Chapter 26

For the next month John and Cameron started to get into a daily routine. Each morning they would go out into the desert to focus on John's training while Kristinna would look after Allison for them until the afternoon when they returned. Once they would return back to the apartment Cameron would take Allison from Kristinna before she would spend the rest of the day with her little baby girl. Something that made a smile come to John's face each and everytime. As the days went on by Cameron in fact became more and more like a mother figure towards Allison. Slowly both John and Kristinna saw a change in Cameron in becoming very protective towards Allison just like how she was for John's safety. But she was not the only one who was changing. Slowly over time John for the first time became truly happy at what he was seeing in front of him. Having a family that he never thought he would. A wife that he loves more than anything in the world. A baby girl that he could call a daughter. Something he never thought he would ever have.

While this was going on in John and Cameron's life unaware to their knowledge Kristinna was making some changes as well. Each day that John and Cameron had returned Kristinna would leave the apartment with the excuse that she was tracking down leads to find Danny Dyson and Skynet. Everyday she would patrol the streets in search of her target. A terminator model that has escaped her more than once. Each and every time she searched the city the same results would occur for her. Although she knew of the chance of discovering Danny to be low Kristinna would still patrol the city throughout the night until returning in the morning.

But not was all lost for Kristinna. Unaware to John or Cameron's knowledge each and every time Kristinna encountered a terminator unit on her patrols Kristinna would quickly disable the terminator before rewriting it mission objectives to the same objectives she had given the terminator model she encountered a month ago. Protect John and Cameron Connor as well as terminate Danny Dyson. But this time with each unit she reprogrammed Kristinna wrote in a special code into their systems. A code that would send out a signal to her systems anytime they learned anything about Skynet or Danny Dyson. A code that proved to be quite useful to Kristinna.

Each day as countless new information would come flooding into her systems Kristinna when she returned in the morning would tell John and Cameron of everything she had learned. Information such as about Catherine Weaver's daughter Savannah. Information that Savannah had been placed into special custody by the police for her protection after her mother couldn't be found and her guardian James Ellison was dead. But information about Savannah was not the only thing Kristinna had learned from the terminators. After the police had arrived at the Young residence just a few hours later Allison Young was declared missing after her body was not found in the burned down Young residence. Something that caught John and Cameron's attention and forced them to be more careful whenever they went out in public with Allison.

While Kristinna shared the new information she learned from the terminators every day with the Connors there was one thing she elected not to share with them. Something she has been thinking about ever since coming back to the past. A backup plan incase history repeated itself for one individual. A backup plan that would allow John and Cameron's happiness to last just a little bit longer. Even though she knew that not everything lasts forever each day inside of the storage container Kristinna would work on a small object determined to find a way to make John and Cameron's happiness last. A reward for having to face the dark times ahead. Something that in due time she learned would save a life.

Feeling the sun shining brightly on his face John slowly opens up his eyes before a bright smile comes to his face as he sees Cameron with her eyes closed resting peacefully on his chest. With his smile widening slowly John raises up his right hand before gently starts to stroke Cameron's hair. As she strokes Cameron's hair suddenly John stops when he hears Cameron letting out a small moan. Looking down towards Cameron's face John watches a smile comes across her face.

" Please don't stop. I like it when you do that."

With his smile widening John starts to gently stroke Cameron's hair as he hears her letting out a happy moan. After a few moments John turns his head over towards Allison's crib when he hears a small yawn coming from the crib.

Opening up her eyes Cameron gently wiggles out of John's embrace before quietly making her way towards Allison's crib. Looking down into the crib seeing Allison slowly opening her eyes a bright smile comes to Cameron's face as she sees Allison giving her a smile before she feels two arms wrapping behind her. Turning her head seeing John looking towards her with a smile Cameron leans back giving John a gentle kiss before turning back towards Allison. Leaning down into the crib with her smile widening Cameron gently picks up Allison before she starts to rock Allison in her arms.

" So what should we do today Cam?"

" We should stay in and spend the day with Allison."

Leaning forward John gives Cameron a kiss on the cheek.

" I'll go make us some breakfast."

Unwrapping his arms from around Cameron's waist John makes his way over towards his dresser before taking out a shirt. As he throws on his shirt just as he is about to leave the room John hears Cameron call out.

" Just pancakes John. We don't want a repeat of what happened last time."

Looking over his shoulder seeing Cameron giving him a grin John rolls his eyes before giving her a nod.

