Summary: The Winchesters are led to a werewolf nest by a ghost.
Chapter Three: A Princess
One Week later:
Kevin was in the backseat of the impala along with Riley and Ana.
Dean and Sam were in the front not really talking and then the sun was going down and Sam noticed the moon.
He jerked his head back towards Riley and looked at his brother and grabbed the stash of coffee they had and poured some in a Styrofoam cup handing it back to Riley "Drink that." he ordered.
Dean looked at his brother "Sam what are you doing? "
"Trying to help Riley stay awake." Sam said not going any further into it.
Kevin glanced over at Riley wondering why Riley needed to stay awake and feeling bad because the poor girl looked miserable, like the last thing she wanted to do was drink that coffee. And it was true. Riley hated Coffee.
Dean watched her in the mirror for a second and shook his head "Alright that's it, " he pulled over on the side of the room putting the impala in park and turned to Sam "Why the hell does Riley need to stay awake?" Dean asked not in the mood for secrets.
Sam sighed, he'd wanted to wait at least until he could figure out how to tell Dean in the right words. "First off, don't freak out. Second, while you were gone we discovered something about Riley." Sam paused.
Dean glanced back at Riley then at Sam waiting for him to continue.
"She turned into a werewolf, Riley is werewolf. " Sam explained.
Dean took that in like any hunter would, then went on to say "And she turns when she's Madison? And in wolf form is she like Madison was?" Dean asked because that would be a problem.
"After the first time I had to use a tranquilizer on her, I decided from then on I would have her pull all-nighters when there was a full moon. " Sam added.
Dean sighed, great, back in the day when Sam had fallen for Madison and they discovered she was the werewolf but Madison when she turned had no memory of it, in fact she had no idea she was even a werewolf. She was the type that blacked out when turning. Apparently Riley was the same way. And the worst part about Madison? In the end Sam had to kill her. Dean feared that that would become Riley's fate too.
"So she's a werewolf and got the werewolf gene from her mom? And she blacks out when she turns..anything else?" Dean asked not sure it could get any worse but hey this was their life after all.
"Who's Madison?" Ana asked curious.
"A werewolf your Uncle had a thing for over 7 years ago. " Dean commented.
"She's the first girl I loved after Jessica died." Sam added
Only one thing came to Ana's mind then and she asked "Is Madison alive?"
There was a silence for a minute as the brothers remembered one of there saddest moments.
"When she realized what she was doing she asked me to kill I did." Sam answered.
"Because she was killing people?" that was Riley.
"Yeah, and it was one of the hardest things I ever had to do." Sam told her honestly.
"And what if I kill people?" Riley asked worried that she might become a monster because of this curse.
Sam turned to her "That's not gonna happen."
"But what if it does? You said I was like Madison, I black out when I turn into the wolf, what if I killed someone already? I wouldn't even know I did it." Riley said thinking that might be worse.
"Ana chased you the whole time Riley, you didn't kill anyone and it only took me about an hour to get what I needed to knock you out. Ana told me herself that you didn't hurt anyone." Sam said
That put Riley at ease a little.
Ana however, got more anxious to change the conversation, because yeah, she had followed Riley the whole time..but she also snuck out that night to burn and bury the body Riley had left behind. She just couldn't tell her Uncle that Riley had killed someone, she was scared of what he might do if he found out. It wasn't Riley's fault! But Sam wasn't just a father and a Uncle, he was a hunter and its that part of him that Ana couldn't trust. So she had lied. Riley was like a sister to her and she had to protect her because it wasn't her fault.
Riley succeeded in staying up all night but crashed the next morning, Sam was ready in case she turned anyway. But she didn't.
Sam found a case later that night, right in the cabin they were staying in.
"I don't get it, we checked this place over there's no way its haunted. There was no emf at all when we first got here and not its spiking. " Sam said as the emf meter told them again that there was ghost there.
Riley and Ana were on the couch, Kevin was in the wind along with his mom which wasn't cool and made no one happy but in the meantime they had to deal with whatever else came there way til they found him.
