Hey everyone, guess who's back, that right and i got a new story for ya, with help of a co-writer, EvaShinobiKaiserKnight, If you don't know who he is, then check him out and his stories.

Now sorry for cutting this short but i've like to get on with the story so inner thought take it away.

Wait, I'm up now? finaly, btu wait what did you want me to do again?

The disclaimer and the warning of things. remember?

Right, Disclaimer & Warnings:

We do not own Garo or inuyasha, we do not plan to make money off of this in any way shape or form. we do not make fun of people just our selfs and the characters.

We will not listen, read, or reply to anyone who hates this story. If you hate it, leave, if you keep pushing it, you'll be reported. And if you are a critic, we do not like your kind of judging of any sorts as if they are so closely to cyber-bullying of any kind... watch your self. This story is rated M for a reason or just incase for violent or gore of any sort. if you did not read the warning, that's your fault.

Please read and review the story, thank you.

(Start prologue)

Where there is light shadows lurk and fear reigns yet by the blade of knights… mankind was given hope.

500 years ago the Golden Knight fought creatures that surpass the power of Demons that plague the Earth, these creature were called Horrors, they came from a world known as the Makai and entered our worlds through objects of Inga called Gates. Eventually Garo vanished from the world and for 500 years Horrors and Makai Knights battle each other and the Knights were winning.

Now let us open the curtains to this world of Darkness as the one who inherits the blood of Garo awakens and battles against Horrors in this world and through time itself. Meet the Savior in the Dark, Yuma Higurashi.


"Kagome it's time to get up, Yuma is already up and ready to go!" a voice called from downstairs in a modest house. Kagome got up as she was a girl with long black hair, chocolate eyes, and fair skin common with Japanese girls. She was currently dressed in PJ's as she walked over to her closet to grab her cloths.

'How can Yuma be such an early bird?' Kagome thought in a tired way as she walked over to the bathroom to begin her morning ritual.

(After her bath)

Kagome walked out dressed in her school uniform as her hair wasn't messy as she walked down the stairs. The past few months have been a hectic change for her for the past month but things have finally gotten to a sense of normality. Her cousin Yuma on her father's side, rest his soul, had recently lost both his parents in a tragic accident and as stated in there will her mother was set as the legal guardian in this event and after all the legal stuff was taken care of her cousin Yuma was enrolled into her school and it didn't take everyone to learn what happened but no one gave him trouble.

Kagome arrived down stairs to see her cousin finishing his food as not to far Kagome's grandfather was talking to him about the Higurashi family shrine and its tradition. Yuma had straight black hair that was combed down, eyes that were an orange color similar to the sun, and he was currently dressed in his uniform.

"Good morning Kagome." He said as he ate in a tone that spoke he was possibly one of those loner types which made all the girls in school fawn over him add to his good looks he gave her classmate Hojo a run for his money.

"Morning Yuma." Kagome greeted as he finished.

"Well sense you finally joined us Kagome I can serve you your food." Kagome's mother said playfully as she served the food.

"Thanks mom." Kagome said as she was served her food which she gratefully dug in.

"Oh Yuma I almost forgot." Kagome's grandfather said as Yuma looked. "There's a box in the storage house that I need you to get, its covered in seals and it's impossible to open and the kanji written on it is none that I recognized." He said as Yuma looked.

"Ok Jiji-san." Yuma said as he put his dish away and headed to find the box.

"Remember it's your birthright as a Higurashi heir!" Kagome's grandfather called to which Yuma only waved.

(With Yuma)

Yuma arrived at the storage shed and began to look for the box. "Jeez Jiji-san you could have given me something to work with finding the box." Yuma complained as he pulled something. But when he pulled a large box old items fell out and over him as among the items were shriveled up heads, a green scaly hand, and even one of those stick things covered in bells. "Ow." He said as he held his head. But then one more then fell over and bonked him on the head leaving a bruise on it to which when he grabbed it after it fell off his head he saw it was the box he grandfather was looking for.

"So this is it." He said but it didn't take long for the seals to burn off shocking him to no end. "Crap Jiji is going to be pissed off." Yuma said as soon once the last seal burned off the box began to shift as pieces of it began to move as if it was locked and when it was all off it opened to reveal a perch that looked like some sort of body and on it was a gothic skill ring. "A ring?" he asked as he looked at it and could swear it was looking at him.