" Only pancakes, I swear."

After a couple minutes of playing with Allison and getting dressed Cameron exits out of her bedroom with Allison in her arms as a smile comes to her face when she enters the kitchen. As she places Allison in a high chair with her smile widening Cameron looks over towards the stove where she sees John making a few pancakes for each of them. Within minutes of watching him cook from her spot at the kitchen table a plate full of pancakes appear in front of Cameron. As she starts to eat her breakfast with John sitting next to her suddenly Cameron turns towards the apartment door where she sees Kristinna entering.

" I have located Danny Dyson."

Snapping his eyes up from his breakfast John looks over towards an approaching Kristinna.

" Where is he? How did you find him anyways?"

" Danny Dyson is located inside of the Zeira Corps building. As far as your question of how i have found him over the last couple of weeks i have been reprogramming any terminator that i have come across in the city. During that time while i changed each terminator's mission objectives to protect over you and your wife as well as to terminate Danny Dyson on sight, I implanted a code into each of their systems. A code that would send out a signal to my systems anytime they learned anything about Skynet or Danny Dyson."

" So all the information you have been telling us for the past month has come from these reprogrammed terminators?"

" Correct. Today however one of the reprogrammed terminators sent out a signal to my systems that it had located Danny Dyson before the signal went dead. Most likely it was terminated at the hands of Danny Dyson. That was not the only thing i have learned today."

" What else have you learned then?"

" I believe there is a chance that Skynet is located inside of the Zeira Corps building."

" What! How do you know that?"

" When i saw that the signal was originating from the Zeira Corps building, I started to do more research about Zeira Corps. I have learned that over the last month a company called Kalbia has purchased 51% of Zeira Corps stocks while the other 49% is owned by Savannah Weaver. During this time Kalbia had merged together with Zeira Corps and effectively taken over the company. Kalbia is most likely a group lead by Skynet grays that were sent back to ensure Skynet's creation as well as to eliminate any threats that presented itself to Skynet like ourselves."

" Why would Skynet or it's followers reveal itself now? I mean wouldn't it be smarter to stay hidden away? What does Skynet have to gain from this?"

" Over the last year Zeira Corps has purchased more than 10% of the world's coltan supply. We will know for sure if Skynet is located inside of Zeira Corps after we infiltrate the structure."

" Um Kristinna we really can't infiltrate the structure. All three of us are on the most wanted list. Once anyone gets a look at our faces the police will be all over the area. Besides if this is where Skynet is then it will be well guarded. They will be expecting us to come and attack."

" Exactly but you and Cameron won't be going through the front door and neither will I."

" What do you mean by that exactly?"

With a smile on her face slowly Kristinna starts to change form into a enemy she had terminated over a month ago. As she finishes her transformation Kristinna sees John looking at her with wide eyes while Cameron looks towards her with interested eyes before she turns back to her normal form.

" I have the ability to take form in anything i touch just like the T1000 model. While you and Cameron enter through the parking lot of the building, I will draw all the attention to myself by entering into the building as Catherine Weaver. Using Weaver's form i will have a meeting with the head Skynet grays before terminating them."

For the next 20 minutes the rest of their breakfast is eaten in silence. Without saying a word to each other both John and Cameron leave the kitchen before they each start to prepare for the upcoming battle. While Cameron grabs a duffle bag and starts filling the bag full of machine gun clips as well as a belt of shotgun round made of coltan John makes his way into the bedroom and gets himself dressed. After a half and hour of getting everything they will need from the apartment John leads Cameron with Allison out of the apartment following after Kristinna.

With a quick car ride over towards the storage unit to grab a few more weapons from the wall Cameron leads John into the storage unit with Allison in her arms before she turns and gently hands over Allison to Kristinna. Reaching over towards the wall Cameron takes a few thermite grenades from the wall stuffing them into her duffel bag before grabbing a Remington Shotgun from next to her. As she reaches into her duffel bag loading coltan round one after another into the shotgun Cameron glances over to her right to see John grabbing a few glocks from the wall before tucking them into the back of his jeans. Right as she finishes loading the shotgun Cameron quickly snaps her head over towards the corner when she sees a terminator unit appear.

