First off- I just want to thank you all for your feedback and support for this story. Things have been a bit rough at home lately (not my parent's fault, extenuating circumstances), and you have no idea how much your reviews mean to me. I walk around day to day feeling stressed, check my email, see the follows and favs, and my mood instantly brightens. I know I haven't responded to many reviews (crazy busy with college and high school), but please know that I read and cherish every one.

Finally- this is the last chapter of the story. It's been nearing the end for awhile now- and while it isn't exactly a happy ending, it;s an optimistic one. I get so sick of all the rainbow and sunshine, they all lived happily-ever-after endings. Life isn't like that- there are always challenges and struggles, but we come out stronger. I hope my ending manages to convey this point well.

Finally, a special thanks to Coolgal78, I'mKairi, Sisterwiccangrim13, fineChyna, .fun, K8LYNN0922, jilnachtaugen, SecretWishX, Lena-luvs-cats, DarkNutDestroyer, anthane, FeminineFerocious, Sheena, Brystack2000, The FemaleMasta, Platapus2014, TotalSebbyFangirl, Matsukaze Tenma, SomethingMore, naurotozombie, and casiiecage, some of my most loyal reviewers :)

Sunlight streamed through the window onto the jaggedly torn sheets draped over two still bodies. Flecks of dust floated in the golden rays, hovering in the still morning air.

Levi opened his eyes blearily, blinking in the sunlight, surprised. The images of the past day came flooding to the forefront of his mind, and the dam was broken. His nails, with dried blood beneath them that wasn't his own, dug into the pillow as he bit his lip to muffle the sobs. He'd lost everything.

He couldn't hear anything over the cascading waves of grief, the sound of his own heart pounding in his ears, the choking sounds of his stifled sobs. Until he heard that muffled voice calling his name, the sensation of a hand on his shoulder….

He rolled over, surprised, before coming face to face with concerned green eyes.

"L-Levi? I-I'm sorry- I'm sorry about the squad, and about what I did to my arms- I shouldn't have done that. I-I don't really know what to say, but… do you want to talk about it?" Eren looked over at him hesitantly.

Levi looked over at the boy laying beside him in his bed- his throat was raw from the sheer force of his sobs, and he said nothing, instead simply lunging forward and wrapping his arms around the boy. Eren smelled of pine and metal, the lingering scent of blood.

But over it all, he could smell the scent of Eren. He couldn't say a damn word- his body felt as though he'd been dragged behind a wild horse, and he shuddered, overwhelmed by the shock and pain of it all, still holding tightly to Eren, who made no move to let him go.

As he slipped back into an exhausted sleep, though, one thought surfaced in his grief clouded mind- he had been so focused on all that he'd lost, it came as a welcoming surprise to know that he hadn't lost everything. The brat was still here.


By dinner time, things were returned to a false sense of normalcy. Levi had gotten up and bathed, washing away the blood and grime. A fresh pair of clothes and a quick shave was all he needed before he flung himself into paperwork- there were mountains of it, and for once, he was thankful for it. It distracted him from the unnatural quiet of the castle around him.

Eren sat at his usual place beside him, shuffling half-heartedly through the papers Levi handed to him. Both were tight-lipped, struggling not to shatter the thin ice upon their lake of tranquility.

Finally, when they both couldn't take it any longer. He pushed back his chair and stood, nodding to Eren. The tall brunet wordlessly fell into step beside his superior and friend, and they made their way down the hallway, both making a conscious effort to ignore how barren of life the halls were, how they seemed haunted by the familiar voices that wouldn't fill them anymore.

Once they'd reached the grass of the lawn, they strode towards the woods.

"D-did you want to talk, Levi?" Eren stuttered hesitantly.

Levi nodded quietly, pondering how he was going to say what he wanted to say. He licked his lips, which were suddenly dry, before he reached the right words and spoke.

"We're going to be having our counseling sessions again."

Eren nodded. After the way he'd lost control of himself last night, he understood.

"And I'd like to thank you for talking to me this morning. It was… nice of you…. It's been awhile since I've had a friend I can trust like that."

Eren looked surprised. "It's nothing worth thanking me for, Levi. You've been there for me through so much- it only makes sense I'd do the same for you. I mean, that's what friends do, right?"

Levi was slightly surprised by the knowledge, but he nodded, seeing the truth in the statement. Jager was right. Nevertheless, they were going to have a hard time getting through this and adjusting to the change.

"So… what's the plan? Where do we go from here?" Eren picked at a loose thread on his sleeve nervously. Levi noticed the nervous fidgeting but said nothing, instead focusing on the small sound of his boot coming into contact with the grass.

"We take back Wall Maria. We won't let their sacrifices be in vain." Levi looked over at the brunette standing beside him in the grass. "And you will remain at my side at all times. Until we defeat them all. Understood?"

"Perfectly, Sir." eren nodded seriously, before giving that sidelong grin to his best friend. Levi rolled his eyes at the boy's expression- he would've ruffled the boy's hair, if the brat hadn;t been o goddamn tall.

They kept walking, the sunlight kissing any exposed skin as it bathed the two hell-worn heroes. Steeped in tragedy, smothered by pain, they emerged wounded, but would heal to become stronger than ever before.

Thanks again guys- story-wise, this fic is finished, though eventually, I may add a couple oneshots you guys requested if I have time. You guys brighten my day every time, so thanks so much! :)