I'm not really one for introductions so I'll make this brief.
This is MY work in progress version of a sequel to "Frozen", taking place and following the established canon of the events from the movie, as well as "Frozen Fever" and "Olaf's Frozen Adventure"
The only other things I'll say is that this is more or less a war story that centers around a pairing of Elsa with a male interest of my own design. But beyond that I wanted to focus on certain concepts and elements I felt were underused in the film. Such as the existence of magic and individuals with arcane abilities, the lore, culture and history of Arendelle which I based off of ancient Norse/Viking culture and mythology with slight Scottish/Irish folklore influences, and the idea of multiple races existing in the world besides humans and trolls.
Basically I wanted to make the world around "Frozen" larger and grander, deepening the stories of the characters while still staying true to their personalities and ultimately keeping a "Disney" feel and tone.
This story is rated T for fantasy violence, trajedy, mild suggestive themes and VERY light swearing.
Ok so that wasn't brief at all...Anyway, please enjoy. :)
Chapter 1: A Stranger in Arendelle
Over two years have passed since the Eternal Winter and the Great Thaw; life in Arendelle under queen Elsa's rule has been peaceful and prosperous as it was under her father and mother. The Kingdom's economy thrived despite having broken ties with Weselton, being secured in finance and commerce. The gulf that had separated Elsa and Anna had been bridged, as sisters they had discovered the true meaning of selfless love in each other and a place they belonged...a home. But now something stirred in the young queen's heart, as if a piece of herself was missing, something she did not necessarily need but...wanted, longed for. It hadn't bothered her before, yet now it grew and pulled within her.
She had assumed for some time that she had gained more than she ever thought possible; no longer did she need to hide her power from her sister or fear the ire of her own people. Kristoff, Sven and of course Olaf were like extended family for her...what she could possibly be missing remained a mystery to her.
She stood on the Balcony of the castle now, looking out at the city: deliberating with herself on what was causing her this distress. She was so deep in thought she barely noticed the hand on her shoulder. Turning, she faced Anna who looked on her with genuine concern, "Hey Elsa, is everything... OK?"
"Yes-I'm fine Anna, I was just...thinking is all." Elsa replied as she smiled hesitantly.
"Thinking harder that you usually do, sis."
Elsa shook her head, "Honestly Anna it's nothing really, I don't even remember what I was thinking about."
Anna raised an eyebrow, she remained unconvinced. "Well...I just wanted you to know; Kristoff is finally back from his trip to the mountains and we are going out when he gets here...And that you and I will talk about this later."
"Anna I told you it was-"
She was stopped short by Anna's disbelieving smirk, Elsa knew she wasn't a good liar and surrendered to her sister's persistence. Sighing, the queen smiled, "Very well...have fun and give Kristoff my love."
Elsa gasped and laughed as Anna gave her an extra tight hug as she softly said, "Goodbye Elsa, I love you"
The Snow queen hugged her sister back, "I know Anna...I know."
After Anna left, it was not long before she heard another familiar, joyful voice of a certain someone made her jump, "Hi Elsa!"
She turned looking down to see one of her closest friends, Olaf: a small, happy, wide eyed snowman whose mood was always elated and playful. She smiled widely at the sight of her always cheerful friend, "Well hello Olaf and how are you today?"
He giggled and gleefully replied, "Teeerrrrific! But you look like you're thinking really hard about something." He teased, doing his best to wrinkle his brow.
Elsa put a hand on her hip and rolled her eyes, "You're the second person to comment on that today... or the first snowman anyway."
"Well if you want to talk about it, I'm a great listener, I'm all ears! Oh wait…. I don't have ears. heh heh."
She was about to dodge his inquiry but she stopped herself and decided that she might as well 'vent' to someone else before her sister, it would be good practice, and Olaf was a very good listener. "Very well Olaf... I will tell you."
Olaf smiled up at her, waiting expectantly. Elsa folded her arms and tapped her finger against her lip thoughtfully, "Lately I've felt like something is 'missing'in my life, there's something that I want-badly but I can't seem to get a grasp on what. It's an emotion that I can't exactly explain at present, a sort of longing and it's been pulling at me for weeks now, I don't understand and...I really, really wish I could." Elsa's voice receding to a whisper as she pressed a finger to her temple.