It then yawned as its mouth moved surprising Yuma. "So the seal was finally broken about time." The ring said as Yuma gasped as he fell on his a** and the perch fell onto the floor on its bottom before the ring spoke again. "Oi be careful and that surprised look on you is unbefitting on one who inherits the blood of the Ougon Kishi Garo." The ring said as Yuma looked.

"The ring is talking I must be losing my mind." Yuma said as he was shocked to see this.

"You're not losing your mind that seal was placed there to await the one who inherits the blood of Garo to unseal it." The ring said as Yuma was shocked to see it talking.

"Stop talking, rings don't talk!" He yelled as the ring sighed.

"This is becoming troublesome let's start over my name is Zaruba, I am a Madogu and the eternal partner of Garo, what is your name?" Zaruba asked as he looked at Yuma.

"Ore wa Higurashi Yuma." Yuma said as he looked at Zaruba still shocked to see a talking ring.

"So the Higurashi name still lives on, it seem fate brought us together," As Zaruba said with Yuma waving his hand a bit and saying, "No-no-no, I was in here for looking for… the box you were in. why Jiji wanted it, is beyond me."

"The seal that was place upon the box was meant for the next successor of Garo. You are the next Ougon Kishi, I am here to make the contract," Zaruba said as Yuma look at it and try to figure out what he's meaning as he asked, "what the hell are you talking about?"


AS Kagome was outside with her bag around her shoulders, as she about to head out, but she was waiting on her cousin as she said, "Where the heck is he? We're going to be late."

AS kagome waited a bit more thinking to herself, 'If he doesn't come out in the next 3 minutes-' she was about to go on until she hear a voice calling out, "Buyo!, where are you boy?"

Kagoem turn to the Bone eating well place area to see her little brother, Sota with a bowl of cat food in his hands. AS kagome wonder what her brother was doing as she walks over and says what are you doing Sota? You know we're not allowed to go in there."

AS Sota turn to his big sister and says, "I know but I can find, Buyo anywhere, and this was the last place to look."

As they both turn their heads to inside the dark room of the well resides, and small sound of scoffing was heard.

(Yuma and Zaruba)

Yuma was Hold Zaruba in his hand as the talking ring was explaining what Garo was, and what has gotten him seal up In a box as he said, "Years ago, The wielder of Garo, your ancestor was taken by surprise, by horror, the creature of the makai world, blind sited him when it blood stain his flesh. As when a horror blood touches you, within 100 days you would die and/or become one of them."

"That's… insane. What happen to him, and Isn't there a cure for stuff like that as you said, this… makai order has been around for centuries?" Yuma asked as he gotten use to Zaruba soon enough.

"That were it was coming down to, The last Garo, made his final days counted, said goodbye to his wife, break apart from the order, and seal me within that box, after that I do not know what had happen to him, or why I wasn't given to his child of his blood, I've waited a long time for the blood of Garo to awaken me. AS for a cure… there is one but the rest of getting it is greater danger of getting as it requires you to go in a place that in between this world, and the next and the only ones that can go there safely, are the makai priests." Zaruba said to answer Yuma questions.

"Ok and figuratively speaking let's say I believe all this and accept the title where is this armor of Garo?" Yuma asked as he was skeptical.

"That's where I am lost, the Garoken has been gone for over 500 years as the Garoken is the source of how those who inherit the title of Garo summon the armor." Zaruba said as Yuma looked.

"Then how the Hell a I suppose to get this Garoken if even you don't know where it is?" Yuma asked as he looked at Zaruba.

"If had to pick I would say we should go to the Tower of Heroic Spirits after you receive formal training as no doubt the Tower will know where it is." Zaruba said as Yuma looked. Yuma soon noticed his younger cousin Sota and Kagome at the Well house.

"You stay quiet till I can find a way to sort this mess." Yuma said as Zaruba was quiet. Yuma soon got to Sota before he spoke. "Sota what are you doing here?" Yuma asked as he looked at Sota.

"I was looking for Buyo and was going to check the Well House but now Kagome is going to check." Sota said as Kagome followed.

"I was just looking for you sense you were running kind of late." Kagome said as Yuma looked and nodded. "Anyway I couldn't find the box so sense I'm here I might as well help you look for the cat." Yuma said as he and Kagome then entered the Well House to see that the Well was still there but sealed.

Yuma was getting a creeping feeling as was Kagome but unlike Kagome Yuma never goes into the Well House for any reason unless it's important. That was when Kagome yelped as Yuma looked. "What's wrong?!" Yuma asked as Kagome looked as did Yuma and they saw Buyo the cat. "Jeez don't scare me like that." Yuma said before Zaruba spoke out.


