Disclaimer - I own nothing you recognise.

Written for;

School Of Prompt - Angst.

Hogwarts Open Day - Team Black, Round 1.

Only Hope

It's hard to believe you're going to walk away from your family. Your mother and father, who you love dearly despite their opinions not matching with your own. Your sisters, both older and younger, who you depend on deeply despite their swallowing the darkness of your family so easily.

It's hard to believe you're going to leave your family behind for a boy. No boy should ever come before family. You know that. You've always believed that. But Ted...well. He's not just a boy, is he? He's so much more than that.

You didn't believe in soulmates before you met Ted. You didn't believe in star crossed lovers, and you thought Romeo and Juliet was a ridiculous tale, because really, who would kill themselves over a boy?

He makes you feel so much more than you ever have. He makes you feel pretty, he makes you feel special. He makes you feel like you can amount to more than your surname.

He sees Andromeda, instead of Miss Black.

He sees a person, instead of a tool, to be married off to the right name.

It makes you love him even more.

And you do love him. Your heart aches whenever you think about him, your brain gets cloudy when he kisses you, and he makes you feel safe when he wraps his arms around you.

You only hope that he's worth what you're giving up.

You try to say goodbye without actually saying it. You hug your mother and father, before leaving for Kings Cross for your seventh year. You write to Bella, wishing her all the luck with her marriage to Rodolphus. You spend more time with Narcissa, helping her get ready for dates in Hogsmead with Lucius.

Ted understands. He doesn't push you, and he's expecting you to go back to your family as soon as the Hogwarts Express gets to Platform Nine and Three Quarters. You can see the fear in his eyes as he holds your hand tightly.

But you know what you have to do.

You tell yourself it is the best thing for everyone.

That is what you tell yourself when you see the anger in your parent's eyes.

That is what you tell yourself when you see the betrayed look on Narcissa's face.

And that is what you tell yourself when you apparate away, hand in hand with Ted, never to see your family again.

You only hope that one day, you'll believe it.