Harry potter and the Greater Dragons

Chapter 12

As they entered the house they saw no one in the hallway and made their way into the living room. As the women walked in, in front of Harry he was able to notice that Crystal hid herself behind him as he walked through the door. When he was through the door he saw the Weasley's, Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Professors McGonagall and Snape and finally Dumbledore himself in a seat in front of the fire.

"Welcome back Harry. I see that you did take my request of taking a couple of order members with you. However was it really necessary to take Miss Granger along with you?" Dumbledore said as soon as he saw Harry walk through the door.

"Headmaster first things first this is my house so you don't have a right to welcome me back. Second I never asked an order member to come with me and the three young women that did come with me chose to do so on there own. Now if you're done headmaster I would like you and Snape to leave." Harry replied to Dumbledore, Harry could also tell that he was also trying to manipulate him again and so would not fall for it.

In the few seconds of silence that fell Harry still felt Crystal behind him trying to hide. She was doing a good job of it to as no one who didn't already know about her didn't see her, except Moody. Although Harry was grateful that Mad-Eye Moody wasn't saying anything to draw attention to Crystal, although he could only see her as a little girl and not the Dragon she truly was.

"Unfortunately I can not yet leave until I have met who you have brought back. Perhaps they would like to join the Order?" Dumbledore said to Harry while Harry looked unsurprised by the reply and Moody just snorted at it.

"First what you really mean is that you want to know who I brought back so you can think of a way to manipulate not only her but me also. Second she will not join the Order because I won't allow her to. Now if that's all I would like to get settled in before it gets too late."

However Dumbledore just sat there looking at Harry before looking towards the doorway then back to Harry. It was obvious that he was looking for some one who had come back with Harry but couldn't work out where they were.

"Harry where is the person who came back with you?" Dumbledore asked, however When he saw Harry not answering he continued. "Harry if you are not allowing them to join the Order then I'm afraid they will have to go back to their time as they don't belong here."

"If you did that headmaster then she would not survive without me." Harry replied forcefully.

"What makes you say that Harry? I'm sure they would be just fine." Dumbledore said however even he could see that Harry wouldn't budge on this, but that didn't mean he wouldn't try and get his way.

Harry never answered the old headmaster however he just moved to the side a little so Crystal was visible to the room but still behind him. The room was shocked except the three young women that already knew of her and Moody who could see through Harry. Harry however kept his eyes on Dumbledore who was looking at Crystal with calculating eyes, obviously wondering how to manipulate the situation to his advantage.

"As you can see why she's not joining the Order I don't need to explain. Second my Daughter is not going anywhere since I'm her only living relative. So now you know you can leave and if you try to manipulate her in anyway what so ever, I'll kill you now get out." Harry then placed his hand on Crystal's shoulder and they moved from the doorway.

Dumbledore looked like he wanted to continue with what he wanted, but seeing the look in Harry's eyes he knew that Harry was no longer in the mood. So standing and nodding at Snape, Dumbledore turned towards the door and just before they walked through it Dumbledore looked back at Harry as if to say something, however Harry just narrowed his eyes and the old man turned and left. Harry relaxed a little when he heard the front door open and close and then waited for another minute before he took his hand off Crystal. After the confrontation with the headmaster Crystal was introduced to every one that remained, Harry answering questions upon questions and even Crystal answering a few of the ones she was allowed to. After the Q and A Harry settled Crystal into a room right next to his before finally turning in as it had gotten dark since Dumbledore left, Harry just hoped that tomorrow would be better but something told him it might or might not so he would have to wait and see what tomorrow brought with it.