carefully

"Fine. I'll try to find something on this X things. Any news you have of Elena or Bonnie please call me!"

"Thank you! And don't worry I will." And they both hangout.

Caroline looked at Klaus expecting him to throw her all his knowledge and solve everything like he always did.

"I believe I've heard something about this X thing but I'll ask Elijah because he have a better memory than I" he grabbed his phone and started texting.

"Where are we going?" she asked as they got out of the mansion. "I thought we were going to continue the research or whatever."

"We will, but first we need something to keep the heretics away from you mind before we figure out what they done to you last night."

"An amulet?" she inquired.

"Anything that keeps you safe but I believe a potion would be more affective" he stated.

After a little awkward silence for the first time since she got to New Orleans Klaus was the one to break it. "That Enzo guy who died, were you two friends?" He surprised the vampire because she herself hadn't mourned Enzo, she didn't forget his death, but just like everything else she just hadn't found time. And she also didn't want to find time; Caroline didn't want to realize that she would have to live in a world without him calling her beautiful and gorgeous and his not so funny jokes.

"Yes, we were. We quite close actually. Oh gosh, I will miss him calling me gorgeous and his cockiness."

"I'm sorry…" She could feel in his voice that he meant that.

"You too were much alike. Both have accents, extremely cocky, bad jokes, a too much adept of murdering. So you guys would have basically hated each other" she concluded.

"You really think that low of me?" she just lifted her eyebrow at his question.

"Oh, and let's not forget that you have now just like him with a bad haircut." And she played with his hair.

"What is the problem with my hair?" he gave her a fake hurt face.

"How about everything? But we could always start with how you suddenly forget what cut your hair is? I mean how on earth do you think that this" she mentioned to his hair "is good? Your hair was pretty good the way it was in Mystic Falls. I know here you are embracing you werewolf side but there is no need start looking like a dog. I mean you were the biggest gel lover and now you just…." Caroline ended a little too excited but what could she do since she actually loved his hair before.

"Ouch love, you hurt me with those mean words. But good to know that you were so fond of my hair." He smirked.

"Oh shut up!" She could feel her cheeks getting red. "And when are we arriving at this witch who you said would help us?" she changed the subject.

"We will meet her at Cami's bar" Klaus declared and Caroline couldn't help but roll her eyes at the mention of the girl and the hybrid chuckled at her action.

By the time they arrived at the bar the witch wasn't there yet. Klaus offered Caroline a drink, which she refused because she didn't trusted herself drunk with Klaus anymore, especially now that it was getting even harder resist him.

Klaus went to do a phone call leaving Caroline alone. "Hey" Camille approached the vampire out of nowhere before she could lose herself in her thoughts. "What brings you to our lovely establishment today?"

"We are apparently waiting for a witch to show up" Caroline mentioned to Cami to sit with her – it would take a while for her to lose her small town girl manners.

"So where the powerful Klaus Mikaelson took you today?" Cami teased.

"The Bayou" Caroline told. "That place is quite beautiful" Cami just nodded at her statement.

"You seem more off than the other days. Something is troubling you?" noticing Caroline's face at her question. "Sorry, old habits die hard."

"It's fine. I guess I'm just not used with someone noticing that I'm not actually fine." Caroline concluded. "But you are right I'm not fine. There are some witches/vampires messing with my head, ny city gone to hell, a very close friend died, my best friend is missing, some months ago I lost my mom, I have really confusing feelings and I just feel useless"

"Wow, that is a lot" Cami was probably looking for the right words to say. "I have an idea, you tell me a crappy story and I tell one of mine, what about that?"

"Sure. But let's start with the stupid ones like worst date ever" Cami nodded. "Well, there was this once when I was making out with this guy I was dating and things were getting steamy, he took my shirt off, and then suddenly his mother – who, by the way, had abandoned her children – appeared out of nowhere."

"Ouch" Cami couldn't contain her laughter. "Okay, my turn, it was my prom night and I was wearing this ridiculous dress that I thought was the most amazing thing. My date was this really hot guy I always had crush on, we were dancing when suddenly the music stopped, and this guy best friend went up on the stage and did this beautiful speech of how he was in love with my date. They ended up going to the hotel together and I went home by foot."

Caroline was laughing really hard "A beautiful story for the couple, but for you not so much!" she took her time to control her laughing "Okay what now?"

"How about worst love declaration?" Cami suggested.

"I have plenty. There is this one: it was my birthday I had just broken up with my boyfriend who was a hybrid and then he showed up at my birthday party – which was also kind of my funeral – he told he loved me, we started making out and he bit me. And hybrid's just like werewolf's bites kill vampires; the only cure is the original hybrid blood. You can guess the rest"

"You should have seen her acting all brave on her death bed. That was poetically beautiful" Klaus joined them. "Sorry to interrupt but our witch just gave us the pleasure of her presence." And motioned Caroline to follow him to a private room of the bar.

"Caroline, this is Harriet and she will help me keep you safe" she fought really hard to not roll her eyes at what he had just said.