"That makes no sense though, if there was no ghost before we got here why is there a ghost now?" Ana asked because this went against everything she was taught about ghosts.
Sam shrugged and tried to locate the direction the ghost was in, the clicking got stronger when he pointed it towards the couch. He frowned, both Riley and Ana's mom were dead, was it possible one of them was a ghost?
Sam turned and then gasped in shock as a beautiful woman with really long black hair appeared and then shrieked "Where's my baby!"
Dean shot her and she was gone again.
"Holy crap!" Ana frowned and then looked over at Riley because that woman looked a lot like Riley.
"Was that?" Dean paused, he was pretty sure he remembered that woman.
Sam paled "Riley's mother."
Riley seemed just as surprised now "why didn't she cross over?"
"Well apparently she doesn't know its been a few years and she's looking for Riley, maybe she'll cross over if she see's that Riley is okay." Dean said
"Why doesn't she know I'm okay? I'm right here. " Riley said confused.
Sam sighed the story of how he got Riley wasn't a happy one, Heather Kensington had been driving when the snow storm hit, Riley was about 5 at the time and was complaining about being cold, things got worse when Heather swerved to miss another car and ran herself off the road and into the woods. The car stalled and wouldn't start again and she thought the best thing to do was to get out and keep moving so she grabbed a blanket and covered Riley with it and carried her for a while until she couldn't feel her legs anymore. She collapsed and to keep Riley calm she had sang to her, Riley remembered at least that much and the rest Sam got from the rescue team, they'd finally found Heather but she was dead from hypothermia, she had taken off her own jacket to help keep Riley warm, and used her own body heat to keep Riley alive. Heather had literally sacrificed herself to save their daughter's life.
"She's confused, she probably doesn't even know that its been 7 years. She probably knows she died but she doesn't know what happened to you and like any parent, she wants to know what happened to her kid." Dean explained wondering if she was gonna come back.
"And what if that's not enough to make her cross over?" Ana asked
"Then I guess we're headed to New Orleans, Louisiana." Dean commented
"What's in New Orleans?" Riley asked
"Your mother's grave." Sam told her.
So he was talking about a salt N Burn.
But Heather didn't appear again that night so the next morning they all were on the road heading for New Orleans.
It took about two days to get there. First thing they did was go visit the grave. Riley didn't really wanna go near it but she also noticed there was more then one Kensington grave.
"Am I related to them too?" she asked
"Those are your grandparents on your moms side." Sam told her.
"Isn't that the name on my birth certificate?" she asked meaning the last name.
"Kensington? Yeah." Sam smirked a little. He could remember Heather so well, and even if he didn't all he had to do was look at Riley, she was almost a spitting imagine of her. Long black hair almost down to her butt, warm brown eyes. In fact Riley had almost none of Sam's features. Aside from having his chin his daughter was her mothers daughter. Even in attitude, despite the fact that her mother didn't raise her, Riley still had the Kensington temper. They were a little snobby and she didn't have that thankfully, but when she got wasn't the Winchester temper. It was the Kensington temper Riley displayed. Heather when she was mad, radiated anger quietly, her anger was a graceful anger. Almost like she was too good to give into her anger and punch you, like she was better then that. Sam had always loved that about her, so confident and graceful, and stunningly beautiful. She was probably the most beautiful girl Sam had ever been with in his life. Jessica would have been the girl he married, and he had loved Madison..Amelia had been a rebound, but it was nice because she was a lot like him..but Heather? She was his unicorn, the one thing he could never have even if he lived forever. And Heather had something else in her favor that none of the other woman did, because of Heather his child was alive. For that Sam would always be grateful. And in typical Heather fashion she hadn't even done it for Sam, she had done it for Riley. He loved Heather on a very deep level for that.
