Hello readers, thanks for waiting and sorry for the wait as well. I was busy with life and other stuff going on, i was veyr busy doing Co-writing with my friend EvaShinobiKaiserKnight or ESKK for short who you guys should check out as he does have good stories and would help to show soem support.

Anyways in resent event, as i just gotten news my grandma has breast cancer and cannot be operated on due to heart problems.

The family is taken it a bit hard and trying to deal with it in our own way, and i do have a request to the readers, please support people with breast cancer if you can.

I'm not running a charity, but it still good to show people you can support to others. I am not asking donations, and i not sponsoring anyone, i just saying this because i can and wanted too. Show support to other and Pay it forward to others, thank you for listening

Anyways no guest today so we got my old friend my inner voice to do the disclamer, go ahead if you will other me

One of these days you need to od it yourself...(clear throat)-

Disclaimer & Warnings:

We no not own Garo or inuyasha, we do not plan to make money off of this in any way, shape, or form. We do not make frun of people, just ourselves and other characters.

WE will not listen, read, or reply to anyone who hates this story. If you hate it, leave. If you keep pushing it, you'll be reported. And if you are a critic or any member of "Critic unite" we do not respect you guy for actions you guys have done with the words of authors you acted against. As well some form of criticism are closely to cyber bulling, so i will say this... watch yourself. This story is rated M for blood, violent and maybe gore of any sort. If you did not read the warnings, that's your fault.

Review, share, like it, and follow the story, and please enjoy.

Where there is light shadows lurk and fear reigns, yet by the blade of knights mankind was given hope.

*Insert Garo Makai Senki op 1


In the middle of the night as the with the moon out shinning down upon the lands, as something flew across, in a raging blue flame and without warning as it pass the trees it flew up, something cut throw them as after the blue raging flame flew by, they drop down.

AS the tree fell down making much noise that woke half of Kaede's village, with lady Kaede waking up to it as well.

The blue raging flame soon reach a Torii, now standing on it as the blue raging flames burst out before dying down, and in its place is a wither old woman with a scythe in her hands with huge eyes a somewhat a long creepy looking face.

Kaede came out with a bow and arrow in hand as she took aim and fire at the old woman with the scythe, as she saw the arrow coming, surprisingly as that woman swing her scythe around and cut the arrow before it could touch her.

Kaede reach for another arrow and men from the village came out with spears in hand, as the old priestess said, "Who are Ye?"

Like a ghost or a Spector, the old woman jump into the air and flew around freely and gives a chilling crackling laugh as a witch would give.

Everyone rushes up some step leading to a grave site with Kaede being help up them with a person behind her keeping her steady as he went up the stair, with many men rushing by her to stop or fight against the strange Spector woman.

Up top at the graves, as few men were attack with their weapons destroy and wounded at their chest as one man said to the others, "You men attended to them!"

Kaede reach to the top of the stair and out of breath a bit as she sees what is going on.

The Spector woman inspects a grave as she smells it and rubs all around it as she said, "I am certain this is it. At last I have found her resting site."

The Spector woman reach down to the soil and grab a hand full of it as she said, "Just enough moisture, and the soil is perfect."

"Intruder, what business have the' here? Identify thou self, answer at once!" Kaede said to the Spector woman.

"A silent fool, my business lays is with this grave site!" The spector woman said as she keep rubbing on the grave as she said, "Once I have these ashes in my possession, I shale leave this miserable village and look for the grave of the Ougon Kishi, Amidamaru."

'She must be after Kikyo's remains, but as Yuma's ancestor as well?" Kaede thought as all the men around her pointed their spears down at the spector woman as Kaede had a, arrow drawn and ready to fire it.

"Leave our village at once, or we will choice but to strike!" Kaede said as she and the men were ready to fight against the spector woman, but they had no idea how strong she really is as she steps away from the grave for just a moment as she put her scythe on her shoulder.

"Persistent Wench! You have done well not to cross my path!" The spector woman said as she held her nails over the blade of the scythe and scratches the surface of it, making as annoying as nails on a chalkboard.

Everyone close their eyes and try to cover their ears from the sound, but Kaede was not effect by this as she took aim quickly and fire her arrow to make the Spector woman stop.

Within a split second when the arrow was fired, it was cut in half down the staff of the arrow, as the Spector woman looks angry down as she look down at the group and said, "Now should you will pay for your meddling."

The Spector woman sent an slash that form an arc, then another, and another until she was spinning like crazy sending the slash attack everywhere as it cut throw and destroy the surrounding, the men's weapon even wounding or killing some, even hurting Kaede.

Kikyo's grave was also destroy, but the remains that was burry underneath it was untouched as the Spector woman dive her hand into the dirt and grab the urn that held kikyo's ashes.

"No take not my sisters ashes!" Kaede said as she saw the ashes of her long dead sister were unearth and taken by her very eyes, as she winch in pain for a moment as she said to the Spector woman, "I am the Priestess Kaede, and I shall not allow ye to take those remains!"

The spector woman crackle laughs again as she said, "Your threat lay on deaf ears, These remains now belong to me! The demon Urasue! Now I'll be off to fetch the remains of Ougon Kishi."

The woman burst into blue flames as she flew off into the forest where Inuyasha once stay, as well where Garoken once lay as well, as Kaede grit her teeth and said, "Quickly to the forest to where the sword of makai once stood!"

"Kaede-sama!" They called as she forced her body to move and protect the remains of Amidamaru's body.

(In Inuyasha's forest)

Urasue arrived at the rock as she dug her hands into the ground and pulled out some dirt and tested it a bit. "Yes this is just right, the perfect combination for the reforming of the body of the Golden Knight from 50 years past." Urasue said as she then flew upward and sent an energy blast down to the ground creating a crater as she then dug through it and found it. An old urn covered in Makai Seals as its design was worthy of that of the Golden Knight. As she smiled she finally had it the item that will make the Golden Knight her undead slave.

"Now then let's go." She said before she avoided a fire from an arrow but as she took the Urn the seals glowed as it sent a warning to the nearest Watchdog as no doubt she was aware of this.

(Watchdog Center)

Three girls were on pillars of sorts as two of them were facing away as one was wide eyed a bit even with her cold expressionless face. "Dammit Amidamaru you couldn't just get the fruit and be done with it." She cursed before summoning a small Makai Fox. "Go find the Nearest Makai Knight and bring him to me, tell him it's an emergency." She said as she gave the letter to the fox who nodded and then ran off to find the messages recipient.

"I may need the Ring of Zareki." The Watchdog said as she was sure the Senate would understand.

"Are you sure the Senate will allow this?" The girl to her left said as the middle one glared.

"It's the Golden Knight we are talking about one of the more well-known greats among his bloodline if he becomes a slave then the Golden Knight of ages to come may fall and ruin our time and his time." She said as the one to right then spoke.

"Then one of us will act as the anchor sister." She said to the head sister.

"Thank you." She said as she was there best shot.

"But we must be prepared for the worst, if the request of the ring is denied, then we much rely on the closes Makai knight's strength," the 3rd sister said as they knew making a request for one of the most dangerous madou tool ever made is slim to be accepted, they can only hope they can do make it in time.

(Meanwhile With The group)

Everyone was asleep as Yuma had taken a nap by the tree in his sleeping bag which Kagome had somehow fit into her oversized bag as maybe they should fit a tent in there while they were at it... nah. But as Yuma slept he tossed and turned while in the tree Inuyasha's faced cringed as both of them had dreams riddled with nightmares from the past that they knew or what they thought they knew.

(In Yuma's dreamscape)

Within Yuma dream he hears people fighting, screaming, someone yelling 'No!', then a roar but only sees a fire before him.

Yuma doesn't know what was going on before him as he see just the fire, and then saw something that can only be describe as a nightmare creature of smoke and fire.

Bright burning red eyes with flames on its back showing parts of its face that was looking like a chard skull with ashes acting like it's skin, and has demonic horns on its head as it giving it look of a devil.

The demonic creature opens its mouth and roar out, as hot fire came forth from its roar as the flames came at Yuma as he yells out.

(Awaken world)

Yuma open his eyes gasp before coughing out violently, like he was choking out smoke.

Inuyasha who was awake at the time was looking over kagome as she hears Yuma coughing she woke up and swing her arms and hands out, as which her hand slap Inuyasha away.

Shippo woke up as well as she open her eyes and look to Yuma as he was hunch over coughing out still as Kagome got out of her oversize sleeping bag and rush over to him as she kneel down and patted his back a bit as she said, "You alright Yuma? Did you shallow a bug while sleeping?"

