As Rose's previously ailed body recovered its energy she couldn't help but notice the weariness in the Doctor's features. It was unusual to see on him. He was usually all bounding energy and rearing to go. Not for the first time though, she thought he looked old. She could tell when things were weighing on him and his 900 years of experiences rang true in those big brown eyes.

"Why don't you get in the bath with me, Doctor?" she asked him. He shook his head though.

"There might still be aspirin residue."

He was really worried about that aspirin thing, Rose thought. Surely, a bath with her wouldn't hurt him? He was probably just being over dramatic about it. He tended to over elaborate things like that for effect.

"Are you sure, come on Doctor? The waters lovely. And it looks like you could use a soak. I'll could make it worth your while." Rose grinned enticingly at him, her tongue between those white pearly teeth.

"Really, Rose, its fine," the Doctor replied, trying his best to resist her temptations. "I've had a shower anyway. Speaking of, you might want to rinse off with the shower too afterward just to be extra cautious."

"What are you going to do then?" Rose felt like she had some energy back and could be up to taking care of him for a while.

"I think I'm going to have a lie down. I was about to get some sleep, before this all happened."

"I'm sorry." Rose hadn't realised that. Though, now she thought about it, he had been in his pajamas earlier, which was unusual for him. She hadn't really known him to sleep apart from when he was ill or knocked unconscious. He usually boasted he didn't need to sleep, because he had superior biology, being a Time Lord and all that. He must have been tired if he was admitting his need for sleep. And then he had been denied that sleep, by having to take care of her. And he had worried about her so much. It was no wonder he was exhausted. "Why don't you go and lay on my bed?" she suggested. "I'll finish up soon and come join you."

"Yeah," he sighed and got up to pad his way from the room. He looked about ready to drop. She couldn't help but notice how heavy his cock still hung though. She thought the least she could do, after he'd taken of her so well, was look after that for him. She pulled the plug on her bath and rinsed herself off with the shower head. She toweled herself off, but used the TARDIS' drying system for her hair, which made short work of it.

When she got back to her room, she fell the Doctor's long gangly form slumped untidily on his stomach and over-top the bed covers, still fully dressed, converse and all. He was snoring. She laughed and looked for her phone on the dresser, to snap a photo of the rare and humorous sight. She could use it for potential blackmail, or possibly just a laugh at some later stage. She took the picture and then started to untie his shoes for him. He didn't so much as stir when she slipped them each off in turn. She was depositing both trainers next to the bed, when something on the floor caught her eye.

The small yellow sheet, the Doctor had used on her earlier. She noticed he had cleared up in here, supposedly while she had been in the bathroom. He must have dropped the dental dam. Feeling curious, she wrapped her mouth around it and sucked on it. The Doctor had enjoyed its flavour earlier, but Rose didn't think it tasted much of bananas at all and wasn't sure if she liked it. She threw it in the bin.

Turning back to the Doctor, Rose managed to remove his tie, jacket, shirt and trousers, while he was sleeping. It wasn't the first time she had undressed him like this. There was the Christmas he regenerated into this body. She hadn't really taken much chance to admire his body then, too worried about what had happened and if it was really still him at all. She had simply taken into account that he still looked like a normal man and certainly not two of anything he shouldn't on the outside.

She still thought it would make for easier sleeping, if he were under the covers though and decided to wake him. She thought of the best way she would like to wake herself and did just that. Bending over him, she planted her lips to his.

The first thing the Doctor felt before opening his eyes, was that he was being kissed. It would have been a little alarming if he didn't recognise those lips. He had kissed them in two separate bodies and would know them anywhere. Eagerly he opened his eyes, to be met with Rose's closed lids and her long thick eyelashes, thick with makeup that was never entirely removed. He met her lips ministrations with his own, showing her he was awake. She got the message and to his disappointment, pulled back.

Rose opened her eyes and looked into the Doctor's sleepy puppy-like ones. Big, brown and groggy around the edges.

