Hello! How are you all doing?! Good I hope! Anyways, I got the latest chapter for this story and sorry that it's taking forever for me to update my stories. I got college, work and etc and don't have much time these days, but I shall promise you all one thing Watch Fox and Expelled Jedi will not be abandoned! I will finish both of these stories as they are my larger ones. With this, I bid you all a good day. Bye!
Miller walked through the hallways of the newly established base, Hokkaido. It wasn't the only base, bases like these were being constructed all along the coast of the massive island in the North, to protect the future Nation from naval invasions. Further inland, underground fortifications were being set up that would link the coast with the rest of the island, and further act as a second line of defense should the coast defenses fail. Britannia only had only a single military base here, and a small one at that. Hokkaido was considered useless for the Britannian's as it had no natural resources that they needed, as such it was left mostly untouched by the invasion.
He made his way to the command center of the base. However, as he made his way there, he felt a phantom pain. His left arm...He reminded himself that Britannia would pay for what they had done to him. Miller was a proud Britannian Captain who placed loyalty above all else. He cared for his men, he had trusted each and every one of them, and unlike many Britannian officers, he did not brutalize those his Nation conquered. He had served his Nation with undying loyalty, but what was the reward of that loyalty? Betrayal...He and his men were betrayed by Britannia, simply because they didn't act like the rest of the military. His kindness towards the people Britannia conquered was unnerving to the higher ups, and they feared that such actions could pass on to other soldiers. With that in mind, they were listed to be killed off. Officially, they had all died in a training exercise gone wrong; but unofficially they were all slaughtered. Only he had survived at the cost of his left arm and leg, and it was on that day he vowed to avenge his fallen comrades. He would make Britannia pay.
"How long till we reach the launch phase?" Miller questioned as he entered the command center. Everyone saluted to him before going back to whatever they were doing, but one of the engineers walked up to him.
"Sir, the rocket will be ready to launch soon. By the end of the day, Odin will be online." The engineer reported as Miller nodded.
"Odin will only be the first instrument of revenge. Your days are numbered Britannia." He thought darkly. He couldn't wait until death rained upon Britannia.
"Good, keep up the good work. I'll talk to the Boss." He said as he sat down and made a call to Naruto.
"Miller, report." Naruto ordered as Miller nodded.
"Boss, Odin will be online by the end of the day. I have also received word from the first rocket we launched about two weeks ago, it seems they have successfully landed on the moon. They have already begun the process of building a small base, but they will need supplies and more manpower." Miller reported. Naruto hummed and nodded, things were going well.
"Very well, have launch sites 3, 5, and 6 launch supply landers. Have launch sites 2, 4, and 7 launch more personnel." Naruto ordered, and Miller nodded once again.
"Boss, there is something else you should know." Miller started. Naruto raised an eyebrow.
"What is it?" He questioned.
"It's Britannia. The Intel teams and our spies are saying that Britannia is making something big. It's some kind of new super weapon, but it's being tested in complete secrecy. We don't know what it is, but whatever it is, it's not going to be good." Millar started as Naruto hummed. What could they be making?
"Also, it seems like the private military forces you set up, the Militaires Sans Frontières and the Diamond Dogs are starting to gain the attention of Britannia. We might need to supply them with more equipment if they are to survive, but for now they are safe. Not only that, but it seems like PMF's are appearing all over the world now, former soldiers from Britannia, the E.U., the Chinese Federation and more are starting to form their own private military forces, soldiers who fight for the highest bidder." Miller explained as Naruto nodded. The two private military forces he had set up were really his own men. He had to train them in some way so that they might have some experience, thus he created the two PF's. He didn't want to be linked to them; as such the two PF's literally appeared out of now where. Now it seemed like others wanted in on the action.
"They will be useful to us in the future. Keep up the work up there; I can't have my second-in-command getting lazy on me." Naruto said with a smirk as Miller's eyes widen.
"S-Second-in-command? Boss, I am just a small-time army Captain. I know how to manage small squads, not whole armies." Miller said. That was what he was best at, commanding small number of troops to defeat the enemy. Naruto however chuckled.
"You don't give yourself enough credit Miller. You are quite good at managing whatever I throw at you. I plan on making you the leader of the Ezo Republic. I will lead the Moon as you will lead Ezo. Both Nations will be a single Nation with the only thing dividing them is the distance. Once the Moon bases are complete, I aim to liberate Hokkaido from Britannia, so that it may become a safe haven for those who wise to escape tyranny and oppression. Ezo and the Moon shall be like the two sides of the same coin. Like two brothers who have gone through hell and back. You will be my eyes and ears down here." Naruto stated as Miller nodded. Ezo would be the launch point for the Nation that would be built on the Moon and as such, Ezo and the Moon shall always be connected. They will be a single Nation, while being separate at the same time.