Yuma try to say word but his voice came out in a wheezing tone as he said, "No (Cough-cough!)"

Shippo was soon wide awake as well as he said, "What's wrong, didn't something happen Nii-san?"

Kagome looked over to shippo as she said to the fox demon, "Shippo, get a water bottle form my bag, hurry please."

Shippo did so as he brought a water bottle over, kagome took it and open it as she held it out for Yuma and said, "Here drink this."

Yuma took it and chug it down like he was dehydrated, and dying of thirst as he drank all of it before calming down and give a few lights coughs as Kagome said, "That's better… now what happen to make you like that?"

Yuma rub his throat a bit and spoken normal again as he said, "A nightmare… like I was in fire… flame surrounded me... the heat bearing down on me… and the smoke, was so thick I couldn't breathe… it felt real."

Kagome seem worry and try to think of the reason of why it happen as the first thing that came to mind was Yuma' parents died in a fire, but he wasn't there when it happen, to what she heard from her mother before Yuma started living with them.

Zaruba was awake at this time as he hear what they were saying… but not only he heard that, he also saw what Yuma was dreaming about and something about it was strange to say but didn't want to say it out loud to scare Yuma right now as the dream was just that and it wouldn't endanger his life in anyways, but what he saw in that dream he knew a creature like that cannot be just a nightmare as something that big, scary, and powerful to the look of it couldn't have been Yuma thought of mind… but his memories.

Too bad Zaruba was limited on how much he could see and hear of Yuma's thought and couldn't look in a memory but he did sense something else as well, as he thought he felt a seal of sort when Yuma was dreaming, but when he woke up it vanish.

Yuma took some breaths as Kagome help him along with it as she said, "Breath in… and out. Try and relax, and maybe move away from the fire a bit."

Yuma nodded as he lay his head back again to maybe catch some sleep again.

As kagome smile to this as she help her cousin, now she was about to go to bed as she turn and saw Inuyasha sitting there, wide awake as well as she said, "Did you want to talk about something?"

Inuyasha pointed to a slap mark on his face that was almost faded away but still saw a hand print on his face as Kagome said, "Oops, did I slap you again? Sorry about that."

Inuaysha yell out, that seem random to do as he yells, "I was wrong, you don't look like her!"

Kagome look to Inuyasha as she asked, "look like who?"

"Not even remotely similar," Inuyasha yells out again as Kagome said, "Remotely similar to who?"

Inuyasha was taken back a bit as he just relies he was saying that all outloud as he turn away not wanted to say who kagome looks like, as she says to him, "What's gotten into you?"

Inuyasha keep looking away as he close his eye for the moment and said, "Forget it, it's not important."

Kagome wonder what he was meaning, and then an very ominous wind came blowing by, as both kagome and Yuma felt, as the young makai knight open his eyes to it as Zaruba said, "I sense an evil present."

Inuyasha felt the wind, but nothing he could notice or bother him by, but he soon caught wind of something, even saw something in the air as he said, "What is that?"

Kagome turn around and face the moon with its light shining down on the figure flying in the air, as it was Urasue flying by with the two urns in her possession.

'Picking up the smell of fresh blood… wait I recognize that scent,' Inuyasha thought as he knew who blood he smells and had a bit of a worry look on his face.

"Wait that Urn she's holding." Zaruba said as he recognized it as well as the markings. "Those are the ashes to a Makai Knights corpse and judging by the design I think I know who it was, I only pray that I am wrong." Zaruba said as Inuyasha saw it.

(Scene Break the next day morning)

"Come on Inuyasha what's the rush!" Kagome called as she followed Inuyasha on her War Wagon as the Madou Tool stayed close on Inuyasha's tail even though the three on it were faster like this.

"Zaruba why the sudden urge to return to the village." Yuma asked as he looked to Zaruba.

"A hunch one I am really hoping is wrong." Zaruba said as that woman was a demon and a strong one at that.

'Zaruba is worried.' Kagome thought as she saw the Madou Ring was worried somehow.

(Meanwhile in the village)

Kaede left the hut all bandaged up as she had her bow and arrows ready. "Kaede-sama you mustn't move as of yet." The woman said as she chased after Kaede.

"Pay no mind these are but flesh wounds." Kaede said as soon a voice was heard.

"Kaede!" Kagome called as she jumped off of Katsurako and allowed it to vanish as Yuma and Shippo went over to Kaede.

"What happened?" Yuma asked as Inuyasha soon landed.

"What your still alive?" Inuyasha growled as Yuma glared.


"Leave it to a stubborn old goat to refuse to rest and give injuries time to heal." Inuyasha said as Yuma looked.

"Kaede what happened exactly?" Yuma asked as Kaede looked.

"When we get to the top I will tell you." Kaede said as Yuma nodded.

(Later at the top)

The group arrived to find a crater as Yuma saw the signs this was a shrine for a grave as he looked. "What happened here?" Kagome asked as she looked.

"A Specter had arrived her and desecrated my sister Kikyo's grave site as well as the grave site of another Amidamaru." Kaede said as Zaruba then sighed.

"It's as I feared." Zaruba said as Yuma looked.

"Amidamaru was your previous partner right?" Yuma asked as Zaruba nodded.

"Yes Amidamaru was the greatest Makai Knight of his time, he utilized strategies and advantages unconventional to most. Every situation he was in he always found a way out while causing zero loss of human life. He was an inspiration to many to follow in his footsteps." Zaruba said as Yuma felt outclassed.

"If his ashes had fallen into the hands of evil, and still tainted by the blood of Horrors I fear we could have a powerful Horror on our hands or worst." Zaruba said before chuckling to himself.

"Ironic that unrequested love would in turn bring them together once more.' Zaurba said to himself as he knew Amidamaru had arrived at this village before Inuyasha did from what Kaede told them.

Yuma look to Kaede as she went on saying, "I was powerless to stop her assault."

"Any reason she could have wanted kikyo remains for?" Yuma asked as he tries to understand what is happening as Kaede took a breath and said, "My sister had unusually strong powers even for a priestess as she was. Her remains has fallen in the hands of evil as well the remains of Amidamaru. Who knows to what ends their powers and ability would be exploited."

Inuyasha started to walk away as Yuma saw this and said, "Oi! Where you going?"

"Anywhere but here," Inuyasha said as he didn't care as Kaede said, "Inuyasha!"

He stop at the edge of the steps and said, "You're on your own, as apparently you forgotten that Kikyo betray me."

Kagome and Yuma is surprise by that as Inuyasha went on saying while putting a hand over where the arrow that was in him used to be at as he said, "I am not so lucky. I still remember the pain from the arrow she uses to pierce my chest."

Kaede had a sad look on her face as she bow her head and said, "Forgive me."

Inuyasha walked away and soon to be out of hearing range or what Yuma think it is as he said, "Don't worry, me and kagome can help, and beside if this Spector has the remains of our ancestor and your sister we'll beat her ass 5 ways till Sunday, and get their remains back in their resting place."

"I thank ye," Kaede as she thankful for Yuma kind soul.

For Kagome her thoughts were elsewhere as she watch Inuyasha just walk away as her thought were, 'It happen 50 years ago, but to Inuyasha, the memories still seem fresh.'


Yuma was getting the war wagon ready, but other than having it out, he pet the thing as it purr to his touch as he said, "Your very nice… for a something that was a horror."

Katsurako roar a bit to that commit as Yuma pulled away and said, "Okay shish, sorry."

Yuma hears some footsteps as he turn to see Kagome with Shippo, and Inuyasha as Yuma thought that good to know Inuyasha change his mind on this mission, but what surprising Yuma right now is Kaede is coming along as well with a bow on her side and the arrows with it as Yuma said, "Okay what is Kaede doing? Shouldn't she be resting and taking it easy?"

Kaede was the first one to spoken up saying, "I have choose to come on this Quest, as too am a priestess and I stall recover my sisters ashes."

Yuma was about to say something about her wounds but Inuyasha beat it to him as he said, "Don't waste your breath, she a stubborn as an Ox."

Yuma sighed and said, "Great, just great."

"I shall not slow thou down, if ye must you can go ahead of me, but I will still carry onwards," Kaede said as Yuma let out a breath through his nose and said, "We're not just going to leave you behind. There plenty of room on Katsurako and she faster than a horse, we can get there in no time."

"I thank ye again," Kaede said as she walk to the war wagon and Yuma help her up on it.

Yuma then helped Kagome up as she was the driver here as Inuyasha grumbled about something. "So Kagome something up?" Yuma asked as he saw Kagome was troubled and flustered.

