
There was a fog surrounding Caroline's mind, nothing made sense, it was like her brain had got all the jigsaw pieces but was trying to jam together two pieces that didn't quite match. She tried opening her eyes, moving her arms, wiggling her toes but nothing seemed to be working. It was like her body had shut down but her mind was working at half speed. She felt hands pulling her head up and gently tapping her cheek. "Caroline?" a voice appeared through the pea-soup fog, "Caroline?" The voice said again, she recognised the voice from somewhere, it was a guy, Stefan? no his voice was softer, Damon? Too nice, Klaus? Not quite British enough. Kol maybe? That was it! It was Kol! "Help me! There's something wrong! Kol! Klaus! Somebody help me!" She tried to scream but the words got stuck in her throat and her mouth was refusing to cooperate. " Caroline, come on, 'Lijah, she's not waking up! What do we do..." the voice faded back out into the fog once more.

2 Weeks Later

"Caroline, Caroline love, it's me, please wake up, move do anything just do something please. I can't do this Caroline, I don't know what to do, tell me, tell me what to do, how to help you, anything! Just help me save you!" Klaus pleaded, fresh tears streaming down his face. He was sat on his bed, Caroline's hand clutched tightly in his own. Her golden blonde hair was fanned outed on his grey silk pillowo; it made her look like an angel. Except his angel hadn't moved in two weeks.

When he came to after the attack, he was greeted with Rebekah wearing a glare on her face, "Finally! You're awake! How was the beauty sleep? You really needed it." he had been out for 10 hours, his siblings had dragged (literally dragged) him into his bedroom and put him on his bed, Kol picked up Caroline whilst Elijah and Rebekah dealt with Klaus because he felt a friendship between him and the blonde baby vampire and didn't want Rbekah accidentally breaking her neck whilst she threw her onto the floor next to the bed claiming to have bad aim. He had woken up pretty quickly and explained what had happened and that he didn't remember anything after the tiny bitch snapped his neck.

Caroline however hadn't done anything, she hadn't moved an inch, hadn't fluttered and eyelid, hadn't even flinched when they put vervain on her skin to try and evoke a reaction from her.

Klaus gently laid her hand down on the bed and stood up, he rubbed a hand over his stubbled face and went to walk to the door. He heard a rustling nosie behind him and turned around expecting to see Caroline stirring on his bed. He was met with an open window. He turned back towards the door and went to grab a glass of scotch. He heard the ruslting again andreturned back towards the window in annoyance, there was normally a draft drifting in through a miniscule gap and the sealant around the glass window panes. The curtains around the door were still, completely unmoving. Thinking he was hearing things he turned back towards the door. The rustling sound met his ears again and a look of confusment flashed across his face before it dawned on him.

He flashed back to the bed and stared intently at Caroline's face, her eyelids were fluttering and her hands were twisted in the silk sheets of his bed. "Caroline? Caroline love, come on open your eyes. Open you're eyes for me sweetheart, just one flash of your georgous baby blues and I'm content sweetheart!"

Caroline tried to push past all the fog in her brain, it was like fighting your way through 16 year old fangirls Comic Con, it was virtually impossible. She could hear Klaus talking to her but she couldn't really hear him, his words just turned into higher and lower pitch noises, muffled by the infuriating density in her head. She fought and shoved her way through the mumbles and nonsense of her head and let out a low groan. "Caroline? Caroline love can you hear me?" She forced her eyelids open to just mere slits and that was enough for Klaus. "Oh thank god! Caroline, sweetheart, are you okay? Do you remember what happened? " Klaus asked her, smoothing the blonde fly-away hairs from her face. "'Memb'r s'm f'it" Caroline said, her throat was sore from not being used in so long, her words were slurred from her drowsiness and disorientation. "That's fine sweetheart but I really need you to stay awake and open your eyes just a tad more love" Klaus said, gently shaking her shoulder.

When Caroline woke fully, Klaus left for a second to go tell his siblings, Klaus flashed jntk the room, followed closely but Kol, a Cheshire Cat grin plastered all over his cocky face. "So Caroline, I knew you were a heavy sleeper but this is a bit extreme don't you thiny?" he joked "Ha ha very funny Kol, I can really see your genuine concern" she laughed.

The Next Day

Caroline explained evey thig to the siblings after she drank down 12 bloodbags. "That bitch!" Rebekah exclaimed, "she ruined a pair of perfectly good Jimmy Choos!" Kol rolled his eyes at his sisters antics, "Wow Rebekah, that what you choose to fixate on. I would have focused on the fact that they were all ugly! It's bad enough getting attacked but getting attacked by fuglies?" Kol shuddered "That's horrifying!" They all laughed, joked and drank their way through the rest of the night, only getting slightly buzzed.