After being explained to by Kristinna that the terminator unit has been programmed to protect over Allison as well as her and John slowly Cameron lowered down her shotgun before quickly grabbing all the other weapons and equipment she wanted from the wall including a new type of body armor made from the chest plate of a terminator for John. With a small conversation occurring about if this is really a safe place for Allison to be both John and Cameron were reassured by Kristinna that she will be safe here. Wanting to me sure everything was made clear for Allison's protector after helping John put the armor on underneath his shirt Cameron stalked over towards the terminator before telling the terminator that if she came back here to find Allison hurt in anyway that he would learn what it is like to feel pain.

Now outside of the Zeira Corps building Kristinna parks the truck on the side of the sidewalk before turning her attention over towards John and Cameron in the back seat.

" I will see you two soon."

As Kristinna slowly opens her door her body starts to form into a different figure when seconds later she starts walking towards the building in the form as Catherine Weaver. Slowly as she gets near the entrance doors of the building Kristinna looks over to see people gasping and pointing their fingers at her before she pushes the doors open into the building. Right as she enters into the building suddenly Kristinna is swarmed with a group of men and woman. As she hears person after person asking her questions from is it really her to is she here to save Zeira Corps Kristinna looks around the area scanning for any terminator's or any known Skynet grays in her systems. Not seeing any in sight Kristinna slowly pushes her way through the crowd before making her way to the front desk. As she nears the front desk Kristinna hears a gasp coming from a woman behind the desk before Kristinna locks eyes with her.

" Mrs Weaver? Is it really you?"

" Yes my dear it is really me."

" Where have you been? Everyone thought that you were either kidnapped and were dead?"

" I've been away on a business trip. I need to see whoever has been charge of my company while i have been away immediately."

" Yes of course! Please follow me."

Seeing the woman quickly making her way from behind the desk Kristinna follows after the woman to a nearby elevator before following after the woman inside of the elevator. As the elevator doors close unaware to Kristinna a pair of eyes watch her with interest through the a web feed from her computer screen.

Meanwhile as Kristinna entered into the Zeira Corps building slowly moving through the parking lot using parked cars as cover Cameron leads John through the parking lot to the gate. Stopping towards a parked van a good distance away from the entrance gate using her enhanced vision Cameron zooms in at the gate scanning the area for any possible targets as John readies the M4 he had strapped to his back in his hands from the other side of the van.

" The guards are new."

" What?"

" The guards have changed from the last time we were here. There is a lot more of them too."

" How many of them are there?"

Taking a few seconds Cameron looks all around the area before positioning herself into a firing position with a M4 in her hands.

" 7 guards in total. 2 at the entrance of the gate,2 in back guarding the stairs and 3 sentries walking around the area."

" Any terminators?"

" Yes. The 3 sentries are terminator units. We will take them out first using the M4s before turning our attention towards the rest."

Focusing in one the terminator sentry that is the closest near her location Cameron points her M4 at the terminator's skull.

" Ready John?"

" Ready."

Pulling back on the trigger of her M4 Cameron sends a few rounds into the terminators skull dropping it to the ground as the human guards start to scramble around the area. Turning her focus towards the next 2 terminator sentries Cameron starts to send round after round towards the terminator units as they approach.

Meanwhile on the other side of the van with his aim focused on the retreating guards John sends a barrage of bullets striking each of the two guards retreating from the gate sending them down to the ground. Looking over seeing the terminator sentries slowly approaching John quickly takes aim before unloading the rest of his clip into the terminator's skull sending the unit crashing down to the ground with a thud. Right as the terminator lands down to the ground with wide eyes John watches the last terminator sentry snap his head in his direction before raising a machine gun towards him.

" Oh shit!"

Quickly getting behind the van John reloads his clip as round after round strike the van where he just was. Snapping a new clip into his M4 John suddenly drop to the ground in a shooting position and starts firing off his M4 from underneath the van at the approaching terminator sentry. As he sends round after round into the terminator sending it a few feet back suddenly John watches a round strike dead center into the terminator's skull before it falls to the ground.

Refocusing her aim back from the downed terminator Cameron raises up her M4 before she starts to trade shot for shot with the 2 remaining guards. As round after round strike against her chest Cameron moves forwards before she watches each of the guards go down from rounds striking against them coming from her left. Holding her fire Cameron scans the area looking for any more guards in the parking lot before she slowly moves forward towards the gate. Once she reaches the gate looking over her shoulder with a smile Cameron waives her hand.

" It's all clear John!"

Getting up from his hiding position John walks over towards Cameron when his eyes widen when he sees the bullet holes in Cameron's chest. Rushing over John slings the M4 over his shoulder before placing his hands on Cameron's cheeks.

" Cam are you alright?"