"N-nope, everything is ok!" Kagome said before she got deep into thought.

"Ok if you say so." Yuma said as he looked to Kagome confused as Zaruba sighed.

"The curse of men obliviousness to a woman feeling." Zaruba said with a sigh as he saw this.

(Later that Evening)

Camp was set as Yuma stretched a bit as Katsurako was returned to the Amulet after making sure the Madou Tool was aware that they were all ok and fed. Jeez that thing can be a real mother hen at times. As Yuma got up he soon heard a bell sound as did Inuyasha and Kagome as they looked and saw a Pure white Fox with a red collar of sorts on it as in its mouth was a scroll in its mouth. "A fox Spirit?" Shippo asked as he never seen a Fox like that before.

The Fox Spirit walked over to Yuma before sitting on its hind legs as it presented the scroll to Yuma. "It seems we've been summoned by the Watchdog." Zaruba said as he chuckled. Yuma then had a flashback to Watchdog Rin in his time before he took the scroll and looked at it. "It's the same concept Yuma light it to reveal the message." Zaruba said as Yuma nodded and lit the Scroll aflame as it soon turned to ashes and revealed the message.

"Meet with the Watchdog of these lands immediately upon receiving this summons." Yuma read as Zaruba chuckled.

"You've been practicing." Zaruba said as Yuma smirked.

"Yeah after the Hangman Horror I needed to learn." Yuma said as he then turned to the Fox Spirit.

"Can you lead the way, I'm not exactly knowledgeable of these lands." Yuma said as the Fox Spirit nodded and began guiding Yuma.

"Wait where are you going?" Inuyasha asked as Kagome looked.

"Yeah our ancestors ashes are being desecrated!" Kagome asked as she may not have known Amidamaru, but he was still family.

"Don't worry I'll be back before you know it." Yuma said before he followed the Spirit who lead the way for him.

"We better get some sleep then I get the feeling Yuma might be up for a good chunk of the night." Inuyasha said as he tried to sleep. "Besides we have a big battle tomorrow the remains are close real close." Inuyasha said as he could smell them both.

(With Yuma Watchdog Site)

Yuma went into a forest area, and came up to a huge tree with its roots showing, two white fox statues with red bandanas around their neck, and a shrine set up in front of it, to Yuma thought it's a fox shrine, or a cover up as he knew watchdogs hid in plain sight.

He watch the white Fox walk up to a gap of the tree and then it open up as a doorway to show the white light with it, as the fox soon vanish into it, as Yuma thought, 'This is it… I just hope I won't screw the future up with this.'

Yuma walk up but didn't go through as he took a deep breath and let it out before entering it as he was engulf in the light and then soon vanish as he doorway close behind him.

(Inside the watchdog hid out)

Yuma walks through and came upon a cave area with a watery ground… maybe a pound or a lake but he couldn't tell, but he could see around him as blue flowers on the ceiling glow nicely to light his path as he walk through and then walk to 3 pillars that were before him.

To what he sees 3 females to the look of them two of them with their backs turn and have white fox mask on, while the 3rd one sitting between the two on the highest pillar facing forward as she look down at Yuma with curious eyes.

Yuma look up at the watchdog as he saw she was young… or at least young looking as Zaruba told him watchdogs can put up an illusion or manage to halt their aging with their power.

"Yare-yare a young makai knight, you are cute to see," The watchdog said to him as Yuma blush a bit and rub the back of his head and said, "Thanks… I guess."

The watchdog looked at him closely and saw Zaruba on his left and as she said, "Oh? A new wielder of Garo has come before us as well."

"Very strange."

"But it's good to know Garo has a new wielder already."

The other two walked with Yuma look at them and thought it was pretty weird and strange as they voices sound the same as watchdog.

"I am Higurashi Yuma, it's an honor to meet you," Yuma said while giving a small bow, as he tried to be plight as he can be.

"A descend of Amidamaru has come before us then, as it would explain why you wield Garo, but have more important mission for you at this moment," The watchdog said to him as Yuma asked, "What is it that need to be done?"

"As you may or may not have realized a set of ashes were stolen recently Kikyo's ashes who if given the proper training would have become quite possibly the strongest of all Makai Hoshi in the time as she had powers years ahead of her time. But before we could approach her it seems she was already on the path as a Miko so we left her be but kept a close eye on her." The Watchdog said as she looked to Yuma who seemed surprised at that one. "But it's more than that, Amidamaru's ashes are of prime importance due to the main fact that with his ashes the Demon woman can easily use him for the prowess he possessed especially his ability to use Garo. If Amidamaru's is resurrected he could create a mass amount of chaos and such and if a Horror gets him then they would have one of the greatest Knights at their disposal." The Watchdog explained as Yuma looked.

"So what's the assignment?" Yuma asked as he looked to the Watchdog.

"Baka it should be obvious."

"Retrieve your predecessors ashes and bring them back to us so we may properly have them buried among the other Golden Knights." The center Watchdog said as she looked down upon Yuma who simply nodded.

"Ok course I was actually in the middle of getting them as we speak." Yuma said as the Watchdog nodded.

"Then hurry on back to it."

"Don't let your grandfather down and allow his rest to be tarnished by resurrection as an undead beast."

"Ok I'm going." Yuma said before he bowed and took his leave to catch up with the others.

(Back with the Group)

Yuma gotten back with the group in the middle of the night and gotten a few hours of sleep, as it maybe not much but it's all he's going to get, but thanks to his aunt she loaded up some energy drinks in their pack before they left.

Yuma with bags under his eyes standing at the wheel of the war wagon as they went down the road as he had a Thermos in his hand and pour some kind of… wheatgrass like juice mix with other things in a paper cup as Yuma had a bitter look on his face as he saw it, as he hand the Thermos to Shippo to hold for the moment, before taking the cup and his hand off the wheel for the moment as the wagon can drive itself for a moment, as he plug his nose and drink the energy drink before letting off and shiver to the taste.

Shippo look at it and said, "That doesn't look as great."

"No its not… but at least it does its job as now I'm more wide awake," Yuma said as he put the cap back on the Thermos and close it tightly and getting back on the wheel, as after that drink his eyes didn't have bags under them anymore.

"We must retrieve kikyo's ashes quickly, or else Urasue use them for some evil end," Kaede said as she look over the horizon as Yuma added, "And we have no idea what she could be using Amidamaru remains for as well, so we just have to get them back before she can use them to resurrect them."

"Right, I feel trouble lays in the path ahead, dreadful trouble," Kaede said as Inuyasha open his big mouth saying, "Oh good that what we need to hear. If your so worry about their remains, why didn't you scatter them in the river in the first place? WE wouldn't be in this predicament if it wasn't for you and your sentimentality."

Kaede sighed at Inuyasha and said, "Inuyasha, have ye have no regard for man gravesites and tombstones?"

Kaede went on saying how grave are important not to just people who lost their love ones, but other people that were close to them and also being inspired by her, as in life kikyo battle again demons and spirit, also cure sickness and diseases that spread across fields, as Yuma sounded impressed by this, but he wonders why would his ancestor have his remains stay where the Garoken lay before he found it, why not give it to his son or his wife for safe keeping, as Zaruba didn't know the answer ether as somehow Amidamaru can block his thoughts from the madou ring.

Also there are some spot in his memories as he said that are a haze and cannot remember, so it remains a mystery.

Yuma just then hears Inuyasha and Kagome talking from behind the wagon, as kagome wanted to use her bike more, and then somehow inuyasha started yelling for some reason as he said, "Out with it!"

Suddenly Kagome rush by the war wagon with Inuyasha somehow staying on the back of the bicycle bike as Yuma shouted out to them, "Oi Kagome, don't rush ahead!"

Kaede sighed as she said, "The Youth these days." "You're telling us," Zaruba said of having a moment to talk.

(scene break)

Within the mountain area where the demon Spector Urasue's evil lair lays, as the scythe wielding spector woman walk up to a huge oven lay with smoke coming out from the chimneys that came out from the rock and stone above the area.

Urasue cut down the cobblestone that keep the heat in oven house, and open the way in as inside were two clay cocoons that were surrounded by fire.

"Now then let's see what magic my demon kiln has brought to the mixture of ashes and grave site soil." Urasue said as she then walked over to the cocoons. "Yes these could be my finest creations yet." She said as she reached to her hair and pulled out to herbal plants of sorts that began to glow. She then laughed as she threw them to the cocoons as when they landed they released a burst of power as the this caused the fires to die out as Urasue smirked. "Now ARISE!" She called out using her scythe to crack one open before going for the other as both released an unholy magic.