"Who or what was that?!" Kagome asked but then the lid on the Well burst open to reveal a monster with a human torso but with a big difference of having six human arms and being topless as below her torso was a Centipede body as this shocked Yuma and Kagome. The Centipede lady then charged at Kagome and grabbed her as she screamed.

"Kagome!" Yuma called before he (And Zaruba) charged at the Centipede Lady just as she was re-entering the Well and grabbed onto it to try and stop it but now all of them were entering the Well itself.

(down the well)

AS Yuma fell into the well going after the centipede lady that carrying kagome off somewhere as all of the sudden the darkness around was aluminate in lights, like stars in a night sky.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Yuma was going through one strange thing after another as Zaruba said, "I have no idea, but I am sensing a ripple of sort."

"A what?" Yuma asked as he still doesn't understand as Zaruba said, "A ripple of realty, meaning the area around you is changing. I don't know what causing it, but be prepared for the worst."

AS things wasn't looking good as Kagome was struggling against the centipede lady as the demon was trying to get something out of Kagome as she says, "The jewel, I sense it. Give me the Shikon no Tama!"

AS Kagome got out of one of lady Centipede's hands and said, "Let me go!" as kagome push against the demon a bright light shot forth as the demon yell in pain as one of its arms has been detach from her and then she fell deep into the void.

AS Yuma and Zaruba saw that light, as Yuma asked, "What just happen?"

Soon they arrived at their stop as Yuma and Kagome landed being as they were in a cramped space as it is they attempted to get comfortable. "Kagome Daijobu?" Yuma asked as he checked on his cousin.

"Hai but whoever warned us about that, thing we should have listened." Kagome said as then Zaruba spoke again.

"That would be me and your right you should have listened." Zaruba said as Kagome was wide eyed.

"Yuma who was that." Kagome asked before Yuma presented Zaruba.

"Hello my name is Madogu Zaruba the eternal ally of the Higurashi family who inherit the blood of the Golden Knight Garo." Zaruba said as Kagome was shocked.

"Garo I never even heard of him." Kagome said as Yuma spoke.

"I'll explain later but for now let's get out of here." Yuma said as he then looked up and noticed something. "Um Kagome doesn't the Well House have a roof?" Yuma asked as Kagome looked at Yuma.

"Yeah?" Kagome said as Yuma found some vines.

"I need to check something." Yuma said as he then began to climb.

"Hey wait for me!" Kagome said as she followed.

The two cousins soon arrived at the top of the well and saw to there shock they were in a forest. "Kagome I don't think we're in Tokyo anymore." Yuma said before he heard a sound that sounded like a sword. "Kagome did you hear something?" Yuma asked as Kagome looked confused.

"Heard what?" Kagome asked as Zaruba then spoke.

"I heard it Yuma I don't believe it but I think it's the Garoken." Zaruba said as he could smell the Soul Metal on the sword.

"Garoken?" Kagome asked as she looked.

"I'll explain later but let's find the sacred tree." Yuma said before Kagome nodded and the two began using there memory of the Well House layout before going torts where the Sacred Tree of the Higurash shrine was. But when they arrived to there shock they found pinned to the tree by an arrow was a boy with silver hair dog ears, and a red Hakama as Yuma and Kagome were shocked.

"What's going on?" Yuma asked before Zaruba sense it and saw it.

"Yuma look!" Zaruba called as Yuma looked and saw in a stone that had a rope and paper that was on the Sacred Tree was a broad sword that didn't seem to belonging Ancient Japan, the primary color was gold as it had black on it as near the hilt was a gold triangle with a red inner part as Yuma looked. "Yuma that's the Garoken I think I know why it hasn't been seen for 500 years because you came back through time to claim it." Zaruba said as Yuma looked at the ring.

"Look Zaruba I'm not the right guy for the Horror slaying thing or being this Garo I just want to live a normal life that's it, I… I already lost enough people I care about as is." Yuma said as Zaruba could tell Yuma lost family.

"Then I won't force you but if you feel that you want to stop running and protect people then the sword will await you for however long it takes." Zaruba said as even he knew Yuma had no formal training to even lift the Garoken.