"Hey, sleepyhead," Rose greeted. "You don't need to wake right up. Just help me tuck in. I've undressed you to your pants and vest, but I can get you some fresh pajamas if you like? But you need to get into bed properly. Then you can finish sleeping."

The Doctor was very pleased at having been kissed awake. Though it wasn't morning. Strictly speaking there was no morning on the TARDIS. It could be morning outside her doors, if they were landed on a planet where morning occurs. But inside, the same time scales did not correlate. She certainly didn't run to Gallifreyan time now either. Not that there was a Gallifrey anymore to be timed to. And she didn't run on Earth time either. Yes, she could be programmed for day and night mode and shut down for sleep cycle. While he had human companions aboard though, the cycles did run similar to a human pattern of needs, because he programmed them long ago, to keep his companions more comfortable. This was despite the TARDIS' own insistence that it should be programmed to help him with his own sleeping patterns, which were terrible. And that he shouldn't put the needs of his strays before his own. None of this really changed the fact however that the Doctor seemed to be afflicted what was most commonly attributed to as 'morning wood.'

With his time sense, he knew that although he had fallen asleep quickly, he only been dozing for a 8 minutes and 43 seconds, before he was so awakened so interestingly. And this erection was likely still technically 'last night's'. That didn't change the fact that he was aroused, in his pants and Rose Tyler was above him, wrapped only in a towel.

"I can think of other things I'd rather do with you in bed right now." he slurred, sleepily.

"Doctor, you're too tired," she insisted. She threw back the bedding. "Get under the covers."

"Bossy," he grumbled, but climbed over, quite clumsily—almost falling over in bed, which would be an achievement and a half. "What if I'm no sleepy?"

"I can assure you, Doctor, you are a very sleepy Time Lord."

"My penis isn't," he told her.

Rose put a hand to her mouth at his statement. She looked to where he was tented in his pants, considering. "No, it doesn't seem to be." She ran a finger up the seam of his crotch and his hardness twitched at the contact, eliciting a moan from the Doctor. "Why don't I help put that to sleep too then? Give it a bit of a goodnight kiss?"

"Yeah, do that!"

"Okay, settle down. You need to sleep, so just lay back and relax, while I look after you this time, alright?" The Doctor nodded and Rose reached into his pants, gripped his shaft pulling it free. The Doctor murmured at the sensation and then groaned as Rose planted a wet kiss to the head. She slathered him with her tongue, running down his length with it. She pulled his pants down further, so she could lick around each of his balls. He made a noise of appreciation, that deepened as Rose sucked each testicle in turn, popping her mouth around them to finish and moved up his dick again. The Time Lord's phallus was already leaking. Rose used her tongue to dip into his slit, to lap the clear fluid up and spread it over the shaft, before taking him, tight-lipped, into her mouth. The Doctor was breathing hard and he actually wheezed when she began throating him deeply. He came quickly on another wheeze, emptying his ejaculate into his companion.

Rose tucked the Doctor's softening manhood back into his pants. She planted one last kiss goodnight to his genitalia, through the soft cotton, satisfied with her job, well done. Another wheeze from the Doctor brought her attention up to his face. She expected him to be looking contented and drowsy. She was alarmed to find angry blotches were erupting in a rash over his skin, his entire face was swelling up, along with his throat and he was struggling to breathe. "Oh god. What have I done?"

Quickly coming to the conclusion that the Doctor was having an allergic reaction, Rose's mind fumbled, trying to figure out how it had been caused. She faltered however, when she realised that didn't matter. What she had to think about was how she was going to do to help him. She reached for his hand and he squeezed it back tightly. "It's alright, Doctor. I'm here. I've got you." She tried to calm him. She could see that he was struggling and trying to look at her, but his eyes were swelling shut. He was unable to speak, only choke and wheeze, but even that was becoming difficult for him. He was getting paler and a blue tinge was creeping through his giant lips. His hand's hold was loosening in hers. She felt his pulse and it felt very light and fast to her. "Shit," Rose spat, panicking. "Okay, its gotta be the aspirin yeah?" Rose gathered, despite not getting any answer. "You said chocolate could help you and you've got that in your medical supplies?" Rose didn't want to leave him and was worried it would take too long to get to the med bay and find what he needed. She was beginning to despair, when she remembered she had some in the top draw of her dresser.