The cracks spread across the cocoons as arms were revealed as they grabbed the plants as one was male while the other was a slender female. "Now arise Amidamaru and Kikyo come to me." Urasue said with a grin as the cocoons soon shattered as from them a woman came out who bore a striking resemblance to Kagome while Amidamaru though slightly older like Kikyo bore an odd resemblance to Yuma but with longer hair that reached to the base of his neck as a scare across his eye that by some miracle had missed said eye.

The two then opened their eyes as Amidamaru's face was cold but his eyes were blank while Kikyo's face was completely blank of emotions. "Kikyo, the great priestess and Amidamaru the legendary warrior of gold fangs known as the Golden Knight Garo. Both of you had foiled many attempt by demon and monsters to take the Shikon no Tama and had played many demons and monster who had harmed humans and even took there forms." Urasue said as the irony was delicious to her.

"They say if a Demon were to possess but a single shard of the broken jewels its powers will unleash double its strength." Urasue said as she then looked upon her hands. "I need them I must have every fragment of the jewel for myself. Go forth and both destroy and cut down any demon or human who stands in your way in search of the jewel, burn them alive." Urasue ordered as she didn't notice Amidamaru's fist holding the plant clench as it seems dome part of him though small did not like that idea no doubt from his own bodies reflex. "I have brought you both back and you shall both now serve my every wish now go and retrieve the jewel shards!" Urasue roared as she sent a burst of magic completing the spell as the two stood up from the magic lifting them to their feet.

But what surprised Urasue was when the two fell down like dolls lifeless but alive only in body. "Impossible, I don't understand." Urasue said as she went to Kikiyo and lift her up by her hair to figure out what went wrong. "The body was revived but the soul did not return." Urasue began before she looked to the revived Knight and was shocked. "He is the same but my unparalleled magic could not fail to bring back their souls." Urasue raged as this shouldn't be possible. "Wait this can only have happened if the souls had already reincarnated into another body! I have no use for the bodies of Amidamaru or Kikyo unless they have souls!" Urasue roared tossing Kikyo aside and kicking Amidamaru in his ribs. "All this time and magic to revive not one BUT TWO useless shells of humans I should have at least gotten ONE useful servant but now I how will I retrieve the jewels HOW!?" Urasue roared at her plans failure.

(Back with the group)

As the group walked through the woods they passed by many empty clay cocoons as Zaruba looked to them. "These clay cocoons be wary of them. No doubt Urasue has them here to protect herself and her lair." Zaruba said as he saw the statues there.

"Ok so they move we kill." Inuyasha said as Yuma smirked.

"Sound easy enough." Yuma said as his great grandfather was in danger of being made a meat puppet at best and a Horror at worse.

Soon they arrived at a rickety bridge as Yuma saw this. "Hey uh this doesn't look safe." Yuma said as the Madou Tool war wagon growled no doubt knowing it can't cross this path quiet easily.

"I agree this doesn't look safe at all." Kagome said looking at the bridge.

Yuma looked at it and then sighed. "Well we ain't getting any younger." Yuma said as he began crossing the bridge with Kagome as she had to return Katsurako to her amulet so she can cross without Kaede getting harmed.

"Wait up you two!" Kagome called trying to catch up to them.

As the group walk across the bridge, Kagome stop all of the sudden as no doubt the fear of heights is getting to her, and she wasn't the only one as Yuma move across the bridge while holding onto the chain but he keep looking ahead than below.

Kagome's legs shakes as she said, "Freak me out!"

"Keep moving… kagome… just keep looking…ahead," Yuma said step by step without looking down as Inuyasha turn to the reincarnated priestess as he said, "Man even Yuma has more courage than you. Stay here if you scared of crossing. Me and Yuma and go on our own to get the remains back okay?"

"Yea, as if! I'll just stand here a couple hundred feet above ground blowing in the wind!" kagome said in a sarcastic way while the sound of fear in her tone.

"Come then if you want," Inuyasha said as he walk off and head of Yuma as he still taking step by step as Kagome said, "Wait! Are you going to help me across?"

Shippo was rushing ahead and then stop as he saw the clay cocoon ahead of him as Shippo said, "Hey how did those get here?"

Yuma look ahead and saw the clay cocoon as well and a thought came to his head as he thought, 'They are like weeping angels from Doctor who, or SCP-173 from scp containment breach… wow I guess relies I have a lot of free time with things.'

'Too much time I would think,' Zaruba said in their link as during daylight time during after school or weekends, Yuma does watch shows or play game a lot which he should be using it to train more with his sword… but he does try to get a few hours of training done at least.

The clay cocoon break apart reviling the clay soldiers inside of them as Inuyasha said, "These must be Urasue soldiers."

"If they are… ahead, then that mean they are behind us!" Yuma said as his fear was over written by action as he stood up and pull out his sword and true to what he said there were clay soldiers behind them.

As the soldiers flow advance as Yuma held out Zaruba and said, "What can you tell me zaruba?"

"There not horrors that for sure," Zaruba said as Yuma growl at that and said, "What else can you tell me other than that?"

"They are clay soldiers, filled with remains and souls of the dead, and by the look of these, they are the weaker kind, break apart ease, but what they lack in strength make up in numbers. I'll be careful," Zaruba said giving the info as Yuma said, "That all I need to know."

"Hang everyone, this swinging bridge is about to live up to its name," Inuyasha said as he charged at them.

"Iron reaver Soul stealer!" Inuyasha called out his attack as they broke apart upon contacted.

Yuma moved behind Kaede and kagome as Yuma resorted to his Kendo training as his makai knight sword training would most likely cut the bridge apart, as he slash down upon of the upcoming slay soldiers with Shippo helping using 'Fox Fire' to cover their site if they have any while Yuma strikes down upon them.

Inuyasha tore through the soldiers with ease as he said, "I wish all my other enemies were this weak… too bad there so many of them!"

Inuyasha was getting tired quickly, as Yuma preserve his energy with simple strike as best he can, as he may cut down few, but it seem with each one he cut down, another keeps taking its place, as the line of them hasn't gone down as he said, "At this rate, we'll be tired out before we can reach Urasue hideout."

"Is that going to stop you?!" Zaruba called as Yuma smirked.

"Not even if I was a cripple! Dear old great granddad need to be put back to rest as soon as possible!" Yuma called as he slashed another Clay Mummy.

(With Urasue)

Urasue was trying to figure out how she can fix this as she currently had two lifeless husks before her who were completely useless. Soon she heard the sound of fighting as she glared at the sound as she can feel her puppets were awoken and dealing with the foes who approached. "What can all that ruckus be outside?" Urasue asked as she looked to the source with a glare. "I'll go see for myself and work off some frustration." Urasue said intent on dealing with the pests herself while grabbing the herbs.

But as she grabbed them Amidamaru and Kikyo refused to release the mentioned herbs but the two would not let go causing Urasue to struggle as she did not wish to damage the herbs. "Release them those herbs belong to me!" Urasue growled as she tried to take them.

But to her shock Kikyo and Amidamaru began to move as they looked to the opening no doubt feeling it from beyond. "Inuyasha look out!" Kagome's voice was heard as Urasue was shocked.

"Zaruba any bright ideas!?" Yuma's voice was heard as well as Amidamaru and Kikyo knew those two particular names mentioned.

"They moved on their own... WAIT!" Urasue realized as she grabbed her scythe no doubt having an epiphany.

(Back with the group)

Yuma roared as he would have summoned his armor but Zaruba had warned him before summoning Garo would possibly destroy the bridge so he chose not to. Yuma slashed through the Clay mummies as he protected Kagome from behind. Unaware to either of them Urasue was in the air as she looked down and saw Yuma and Kagome both were spitting images of Amidamaru and Kikyo respectfully.

"Those two must be Kikyo and Amidamaru's reincarnation and Amidamaru's reborn self is the current Golden Knight I have truly been blessed with good fortune. Now the fangs shall return to the original sheath." Urasue said knowing grabbing both of them will not only grant her the two servants but also the Golden Knights power at full strength. "They are almost doubles and the boy is a spitting image with the Golden Armor. How fortuities for me the resemblance is remarkable no doubt about it that must be them." Urasue said as she couldn't believe it.