Olaf scratched his non- existent chin and pondered on what she had told him. They watched Anna, Kristoff and Sven in the distance as they made their way through the city streets to whatever evening activities they had planned. Then Olaf looked back and forth between Elsa and the couple several times. His mouth opened in a wide grin.
Elsa gave him a puzzled look, "What?"
Giggling, Olaf darted off into the castle, bidding her to follow him. Elsa entered the castle library behind the snowman who was reaching for a book that was just a little too high for him. She shook her head and helped him reach the book, he searched for a particular page and then flipped it around so she could see.
"That's it! That's it!" he exclaimed excitedly as he clapped his hands and spun in a circle.
Elsa smiled curiously. "What's this about?"
Olaf laughed as though he had found the meaning of life, hidden within the book, "I figured out what you're missing!"
Elsa just stared at the snowman holding his arms out and jaw slack. "And that would be... a horse?" She replied humorously, almost letting a small laugh slip through.
He cheered. "Yes! Yes! no- wait- what?" He peeked over at the page and looked up at her, chuckling shyly when he saw he'd flipped to the wrong page.
"Olaf, you've lost me..."
"No-not a horse, Kristoff! I mean a 'Kristoff' of your own." Olaf said, rolling his eyes and putting the book aside.
"Yeah...he's not really my type."
"No, no I'm saying that you're lonely Elsa."
She scoffed, "Why would I be lonely; I have Anna and you and Kristoff-"
"I mean- every princess has a prince and maybe that's what you're missing!"
Elsa smirked, "Ah...that's what you mean. Well technically I'm a queen and Kristoff's not a prince..."
He laughed, "Oh that doesn't matter."
Elsa chuckled and shook her head as she stood, "Olaf, that's not...that's not possible, If I ever did marry it would most likely be an arranged affair for the kingdom's benefit and besides, I don't think 'princes' are my type either. And beyond that I have... responsibilities, I don't have time for that sort of thing. Even if it has been lonely, as you say, finding a suitor isn't that simple and if... I do find love, I want to find it in my own time and not when others think I should...if I do..." Her eyes looked towards the ground as she said these last words quietly.
Olaf frowned, twiddling his thumbs thoughtfully for a moment before speaking, "Well maybe, a prince will come to you and maybe...in a way you won't expect."
"What do you mean?"
"Well...your different than most people-a 'good' different of course, when you meet your prince I think he should be different... and how you meet him will be different too. "
Elsa didn't reply but his words had an impact on her thought process from then on. The snow man reached up and gently squeezed her hand before departing the library in search of more 'friends' on his ever growing list. Elsa returned to the balcony, wondering if there was truth in what Olaf said. She had felt a twinge of envy from time to time when Anna would go off with Kristoff on a romantic outing but she hadn't known why at the time. They along with Sven and Olaf were the only real friends she had, and she was deeply grateful for them...but was the longing in her really for a significant other...someone to share a life with? It was an emotion that she had long been unconcerned with, but now she wondered...
She looked out from her view for a long time as she watched the city and its people go about their everyday lives. Eventually she noticed a ship pull into the harbor and a large group of traders and returning citizens depart onto the docks, all were the usual people she'd expect to see arriving in Arendelle...all but one. Their face and body were concealed by a hooded cloak, the only visible traits were their leather boots and the handle of a sword behind their right shoulder. Although carrying a weapon on the wild paths outside the city was not so unusual, something in this strangers bearing made her apprehensive. She continued to watch as they walked through the city, she considered the possibility that this person may have ill intent and if so she would have to deal with them as a criminal.
The stranger walked over to one of the city landlords to speak with him, and Elsa moved herself to the lower level to get a better look. She couldn't hear them but she could see the landlord speaking first. The stranger said nothing but tossed a small sack in the man's direction which he barely caught, the landlord counted the pieces and said something else before directing them towards the city. Elsa wanted to know more about this person, especially since it appeared that they might be staying in Arendelle for some time. She instructed her guards to extend them an... 'invitation' to the palace, so that she might learn more about them and their reasons for being in Arendelle. She made her way to the throne room of the palace into the great hall, sitting on her throne, her back straight, head level and waited...