"Understood." Miller responded. With nothing else to report on, the communication shut off. He sighed as he looked at the screens before him. He remembered how Naruto had found him. Miller was trying to form his own group, a mercenary group that he would use to wage war against Britannia to gain vengeance for his fallen comrades. That very mercenary group he had founded was called Militaires Sans Frontières, or MSF. The very same MSF that would later be rebuilt by Naruto for Miller to command once more. However, MSF was destroyed by a secret organization. The organization was called Cipher, and its leader, ironically was man named Zero. The man's goal was to create a program that would unite the world, ending war for good with him at the center, a Zero. Miller had worked for Zero at first, but Zero ended up betraying him. Zero sent XOF, a strike force of Cipher led by a man called Skull Face. Yet again, Miller was the lone survivor. This time it was Naruto who found him. He offered him a position in his budding army, however Miller had a condition, he wanted Zero and Skull Face to pay, and he wanted Cipher to pay as much as he wanted Britannia to pay. Naruto agreed, and through economics and assassinations, he had bled Cipher dry. On the outside, Cipher was a large industry that built weapons of war and as such when Cipher was bled dry, Naruto had moved in and simply bought them. Now they worked for him, with Skull Face and Zero dead.
"Zero, you were stolen from your people, your village destroyed, your people destroyed, your language destroyed, but what you wanted wasn't just revenge, it was ethnic cleansing, mass genocide of people who spoke the language of your enemy. Your vengeance wouldn't just be upon Britannia, but the rest of the world. Maybe in another reality we might have been friends, but not in this one, but I will say this; I will at the very least make Britannia pay for destroying your identity." Miller thought. Britannia had made many enemies, enemies who couldn't fight back. However, now there were enemies who could take up arms and fight Britannia. Naruto was going to change the world forever.
With Naruto:
Naruto sighed. Everything was going according to plan, and his plans were almost finished. The Black Knights had once more attacked, and this time it was to break Kyoshiro Tohdoh, and that was almost a week ago. Then there was C.C., who he was in a relationship with for the past week. Milly didn't like the idea of sharing Naruto, at first, but after learning the truth about C.C. she decided to share him. She was saddened by C.C.'s past. Being immortal really sucked. C.C. was his spy within the Black Knights, and with her within their ranks he could get more accurate information regarding their movements. For now, they were heading Shikine Island to get Suzaku to join the Black Knights. Be it the Black Knights or Britannia, Suzaku would pay. He killed his father, he betrayed Japan, his people, and him.
He hadn't heard from C.C. and it's been almost a full day. She would be alright. She had survived for centuries and she could survive a day.
"The Soviet Rebels are doing better with Vladivostok in their control. They are freeing more and more of their land. Britannian forces are stretched too thin with the European Union renewing their offensive. The South American rebels are also hurting Britannia." He read the reports from all fronts. It was now time to field test Odin, but first, he needed to choose a target. Civilian targets were a no go, only a military target would do. For now, there was nothing important, so he decided to turn in for the day and go on a date with Milly.
The Next Day:
"I see, so you made contact with the thought elevator. I hope you weren't hurt or anything. Your reports suggest that the Black Knights now have a new weapon's system, they will develop this new system." Naruto said as he sat down with C.C. eating pizza. It seemed like that the attack on the island hit a bump, but nothing that would be damaging.
"Yes, but what are you going to do with Atsushi Sawazaki? He has returned and has claimed part of South Japan. With the Chinese support, he will try to liberate Japan." C.C. questioned as Naruto snorted.
"His Japan would be a puppet of the Chinese Federation. Besides, he was a coward that betrayed Japan by running with his tail between his legs. I think I have just the thing that can take care of him and his so-called liberation army." Naruto smirked. C.C. raised an eye. Naruto sat down on a computer and started to type away.
With Miller:
"Sir, the Boss has sent us orders." An Officer said as he handed a data pad to Miller. Miller grabbed the pad and a smile started to grow on his face, then his smile became a smirk, and then he started to laugh like a madman. Everyone looked at him as if he was crazy. Miller looked up at the Officer and smirked.