As the duo fighters were fighting their way through the Clay Dolls Inuyasha caught the scent of Urasue as Zaruba did as well. "LOOK OUT!" Zaruba called as the two fighters looked and saw Urasue descend and cut the bridge in two causing the group to fall into the chasm with the clay mummies as Urasue acted and grabbed both Yuma and Kagome as Yuma was in a spot where he couldn't use the Garoken no doubt by Urasue's hands.

"Oh no Kaede Shippo!" Kagome called as Yuma glared at Kaede.

"Let us go you insane old hag!" Yuma called as he struggled to break free.

"Yeah release us!" Kagome yelled as she struggled as well to which Urasue maneuvered herself to have her scythe blade at Kagome's neck while Yuma couldn't afford to drop the Garoken.

"Prefer to drop to your deaths young maiden and young knight?!" Urasue asked as Yuma glared.

"Hey better than being stuck with you, you old bat." Yuma countered as he struggled.

"Silence you impudent brat I'd prefer to keep you and the Garoken in one place together. After all my hard work trying to reviving those corpses I won't easily give up their reincarnated souls. I have plans in stored for you and this brat Golden Armor. Plans to bring back Kikyo and Amidamaru and make the Golden Knight my slave." Urasue said as the Watchdog was no doubt observing the whole exchange.

"Bring back, Kikyo and... great grandfather Amidamaru?" Kagome asked as she knew for a fact this was bad.

"Ok I don't like the sound of that at all." Yuma said as he began to struggle faster intent of being dragged away kicking and screaming.

'Impossible, how can I been so foolish? We all basically brought to her the final piece of her plan on a golden platter.' Zaruba mentally cursed as his own short sightings may have caused them greatly.

(at the Watchdog Center)

"We've made a poor error in judgment." The Center Watchdog said not realizing they basically gave Urasue the means to revive Amidamaru and Kikyo before it was too late.

"And our request for the Ring of Zareki has been denied."

"All Hope is not lost thought."

"Yes if the Golden Knight's allies can rescue them or if the current Golden Knight can break free then take back the remains then we may prevent Amidamaru's rest from being disturbed."

"Our only hope now... is in that small band." The Watchdog said as they must not allow Amidamaru to be revived into a living Hell.

(With Yuma and Kagome)

(I skipped the scene between Inuyasha, Shippo, and Kaede because it was pretty much the same save for minor changes)

Yuma was still struggling as he was tied up dunked in some sort of pool or pot of green liquid as Kagome voiced her objections. "Stop! What do you think your pulling here!" Kagome demanded as she was bound in rope.

"If it's some bondage fetish you sick hag use your corpses for that type of shit!" Yuma cursed her out as he struggled splashing the liquid about but not enough to spill it out.

"You two are insolent ones." Urasue said as she finished filling Kagome's tub spot. "That should do it good." Urasue said as Yuma smelled it.

"One you put in this water your own urine and shit!" Yuma cursed her out intent on at least giving her the worst time she ever had with reviving corpses before he kicks her ass.

Soon two figures appeared from the cave as area as Yuma, Kagome, and Zaruba looked and all three were in shock at what they saw. Kikyo walked out followed closely by Amidamaru both of which were fully dressed now as Amidamaru had somehow found his own Madou Robes that seem to come with a crimson scarf of sorts. (Think Raikou's Madou Robes with the added scarf)

"Are those who I think it is?" Yuma asked as he was shocked at this.

"Who are they?" Kagome asked as Zaruba looked.

"Amidamaru your shared ancestor," Zaruba spoke as he could not believe it.

"Ah so you had dressed yourselves good the attire of the Knights and Miko are both fitting upon you two adding to your good looks. I have done well to reform your bodies using human bones and graveyard soil." Urasue said bragging about her 'accomplishment.' "Now all that you require is a human soul each." Urasue said as Yuma quickly realized what she was going to do.

"What are you talking about?" Kagome asked as Yuma glared.

"She wants to rip our souls out and force them into Kikyo and Amidamaru's bodies." Yuma glared as he already failed a bit but doesn't mean he can't turn those bodies back into ashes.

"My magical urbal potion will soon suck the soul straight out of your bodies. Kikyo and Amidamaru will have their souls and you two shall be among the living dead." Urasue taunted as she leaned over the two as Yuma then spit in her face hard causing it to hit her face as she glared at Yuma and sent a good slap to his face.

"Must suck having to deal with a stubborn soul huh." Yuma glared as he tried to think of a plan of escape.

(With Inuyasha)

Inuyasha after he had gotten the rundown of what a warrior like Amidamaru can do if worked in conjunction with Kikyo and the chaos they would bring to hunt the jewel shards. Kaede feared even Inuyasha wouldn't be able to stand against them. When Inuyasha landed he saw Kaede hissing in pain no doubt from all this speed and such. "Show some mercy! Can't you see Kaede-baachan is in a lot of pain!?" Shippo scolded as he pointed at Inuyasha.

"Faster slower would someone make up their mind!?" Inuyasha called as they were in a hurry after all.

"I beg of ye to proceed quickly. Fly like the Devils are at your heels!" Kaede called as Inuyasha got the message and began jumping upward to the top.

"If we don't hurry Kagome and Yuma's souls will be stolen! Kaede is right there's no time to lose." Shippo said before he jumped up to catch up to Inuyasha.

(Back with the Cousins)

"Damn this stuff I can't move I can barely breath?!" Yuma cursed as he tried his hardest to move.

"Yuma, Kagome stay strong and keep fighting this is very powerful magic you need to overcome this!" Zaruba called as the two struggled.

"These young children differ somehow most of my victims would have fallen faint by now. Perhaps it's to be expected from Amidamaru's descendants." Urasue said as she looked at the two with curiosity before a bright light shined as Urasue saw it. "That light that girl possess a fragment of the Shikon Jewel! How very fortuities for me!" Urasue called as she went after the jewel only for her to be knocked back as a barrier erected around the two followed closely by what appeared to be phantoms of previous Golden Knights standing guard of the two.

"Could this light shine from both the jewel and Garo themselves?" Urasue asked before she was knocked back as she was shocked at this as the barrier got bigger and with it the guarding Knights grew closer forcing Urasue to step back. "The souls they appear to be angry and have unfinished business in this world." Urasue said as angry souls were harder for her to handle. "Kikyo's soul is shining with an inexplicably violent and angry light and Amidamaru's soul is in rage for some sort of past events." Urasue said as she did not know what could make these two so angry.

"I'm going to throw up." Kagome said as she felt sick.

"You and me both." Yuma complained as Zaruba knew there was something in this world Amidamaru had left unfinished.

"The souls are seeking revenge and closure. Kikyo must have experienced a tremendous betrayal in her former life and Amidamaru must have experienced a great pain indescribable before he died with a broken heart." Urasue said as Amidamaru looked to the barrier while Kikyo looked to the distance and saw Inuyasha, Kaede and Shippo coming their way.

"Kikyo is there!" Kaede called as she saw the other. "And so is Amidamaru." Kaede said as she saw the two there.

"Took you long enough Inuyasha now hurry up and help!" Yuma called as Inuyasha was shocked.

"Hurry Inuyasha help us!" Kagome called as Urasue was shocked to see them.

"It is her." Inuyasha said as he was shocked to see her.

Kagome was trying to keep it together as soon Kikyo was heard as she knew Inuyasha was here. "Do not call out for me... do not call out my name." Kikyo's voice said as Amidamaru was in a similar spot.

"Don't do it Young Hanyou let us rest in peace." Amidamaru's voice was heard as one of the ethereal Garo's turned to Inuyasha.

But alas it would be for not as Inuyasha is his shock did not listen. "K-Kikyo." Inuyasha quietly called to her as soon Kagome's eyes shot open as did Yuma's as Zaruba felt it, Yuma's soul was being split the part that was Amidamaru was being forced out. Soon the power burst out as it sent a beam of light to the sky as Urasue was all smiles about this.

"Their souls are emerging!" Urasue called as she finally did it.

"Kagome! Yuma!" Inuyasha called in shock as he didn't want to lose Kagome and the closest thing he had to a brother.

"Instead you called her name her heart missed a beat and Kikyo's soul sprang forth and with it Amidamaru's chasing after the love that had stolen his heart after the tragedy that befell him." Urasue called as Zaruba heard this.

'Tragedy?' Zaruba asked as his memories were fuzzy as he could not remember a tragedy that would cause Amidamaru to fall for another. The souls spheres flew around as one of the ethereal Garo's sparing up as the souls parts flew around each other before this Garo Ghost flew torts Amidamaru as it the souls flew to Kikyo as Kikyo's souls parts flew straight into her while Amidamaru's ghost entered his old body though a clay corpse but still his body.

