
-Six Years Later-

Despite being at sea for most of her life, Erika's favorite season was sprig. It was a time of rebirth and renewal, washing away the bitterness of winter, and blossoming into something beautiful. She was watching the horizon when she heard a thud followed by giggling. She turned towards the sound and found Dominick collapsed on the deck, Evangeline and Erik hitting him with small wooden swords. She laughed as he called to her for help, letting the scene play out for a moment longer before scooping up the rambunctious duo. Dominick was quick to his feet and immediately began tickling them. They squealed, dropping the toy swords, and trying to wiggle out of Erika's arms.

The twins, Evangeline and Erik, had turned four just over a month ago, and were as wild as ever. The crew had lavished the twins with gifts and a that party had lasted well into the next day. Timothy had even managed to bake a cake. It took several hours to clean the decks afterwards. Four years prior, the Black Siren and her captain had been quite the sight to behold. Erika had fought on her decks for almost the entire duration of her pregnancy, at least, until Dominick and the crew had forced her to rest. They'd even hidden her sword for good measure. A month later, the twins were born.

They had each agreed to name one twin and to go along with whatever the other had decided. Dominick had cried when she told him that she'd chosen Evangeline for the little girl in honor of his mother. When he'd regained his composure, he told her quite smugly that he had picked out the name Erik for the little boy. She rolled her eyes at the memory.

"Mama!" Evangeline's voice pulled her from her thoughts. "Look!"

Erika looked in the direction her daughter was pointing. The cliffs they would dock the ship at had come into view. Three figures waved at them in the distance. The twins waved back furiously, already excited to play in the grass.

It took another twenty or so minutes to dock properly, but as the rowboat came ashore the figures from the cliffs had made their way down to the beach.

"Aintíní!" Saoirse screamed, running into the water, and right up to the boat. Erika smiled and scooped her out of the water.

"You've gotten so big!" She told her. "Almost big enough to join my crew." Saoirse beamed.

"Don't even think about it, Erika." Came Julian's voice, low and dangerous. He glared at her, arms crossed against his chest. Though, it was hard to take him seriously with a toddler bouncing excitedly on his shoulders. Erika bit back a laugh.

Saoirse pouted. "Please, papa? I wanna be a pirate too!"

Erika stepped out of the boat. "I'll duel you for her, cousin." She said, teasing.

"Not a chance."

"Oh well," Erika sighed dramatically. She set Saoirse down on the beach. "There's always next time." She waited for Julian's glare to turn soft before throwing her arms around him. "It's good to see you again. I missed you."

"I missed you too."

She pulled back and noticed Kian staring at her curiously with bright blue eyes.

"You don't remember me, do you, little one?" She asked him. Kian continued to stare. "I'll take that as a no."

Julian chuckled. He shook hands with Dominick, who had just appeared beside Erika. She looked around for the twins and found Saoirse holding each of their hands, already beginning to lead them towards the village.

"Come on!" She said loud enough that it wasn't just directed at the twins. "Mama's waiting for everyone!"

They all laughed and followed Saoirse up the beach, past the village, and towards the cottage that she knew as home. Looking at the little house, Erika could see the appeal of country life. It would be much quieter than she was used to, that was for sure. She would have to ask Dominick what his thoughts on settling down were, but she knew that she wasn't quite ready to settle down just yet.

The front room of the cottage hadn't changed much since their last visit, save for the rocking chair that now stood near the fireplace. The open windows let in both the sunlight and a small breeze that brought the smell of the rose garden into the cottage. Again, Erika saw the appeal of a quiet life on the coast.

The quiet didn't last for much longer, however.

"Mama!" Saoirse exclaimed, dragging Erika and Evangeline forward with her. "Look who's here!"

Anneliese looked down at the three children and smiled. The twins' eyes went wide as they stared between her and Erika. Saoirse giggled excitedly.

Erika crossed the short distance between them and pulled her into a loose embrace. When she pulled back, she glanced down at the baby tucked securely in Anneliese's arms.

"Can I hold her?"

"Of course." Anneliese said, carefully passing the baby into Erika's arms. "Her name is Gráinne."

"Gráinne." Erika repeated quietly, smiling down at the little girl. "Love." Dominick came up behind her, gazing at little Gráinne as well. "She's beautiful."

welcome to the end of three years of my life I hope you enjoy!

thank you for all the love!

Saoirse (Irish; pronounced "Sear-Sha" means Freedom): 6

Erik (French; means Noble Ruler) and Evangeline (Greek; means Bringer of Good News): 4

Kian (Irish, means Enduring): 3

Gráinne (Irish' pronounced "Grawn-Ya"; means Love): 3 weeks