Epilogue: Intermission

Hey folks, G-man here.

Well what can I say? It has been a brilliant ride so far hasn't it? 41 chapters and still going strong. Also a Big shout-out to all those brilliant artists and writers who's characters have stared in this story, including Nyx by Pen Stroke, The Irish Fairies by Tom Moore, and of course me and a few others by my very own Author and Artist… Richard Owen!

Happy to do it, G.

Glad to hear it, Oh for those of you who are confused as to why I'm suddenly able to break the fourth wall again… well it's mainly because we've reach a point in the story where the author has decided to end the story.

For the last time G, I am NOT ending the story! I'm just taking a long intermission.

Then why are we calling this particular chapter the Epilogue then?

Well because technically we ARE ending this section of the story, I mean we've already gone over 40 chapters, anymore and we might as well call this fanfic a novel.

Whatever dude, well folks it's like the big guy said, this part of the story is over, and sorry to end it like this but the poor sap needs a breather from trying to keep you readers happy. But don't fret, we'll continue this adventure eventually, it's just gonna be written into another fanfic, a sequel if you will. Kinda like the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

In a manner of speaking yes.

But in any case, the other characters and I are glad to have such devoted readers like you out there who keep on reading this piece of garbage.


Oh shut up, you know you suck at this! Anyway, hopefully you won't have to wait long for the second instalment in this story. Could be a month, maybe two, hell, the big guy might even make this an annual thing in between his other projects. Hey, if he gives it his all, maybe he'll write another fanfic on FIMfiction, while he gets his mojo back for this one.

Well on the plus-side at least I got some good reviews on that site.

Exactly! Well not much else I can say, although I will like to say that I am more than happy to appear in anyone else's art or fanfiction as a cameo, hell gotta work somehow while this yahoo takes time off.

Hey, I have a life too, you know!

Yeah, yeah, whatever man. Well, all that's left for me to do is to crack open a barrel of Jack Silver's rum (Seriously check of Pirates of the Alicorn on FIMfiction, it's a good story) And drink up until I'm blue in the face!

Go home you drunk Bastard!

I would but thanks to your story it's been rented out to Foxy Hood and his band of Merry Villains!

Oh… Right, Sorry.

Anyways, the story has been fun. Sorry we couldn't do any more chapters in the story, but hey, an artist's gotta do what an artist's gotta do.

So until the next time, this is the Living Genre signing off until the sequel.

See ya! :D