Aldren watched as the landlord counted the coins, finishing he weighed the money in his hand, "A bit short for one of the nicer villas and-"
"I'm not picky..." He replied low and cold.
The landlord sneered slightly before shrugging and pointing, "Head south east into the city, it'll be the one missing paint, it's a bit run down but it's a roof over your head...may I ask who is staying in it?"
"You may." he said brushing past the landlord.
Aldren walked along the cobblestone streets of Arendelle at a steady pace so as not to draw attention to himself with his head hung low, the hood hiding his face from view. The city around him was bustling with activity, his old homeland certainly had its share of excitement, if the stories were true.
He slowed his walk when he could hear several sets of feet walking together in unison, he turned and tilted his gaze upward slightly and saw a group of five royal guards approaching from down the street. He considered ducking away into the crowd to avoid them all together but decided that would only cause him more problems. He sighed and prepared for whatever questions they more than likely had for him. He halted his stride as they neared him, they slowly surrounded him, being careful not to crowd him but leaving no mistake as to their intent.
The one in front of him spoke, "We bid you welcome stranger, her majesty Queen Elsa of Arendelle requests your presence at the palace."
Aldren lifted his head ever so slightly towards the lead guard, glancing up and smirking at the ridiculous hat he wore, "And...what have I done to earn such a privilege in the short time I've been here?"
"Her majesty only wishes to speak with a new arrival in the kingdom of Arendelle...sir." The guardsman's hand moved upwards, his thumb resting against the guard of his sword.
Aldren could feel the inexperience and uneasiness in the guardsmen as he slowly scanned to his left and right side, their gloved hands resting on the hilts of their swords in 'readiness'." You gentlemen seem nervous..." he stated coyly.
"This way please" the guard replied with a slight frown, gesturing for Aldren to follow.
The guard in front turned heel, leading the way for Aldren to follow while the others flanked him. They walked through the open gates of the castle courtyard past what looked to a chapel of some kind. When they climbed the short steps to the palace doors the guard in front of him turned and held his hand out flat, "Your sword please."
Though the guard was unfailingly polite Aldren recognized that this was not a request and reluctantly complied. He reached behind himself, causing the guards to all take a step back and tighten their grip on their swords. He held out a hand to let them know he was not aggressive, unclasping the buckles beneath his cloak, then placing the sword in it's scabbard in the lead guard's hand.
The guard took the sword in both hands and seemed surprised by how light the weapon was despite being a fairly large sword, he partially unsheathed the blade, revealing two elegant, foreign runes upon the gleaming blade just above the guard. The cross guards were more like edged spikes that could be used for attack as well as defense, the two handed grip was wrapped tightly in dark leather while the underside of the cross guards and pommel were wrapped in steel sheets in the appearance of black, autumn leaves. After examining the sword a moment longer, he looked back to Aldren "A bit much for driving away wolves and bears isn't it?"
"Perhaps, but wolves and bears are the least of a traveler's worries, there are far more fearsome beasts where I've come from..."
The guard said nothing as he opened the doors and gestured for him to follow.
He'd heard stories of this Queen Elsa, the eldest daughter of the deceased king Agnarr and Queen Iduna and that she supposedly wielded some 'power' over ice and snow. Aldren had experience with magic before, but he had traveled to many distant lands and knew of only one being alive with a power like what had been described...and no others. There were many rulers who claimed such outlandish things for the sake of attention, popularity, to inspire 'greatness'...or fear. Most often the stories were wild exaggerations or outright lies, but experience had also taught him to treat all rulers with respect...and caution.
As a child Aldren had never been inside of the castle but the palace itself was surprisingly modest compared to others he'd seen in the past, being constructed mainly of wood, an air of humility that still held pride and honor. When he turned his head towards the throne he was caught a little off guard... the woman that sat there was to put it bluntly: beautiful. Her body which sat tall and erect in a regal yet reserved manner, was wrapped in a sparkling teal dress that fit her slender and attractive form perfectly. Her eyes were a crystal blue that searched him in curiosity and slight suspicion. Her skin was white as snow and her hair, done in a long braid that hung over her shoulder, was a striking platinum blonde. Even if she had no such ice powers, she certainly evoked the spirit of ice and snow in her appearance and dress. To describe her aloud would be to embarrass himself like a smitten schoolboy. Regaining his composure, he reminded himself, he had seen beautiful before, true beauty could only be judged by the character of a person.