"I will need both of you to share with me something really personal, a memory" the witch Harriet said.

"Wait both of us? I'm the one they are after, why Klaus needs to share a memory too? It is not like he is getting whatever you are going to give me right?" the vampire was seriously confused.

"Because I will need to drain something to keep the spell going" Caroline only lifted her eyebrow. "Klaus will provide energy to the spell, this way it will keep going nonstop. The side effects are different for each duet; sometimes they can enter into each other's dreams, or have the same dream, or can read the other minds and even communicate telepathically. But the common is that nothing of this kind happens"

"So in order to keep the heretics away from my head I'm allowing Niklaus Mikaelson inside it? How I don't see that this is any better? I truly believe I prefer the heretics" she blonde responded.

"Why, love? Afraid that I get to see your deepest desires?" he provoked her.

"Seriously?" was all that she could say. "Fine. Let's get this over with. What kind of memory you need?"

"The first time you saw each other and a moment you felt something really strong for the one that will complete the link. The second need to be deep or else it won't work." The witch prepared a few things. "The one who needs protection first" she pointed to Caroline. "Please give me your hand and think of your first meeting"

So Caroline did what was asked. The first time she saw Klaus was when he turned Tyler into in hybrid. Rebekah got hold of her when he entered the room and didn't even notice her; the only thing he said to her was "If he doesn't feed he will die anyway, love" and he didn't even look at her. That was the one time she witnessed one of Klaus' darkest sides. His obsession with hybrids and the killing and hurting people for fun.

When she first saw him of course she thought he was attractive, but a dark kind of attractive, like his look was part of a trap. That they in the school she could never imagine how close they would become or how she would see that his beauty wasn't only a trap, but also a cover to his wrecked interior. She would never guess that she – Caroline Forbes – would find light in him; would find goodness.

"That is enough" the witch brought her back from her thoughts. "Now I will need the one time you felt the strongest pull to him. " noticing Caroline's expression the witch added "Take your time"

When was the time she felt the strongest pull towards Klaus? During their rounds in the woods? Or the time he saved her when Tyler bit her? Or when he saved her from his bite? Or when he told her the hummingbird story? It was like every time they were together she had this mix of emotions. And that was when she decided.

"I'm ready" she told Harriet, who nodded and took Caroline hands.

The memory Caroline gave her wasn't any of those you would have imagined but the one of him with her Miss Mystic Falls application. Between all of those full of intensity and feelings she ended up picking this. She chose this one because that was the time when she realized she already had feelings towards him that were more than lust. That was the time when she realized she was starting to fall for him. That was time when she truly saw Niklaus the man, not the powerful hybrid Klaus. That one time she saw a man who had been hurt and fought every day to keep living and forget of his past. A man who spent his whole life not being able to control things so he tries to control everything. A man who shuts everyone out before they hurt him. That was the time when she saw a man who wants to be loved and love back. She saw a good man behind all that evil façade.

That was the day when she realized how much alike they were. She truly saw what he kept telling her over and over again, they were the same. She fought hard to admit it, she tried to prove him wrong but in the end he was right. They were to control freaks who would do anything to keep those who they love safe. Two people too insecure who puts armors in order to hide that flaw. That was the moment she realized Klaus Mikaelson was truly capable of love.

"That is more than enough" the witch alerted.

Caroline did not dare to look at Klaus, she had just went through too much of thinking about him and her feelings, she couldn't give him the satisfaction of seen them written on her face. She, although look at the witch, who had a tear rolling over her cheek, and that was when the vampire realized that she also was crying.

"Your turn" Harriet turned towards Klaus.

Caroline didn't watched Klaus thinking of her because she thought would be something to intimate. But she did wonder what would he think, what was the first time he saw her. Did he meet Caroline when she was in Alaric's body? Or he happened to see her when she was going to be used as a sacrifice in his ritual? She was truly curious. But what kept her intrigue was what his most emotional memory of her was.

The witch finished the ritual, explained Caroline when she should drink the potion and they made their away back to the mansion.

"You cried sharing one of your memories" Klaus stated and Caroline was wondering if he would ask which memory was, or why she cried.

"Yes" was all that she said, and prayed that he wouldn't ask further.

And he didn't.

Well I know not the best ending, or my best chapter but...

I truly hope you guys liked!

And It'sMrsMikaelsonToYou I added the X thing for you

Oh I just a reminder that I will not follow what is truly happening in TVD since I stopped watching it because it got to my nerves;

I wanted to do an amulet thing instead of potion but I reminded that in my favorite fic by Willowaus they use a kind of amulet, so I didn't want to copy! (you guys should really read her fics because they are just amazing! Her fics brought me back to the world of fanfiction)

Okay I might making Caroline and Cami friends but the truth is that I kind of like Cami, I just hate her with Klaus or Marcel. I like Camille from s1 not this new Camille they created.

Please tell what you guys thought of this chapter, the good and bad.