She ran to the draw where she kept a large block of dark chocolate. It had been given to her as a joke gift from Keisha and as she looked at the packaging. Rose almost laughed at the irony. It had a big red cross on it and read;


For immediate relief of: Chocolate Cravings, Love-sickness, Exam Pressure, Mild Anxiety and Extreme Hunger

Directions for use: Tear open wrapper, break off desired dosage and consume. Alternatively massage into the affected areas. Repeat dosage as required until finished. If symptoms persist, contact your local confectioner.

Quickly pulling it out, she snapped off a piece. Now, she had another problem. With his throat closed up, how was he going to get it into him? She pried his swollen mouth open and was able to slip it inside, onto his fattened tongue. It was just going to melt in his mouth though. Surely, he wouldn't be able to swallow it in his barely conscious state and his throat closing up, or was that just his airway. She tapped his cheek, trying to get him to respond. "I've put some chocolate in your mouth for you, Doctor. I need you to swallow it? Can you swallow for me. Come on, swallow!" She tipped his head back and tried to press into his throat to get him to swallow, but it was doing no aid and he wasn't responding.

She thought again how this could have happened. It came on so suddenly and they had been so careful. She had aspirin on her skin, but they'd used the.. shit. The dental dam. She'd been sucking on it and then on the Doctor's cock. Aspirin could be absorbed through the skin. The Doctor was going to die and it was all her fault, because she'd been so damn careless and stupid. She looked at the chocolate again. 'Alternatively massage into the affected areas.' If aspirin could be absorbed through the skin, then why not chocolate? She broke off another piece, but wasn't sure where to rub it. She lifted his limb arm, pushing his sleeve back and rubbing it into the crook of his arm. It wasn't like giving an injection, but surely close enough? She kept rubbing. His body temperature was lower than hers and it wasn't melting on her fingers quicker than it was on his skin, but she kept going. When it was melted she did the same for his other arm. It had absorbed through his penis, so she broke of a bit more and reach into his pants to rub it there and over his balls. It might melt quicker there anyway. She then decided to pull up his vest and rub a whole lot into his chest.

She thought his colour might be looking a bit better and the swelling was decreasing. Or maybe that was wishful thinking. After a few minutes though he wheezed again."Doctor?" Rose questioned, hopefully. He wheezed again. She tried to open his mouth to look inside and see how his throat was looking there. She saw however, that the chocolate was gone.

"Did you swallow it, Doctor?" She wondered. Quickly, she broke off another piece and put it in and closed his mouth for him. "I've given you some more chocolate. Can you swallow that." The Doctor just wheezed. Rose opened his mouth and looked inside again. The chocolate was still there, but a golden energy was fizzing around it, breaking it up. She looked back at the chocolate on his skin and noticed that it was starting to fizzle too. She tried to squash any thought that this was him regenerating and was just his body's way of using the chocolate to heal himself.

Her claim seemed to be supported when he coughed and his cracked open. The swelling was definitely decreasing.

"Doctor? Can you hear me?" She made sure she was in his line of vision. It looked like he might have tried to nod as he coughed again and then wheezed.

"You've had an allergic reaction, but you seem to be absorbing the chocolate I gave you. I think it might happen faster, if you can swallow some properly. You've got a little bit left in your mouth still. Can you swallow that?" She put her hand to his swollen throat and felt him swallow. "Good boy! That's good. I'm going to give you some more." The Doctor swallowed the next piece too. She gave him three more pieces and his complexion and face seemed to be coming back to normal. He was still wheezing, but tried to speak this time. His toungue felt thick and he was quite breathless. "Bypass.. s'coming.. back online."