Amidamaru screamed out in pain as he felt it the final moments before his forced revival as the Horror's taint was banished but the pain he had felt then has appeared again but as it slowly vanished it looked like he was about to claw his own face off but his own stubbornness and pride would not allow him to do so. Soon a bright light flashed as both Kikyo and Amidamaru floated in the air as they slowly floated back to the ground giving off a dull ethereal glow.

Kikyo's hands reached her own face while Amidamaru's fists clenched hard enough that it would have drawn forth blood as his fists shook showing he was holding back his full fury. "Kagome and Yuma's souls have entered Kikyo and Amidamaru's bodies." Inuyasha said in a state of disbelief.

Shippo ran over to Kagome and Yuma's still bodies as he was worried. "Kagome, Yuma-niisan don't leave us!" Shippo called as he looked to them.

"Yuma! Kagoem! Oi get a grip wake up!" Zaruba called as he was about to lose a partner before he could fully bloom as a Makai Knight.

Urasue scoffed at the two as she got what she wanted. "You waste your time speaking to those soulless lumps of flesh but I have no bodes for having the later for dinner." Urasue called as Zaruba kept trying to wake Yuma up as he knew the Golden Knight who jumped through time was still alive and awake.

"You fiend, Urasue! How dare ye desecrate my sisters grave and the grave of these younglings ancestor and use their remains." Urasue glared as Inuyasha saw that Amidamaru was ticked in fact he looked pissed off.

"My creations are wondrous are they not? I used grave site soil to revive them as living flesh and blood." Urasue said as Amidamaru walked torts a sword and picked it up seeing it belonged to one of Urasue's clay dolls as he slid his finger across it drawing blood. "And as such I am their creator nee their birth mother and as proof of their allegiance to me they shall follow my every command. Now come and use your powers to GAUG?!" Urasue said as Amidamaru appeared before her and stabbed her straight into the chest causing Kikyo to grab on to Amidamaru transferring her power through him and into the sword he wielded.

"I know who my mother is and she's someone not like you... you vile witch!" Amidamaru glared as soon the Sacred Powers of Kikyo went throught he sword just as the blade was lit with a Green Madou Flame. "MADOU FLAME SCAR!" Amidamaru invoked as he spun to around and used the Madou Flames and the Sacred Energy to send a powerful blast of Green Madou Flames straight to Urasue's lair/oven destroying it in one fell swoop while scaring the ground with scorch marks shaped like scars.

"Amidamaru." Zaruba said as he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Zaruba..." Amidamaru said as he was shocked as he tried to make sense of what was going on. "I... remember dying leaving the Garoken for the new Golden Knight to retrieve." Amidamaru said as he then saw Kikyo as in his prior rage against Urasue he forgot the situation. "Kikyo..." Amidamaru greeted seeing that priestess here as well.

"Amidamaru." Kikyo greeted as she remembered him during the months before his death. Kikyo then looked down as she saw Inuyasha as she knew he was here. "Inuyasha... why are you still alive." Kikyo growled as she remembered her last dying moments. "I bound you to a tree with the sacred arrow." Kikyo said as Amidamaru was lost here since he died a year before Kikyo.

"You sure did and I stayed there for 50 years and as you can see I'm alive and ready to take you on again." Inuyasha answered in a cocky manner but with a hidden rage no doubt still hung up on how the 'broke up,' much like Kikyo.

For Kikyo there seem to be a lingering feeling of anger inside of her… of betrayal as she raise her head to him with tears in her eyes as she said, "Vile beast."

Kikyo stood up and said, "I despise you lonesome half-man." All of the sudden a red glow came from kikyo's shoulder and then a wound appeared from it as Amidamaru saw this and sense a wicked power that came from it before it fade leaving Kikyo with a wound that seem to have come from moments before she died 50 years ago.

For Amidamaru he felt his old wounds from his past coming back but nothing he can't bear, as it was just mostly phantom pain from the scars he gain in life before death.

Inuyasha saw kikyo reaction but didn't see the blood on her as he said, "Got a problem kikyo?"

Kikyo turn back to him, as she pull her hand away from her shoulder and saw the blood on it as she look back up at inuyasha with her hand in front of her as she said, "Why did you betrayed me Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha is taken by surprise by that as he saw the blood and said, "What's going on, where all that blood coming from?"

"Look closely Inuyasha. Isn't that not the fatal wound ye inflexed on Kikyo?" Kaede said as Inuyasha turn to the old woman and said, "I inflexed? What are you saying, that I was the one who killed Kikyo?"

"Yes! It your wound that seal her fate and ensure her demise," Kaede said as Inuyahsa is confuse beyond everything that is going on as he said, "There must be some mistake of some kind. I didn't kill her, I don't even remember wounding her."

Amidamaru stood steady as it seem something strange is going on here, the wick power he sense a moment ago from kikyo's wound, the talk about wounding and betraying. Amidamaru knew something is wrong as he can tell the emotion of anyone if they are real or fake, and inuyasha wasn't faking it, and he must figure out what happen before someone try to kill the other, even worst he knew two people were in danger if their soul aren't return to them in time, they would parish.

"Are you certain, that these wounds did not come from your hands? Think hard, try to remember. If-if not you, then who slay my sister?" Kaede said as she looked to her sister once more, as the wound still dripping blood.

"You are even more vile then I though in bending such feeble excuses please its most unflattering Inuyasha stop it." Kikyo growled out no doubt the rage she felt was quiet strong. Kikyo hissed in pain as she tried to move despite her injuries as Amidamaru needed a plan to put the souls back where they belong. "Inuyasha, do you not remember when you told you wish to become human." Kikyo said as Inuyasha remembered that but Kaede was unaware of this.

"Impossible he wished to become a demon." Kaede said as Amidamaru looked at his surroundings and the sword he picked up.

'The sword is useless to me it's not capable of channeling the power I wield so if a fight breaks out I may have to rely on my cunning and hand to hand combat. But if my memory is correct Kikyo was a master marksman so getting close to her may be as easy as getting close to a nest of Hawk Demons in order to slay them.' Amidamaru said analyzing his advantages.

"You said you would become human. I believed your words that day I carried the Shikon Jewel and went to you." Kikyo said as she remembered that day vividly since it was her last day in the world of the living.

(Flashback 50 Years ago)

Kikyo was looking around for Inuyasha as she had the jewel in her hands but unknown to her someone came from behind running straight at her before the sound of claws on flesh was sound causing Kikyo to cry out in pain. Kikyo fell to the ground mortally wounded as she was caught off guard at a moment of weakness as coming up behind her was a familiar head of silver but he was different somehow. Kikyo tried to grab the jewel but then a foot stepped on her hand stopping her from grabbing it.

"Fool I have no desire what so ever to become human." The voice of Inuyasha said but it was different it held none of his cockiness or arrogance it was like a completely different person. "I shall take the Shikon Jewel non the less thanks this jewel is about to absorb a great deal of pain and suffering when I use it to slaughter the villagers." Inuyasha said using vocabulary that he wouldn't normally use or at all.

Inuyasha began to take his leave as Kikyo glared at the vanishing form of Inuyasha no doubt her fury had begun as it may have been enough to open a Gate. But she knew she needed to reign on her rage as per Amidamaru's warnings. But soon Inuyasha stopped before he laughed a bit. "Maybe I should take the Sword of the Makai while I'm at it; with the Jewel I can easily draw forth the sword." Inuyasha said as he then took his leave.

"You... traitor." Kikyo growled as Inuyasha then continued to leave. "TRAITOR!" Kikyo roared at Inuyasha with rage etched deep into her heart.

(Flashback over)

Amidamaru was starting to see the puzzle put itself together as he cursed himself for being so naïve he should have taken the Jewel that day and none of this would have happened. 'The Jewel, it's always that blasted Jewel and it trap.' Amidamaru cursed himself knowing what the Jewel really was.

"But Kikyo I cannot believe Inuyasha would have committed such a heinous crime." Kaede roared as Amidamaru saw the evidence as he knew there were shape shifter out there and either Inuyasha's memories were tampered with during these 50 years or there was a third party involved.

"Are you suggesting I was the one who betrayed you!?" Inuyasha roared in anger as Kikyo then became calm as she glared at Inuyasha.

"You know it's true. That is why I summoned up the last restages of my strength and bound you to the tree with my sacred arrow before the very sword you sought after beyond your reach." Kikyo said as the two resurrected humans soon regained movement of their bodies as the pain vanished.