"So, what? You guys are gonna come back tonight and do the salt n burn?" Ana asked
"Pretty much. " Dean stated with a sigh. He remembered the one and only time he met Heather, they had argued over something and then had a staring contest and while Dean will never admit it to anyone, Heather had won. He could still remember her at fifteen, arms crossed staring him down.
There was a sound that caught there attention and a teenager boy came out with flowers, he seemed surprised to see them and then stared at Riley and tilted his head. Then shook it off and went over to the grave two plots down from Heather's laying his flowers on that grave.
Dean and the others tried to mind their own business until the kid stood up and came over to them.
"Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you guys but..are you Riley Kensington?" he asked
Riley raised a brow curious "Um...yes."
He smiled "You probably don't remember me, I'm Aiden. We used to draw in the dirty together when we were little. I would draw boats and you would draw stars."
Riley couldn't help but smile at that image. "I'm sorry, I don't remember. "
"Come with me, I have something of your moms, I think she'd want you to have it." Aiden said turning around now and walked off. Riley followed him and Sam, Dean and Ana followed her. Sam wasn't too sure if he should be letting the kid led them anywhere but hey, he was just a teenager right?
He led them to what looked like a reservation camp and Sam and Dean both got an uneasy feeling when they saw some of the men there.
A tall blonde guy looking not much older then Aiden came over, he was wearing a black shirt and black pants. "What's the meaning of this? You would bring strangers here?"
"Jace wait, this is Riley Kensington. And these are the people that raised her, one of those men must be her father." Aiden said
Now Riley was getting a little uneasy now.
"You were to find her when she was fifteen, not when she is thirteen." Jace responded.
"But she's Heather's daughter, the amulet is hers by right. " Aiden protested.
"What is going on here?" Dean demanded "Start explaining or we're leaving."
"And you bring hunters here, Aiden I am sorely displeased with you." Jace said frowning.
"How did you know we were hunters? I knew it, your not human." Dean removed his knife now counting in his head how many were around and how many might actually attack.
Aiden turned now "No, please, there's no need for that. We're just werewolves, our pack is a peaceful pack, we don't hurt people. Please I didn't bring you here for this. Jace please, just give her the amulet so they can go."
Jace didn't seem to like that idea "Is she staying?" he asked glancing at Riley now.
Riley seemed surprised and Sam was quick to answer "No she is not staying, why would think she's staying? " Sam frowned then looked at Aiden "You mentioned Heather, how did you guys know Heather?"
Jace looked at Sam as if he were foolish "She was one of us."
"One of...wait she was a werewolf too?" Riley said shocked.
"Your mother wasn't just a werewolf, she was werewolf royalty. Hers is a pure bloodline that goes all the way back to the first werewolf. She is a direct decedent of the original werewolf. " Jace explained and then pulled out a diamond crescent moon shaped amulet that sparkled. He knelt before Riley and placed it around her neck saying "Here, this will help you control it when you turn. In fact," he said standing now and smiled "Its so powerful that sometimes it can even stop the transformation if that's what you want."
"How's that possible?" Ana asked
Jace glanced at her then spoke "Because, the most powerful witch in all of history cast a spell on it centuries ago, its designed to control the purest bloodline because they were always the worst of our kind, they are fierce and terrible and have no control. This amulet was made of the purest of Diamonds, the spell used was created by a good witch, the only good witch. The alpha himself stepped in to see that it got done, without this amulet, you are cursed...take it off and you are marked for death. Do not repeat your mothers mistake Princess." Jace warned "Only with this are you safe."
"Are you saying Heather died because she took that off?" Sam asked
"That amulet holds powerful magic, with that is protection magic, Heather removed the amulet that night when she got caught in the storm. She placed it on Riley giving up its protection to her daughter and in doing so she was marked for death." Jace explained
Sam looked at the amulet around his daughters neck now then back at Jace "So your saying that while she wears it, it protects her? How powerful is the protection? What sort of things does it defend against?"