With a smile on her face Cameron nods her head at John.

" I'm fine John. It will take a lot more than a few bullets for me to go down."

Suddenly Cameron and John jerk their head up towards the ceiling when the feel the parking lot shaking for a brief second.

" What the hell was that?"

" I don't know but we need to keep moving."

Just a few minutes prior to the gunfight taking place in the parking lot of the Zeira Corps building following after the receptionist out of the elevator Kristinna walks forward towards a room she had previously been in. A room she had helped destroy the last time she had been there. As she sees the receptionist opening up the door and stepping to the side Kristinna gives her a smile before entering into the room. Hearing a sound coming from her left Kristinna snaps her head over to the left where she sees a blonde woman sitting behind a desk staring directly at her. As she starts a scan of the woman behind the desk immediately her scans tell her that the woman in front of her is a terminator model. A model similar to Cameron's very own. As Kristinna eyes remain locked onto Serena from behind Kristinna hears the receptionist taking a deep breathe.

" Um Serena i'm sorry to disturb you but Mrs Weaver is here to see you."

" It's quite alright my dear. I can take it from here."

" Yes Serena."

Looking over seeing the receptionist leave the room Kristinna watches the woman make her way into the elevator before she snaps her head back over towards Serena once the elevator doors closed.

Getting up from her chair Serena slowly walks around her desk while keeping her eyes locked onto Kristinna.

" So you must be the cyborg girl that i have heard so much about. The one who has caused so much trouble for the past month helping the Connors."

With a grin forming on her face Kristinna quickly changes her form back to normal before her eyes flash red.

" And you are my prey."

Quickly snapping her arms up two glock pistols suddenly appear out of Kristinna's arms before she open fires at Serena. As she sends round after round sticking into the chest plate of Serena slowly Kristinna starts to move forward before throwing the glocks down to the ground. Grabbing a hold of Serena's shirt Kristinna quickly spins sending Serena crashing through her desk before throwing her into a nearby wall. As the wall breaks from the impact of Serena's body Kristinna stalks her way over towards Kristinna. Getting closer to the wall suddenly Kristinna snaps her head behind her when she hears a massive amount of footsteps running down a nearby hallway from the other end of the room. Reaching inside of her stomach Kristinna pulls out a thermite grenade as she sees a few men emerge from the hallway. Pulling out the pin Kristinna rears back and throws the grenade into the hallway before the grenade explodes into the dead center of the group of Skynet grays. As she hears the sound of the grays screaming out in pain Kristinna turns her attention back towards the wall before she is tackled to the ground by Serena. Looking up seeing a grin across Serena's face Kristinna tilts her head to the side as she sees Serena's eyes glow bright blue.

Suddenly from the outside of the building a massive explosion occurs on the top floor of the Zeira Corps building sending glass down onto the crowds of people below.

Slowly moving down the stairs of the Zeira Corps building with her M4 raised up into a shooting position Cameron leads John down towards the basement. Getting down towards the bottom of the stairs suddenly Cameron sticks up her right hand up towards John motioning him to stop. Looking over her shoulder Cameron raises up her index finger to her lips before getting a nod from John. Turning her attention back down towards the stairs Cameron quietly moves down the steps before she quickly turns and sends a few rounds into a guard at the bottom of the stairs. As she watches the guard drop down to the ground Cameron quickly takes aim at a opening door at the bottom of the stairs before she open fires dropping 2 more Skynet grays.

Moving forward Cameron releases her empty clip as she nears the door before snapping in another clip. As she gets near the door rearing back Cameron sends a kick towards the door sending it flying into the room. Moving in slowly with John a few feet behind her without taking her eyes forward Cameron leads John through a dark side room before stopping at a closed door. Grabbing the handle of the door Cameron looks over her shoulder at John before she sees him raise up his M4.

Taking a deep breathe John gives Cameron a nod before seconds later he watches Cameron push open the door revealing 3 Skynet grays standing over on the opposite side of the room. Pulling back on the trigger John sends round after round into the 3 Skynet grays over in the corner before out of the corner of his eyes he watches Cameron enter into the room.

Seeing a guard on the other side of the door raise up a handgun towards her quickly Cameron sounds a few rounds from her M4 into the guard's chest sending him to the ground. Turning her head Cameron quickly raises up her M4 as she sees 5 Skynet grays running towards her and John from a dark hallway. Pulling back on the trigger Cameron quickly drops each of the grays to the ground. Hearing no more footsteps coming from down the hallway Cameron empties her clip for a new one before moving forward towards a small metal door. A door she knows leads to the center of the basement that she knows way too well. A room that caused for John to have to see a future she wished he would never have to see or witness after she was taken away.