"Let's go Kagome." Yuma said but was met with no answer. "Kagome?" He asked as he looked only to see Kagome tugging on the ears of the dog eared boy. "Kagome what are you doing!?" He called as he was shocked Kagome was doing that those ears couldn't possibly be real... right?

"I'm just looking," Kagome answer at least as she went on touching the ears on the dog boy. "That not looking, that touching, now get off before that… it… whatever he is, wake up."

"Give me a moment," AS kagome did it again a few more times and then stops as she said, "There I'm-


An arrow came out of nowhere and hit into the tree almost hitting her, as Yuma and Kagome turn to where it came from as a group of people wearing old style of village clothing from the Feudal era as they all drew arrows as someone said, "Get away from there Fowl creature!"

They fire more arrow, Yume dodge them as he side step fast with Kagome did more from her spot but hug the dog boy and the arrow hit all around her and the dog boy, thank goodness none hit her.

AS more village people came with weapon of spears and swords and other just had rope and net as they throw that at Yuma and got caught in it with kagome got taken by the villager people that came up to her.

When, Yuma is about to be dragged away, he whisper to Zaruba, "Don't say anything till we're free." Given no answer from him, meaning he understood as Yuma wanted to get out of here without getting killed or getting people think they are evil or have a curse item or whatever people believe here.

-later at a village-

AS Yuma was bound by the robe like kagome was as they sat side to side waiting for some priestess to come and cleanse them or something. AS the entire village population were staring down at them saying how strange they were, to how they were dress and how they smell… its call soap.

AS Kagome was struggling with her ropes a bit as she said, "Did they have to tie me up?"

Yume was more calm, focus, and he was very nerves as this point as he has no idea how to get out or where to go as the well might or not be the way back home, when they were he figure it was 500 years ago or somewhat close to what Zaruba said to him pin pointing the Feudal era of japan where Tokyo did not existed yet for the next few hundred years give or take.

"Kagome, we have no idea what were in right now, so stop tugging on the ropes, we are in trouble as it is with you playing with that guys dog ears," Yuma whisper to Kagome.

"Well excuse me for being curious," Kagome mumbles just enough for Yuma to hear her.

Soon enough, someone spoken up to the crowd of people, "Make way for the high priestess Kaede!"

As everyone turn to the old lady that she was looking about 60 to 70 years old was walking up, with an eye patch over her right eye, with a bow in her hand and a quivers of arrows on her back.

When the lady stop in front Kagome and Yume, she pull out a bag of sort as she hang her bow to the man that follow her, then reach in and pull out a small handful of some kind of powder stuff and throw both travelers as she said, "Demons be gone!"

"Hey stop that we're not demons!" Kagome yell out as Yuma spat out the stuff that gotten in his mouth saying, "Ah, that taste as worse as Jiji powder eggs."

"Thou are not demons? Then why were ye found in the forest of Inuyasha, and near the sword of makai." The priestess said as Zaruba spoken, "So there someone who knows something about the Garoken then?"

As everyone hear the voice the priestess looked around to who has spoken as she said, "Who has said that, thou shale revile themselves!"

"I'm in the boys pocket, search and you a can find me," Zaruba said as Yuma look to his front right pocket as he tap it with his tie hands and said, "Baka ring!"

The Priestess of course looked and was shocked to find a gothic ring there. "Ore Wa Madogu Zaruba." Zaruba said as the woman looked.

"I told you to be quiet Zaruba!" Yuma yelled as Zaruba looked.

"She knew a bit about the Garoken maybe she knows how it came to be here sense around this time I am sealed somewhere in a box." Zaruba said as the woman looked.

"Ye are not a demon?" the woman asked as Zaruba looked.

"No I am the eternal ally of the Higurashi Family and those who bear the title of Ougon Kishi Garo." Zaruba said as that name did ring a bell in the elderly woman's mind. It was then she decided something as it was of importance as to both the sword and this duo.


The old woman was making stew as she looked at Zaruba. "So the sword of Makai is truly called the Garoken and this boy is the one destined to wield it." The old woman said as Zaruba looked.

"Yes the boy does carry the blood of the Golden Knight Garo after all." Zaruba said as he gave the old woman more or less the same explanation to her as she did Yuma just leaving out the parts about the Horrors.

"Ye are hiding something I hath almost entirely believed ye Zaruba." the old woman said as Zaruba looked.

"I know but I can't exactly tell you as it's meant to stay a secret for good reasons too." Zaruba said as the old woman wouldn't pry for now.