"Odin has been given the go ahead, ready to fire the arrow of heaven." Miller ordered as everyone knew what that meant and quickly started to get things ready.
Earth's Orbit:
Orbiting the Earth was a massive space station. Astronauts moved around, working all over the base, making sure everything was fine.
"Commander, we have orders from ground base to fire the arrow of heaven." One of the Astronauts said as he floated into the command capsule. The Commander of the station turned around and nodded.
"Very well, ready Odin to fire, and put in those coordinates." The Commander ordered as one of the lone satellites started to move into place. It opened on all sides, and one could clearly see the many tungsten rods placed in a circular pattern around it. One of the rods moved into the center and moved forward a bit, revealing a few inches of it outside of the center. This was Odin, Orbital Defense Initiative, an orbital kinetic bombardment weapons platform. This would have been Japan's greatest weapon, one that would act as a deterrent.
"Fire!" The Commander ordered as the tungsten was launched towards its target. As it reached its target closer and closer, it gained more and more speed until it reached Mach 10.
Fukuda Base:
The Britannian Fleet was halted by the storm, and so they had sent Suzaku to stop the Chinese forces there, and capture Atsushi Sawazaki and all high ranking Commanders of the invasion. However, as Suzaku made his way to Fukuda Base, his radar went crazy.
"What the hell?" He said as his radio came to life.
"Suzaku, watch out, there is an unknown object falling from the sky!" The voice of his superior blurred on the radio. He tried to find the object, but when he did get a look of it, it was going too fast to know what it was. The object slammed through the main building of the base and into the center. At first it seemed like nothing happen, but then the horror started. The main building exploded outwards as the very earth was uplifted and the shockwave destroyed any building that stood in its path. The shock caused an earthquake, a big one. The earth lifted up, then fell down. Knightmares were thrown everywhere, men screamed as they were crushed by the falling buildings. The whole base was now annihilated with no survivors. The earthquake spread far and wide, wiping out anything in its path. The kinetic weapon did what it was meant to do, annihilate anything and everything on a massive scale.
With Naruto:
"Good, the size of the destruction is comparable of a nuclear weapon, but with none of the fallout...a perfect weapon to cripple any Nation." Naruto said as he viewed the wide spread destruction.
"I am hard to impress, but that was really impressive." C.C. said as she looked over his shoulders. This was something new and she always wanted to see something new, now only if there were more kinds of pizza flavors.
"The news will be going crazy. Britannia will be going bat shit crazy. They will be looking for what caused such massive destruction." Naruto said as he turned to the news channel and could see the news already reporting.
"Well, I guess I better go spy on the Black Knights." C.C. said as Naruto nodded, but before she left, she gave him a kiss. Naruto sighed. C.C. and Milly were going to be the death of him one day. Turning his attention back to the massive destruction that Odin had caused, he wondered what the world's reaction would be to the destruction that was caused. Knightmares were the stuff of legends, able to turn the tide of the battle with just their appearance. They were unmatched and could cause untold devastation upon the enemy, but with Odin? It was a new age of weaponry, an age that took to space, a space race if you will. Odin was a super-weapon and a space weapon, able to strike anywhere, anytime.
"What caused such destruction?" Lelouch thought as he watched the destroyed landscape from his Knightmare. He planned to help his enemy, to gain more followers, but what he had found was a destroyed Fukuda base and the general area around the base and even further. It was as if an earthquake had just occurred. It kind of reminded him of his own strategy back at Narita Mountain, but this was on a whole new level.
"It can't be Britannia...no, this was someone else's work, but whom? I need to find out." With that said, he retreated; guess he wouldn't be able to get more recruits.
"What the hell just happened!?" Cornelia questioned. A few minutes ago, the sea had calmed down from the typhoon, but then all of the sudden the typhoon returned, with a vengeance. She had lost half of her fleet, and she was now getting information that some kind of attack had occurred, which caused an earthquake.
"The attack came out of nowhere." An officer stated as they tried to stand back up.
"Then find out where it came from!" Cornelia yelled, she was getting tired of random attacks, first the Black Knights, now this? She was going to get white hair at this rate.
"Y-Yes, your highness!" All the Officers yelled as they all tried to find out what happened. Sighing, Cornelia sat down on her seat. She could really use a drink right about now.
How was it? Good I hope. I did what I thought was right. Leave a review or two, flames are welcome, critics of all type are welcomed. I never delete reviews, not my way of doing things. Well, with this, I hope you all had a good read. Bye!