Jace scoffed "We tested that once, summoned a demon one night while Heather wore the amulet, she provoked it and when it lunged at her the power in the amulet produced a shield that knocked the demon out of the body it was in and back to hell. "
That was interesting "Whoa, it wards off demons? That spell must be really powerful." Ana stated and then Jace went on "Indeed, but it doesn't just protect her, for example. If a demon were to attack you in your living room and your hand was on Riley's arm or any part of her, the shield would protect you as well. That amulet holds the most powerful magic on earth. But it only works if Riley is wearing it. "
That was a revelation as well. So Riley's blood activates the amulet, but the amulet can protect anyone who was near Riley as well and it could keep her from turning? That seemed like big magic. If a single good witch was that powerful maybe that's why they were extinct now. But that brought up another question.
"But how is that possible? When a witch dies the spells they cast are undone. So how does that thing still work today?" Sam asked
"Our Alpha made a deal with the vampire alpha, he turned the witch, she still lives today, as a vampire but she still lives. She has a less powerful version of the amulet to protect herself from hunters, she's the only vampire who can't be killed and its only allowed because keep the power in this amulet is top priority. " Jace explained.
Oh, well that explained that. And then Jace said something else that surprised them "And there's no need for you to desecrate Heather's grave, her spirit was never really there."
"But we saw it." Riley protested confused.
"The Amulet needed a way to draw you here, so it caused you to see the ghost of your mother, I assure you, Heather crossed over long ago. If she hadn't you'd have seen her long before now." Jace said which actually made sense. Sam had been thinking the same thing actually, why would she wait so long if she were here? Unless she wasn't here...wait a minute.
"You said the Amulet did it, as in the amulet has a mind of its own?" Sam asked curious.
"Magic, real magic is unpredictable. When Laura cast the spell to enchant the amulet a sort of life was created inside it, in a way the amulet is alive, it is self aware but it has only one purpose. To protect those with alpha blood like Riley, however as I said, anyone touching Riley or near Riley shall be shielded as well as a precaution to help protect her. It needed to be somewhat aware so that it can protect her properly, it senses danger and the shield goes up. " Jace added in explanation.
Sam asked to speak with Jace alone, he had a few questions one of which was "What if she does something wrong and I need to discipline her? I spank her when she does something wrong, does that mean it will protect her from me?" Sam asked
Jace wasn't too surprised to hear that Sam spanked Riley. "No, because in a way it protects her as well, from herself. If you spank her it will not shield her. Just make sure you be clear about what she did wrong before you do it, otherwise it may not understand." Sam understood that and honestly he did that anyway, Dean didn't always do that but Sam did. Ana got spanked more then Riley did though because she was so much like her father.
After being told a little more Sam nodded "Right, well we better be going, I'm glad Aiden brought us here though, you've helped me solve a very big problem, when Riley turned I wasn't sure what I was suppose to do. I owe you big time."
"No you don't, while I'm glad that I seem to have relieved some of your stress, I did this for the Princess. Besides, the amulet was not mine to keep. Its hers by right. " Jace said
Sam nodded and then went over to Dean and the girls "Lets go."
Dean, Sam, Ana and Riley walked back to the Impala fully aware that Aiden was following them. He wanted to make sure they got safely to their car and left town.
They did.
In the car Riley fingered the necklace she wasn't really one for shiny things but she was glad that this thing was so powerful. It offered her a way to protect her family and not just from herself, from the supernatural. The next time she and Ana got caught up in danger with their father's there was now a way to protect herself and Ana which means Sam and Dean could concentrate on whatever they were after instead of worrying about the girls.
Sam was up front thinking about what Jace had said, the other thing he'd asked Jace was if the amulet could be destroyed, if for some reason something happened and it broke was that even possible? Jace had told him that it was possible, and then told Sam that if that ever happened the magic of the amulet would find another source be it a body or something else, it would find some way to continue to protect Riley. Its power, the magic would just find somewhere else to go. Jace had even told Sam that most likely the magic would find a body, the person in the body would die and then the magic would find Riley and continue its mission. Which was weird and very effective and persistent magic in Sam's opinion.