"Anyway that's all well and good but can you oh I don't know UNTIE US!" Yuma called as even though they were shown not to be enemies even though the villagers thought them to be spies.

"Oh my apologies." the woman said as Kagome smiled.

"It's ok we can't exactly eat with our hands tied." Kagome said as they were untied.

"So mam what is your name we never caught it." Zaruba said as the woman looked.

"Watashi wa Kaede the villages Priestess." Kaede introduced as Zaruba looked and saw no Madou Brush so I was evident she wasn't a Makai Priestess but Zaruba was sure to keep his eyes peeled in case looks can be deceiving. After they were untied it was well into night as they were served as Kagome got served first. "Stew?" Kaede offered as Kagome took it.

"Sugoi real food." Kagome said as she took it.

"I'll take some also." Yuma said as Kaede nodded and was also served.

"Bear us no ill will children and ring though I now see ye mean us no harm in this time of trouble and war no stranger can be welcomed among us without suspicion and mistrust." Kaede said as Kagome looked.

"I guess we aren't in Tokyo anymore then huh." Kagome said as Kaede looked.

"To-ki-oh? Is that the land you two have hailed from?" Kaede asked as Yuma nodded.

"Kaede-san can you tell us how the Garoken came to be in this village?" Zaruba asked before Kaede looked.

"Over 50 years ago before the one called Inuyasha appeared a man dressed similar to a noble, a possible samurai came here, my sister could tell he was hiding something, we soon learned that he was dying and was using herbs to subside the pain he was in, my sister asked if there was anything she could do to cure him but he said that his time was almost up so he made a request he asked if he could leave his sword in our forest inside a sacred stone of sorts, my sister accepted as that was his dying request so we placed a sacred stone there and he then stabbed his sword into it and for a long time it has warded off demons but after he did that he said that one day someone with his blood would appear bearing a ring that matched Zaruba's appearance to claim his birthright before he died that very morning in his sleep but at peace." Kaede explained as Zaruba looked.

"At least we know how the Garoken ended up here." Zaruba said before Kaede spoke.

"Yes but every now and again one of the men would get daring and to this day none of them have been able to draw the sword as any woman who has tried to draw it has had her burned." Kaede explained as Zaruba nodded.

As Keade looked upon Kagome she remembered her sister as when she looked up Yuma she remembered the man both had died. '50 years have passed sense my sisters demise, and 53 years have passed sense that mans demise as well." Kaede thought as she looked upon the flames as she kept the fire alive.

That was when Zaruba sensed not one but TWO aura's one of which he was extremely familiar just as the bell began to ring warning of something. The trio walked out to find Village men running almost ready for battle. "What is going on?" Kaede asked before Zaruba spoke.

"I have bad news and worse news, the Demon that brought Kagome and Yuma here is back and the worse news I sense a Horror." Zaruba said as Yuma looked.

"What your joking?!" Yuma asked at the Horror part.

"What are Horrors?" Kaede asked as did Kagome just as they saw the centipede lady appear with a cow in her mouth and with it, was a pre-evolved monster that was a bit Gargoyle like as it had two wings on its back. The second creature ignored the Demon and devoured a human as its body was absorbed into its body soul and all.

"That's a Horror." Zaruba said shocking he trio.

Kagome saw the Centipede lady before speaking. "It's that thing again." Kagome said as it looked upon Kagome.

"Give me the Sacred Jewel." The Demon spoke as the Horror saw them before going after them only to bash into the Centipede like monster. "Stay out of my way the Jewel is mine!" she yelled at the creature as the creature then spoke back.

"I could care less about a useless jewel what I want is to devour them." the Horror said as the Centipede woman smirked.

"The perhaps we can have a compromise you can devour them and in exchange I'll have the jewel." The Centipede Lady said as Kaede looked as Yuma avoided the Horror.

"It said the Sacred Jewel and this "Horror," only seems interested in devouring." Kaede said before Zaruba spoke.

"Yuma you try and draw the Horror away from innocent lives Kagome we'll talk about this Sacred Jewel thing later but for now it seems Kagome is its target." Zaruba said as the duo nodded.

Yuma then grabbed the nearest thing he can find, after he put Zaruba on his left Middle finger, and that thing turned out to be a rock which caught the Horrors attention. "Hey Horror come get me, I'm delicious!" Yuma called before throwing another rock. The Horror soon gave chase as Yuma ran.

"Child the Sacred Jewel do you have it?" Kaede asked as she thought THAT Jewel was taken to the next world.