Getting into a shooting position John gives Cameron a nod before they burst through the door before they both suddenly stop at who they see standing in the middle of the room.

With her eyes blinking red on a destroyed floor board with flames engulfing the area all around her suddenly Kristinna snaps up into a seated position. With her systems displaying across her hd a injury report stating her right leg has been severely damage from the blast with all but a layer of her covering destroyed Kristinna slowly arises out of the flames with her eyes shinning bright red. With her hands clutching into tight fists Kristinna slowly limps her way over towards the destroyed elevator that is sending sparks all across the room.

Making it over towards the elevator's door Kristinna quickly using her terminator strength slides the door over towards the side before sending a powerful strike down onto the elevator floor causing the floor of the elevator to go crashing down the elevator shaft. Without a moment of hesitation Kristinna jumps down the open elevator shaft before landing out down below after a few seconds next to a closed elevator door. Hearing gun fire coming from the other side Kristinna fists get even tighter as she limps over towards the metal door.

Looking into the room with his eyes wide not believing what he is seeing John watches the figure turn towards his direction giving him a smile.

" John? It's okay. It was just a trick to fool Skynet into thinking that i was dead. That was the reason why i went to see Ellison."

Raising up his M4 doing something that he never in his dreams thought he would ever do in unison with Cameron at his side John open fires towards his mother. As John empties his clip into his mother's chest John watches her fall back to the ground before he releases his clip and loads in a new clip into his M4. Hearing a laugh coming from the ground John watches as his mother suddenly starts to sit up.

" Really John! You would shot you own mother! I'm so disappointed in you!"

Rearing back John fires round after round into the figure's head as it slowly starts to change forms.

" You're not my mother! Don't you dare use her voice! I'll kill you!"

As his clip empties with fire in his eyes John watches the silver figure rise to his feet before it changes it shape into it's original form. With his grip on his M4 tightening John grits his teeth as he stares directly into the eyes of the terminator.

" Danny."

" John. It was so good for you to come here. It saves me the trouble of having to hunt you down later."

" Why Danny?"

" You know why John. You took my father away from me. You killed my father with that bitch of a mother of yours! All that you see around us is because of you!"

" We had nothing to do with your father's death!"

" Liar!"

Quickly raising up his M4 into a shooting position John watches as two small puddles start to form on each of Danny's sides before they slowly start to form into two silver figures. Backing up slowly John takes aim at the silver figure to Danny's left before he pulls back on the trigger. As he sends round after round into the approaching silver figure at the corner of his eye John sees Cameron blasting away at the other silver form.

Looking on from the center of the room with a smirk across his face and his arms folded across his chest Danny watches his two copies walking towards a retreating John and Cameron until a sound coming from behind him draws his attention. Turning his head suddenly Danny's eyes go wide when he sees a large dent coming from inside of the elevator door on the other side of the room. Suddenly as more dent marks appear the sound of metal striking metal echoes throughout the room before the elevator door comes flying into the room revealing a very angry looking cyborg.

With her eyes glowing bright red and her fists clutching tight Kristinna slowly limps her way out of the elevator towards a stunned Danny.

" Impossible."

Getting close to Danny before she gives him a chance to react Kristinna rears back sending a power punch into Danny's mid section sending him flying across the room into a wall.

Meanwhile as Kristinna stalks over towards Danny backing up slowly John and Cameron continue to fire at the advancing silver figures. As each slap in another clip quickly both continue to fire as the backup into another room while the silver figures continue to advance towards them.

" These bullets aren't working Cam!"

Throwing her M4 over her shoulder Cameron quickly reaches into her pocket taking out a thermite grenade before pulling back the pin. As she takes aim at the silver figure approaching John using all of her might Cameron rears back and throws the grenade hitting the silver figure dead center of his chest with the grenade. Right as the grenade explodes Cameron looks over to see the other silver figure stop in his tracks to look at his fallen comrade. As the sounds of the terminator screaming from the ground echoes through the basement Cameron quickly reaches into her pocket grabbing another thermite grenade. Looking back up seeing the remaining figure locking eyes with her with a grin in her face Cameron pulls out the thermite grenade as she see the silver figure running back. Rearing back Cameron throws the grenade at the figure when the grenade explodes in the center of the retreating terminator's back.