"Okay, that's good, isn't it? That helps you to breathe."


"What is it you need?" Rose pressed, hoping she wasn't sounding like her mum was to him at Christmas.

".. to replenish.. levels.. need.. oxygen." The Doctor gasped out.

"Okay. I'll get you some from the med bay." Rose scolded herself for not getting him any earlier, but she had been so worried about leaving him. He seemed to be doing a bit better now though, so she sprinted to the TARDIS' medical room and grabbed a portable canister that had tubing and a face mask. She rushed back just as quickly with it.

When she got back to her room, the Doctor was fumbling for another piece of chocolate. She helped to put it in his mouth for him. Then she fastened the oxygen mask over his face and turned the canister right up. "There we go. Take deep breaths of that. Is that helping?" The Doctor took several gasped breaths, before nodding. "Good just keep breathing. Breathing's good." She felt his chocolaty wrist for his pulse and was relieved to find that though it was still fast, it was coming down and getting a bit stronger.

"I'm glad you told me about the chocolate, but it wasn't exactly easy to give to you with you all swollen up."

"In the med-bay, I have pre-loaded syringes of liquid chocolate."

"Ah, that sounds more effective. Do you need me to give it to you?"

"I should be alright, but there's a chance I could have a secondary reaction, so you may need to use it."

"I don't know how," she admitted worriedly.

"It can go directly into a muscle. My thigh will do."

"Alright, I'll get it for you, but its just in case, right. I probably won't have to use it?"

"I hope not," he smiled, but it was grave looking. "You'll find a box-full of chocolate syringes in the crash-cart."

Rose headed back to the med bay and quickly located the sought out box. She wished he could have her about them, when he'd first mentioned the remedy to her, instead of leaving her to get so scared her chocolate hadn't been effective enough for him. When she got back again, he was still looking worse for wear. "I'm going to give you one of these." She decided taking out a syringe and uncapping it. He just nodded his acceptance. "In your thigh, yeah?"

"Yeah." Rose jammed the needle down into the Doctor's muscle. He grunted but then smiled as its sweetness reached him. "Thank you."

For another hour, she sat with the Doctor, getting him to breathe the oxygen and break only to eat more chocolate. Eventually the whole block was finished and though the Doctor was very pale still, he was no longer swollen.

"I'm so sorry." Rose told him. "It was my fault. I found the dental dam on the floor and sucked on it," she confessed. "I must have given you a dose of aspirin when I gave you head."

"Its okay Rose," the Doctor didn't want her to blame herself. Bananas were irresistible. He should have been more careful at tidying up. Maybe if he'd not been so tired, he would have noticed he had dropped it. He needed to take better care of himself and rest more often.

"Its not," insisted Rose. "You nearly died on me."

"I didn't though, did I?" He tried to bringer her round to the brighter side, not happy to see her in distress over it. "And I would have regenerated."

"It didn't look like you were going to," she admitted.

"The aspirin makes my regeneration energy less potent in my blood, but it would have eventually built up enough to allow full regeneration."

"Okay, well that's good to know, I guess."

"Thank you for the chocolate."

"Thank you for telling me. I wouldn't have known to give it to you otherwise."

"Yeah," he acknowledged.

"Is there anything else I can do for you? Anything you need?" Rose checked. She was feeling immensely guilty and needed to do all she could for the Time Lord.

"I really need to sleep now."

"I have no doubt you do. You were already pretty caput, before you went all anaphylactic on me."

"I might be asleep for quite a long time. Possibly an entire day. You won't be able to wake me. It'll be a sort of healing coma.

"Oh okay. Is there anything you need me to do?" she repeated.

"Stay with me?" the Doctor pleaded. He looked so lost and vulnerable. His bloodshot eyes were wet.

"Of course. Always. Forever." Rose responded, wrapping her arms around him. She watched as the Doctor's eyes closed and his breathing evened out. She put her ear on his chest and could hear his heartbeat slow. She would keep her Doctor safe, just as he had done for her. Forever and Always.