"No I mean I heard of the jewel but I." Kagome said but the Demon intervened as the men were firing arrows at it.

"I must have it, I must!" The Centipede Lady yelled as she then spun and began her attack knocking more villagers away.

'That thing is after me.' Kagome said as she knew Yuma was probably trying to lure that "Horror," to the sword.

"We tried everything but nothing works!" a village man said as Kaede then spoke.

"We must draw it to the Dry Well." Kaede said as Kagome looked.

"The Dry Well where's that?" Kagome asked before Kaede answered.

"Yes the Well in the Forest of Inuyasha." Kaede said as Kagome knew what that was.

'The Well I came through.' Kagome though as she had an idea. "Which way is Inuyasha's forest? Its where the light is right?" Kagome asked as the Centipede lady was on a rampage before Kagome began drawing it away leaving a stunned Kaede.

"She can see what cannot be seen in the Forest of Inuyasha." Kaede said shocked to hear this.

(With Yuma)

Yuma was running with the Horror close on his tail. "Ok what's next Yuma?" Zaruba said before Yuma looked.

"Honestly I'm just making it up as I go." Yuma said as they soon arrive where the Garoken was as Yuma could hear the sound the Garoken was making and it was louder then ever.

That was when the boy woke up as he flexed is claws. "I can smell it the blood of that woman who killed me." The boy said as he tried to get the Arrow out but he found that he couldn't do to an energy.

The Horror saw an easy meal in the dog eared boy before it came to him. "You'll make a good appetizer to the main course Hanyou." The Horror said as Inuyasha.

"Like hell you demon!" The dog eared boy said before Yuma reacted an pushed the Horror away from the boy but the Horror though was pushed back was stronger before it grabbed Yuma and threw him to the Garoken where he landed and got hurt a bit.

"Nice show of strength boy if I didn't know any better I would have mistaken you for a Makai Knight." The Horror said just as there was an explosion as Kagome came flying in. Yuma was hurt as he held his side where he hit the rock as the Horror came torts him. "First I'll devour you, then I will devour the girl, after I will devour the Hanyou and finally I will devour all those villagers till there is none left." The Horror said as Yuma growled.

"I won't let you do that." Yuma said as he got up.

"So you still have strength." The Horror said just as Yuma placed his hands on the hilt of the Garoken. "Oh you're going to try and lift that sword don't make me laugh you have no hope of pulling it out just as many before you have failed." The Horror said as Yuma glared.

"I might not but if I have even the slightest chance of beating you and every Horror I come across with this power then I'll take it." Yuma said as he could hear the Garoken loud and clear. "Garoken you've been waiting for me, for the one who has inherited the blood of Garo and draw you so you may battle the enemies to all living things." Yuma said as the Horror was wide eyed when Yuma said "Blood of Garo."

"No impossible he has an heir." The Horror said clearly scared.

"Yuma." Kagome called as The Centipede Lady watched as even she was intrigued.

Yuma then pulled and to everyone's shock the blade moved as he slid it out of the stone till it was completely out as he held the sword skyward. Yuma knew what he had to do to become Garo as the Horror was shocked. "WHO ARE YOU!" It yelled a it stepped back in fear of the Garoken.

*insert Fencer of Gold by Jam Project

Yuma looked at the Horror with a serious look in his eyes as his eyes were in a soul piercing glare. "I am the one who has inherited the blood and power to seal away you Horrors." Yuma said before cutting and energy circle in the air. The circle then opened into a portal just as villagers arrived to see that Yuma had drew the sword as from the portal pieces of armor came out and attached itself to Yuma endowing him in a Golden Armor that seemed to shine even in the Darkness of the night. The eyes were a orange color much like Yuma's as his form was that of a Golden Wolf. The same symbole on the hilt of the sword was on Yuma's waist as this was the armor of the Golden Knight Garo as his Golden Radiance shined in a warm light.

"G-Garo!?" The Horror yelped as it then roared before charging at Yuma before he blocked he attack with the Garoken.

The Centipede lady looked as even the boy could agree that this Garo was powerful and would no doubt get in its way to the Jewel so choosing to get rid of a threat before it can cause trouble charged at Garo who was fighting the Horror. "Yuma look out!" Kagome called as Garo saw this and jumped over the Centipede lady as he ran down her body before appearing on the other side.