Being smashed into the wall where he had just recovered from hitting Danny looks up in horror to see Kristinna stalking her way over towards him. As he desperately tries to crawl away from her suddenly Danny feels his head being smashed into the ground hard before a hand grabs a tight hold of the back of his neck.

Raising her prey up into the air despite the error messages across her screen Kristinna slowly turns her hand into a flamethrower as she feels Danny smacking down on her left arm hard. Feeling her grip loosening Kristinna quickly turns Danny in her direction before unleashing a small wave of flames into Danny's face. As she hears Danny letting out a scream Kristinna suddenly stop her fire and lets her grip on Danny's throat lossen. With the speed that only a terminator possesses Kristinna lets go of Danny's throat allowing him to fall towards the ground before she kicks him in the midsection sending him into the center of the room. Raising up her right hand Kristinna suddenly sends a massive wave of flames towards a screaming Danny on the ground. After a minute of hearing Danny screaming from the ground Kristinna holds her fire when a grin comes across her face at what she sees.

Looking down towards the ground Kristinna sees Danny Dyson badly burned almost to ash. Looking on seeing Danny trying to reform his body slowly Kristinna stalks her way over before smashing down her right leg down onto Danny's right arm shattering it to pieces. Reaching over for his left arm with a quick pull Kristinna rips of his left arm before turning towards Danny. Using a little of her strength Kristinna crumbles his arm in her hands before she hears footsteps coming into the room.

" Kristinna!"

Turning her head Kristinna sees Cameron with a thermite grenade in her hands before she watches Cameron throwing the grenade to her. Catching the grenade Kristinna turns back towards Danny with a grin before pulling out the pin. Quickly opening up Danny's mouth Kristinna jams the grenade inside before diving back as a few seconds later the grenade explodes shattering the remains of Danny Dyson to pieces.

Taking a few steps forward John looks over towards Cameron before he looks over towards a small ash pile that he knows to be the remains of Danny.

" Is it?"

" Terminated."

Looking over to his right John watches with wide eyes Kristinna get up off of the ground slowly before she limps her way over towards him and Cameron.

" Are you alright?"

" I require immediate repairs."

Suddenly all of the computer monitors come alive in the room with a message coming across the middle screen.



Hearing a sound coming near the elevator everyone in the room turns to see a piece of the wall slowly slide over before a wave of smoke comes out.

As the smoke suddenly starts to disappear John's eyes widen at the figure he sees emerging from the smoke. Someone he thought he would never see again.

" Uncle Bob?"

With his eyes suddenly snapping up the terminator quickly raises up the shotgun in his hands at John before firing.

Looking over in horror Cameron sees John getting him with a shotgun round in the dead center of his chest sending him a few feet back. Taking aim quickly Cameron unloads her clip at the terminator as she approaches John with Kristinna moving forward firing her flamethrower at the terminator. Once her clip becomes empty Cameron throws the M4 down onto the ground before crouching next to John.

" John are you okay?"

" Yeah. This terminator armor you made me is awesome."

Glancing over her shoulder seeing Cameron helping John to his feet Kristinna continues her fire at the terminator before a few seconds later she stops her fire. Scanning all around the flames for her target suddenly Kristinna watches the terminator emerge from the flames with his covering completely destroyed. But something else catches Kristinna's eye. Looking the terminator up and down Kristinna does a scan to find that his body is not made of coltan like a regular terminator. That instead he is made up of a metal her systems don't recognize.

Taking aim John raises up his M4 towards the terminator's head before sending a round it's way. Right as he sees the round strike against the terminator's head John's eyes widen when he sees the terminator's head barely jerk back.

" Oh shit!"

Looking on seeing the terminator walking towards him and Cameron pulling back on the trigger John unloads round after round into the terminator's chest barely slowing down his movement. Out of the corner of his eye John sees Cameron grabbing the Remington shotgun she had strapped to her back before she starts firing off rounds at the terminator's head.

As she sees the terminator making its way over towards the Connor's with haste Kristinna limps her way over towards the terminator. Right as she tries to change her hand into a plasma rifle a error message comes across her screen. In fact quickly going through her weapon's list a error report comes across a her weapons list leaving her with a few weapons she can choose from. Deciding to turn her hand back to normal Kristinna quickly grabs a hold of the terminator before she feels herself being lifted up into the air. Before she has any chance to react Kristinna feels herself being smashed back first into the ground before she is flung through the air across the room.