He was halted a distance away from the throne and two guards still watched him from either side. The queen's lips curved into a pleasant smile as she spoke. "Greetings traveler, I am Elsa of house Floran, Queen of the northern kingdom of Arendelle and I welcome you."
Aldren bowed his head and replied as politely as possible. "Thank you, your majesty."
She rose from her seat and walked down a few steps. "Please understand that my intentions in having you brought here are not hostile, it's just that we don't often get travelers in the city of Arendelle that we aren't already familiar with...or that come to our city so armed." she said, glancing at the sword that one of her guards held in his hands.
"Well your majesty, I promise that I haven't come to assassinate you or start a war if that's what you're wondering."
She seemed a bit shocked by his bluntness, "That...was among my concerns...what is your name?"
"Aldren, your grace." he replied simply.
"Just Aldren?"
He nodded, she nodded back slowly, "What is your purpose in Arendelle?
"It is...simply one stop on a very long journey for me, I've been traveling for some time and I needed a place to rest and lay low...which as is it appears was an unsuccessful attempt on my part."
The queen was silent for a moment as she appeared to be thinking deeply before finally asking, "May I ask that you remove your hood, I wish to see your face"
"Why is that your grace?"
"So that I may remember it..."
He knew that he had no choice but to comply, grabbing the edges of his hood he pulled it back revealing his face to her...
Elsa was stunned a moment at the sight of the stranger; a young man around the same age as herself...perhaps a bit older. skin that was slightly darker than that of the many light skinned nord residents of Arendelle; likely an effect brought about by constant travel on the sea, his face was smooth and hairless, revealing a subtle but defined jawline. His scalp was covered by unkempt long, black hair that was tied together in a loose ponytail. But his most prominent feature were his eyes: they were a faded but deep crimson... certainly not a common eye color, in fact they were unlike anything she'd ever seen. Despite his slightly smug attitude and demeanor, Elsa couldn't help but peer past the intensity of his eyes and see the all too familiar glints of grief...and pain.
She was caught staring as Aldren smiled, "I know my eyes are unusual...
She mentally shook herself from her short trance, "Forgive me. I was...lost in thought."
"Mhm...well your grace, will that be all?" he replied with a slight hint of sarcasm.
She frowned slightly, "Yes...for now. Thank you."
He turned to retrieve his sword from the guard who held it, but just as his hand rested on the scabbard, she decided she should make her position as queen more concrete.
"Sir", she called, almost too loudly, "One more thing before you leave."
Just as the guard handed him the sword the queen began to speak again in a less welcoming tone. Aldren turned back to her, "Yes your grace?"
The queen spoke mire firmly than now, "As queen of Arendelle I remind you that you are a guest in our peaceful city and I strongly advise you to keep that peace during your stay..."
Aldren cringed internally realizing that he had been less respectful that he had intended...then he caught sight of dust floating down in front of his face from above, glancing up he caught sight of a figure about to pounce down on him from the rafters above.
Instinctively he shoved the guard back and rolled backwards, hearing a thunk as a sharp sword bit into the floor where he had been standing. He looked up to see a warrior in blood red armor that wielded the weapon. The warrior's face was covered in a masked helmet that was molded in the image of a viper; two eye holes and a space where the mouth was with two fangs on the top and bottom.
The assassin growled at him sounding more akin to a beast than a man as it lunged at him as others like it dropped from above and engaged the guards in combat. Aldren unsheathed his sword, rolling forward and avoided the blade swinging over his head, rising up he threw the scabbard into the enemies face before kicking them hard in the chest, knocking them to the ground.
He turned and assessed the situation, he saw three others going for the queen, she was reacting to the one on her right to defend herself while the one on her left locked blades with one of her guards, but one behind her she did not see was swinging to take her head. His reaction was instant, as quick as heavenly possible he reached to his side and slung a dagger forward hitting the one behind her in the chest.