"That guy has power but he doesn't know how to use it and with being outnumbered he's as good as dead." The boy said before turning to Kagome. "And you're just probably going to have your lap dog get killed for you aren't you Kikyo." The boy said as Garo was fighting both enemies but even his strength as a novice can only go so far.

"I've have no idea who you, or why you call me Kikyo, but do not put down Yuma, he's stronger than that!" Kagome yell at the boy.

"Don't make me laugh kikiyo, just the same as always, you got someone and leave them to their doom. Pathetic." The boy said to kagome as now she was very piss off as she came up to the boy and said, "I am not this Kikiyo! And I would never hurt my family you baster!" AS Kagome slap the boy which surprise him.

'What the, kikiyo never slaps, and her cousin? She only have that brat of a sister. Wait moment… her scene.' The boy thought as he look back at kagome and look closely as he did see a resembles to the woman that trap him to the tree. But he can see that the girl before and the woman he knew were different people.

Garo was parrying away the horrors attacks, and dodging the centipede lady charging. AS Zaruba spoken up from Garo middle finger, "Careful, you'll only have so much time to use the armor, as right now you got a minute left."

"Why didn't you tell me before!" Garo yell as he hit away the horror, before jumping back from the centipede lady.

"I hate this damn bug!" Garo said as he dash at the Centipede lady and then slash at her. AS the demon saw it coming it could not move out of the way in time and soon had one of its arms cut off with the stump smoking a bit as it says, "Ahh it burns!"

"Got her, now fo- aHH" Garo said before he was hit hard from the horror into a tree that broke from impacked.

"Yuma!" Kagome yell out to her cousin as the centipede lady look to her and had a thought, 'that Ougon Kishi is strong, and that sword… I cannot fight like this, I need the jewel!'

The centipede lady charge at kagome as a light show from her left side, the demon came in fast before kagome knew it she was hit and then bite into.

All in slow motion as Kagome saw as a small ball that was glowing a pure light color as she said, "That was inside of me? That is the sacred jewel?" soon she fell and hit the ground with the jewel landed near her.

AS Garo saw that as he got up, he ran as he call to, "Kagome!" but the horror got in his way as it says, "You fight is with me Garo!"

AS kagome cringe in pain as the boy inuyasha saw the jewel as eh yell out to Kagome, "Hey, give the jewel, quick!" as Kagome try to get up as she said, "W-What?"

Before inuyasha could say anything else, the centipede lady wrap her entire body around kagome and the boy in the tree before close in the space around trapping them in a tight space.

AS the centipede lady was now free of any who would try to keep her away from the jewel as she said, "At long last the jewel is mine."

As the lady use her tong to grab the jewel before swallowing it, soon her power greatly increases as her upper body started to change from a half-naked lady to a full blow ugly as crap demon.

"AT last, my power is complete," AS the centipede demon said as it started to use it body and slowly crush kagome and inuyasha.

AS Garo was trying to pray off the horror but his energy was getting low as zaruba said, "You got 30 sec left!"

Garo struggle his hardest and said, "I must help her!" but he cannot get away from the horror.

AS it seem like the end, the boy had a thought and said, "you girl, you want to save yourself and help your cousin?"

"As kagome look to the boy as she asked, "What are you saying?"

"Remove the arrow from me, and I can kick that ugly demon ass and beat that other off, but that choice is yours do you want to live or die?"

AS Kagome thought fast as she soon grab the arrow and then she said, "I choose… to live!" as kagome clutch the arrow shattering it and soon the boy, inuyasha's power had finally return.

Kaede arrived and was shocked as he had seen Yuma in Golden Armor that gave off a warm radiance and sacred energies. But what shocked her was that she released Inuyasha. "Oh no she's undone Inuyasha's seal." Kaede said as she had a thought. 'But the Shikon Jewel was inside could she really be my sister reborn?' Kaede asked as she saw this.

Once the seal was undone Inuyasha tore through the Centipede Demon like a buzz saw of energy as when he came through the Centipede Lady was no more save for the Jewel being in one piece. Meanwhile Zaruba saw Yuma was running out of time as they had to end this fight with the Horror NOW!

"YUMA HURRY ONLY 10 SECONDS LEFT!" Zaruba called before Yuma roared and sliced at the Horror's belly before slicing it in two just as Yuma called off the armor.

"Damn you Ougon Kishi you may have returned after all these years but we will destroy you before you become a full Knight." The Horror said before being sealed into the Garoken.