Seeing Kristinna going flying across the room John quickly drops his M4 before grabbing two glocks that he had stored away in the back of his jeans. Right as he sees the terminator turn his attention back towards his and Cameron direction John quickly raises up the guns before firing off at the terminator's head. Backing up slowly seeing the terminator starting to gain ground John glances over towards Cameron as he fires.

" He's not going down! Got any ideas Cam!"

" Maybe!"

Strapping her shotgun over her shoulder Cameron quickly reaches into her pocket for her last thermite grenade. Right as she pulls out the grenade from her pocket Cameron's eyes widen before she feels herself being elbowed hard across the chest before she is sent flying towards the wall of the open doorway sending the thermite grenade flying out of her hand.

Before he has a chance to react John is quickly grabbed by the collar of his shirt before he is sent flying towards the computer screens. As his body smashes against the computer screens shattering them to pieces John slowly rolls off of the table before his body lands on the ground with a thud. Slowly rising to his feet John slowly shakes his head trying to regain his focus.

" Okay that hurt."

Before he has a chance to look up John feels himself being risen off of the ground before he is smashed back first into the ground. As he lets out a small scream from the impact of the ground smashing into his back John's eyes widen when he sees the terminator punching him hard in the chest. Still feeling a good impact dispute having a terminator plate on John feels the terminator tugging at his armor before within seconds John watches the terminator throw his body armor to the side of the room. Looking up seeing the terminator raise up a fist into the air John closes his eyes waiting for his doom to come.

Seeing the terminator over John with a raised fist Cameron quickly sprints over before tackling the terminator to the ground before he has a chance to send his fist down towards John. As she sends wave after wave of fists into the terminator's skull Cameron's eyes glow bright blue as she feels the terminator's skull starting to crack. Feeling the terminator reaching up grabbing her by the throat Cameron quickly reaches back grabbing her knife before sending it down hard into the terminator's skull causing a small spark to come from it's skull. Before she has a chance to go any deeper Cameron feels herself being launched off of the terminator by a powerful strike. As she lands onto the ground Cameron glances over to see John crawl over towards her before she looks back over to see the terminator advancing towards them.

Suddenly with wide eyes John and Cameron see the terminator jerking back after a plasma round strikes against its mid section. Looking over towards the corner they both see Kristinna slowly limping forward with her right arm raised up as sparks come flying out of her arm.

Looking on seeing the terminator turn its attention towards her direction Kristinna fires off another round striking the terminator again sending it a foot back. Rearing back Kristinna starts to send barge of round after round into the terminator despite the warning messages coming across her hd. With her systems telling her that a overload is about to occur in 30 seconds Kristinna turns her attention towards the terminator's skull before sending off rounds at her target's head. With each round that hits Kristinna watches as the terminator's skull starts to crack even more before a small piece of his skull melts away revealing his chip. Taking careful aim Kristinna sends a blast in the center of it's skull blasting away a chunk of the terminator's skull away.

Seeing the terminator's chip perfectly Cameron quickly reaches back grabbing her shotgun before taking aim. Once she pulls back on the trigger a second later the terminator's chip explodes into thousands of pieces. Once she sees the terminator fall to the ground with a thud Cameron quickly rushes over towards John before crouching down next to him.

" John are you alright?"

Giving Cameron a weak nod John reaches up laying a hand on her cheek as he grits his teeth.

" Yeah just a few broken ribs."

Slowly feeling himself being helped up off of the ground John throws an arm around Cameron's shoulders before looking over towards Kristinna.

" Is Skynet here?"

After looking around the room at the computer consoles for a few seconds Kristinna turns to back towards John and Cameron.

" Negative. Skynet is not in this building. Kaliba must have set up this building as a trap for us."

" Okay well i think that we have had enough for one day. All of us need to go get repaired and Danny Dyson is now gone. We will come back on another day and fight against Skynet. Wherever it is."

Giving John a nod slowly Cameron starts to lead John out of the room towards the stairs with Kristinna following after them. Within a few minutes Cameron slowly leads John up the last bit of stairs before she hears John let out a small chuckle.

" What is it John?"

" I was just thinking that when she is older Allison is so going to be the one who repairs us when we get injured. It will be payback for all of the dirty diapers we changed for her."

Looking over Cameron gives John a smile before she leads him into the parking lot. As she slowly leads John over towards their truck suddenly the sound of a rifle round echoes through the parking lot. Feeling John's body jerking back Cameron looks down in horror to see a massive gunshot wound in the middle of John's chest.