As Kikyo walked over to Inuyasha Amidamaru acted and grabbed Kikyo by the shoulder. "Stop." Amidamaru said as Kikyo was surprised by this action. "Your clearly not seeing the bigger picture here Kikyo." Amidamaru said trying to talk sense into her.

"You had never even met Inuyasha and he had pinned for your sword so why do you speak on his behalf." Kikyo growled as Amidamaru glared back.

"Simply put I had seen into his mind with the other Garo's when the last night of new moon he wielded my armor." Amidamaru said as Kikyo in her furious state glared at Amidamaru.

"Then he deceives you all." Kikyo growled as she then released a burst of her sacred magic to knock Amidamaru back as the deceased Makai Knight slid on the ground by his foot where and looked at Kikyo.

"Don't challenge me Kikyo you'll regret it." Amidamaru said as seeing as he was already dead the laws of the Makai don't exactly apply to him anymore especially since he was no longer Garo.

"Inuyasha." Kikyo said as she began to walk torts Inuyasha calling Amidamaru's bluff especially when she knew deep down that Amidamaru wouldn't attack her unless given no other option especially when he was entering his final days.

"Kikyo," Inuyasha responded letting his guard down as Amidamaru saw it just as Kikyo but her hands on his sleeve.

"You and I were fated never to meet again." Kikyo said as she began to enact her small trap.

"RUN YOU FOOL!" Amidamaru called as Inuyasha was wide eyed but too late as Kikyo released a burst of her sacred power into Inuyasha knocking him back just as Kaede ran over to Kikyo while Amidamaru ran over to Inuyasha.

"Are you well?" He asked as he checked over Inuyasha.

"Yeah I am Yuma." Inuyasha said out of reflex as Amidamaru looked confused for a moment.

"I am not my descendant but I suppose the resemblance is in canning to the point it's easy to mix us up." Amidamaru said as he helped Inuyasha to his feet.

"Stop this assault, Kikyo." Kaede pleaded to her resurrected elder sister trying to talk sense into her.

"Who are you?" Kikyo demanded as she didn't recognize Kaede at all.

"I am your younger sister Kaede. My looks have altered because 50 years had since your demise." Kaede said as Amidamaru was surprised.

"Your that girl from all those years ago?" Amidamaru asked as she had really went up there in age.

"Then explain why both you and Amidamaru would speak on Inuyahsa's behalf?" Kikyo asked not liking how her younger sister was defending the one who murdered her. "Give me this!" Kikyo demanded as she took the Bow and an arrow and took aim.

"Damn it, move!" Amidamaru yelled to Inuyasha as the Arrow was released as Amidamaru then used the sword to block it but seeing as the sword was tainted already the sacred power caused it to break into two knocking Amidamaru back from an explosive power.

"Kaede!" Kikyo yelled turning to Kaede who was in shock as to what she was seeing.

"You must stop this madness Inuyasha is not your enemy!" Kaede tried to reason as she knew like Amidamaru something did not add up with both of there stories.

"Open your eyes you both have been taken in by this deceitful monster!" Kikyo yelled as Amidamaru glared.

"I barely even know him how do you suppose he can trick me so soon!" Amidamaru countered as he wasn't doing it to help Inuyasha as for him it was just a bonus. No he was trying to save the lives of his two great grandchildren as he would not allow their lives to be snuffed out by Urasue's dark resurrection spell.

"You are Mistake, Kikyo!" Kaede yelled as Kikyo clearly wasn't going to listen to reason.

"Hand me your arrows!" Kikyo demanded as she needed ammo.

"I will do no such thing!" Kaede called as Kikyo glared.

"Kaede show loyalty to your flesh and blood! Not some devious lying half breed, now hear the demand of your elder sister and give me those arrows!" Kikyo yelled as she took the Arrows by force as Kaede tried to stop her.

"Sister!" Kaede called trying to hold Kikyo back.

"MOVE!" Kikyo yelled pushing Kaede aside. "You told me you wish to be human." Kikyo said as she took out another Arrow and took aim. "You told me you wished to be with me." Kikyo growled no doubt in rage by Inuyasha's betrayal of her trust.

"Dammit all." Amidamaru cursed as he knew something was tying him to the world of the living something deeply rooted to his pain but if he did not return the soul to his great grandson then most likely he will die. What's worse his great granddaughters life was also at stake so long as Kikyo harbors such hatred torts Inuyasha.

"Wait Kikyo I meant every word!" Inuyasha called as Kikyo glared.

"LIAR! I was a fool beyond compare to believing your farfetched tales and believing I can live together with you." Kikyo growled as Amidamaru wished his old Makai Priestess partner was still around or at least his old student. "I despise you with my last breath my spirit will not forget that all-consuming hatred so long as you live my spirit cannot be freed." Kikyo growled before two new voices was heard.

"Yare, yare then let me help send it along!" Came a familiar yet aged voice to Amidamaru as soon gold lights shinned out and surrounded the area creating a field of sorts keeping Kikyo inside as everyone even Kikyo was shocked.

Soon a battle cry was heard as Kikyo saw and looked to see the man who Yuma had met with his own Makai Ken drawn as he slammed the sword down upon Kikyo who dodged it just in time. "Hello shishiu it's been 50 years and you haven't changed a bit." The Bearer of the Knight Title of Lord said as Eruba chuckled.

"Time does do its part in aging." Eruba said as Amidamaru was shocked.

"Hiroshi." Amidamaru said as the Makai Priestess who helped Yuma before landed on a star shaped seal as she was providing assistance.

"What, no hello for your dear mother? Yare, yare what a horrible son I raised." Seimei cried as Amidamaru knew who she was instantly.

"Yep that's my mother." Amidamaru said as he saw Seimei sighed at this as she was happy to see her son after all these years but sad that his eternal rest was defiled by a demon.

Seimei walked over to him as she lay her arms around and hug him as she said, "I have missed you my son."

"I missed you too mother," Amidamaru said as he return the hug as he is somewhat surprise to see her around, even after 50 years and she was looking like she is in her 50 or 60, but that makai magic for you as it work in strange way of things.

Amidamaru let off the hug and said, "We need to put back the soul soon or else my-."

"I know, I've been watching the whole time and reported what has been happen. I'll help you returns the souls, and I know a way to do so, but I might need your help," Seimei said as Amidamaru look to his mother as he gave a nod and Seimei whisper her plan to seimei.

Kikyo bang on the barrier try to break free but could not at the moment, as the makai priestess and makai knights walk up to her as Seimei began to say, "Calm down young one. There no need to be upset."

Kikyo looked at her and said, "I don't know who you are or what business you have here, but release me at once!"

"Calm down before I bend you over my lap and spank you, child or no child of mine, I will do it," Seimei said as she held out her brush as Kikyo look at her and said, "Don't you understand, he tricking all of you! He's a lair, a theif, and traitor!"

"Keep that up, and we will put you to rest forcefully if need be," Hiroshi said as he ready his sword to do what is needed to be done, as kikyo is already dead and what is dead should stay dead.

"I do not know this Inuyasha all that well, in fact I don't really care about him, but my son seem to trust him, so you better listen to reason before you do something you'll regret," Seimei said as kikyo grit her teeth at her as she started to build up sacred energy within her.

Amidamaru step up to her and said, "Listen… Inuyasha isn't the one that killed you, at the night of the new moon, I've seen his memories and I know of this betrayal you're talking about, but it's not his… it's yours."

Kikyo eyes widen a bit to that as the revived makai went on saying, "In the memories, you fire upon him, calling him out… and what he said is true, he didn't kill you, nor wounded you."

"That's a pack of lies. Even in memories he lies," Kikyo as Amidamaru looked at her and said, "Did he really, or you can't get over the fact you died, and you just blame the one person that you thought had killed you?... let me show it to you then."

Amidamaru reach out his hand as he was about to show kikyo the truth as miko priestess said, "Don't touch me!"

Amidamaru did not heed her words as once his hand touch her forehead, memories flashes in her mind and saw the memories of inuyasha on the day that she died and he was sealed to the tree.

Kikyo saw the memories flash before her eyes as she saw how Inuyasha was at the forest and was attack suddenly before she glared at the Makai trio before she released the sacred power she charged up.

"Look out!" Inuyasha called as he saw the burst as soon barrier field shattered into millions of pieces as Seimei used her own magic to shield themselves.

"That's impossible." Seimei called as she had never met a Miko this powerful before.

Amidmaru held his bloodied hand as he looked to Kikyo with a glare. "Regardless of our past Amidamaru or the fact that girl is your granddaughter it is futile I shall not return to that body until I carry out my revenge on the traitorous beast." Kikyo glared as Amidamaru saw her aim her bow and arrow.