Yuma fell on his rear as the Garoken was now a simple long sword in an elegant red sheath with an equally elegant red hilt that had the symbol of Garo. "That was tough." Yuma said as he was catching his breath.

"For you maybe but you did excellent for you first try to be able to if a Soul Metal Sword and summon soul Metal armor you really are worthy of being Garo." Zaruba said as Yuma smiled a bit at the praise even though it didn't help that he felt exhausted. "Anyway we still haven't form the contract yet and I figured now that you claimed the Golden Armor we can form it." Zaruba said as Yuma looked as he thought about it.

He then came to his decision that might change his life forever. "Ok Zaruba you have yourself a deal." Yuma said before Zaruba looked.

"Very well then I form this contract you will one day of your life on the day of Full Moon for every month of mine." Zaruba said before Yuma felt a pulse go through his body as he felt that the contract was set.

"All is well that ends well... right?" Yuma asked before he saw Kagome who had the Sacred Jewel in her hand was being approached by Inuyasha.

"Alright wench you'll hand over the Jewel and I won't tear you apart or kill you." Inuyasha said as Yuma was shocked as he forced his body up.

"Yuma wait your in no condition to fight the first use of Garo took a lot out of you as well as the fight with the Horror and the Demon." Zaruba said as Yuma looked at his Madogu.

"I won't let him hurt Kagome!" He yelled before drawing the Garoken. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" Yuma called as Inuyasha looked and scoffed.

"You got lucky kid luck can't replace skill heck you can barely stand right now so how about you run along and go play somewhere else." Inuyasha said as Yuma glared at Inuyasha. But Yuma ended up falling on his knees as he just didn't have the strength to fight.

"RUN KAGOME!" Yuma yelled as he hoped that would help.

Kagome didn't go, but inuyasha didn't want to take the chance of her off her getting away ether as he charge at her. Yume try to move in front the demon dog boy and do a slash, but inuyasha was faster as he said, "too slow!" hit Yume away off to the side.

"Yume!" Kagome cry out to her cousin as he was out cold as this moment. Kaede got to kagome first as she said, "Run child, run!"

Soon enough they started to run away as Inuyasha saw this and started to go after them, but arrow came raining down on him, delaying him for a few moments.

When kagome and Kaede reach a briage and gotten to the other side, Kaede was out of breath do to her old age she does have the energy to do much.

"He's going to catch up, is there anything we can stop him with?" Kagome ask in desperation, as Kaede took a moment and remember as she said, "Yes, there is."

AS she reach into her priestess robes and pull out a bead necklace and said, "This shale stop he." Soon enough inuyasha came to the bridge as he ready his claws as he said, "Hand over the jewel and I promise you deaths will be painless.

"I think not, Behold the last gift of my sister," as he held up the beads as they started to glow, and then each bead shot out like comets and wrap around inuyasha's neck.

"What the? What are these?" as inuyasha try to take them off but he could not, as Kaede turn to kagome and said, "Quickly child, speak the work to hold his soul."

"To hold his soul?" Kagome question as he look as inuyasha and try to think of something.

As For inuyasha was getting tired of trying to take off the beads and said, "Never mind, I'll just kill you to break the spell on these and take the jewel for myself!"

Kagome panic a bit as she saw inuyasha come to them fast and then something came to her, as she look at inuyasha's ears once more as a thought came to her as she said out loud, "Sit, boy!"

Soon enough the bead glow as inuyasha pause in midair and then slam down to the ground face first. The words and sound of inuyasha crash echos all around.

As the people came to see what has happen they were amazed to see that inuyasha was stop in his tracks.

"Wow, it really worked," Kagome said as Inuyasha started to recover from his… sit, he growls and said, "I'm going to beat you within an inch of your life then tear you apart."

As he try to get up as kagome had an upset look on her face as she walk up to inuyasha, as people were starting to question what is she thinking.

AS Kagome was just at inuyasha, she look up at her as she look down on him and then she raise her foot and slam down as she said, "Sit boy!"


Twice the hurting as she got her foot off of him and said, "That was for my cousin, you jerk."

"Why you!" He yelled trying to remove the rosary but every time he tried it glowed and stayed in place. "When I get my hands on you you'll regret this!" Inuyasha yelled as Kaede was standing next to Kagome.

"The word if you will Kagome." Kaede said as Kagome smirked.

"Sit." She said before Inuysha fell causing the bridge to break and Inuyasha to fall into the river. Inuyasha of course ended up being carried by the current downstream.