" John!"

Quickly picking John up from off of the ground Cameron hides behind a nearby car as she feels blood pouring down her leg.

" No,no,no,stay with me!"

Looking over in the distance using her enhanced vision Kristinna sees in the far corner of the parking lot a young african american man with a sniper rifle in his hands surrounded by a few guards. Seeing a few of the guards quickly moving towards their direction as the young man retreats Kristinna looks over towards Cameron.

" We have to go now!"

Quickly opening up the driver's side door of the car John and Cameron are hiding behind Kristinna quickly turns her right index finger into small drill before lodging it into the keyhole of the car. Within seconds the car starts up before Kristinna takes off when Cameron gets into the backseat with John. Stepping hard on the gas pedal Kristinna sends the car flying through the parking lot of the building before a few seconds later she starts driving down the road at high speed.

Looking down towards John in her lap with teary eyes Cameron starts holding down pressure on John's wound.

" John please stay with me."

" I'm….trying….Cam."

Seeing John's eyes starting to close Cameron's eyes widen as tears fall down her cheeks to his body below.

" You promised you would stay with me just like it did for you. It's not fair for you to leave me."

With more tears dropping down from her cheeks Cameron starts to panic as she sees the light in John's eyes fading away.

" No don't go!"

With his vision getting dark John gives Cameron a small smile as his eyes start to close.

" I'll be ba…."

" John!"













Slowly opening up his eyes a male figure looks up towards a ceiling shining down a bright light towards him.

" John?"

Looking over towards his right John sees Cameron looking at him with a smile on her face. Within seconds as John sits up he is embraced by Cameron in a tight hug. As he returns the embrace in full John closes his eyes as he feels a few tears sliding down his chest. Holding the embrace for a few minutes John suddenly hears a pair of footsteps approaching from behind Cameron.

" Welcome back."

Opening up his eyes John looks over to see Kristinna looking at him fully healed with a smile across her face. As he feels Cameron pulling back from the embrace John looks over towards Cameron.

" Cameron what's going on?"

John glances around the room seeing that he is in a large factory room with him sitting naked on a table.

" I don't recognize this place. Have we been here before?"

" John what i am about to tell you might come as a shock. I need you to please relax first okay?"

Seeing John giving her a nod Cameron takes a deep breathe before locking eyes with him.

" John the year is 2025."

With his eyes widening John whispers out.

" 2024? That means i have been…."

" You have been gone for 14 years."

" But how am i back? Didn't i?"

" You already know the answer John. Just think about it for a second."

Taking a few seconds suddenly John's eyes widen when he sees Cameron giving him a small nod.

" I'm a cyborg just like you."

" Yes. A few miles down the road from the Zeira Corps building you died in my arms."

" But how am i back? How do i still have all my memories? I still remember things from my childhood."

" That we can thank Kristinna for. While she was out looking for Danny Dyson and Skynet at night she made a special chip. A chip very similar to mine. Even though you died your brain was still functioning when we made it to the storage container. Using a device she made there we were able to extract everything from your brain and put it inside of the chip. All of your memories are still with you. While you were gone i have kept you with me at all times keeping you safe until we could make you a new body."

Slowly helping John off of the table Cameron hands John a small pile of torn clothes. After a few minutes Cameron leads John out of the factory before she stops at a hill. Glancing over to her left Cameron sees John's eyes go wide at the scene in front of him.

All across the ground is HK units one after another with a massive army of terminators surrounding the airfield.

Feeling his hand being grabbed John laces his fingers together with Cameron's before turning towards her.

" What do we do now Cam?"

" We finish this fight."

Glancing over her shoulder Cameron gives Kristinna a nod before Kristinna's eyes turn red. Suddenly all the HKs in the airfield power up before slowly they take off into the air heading towards a large structure in the far distance.

Author Notes: I would like to thank everyone that has reviewed and followed along with this story. Yeah i know what a few of you are thinking. John a cyborg what the f that isn't right or that doesn't make sense. Well in this story that is what happens anyways. I have no clue if i will write a sequel to this story but if i do you would see a three army war. The cyborg resistance(John,Cameron,Kristinna) vs Skynet vs The human resistance. Again thank you for following along. If you want a change of pace story check out my version of that 70's show as i write mostly humor in that story then all of the drama and action i do in the TSCC stories.