"Inuyasha run now get out of here!" Amidamaru ordered as Inuyasha glared.

"The Hell I will!" Inuyasha called ready to fight.

"Inuyasha you are the one who will die!" Kikyo roared as rage has consumed her.

Inuyasha then drew Tetsuaiga as Amidamaru knew that sword quiet well. The Arrow soon proved to be stronger as the sword reverted to its sealed state as Amidamaru was shocked.

"It over powered the Tetsuaiga." Amidamaru said as Hiroshi looked.

Soon the arrow hit Inuyasha's chest burning through his Kimono as Inuyasha cried out in pain. Yuma and Kagomes eyes soon shot open as Amidamaru and Kikyo stopped their struggle as they saw the soul spheres leave their respected bodies and began to fly torts the know glowing Yuma and Kagome.

"About time they did it." Seimei said as this was her plan. She knew those two held a close bond to Inuyasha so they used Kikyo's rage against her.

"No not yet this cannot be! My revenge!" Kikyo called as the two sets of souls flew to Yuma and Kagome where they belonged as the Arrow soon lost power saving Inuyasha's life.

Inuyasha began to get up as Amidamaru looked to Hiroshi and Seimei. "Go you still have unfinished, business do you not?" Seimei said as Amidamaru nodded. "When you find your sons Horror make it quick." Seimei said as Amidamaru then followed after Kikyo.

"Wh-where is she?" Inuyasha asked as revised his sword to help himself up. "There!" He called as he saw her. "Kikyo!" He valled as Seimei looked.

"Something keeps them tied to this world a job they need to finish." Seimei said as she saw the two escape as she was letting them escape. "But will you become the monster instead Amidamaru or will your just heart stand firm and pure?" Seimei wondered as she looked to her hurting son.

(With Amidamaru and Kikyo)

"Kikyo stop!" Amidamaru called as he caught up to Kikyo trying to keep her from getting hurt more than needed.

"Leave me be Amidamaru return your soul to your grandsons body!" Kikyo yelled at Amidamaru.

"You first with my granddaughter!" Amidamaru countered as he tried to follow after Kikyo.

"Just stay away!" Kikyo said she try to get away as Amidamaru follow behind as he said, "You're just hurting yourself. Give up your need for revenge and return the soul."

Kikyo didn't listen as she rush herself but ended up tripping on some rocks and made her fall over an edge, as Amidamaru wasn't going to reach her in time, then suddenly a hand reach out and grab her before she fell down below.

Kikyo look to see who caught her before she fell and saw Inuyasha as she gasp and said, "Inuyasha."

"Kikyo, you can go on like this any longer. You must return to Kagome's body," Inuyahsa said as he keep hold of Kikyo's hand but he slow felt it slipping a bit.

"Are you saying you wish for me to die, is that it?" kikyo said a Inuyahsa is surprise by that as she went on saying, "For my soul to return to the girl then I will cease to existed, you must know that."

Inuyasha didn't know what to say as kikyo was about to say something else until the sound of boots skid on the ground near the edge as Amidamaru stood by them and said, "It's not that kikyo."

Kikyo turn to Amidamaru as he went on saying, "Our time have pass so our soul must be pass on… to a new generation so they can learn from us. We won't cease to exist… we will be remember by those that come after, so stories would be told of us of how honorable we were, as we live on within the new and be proud legacy we left behind as what good is revenge… when it just leave a void in your heart that will never be filled?"

"And what about you… aren't you suppose to return, but instead you're here seeking the one thing you wish to kill, how that any different than me?" Kikyo asked as Inuyasha is confuse about that as well.

Amidamaru looked at her and said, "There a different of settling a score… and putting the pass in the pass for not revenge I seek… its redemption."

Kikyo looked at him and had a sad look on her face and said, "I am sorry then… but it seem we are at a crossroads."

Kikyo reach out her other hand to Inuyasha as she said, "And I refuse to die."

Send a current of sacred energy to her hand, making Inuyasha cry out in pain as Kikyo said to the half demon, "My spirit cannot rest, until your dead!"

Inuyasha could not hold his position on the edge as he started to fall down but quickly grab the edge of the cliff he was on as he called out, "Kikyo."

His grip was loosen and Kikyo was slipping through his hands as Amidamaru quickly grab jump over the edge, and use the handle of the sword he used with the bit of blade left on it stab into the stone and hand from it, as he reach out with his good hand as he said, "Grab my hand kikyo!"

Kikyo look to the revived makai knight as he held out his hand to her but he will most likely fall with her as he use his bad hand, the wound she cause, to hold on to that broken sword as she said, "Good bye."

Kikyo send a bit more energy through her hand to have inuyasha release her as she fall down below as Inuyasha shouted, "Kikyo!"

Kikyo vanish in the mist below as Amidamaru is shock by this… as it seem she choose her path and there nothing he can do about it.

Both him and Inuyasha climb back up to stable grounds as for inuyasha his hands balled into fist and said, "Why… why did it have to be this way?"

Amidamaru sighed as it seem he got his work cut out for him, as sure most of the soul return back to Yuma and Kagome that they will able to keep living as normal but to his fear without them, they might not reach their full potential.

He started to walk away as Inuyasha turn to him and yelled, "Where the hell are you going off to?"

Amidamaru stop in his track but didn't turn around as he said, "To finish that was left unfinished… tell kagome I'm sorry I could not get the last of her soul to return… and tell Yuma I'm going to be borrowing a piece of his soul for now… but I will return it one day, as for now, this is where I must part away."

Inuyasha watch as the revived makai knight walk away and vanish in the rolling mist that came up on the side.

For Inuyasha, there was nothing he can do, he was hurt and all he can do is lick his wounds, and return back to the group to tell them the news.

(moments later)

Darkness filled Yuma's vistion, and his hearing became silent, until he hears someone.


"That voice?" Yuma thought came in clear as a light shine into the darkness as the voice was getting clearer


"I know that voice," Yuma spoken in his mind as the light gotten brighter as he said with his words, "Shippo?"

The light blinded him, but soon return to the site of blue sky and green trees, and familiar orange fur that filled his vision, as it was blur at first before it clear up as Yuma hears Shippo call out to him again, "Nii-san, please wake up, please!"

Yuma blind a bit as he said in a tired or dry voice, "I'm awake, I'm awake, stop shaking me shippo."

"Yuma nii-san!" Shippo said as he jump up excited as Yuma was okay now as he slowly got up and said, "What happen… where kagome?"

"She's over there but I thought you were..." Shippo said with a teary eye as Yuma then gave Shippo a light bonk on his head.

"Shippo I'm a lot harder to get rid of then that." Yuma said as he looked around and saw they were at Urasue's lair or at least what was left of it. "Anyway can someone explain to me what I missed?" Yuma asked as Kaede sighed.

"It is quiet the tale." Kaede said as Yuma looked.

"I got time." Yuma said as Kaede began to explain what had transpired after Yuma and Kagome passed out.

"Long story short Urasue revived your ancestor who ironically was your past life and to use his power only for it to back fire severely." Seimei said as she only told the part that applied to Yuma.

"Oh... that makes sense." Yuma said as Seimei sat down and sighed.

"Yare, yare daze and I was just going to try for some retirement time too." Seimei complained as being as she wasn't young as she used to be she can't exactly 'swindle,' nobles with her talents and good looks anymore.

"Anyway since the crisis is averted for the time being." Hiroshi said as he got up. "If you need to learn a few tricks I'll be in touch." Hiroshi said as he and Seimei began to take their leave.

"Wait aren't you two going to stay?" Zaruba asked as he looked to the two.

"We would Zaruba but this isn't our era anymore it's the era of the younger generation we're just humble guides now." Hiroshi said as soon her and Seimei were gone.

(Short Scene Break Kikyo)

Kikyo began to come to as she opened her eyes for a bit as soon she was met with the sight of Amidamaru. "Figured you wake up soon." Amidamaru said as he looked to Kikyo.

"Amidamaru? Why did you follow me?" Kikyo asked as Amidamaru smiled.

"I didn't they did." Amidamaru said pointing out she soon saw the sight of white creatures as some of them were holding white balls no doubt souls of the dead. "I simply followed them and they lead me to you." Amidamaru confessed as he saw these bug like creatures fly around.

"So what now then?" Kikyo said as they were both lost souls trapped in the world of the living both with unfinished business. Amidamaru then smirked as he knew what they had to do before they move on to the next world.

"We get started."