Hey guys. This is the Epilogue (duh) for Trapped in Kino der Toten (double duh). I have one favor to ask; give my first fanfiction "Nightmare" a little attention, please? I know it's short and has no plot, but it tells something deep. I haven't gotten a single review on that (which is cool. I'm not begging), and I'd appreciate it if somebody else read it, y'know? Just asking, you don't have to do it. It's the deepest fic I've ever written, so yeah. Anyway, I'll shut my fat mouth now and get on with the story!

Samantha sighed, twiddling the red-stained vial of blood in her hand. The kid had been interesting.

She couldn't help but notice that he was rather handsome. She'd never been attracted to a guy before, but this person particularly caught her eye. She continued to twiddle the vial of his blood in her fingers. She wasn't going to start a romance if he'd joined her, but a hug of gratitude didn't exactly sound like pushing boundaries.

As she sat on her bed in her Aether-produced bedroom, stroking Fluffy's head, she wondered if he had joined her how he would've killed Richtofen. Maybe lured him away from the others and put a bullet in his head? Or maybe stabbing him in his sleep? She grinned evilly when she thought of all the ways he could've killed Edward.

She sighed again, wishing he'd just complied. Maybe then she would have some company.

When she was told she was a game character by the teen, she wasn't shocked, nor expectant. She simply found it interesting. If these so-called game developers at (what did he call it? Treyarch? Yeah, that sounded right) created her, why didn't they give her an awareness like that Marine? He was always spouting idiotic references to the outside world. Why wasn't she granted that sentience? That would've been nice.

She slumped back into her pillow, overcome by many thoughts. She finally held up the vial once again, and smiled slightly, returning her consciousness to the M.P.D., glancing at its blood sample scanner. She looked back down at the vial.

She knew exactly what she was going to do with this.