The assassin from behind him had recovered and was taking another swing. Aldren threw off his cloak into the enemies face, his leather mercenary armor now revealed, then running forward to thrust his sword through the chest of the attacker with both hands to drive the blade all the way through. A second foe ran to impale him with a spear, removing his sword from the first enemy he grabbed the spear just below the head before it reached him and directed it to his left. He slashed a third enemy across the face plate to his right and the second attempted to push the spear into him again, Aldren responded by redirecting it over his head and to his right, slashing them across the stomach as their own force carried them past him.
Another charged forward with its sword drawn but also noticed a guardmen that was thrown to the ground and about to be killed, Aldren hurled the spear past the charging foe and into the back of the other before they could kill the guardsman then batting away the charger. As the second fell dead he turned to see now that the assassins were more concerned with him than the queen's guards, he whipped his sword threateningly as the majority charged to attack him.
Running forward he parried a spear thrust from one and wrapped his arm around their neck, letting his momentum carry him, he drove his foot into the chest of another. The viper warrior struggled in his grip, he delivered a knee into their kidney, dragging his blade across their throat and pushing their corpse towards the wall. The one he kicked recovered and took a wild swing, Aldren ducked and threw them over his shoulder and as they landed behind him he turned and stabbed downward, piercing through the blood red leather shell and into the floor.
He then struck down the blade of another attacking assassin then thrusting forward with the pommel into the side of their jaw, making them turn slightly before slashing down their back with both hands. He spun around, low to the floor to duck another blade, he extended his arm and the tip of his blade stabbing into a shoulder. The warrior jerked back in pain, it quickly thrust at Aldren who again dropped, this time he drew his blade back across their leg and pushed them in the chest. As they fell he swung his blade overhead, bringing it down on their chest to finish them off with a wrathful war cry. Another charged forward furiously at him with two swords, he swung his own blade in both hands into theirs, knocking one of the away before thrusting forward and piercing their chest plate with one of his sword's guard spikes.
He was given no time to catch his breath before another warrior, much larger than the others and clad in the same crimson hue, attacked him now. His armor was more worn and faded but the helmet, though largely the same as the others, had the metal forehead extending upward and outward into a short pointed horn.
Before the enemy he stabbed could fall dead he spun them around and shoved them into the larger one, this did little to slow them as the brute simply shoved the dying comrade to the side as they charged. Aldren held his blade to deflect the attack, the power of the strike causing him to slide back. The assassin leaped forward swinging a pair of long handled sickle blades back and forth with great speed and fury. Aldren changed his tactic from heavy handed to swift and lithe; he dodged backwards from the first few strikes before twirling his blade to direct the enemy's weapons away before plunging the tip of his sword downward into their foot. The creature let loose a yowl of pain taking a swing at his neck in attempt to cleave his head from his body, Aldren simultaneously leaning backwards and spinning underneath their blade carried himself into an upward swipe across their chest but the blade only gleamed off the armor.
He'd succeeded more in enraging his opponent than anything else, the brute locked blades with him and pushed towards the wall. As soon as Aldren's back hit the wall he shoved upward with his sword, pushing their weapons back and took several swipes at the assassin's chest who in return hooked his leather shoulder armor with their sickle and threw him back towards the center of the room. Aldren whipped back, quickly striking the side of the assassin's helmet, though once again he did not breach the armor. And the next thrust he took was caught by the assassin, the guard of his sword wedged in the curved edge of his enemy's weapon as they brought their second sickle down on his neck, though he was able to catch their arm too before the strike carried through. He gritted his teeth as the assassin growled and pressed down harder.
Elsa was caught up in utter shock but managed to fire a bolt of her magic into the chest of the attacker to her left while one of her guards was engaged with the one to her right, she heard a whizzing sound and turned behind her to see another attacker but only saw them fall with a knife in their chest. She turned back to see Aldren throw his cloak into the face of the assassin behind him revealing the worn leather armor he wore, there were maybe twenty or more assassins but nearly half that number were dead within the first minute, all by Aldren's blade.
But then She remembered she was the snow queen and that she was not defenseless. She saw an attacker pushing one of her guards against the wall and lifting their sword to kill them. Elsa fired a bolt of ice and knocked the weapon from his hands, then she extended ice from the floor at their feet and large icicles pinned his body to the wall behind him.
Another was caught in a clash with one of the assassins whose arm he also held, from behind him another was aiming to run him through with a spear. Before the foe could reach him, Elsa erected a small wall of ice, forcing the attacker backwards and smashing him into the wall. Elsa turned her attention back to Aldren who was still locked in struggle with the larger foe, she gathered frost into her hands, crafting a small, sharp icicle and launched it into the side of the assassin sending him to the floor in agony.
Aldren had watched it happen and stared at the icicle in the warrior's side and then back to her. His expression was one of shock and question, she would expect that from someone who had never seen a demonstration of her power...but this was different, it was almost as if he...knew something.
Before she could explain herself that same assassin recovered, catching Aldren off guard, he rammed the pommel from one of his sickles into the side of the young man's head, knocking him to the ground and causing his sword to fly from his grasp. The Assassin holstered the sickles on his back, grabbed Aldren's collar and lifted him back to his feet. Head butting him, the hard metal of their helm ringing against Aldren's skull. Then with one hand around Aldren's neck he reached down with the other, grabbing his leg and roaring as he lifted him above his head before slamming him back to the floor.
Elsa was prepared to put the brute down for good as she readied another salvo to fire at their chest. Her chance was stolen when the assassin to her left who had received the dagger bolt to the chest survived and was lifting his sword to cut her down. She gathered ice in her hands but didn't have time or distance to use it at range so she caught his arms and stopped him from crushing her under his blade. The warrior was taller and heavier than her, she shouldn't have even been able to hold him...but in that moment she discovered a strength she didn't know she had.
Though surprised at her new found physical power, she wasted no time in taking advantage of it. Pushing him back, frost poured from her hands and coated the metal armor of his forearms. She gritted her teeth and squeezed, the brittle, frozen armor bent and cracked as the metal groaned and the warrior himself screamed in agony as his arms were cut by the freezing metal. She released his arms and the attacker fell to the ground crying out in pain, shivering and clutching his arms.
She couldn't help but smile slightly at what she had done, but it faded when she remembered that Aldren was still being assaulted by his attacker. Aldren threw a kick into the assassins face and rolled back onto one knee but this did little to dissuade the creature. She didn't trust her aim was good enough to not hit them both, seeing Aldren's sword on the ground, she ran to it and snatched it in her hands, running forward and bringing back in forehand position with both hands to strike.
Aldren yelled in pain as his head and body collided with the hard floor, the beast grabbed his leg but before they could do anything with it Aldren threw a kick into the face plate of the assassin and rolled back onto one knee and drew a dagger from his hip. The viper warrior growled and brought out their sickle blades again and took several enraged strikes, he stood and dodged all of them, seeing an opening he thrust with his dagger but it's blade was caught by the curved edge of the assassin's and wrenched upward. With the second sickle they aimed for his wrist to sever his hand, he surrendered the dagger, releasing his grip as the sickle blade grazed his knuckle and then threw a punch at the icicle lodged in their side. The warrior hissed in pain, doubling over and taking a wild back handed swing at him but missing as Aldren rolled under their blade back to his feet in an unarmed combat stance. Recovering, the brute turned to face him again and laughing wickedly at the sight of a weaponless foe.
But the next thing Aldren saw really took him by surprise, he watched as his opponent's attention was drawn to a bright blue glow growing brighter as it approached from the side. Before they could try to counter, the blade of a sword, his sword more specifically, a bright blue glow emanating from the length of the blade, slammed into the chest plate of the warrior, a burst of ice and snow exploding from the impact point. The power sent the warrior flying backwards and sliding across the floor into the wall of the throne room.
Aldren rose up and turned to see queen Elsa breathing heavily as she gripped the sword tightly in her hands, the blade and guard glowing bright blue. On first impressions she didn't seem the type to wield a sword but for her...it looked surprisingly natural. He had to give her props for being brave enough to pick it up and swing it at all, and more so for having possibly saved his life.
"Are you alright?" she asked, lowering the weapon.
He nodded slowly. "Yes...I'm fine, thank you."
She then held the weapon out to him with one hand, the handle facing him. He reached out and took it in his grip, the blue glow disappearing from it as it left her elegant hand.
Elsa could now see the armor he wore over his lithe but muscular frame; his broad shoulders were covered by leather shoulder guards but the left was covered by steel armor plates. A simple cloth tunic covered his chest with a leather breast plate spread across that contained a few small scabbards that would hold daggers and knives while tight leather wrappings enclosed his abdomen. Metal armor covered the elbows, his forearms were protected by leather arm guards that led into fingerless gloves on his hands. Simple leather pants were surrounded by gray, tattered cloth that were the ragged remains of the armor's skirting. And finally he wore leather boots that were protected by metal grieves that started at the top of his feet and ended just above the knee. The only bare skin exposed besides his face and neck were his fingers and toned upper arms. Despite this she couldn't help but find his physical form in general impressive and-well...attractive.
She turned her gaze quickly back to his face before she was caught staring again. His face was neutral and expressionless, he was tense despite the battle being over, but his eyes held a slight hint of wonder in them. They both were drawn out of their gazing as they heard the lead assassin on the ground groan and move slightly. Aldren's eyes narrowed and he began walking towards him with his sword clenched tightly, the tip of the blade dragging along the floor.
She put her hand on his shoulder. "Wait."
She then turned to her guards, none had been killed thankfully and only a few had sustained injury as it appeared that she, along with Aldren had been the primary target. "Take them to the dungeons, chain them and post guards at each of their cells."
The guards obeyed her order and began gathering up the surviving attackers, either carrying them or forcing them at spear point to walk. She turned back but Aldren had slipped away from her, recovering his scabbard, sheathing his sword and fastening it onto his back. Then grabbing his cloak off the ground, throwing it over his shoulders and walked away to exit the throne room.
Elsa felt she needed to say something and caught up to him. "Wait!" she yelled. "Sir.", she said softly.
He turned slightly to her and she put a hand on his arm, "Thank you for saving my life and lives of my guards, I truly mean it, if you hadn't been here today...I doubt I would still be alive so...thank you." She smiled appreciatively.
Nodding he replied. "Your welcome, your grace...and thank you for possibly saving my life."
She grinned. "Possibly?"
He shrugged. "I might've had him handled, then again...maybe not."
His face cracked the smallest of smiles before he bowed and walked away, once again slipping away from her. Pulling the hood of his cloak over his head before exiting from the room. She sighed and put her hands together as she tilted her head slightly, watching him leave as she grew more and more curious, the desire to know more about him was still there...and she doubted it would leave anytime soon...
Anna had just gotten back from her short excursion with Kristoff, she hummed happily as she recalled more fond memories to add to her 'mental' collection...and of course sweet, sweet, delicious chocolate. As she walked through the hall she saw someone walking hurriedly in her direction, their face was concealed by a hood and cloak. They didn't look at her, only nodding briefly, she watched them walk towards the entrance of the palace. She caught sight of the sword handle on his back, and as soon as they passed she sprinted to the throne room to make sure her sister was okay.
When she got there she sighed in relief at the sight of her sister standing in the middle of the room. But she was also puzzled by the signs of a conflict involving Elsa's powers and the guards escorting men in red armor out of the throne room. She walked up to her sister who happily greeted her. "Hello Anna, did you enjoy your time with Kristoff?"
Anna was more than a little confused by her sister's surprisingly upbeat attitude despite the scene around her "Um-yeah...but Elsa, who are they, what happened in here and who was that?" she said pointing her thumb behind her, she then saw one of the crimson clad warriors with several slashes in their armor including one at the chest with hints of ice seeping from it as he was marched out, "And what did you do to him?" She said, almost pitying him.
Elsa, to Anna's surprise, smiled and chuckled, taking her hand and inviting her to walk with her Elsa replied, "Come, let me tell you."
"O...K..." Anna was indeed truly curious to know just what dangers might have been brought to their peaceful home...
Well, I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter and I look forward to seeing the feedback you guys give me.
Please feel free to leave a review on any of the chapters, so long as we make sure to exclude negative criticism, racial slurs, over vulgarity and religious or political topics.
That's all for now, I'll see you all in the next chapter. Ciao! :)