5 Months Later

"Caroline! Come on! You've been in there for 25 minutes!" A series of loud thumps accompanied Kol's yells through the thick wooden door. The brunette leant against the door, rapping his knuckles repeatedly on the door. "Kol I swear to god! If you keep knocking on that door I will smash your new IPhone with a sledgehammer then throw the freaking thing into the Atlantic!" Caroline screamed. Her bond with all the Mikaelsons had grown strong over the past 5 months after the attack. At first Rebekah took every chance to take a dig at her, blaming her for everything bad that had happened to Klaus in the short time after her rescue, insulting her fashion sense, hke innocence, her not top grade lifestyle. After 2 months Caroline couldn't take it anymore and gave Rebekah a verbal bash down which stopped all harsh comments towards Caroline entirely; the verbal fight was accompanied by dagger and disownment threats from Klaus and Kol, even Elijah joined in with the threats; saying that if she didn't stop the "disrespectful and disgusting comments towards Miss Forbes she would be banished from the family until she earned her return". After a large hissy fit and plenty of colourful words thrown between the four siblings, Rebekah muttered an apology to Caroline and stormed off. The two girls had hit it off after that.

Caroline and Kol bonded over their mutual pleasure of pranking Klaus and apparently love for Taylor Swift resulting in multiple flour balloon and superglue pranks played on the second oldest sibling and at least two trips to see Taylor Swift performing live. The relationship between Caroline and Elijah had been rocky at first, the two shared similar interests but because of the constant fight for attention from the 3 younger Mikaelsons they never really had the chance to talk until they all went out drinking and Klaus, Rebekah and Kol got smashed. Caroline and Elijah had to carry and, in Kol's case, drag the three of them back to the mansion. The pair of them started talking about books and soon discovered there mutual interest in the three younger Mikaelsons, which turned into their respect for human life which morphed into literature somehow and Caroline and Elijah soon became great friends.

Caroline hopped out of the shower wrapping herself in a fluffy white towel from the heated rack beside her and quickly dried herself off, slipping on a pair of denim jeans and a large Beatles shirt she had acquired from Klaus' hidden collection a couple of weeks after the attack. Wrapping her long blonde hair up in a towel she unlocked the door and walked out, making sure the door 'accidentally' hit Kol. " There are 8 different bathrooms in this house Kol, next time you decide to use mine, I will personally make sure that the water will be ice cold and there will be no towels, cappiche?" Kol nodded, his face looking perfectly innocent, and his chocolate brown eyes doing the best puppy dog expression they could. Caroline walked past Kol and into the living room, flopping down next to Bonnie to was intently reading a book on astrology on her iPad. "Hey Bon" Caroline said with an irritated sigh. Bonnie put down her iPad and faced Caroline. "What did my jackass of a boyfriend do now?" She asked, her left eyebrow raised, Bonnie and Kol had started dating 4 months ago after Kols incessant pleas for a date. She ignored him for a month but finally conceded and said yes. Bonnie finally went on a date with him and neither of them looked back since. "Well I thought I would just take a relaxing shower and take some time to myself but Kol decided he wanted to use my bathroom, even though there are like 100 in this place! And wouldn't stop banging on the door the entire time I was in there! But it's fine, I threated smash and drown his phone if he did it again" Caroline said with a smirk. Bonnie threw here head back in laughter "You, Caroline Forbes, are one of the most devious people I know " Bonnie said through her laughter.

Later On That Night...

Caroline sat on her Klaus' bed, towel drying her long blonde hair. She put down the damp towel and fluffed her hair with her fingers, twisting and crunching it to achieve a ruffled messy look. Two hands suddenly covered her eyes and Caroline squealed in shock.

"Guess who" the smooth British voice whispered next to her ear. "Klaus!" Caroline laughed, his hands slipped down from her eyes and grabbed her hands. As she opened her eyes Klaus knelt on the floor between jean clad knees. "Caroline love, I have a very important question to ask you but whilst I'm talking you can't interrupt me. Okay? Promise me" Klaus asked, staring into her sky blue eyes. Caroline leaned forward and gently kissed him on the nose as reassurance. "Okay, I promise" She looked into his eyes and smiled, nodding her head to prompt him to ask whatever his question was. "Okay, woo, I can do this" Klaus said under his breath.

"Caroline, from the moment you entered my life it was like there was a button pressed in me that ignited everything I thought I'd lost. You brought to this unimaginable light into my life, you made my dead heart beat. You're the most amazing, gorgeous, intelligenty brilliant and sexy woman I have ever met. You have a power over me that noone else has; I would do anything for you, be anything for you. Everything I have, everything I am or ever will be is yours. And if you will let me, I would like to be yours for eternity, my sweet Caroline" Klaus let go of Caroline's hand and reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small, square, blue velvet box. Caroline's hands shot up to her mouth, her eyes widened comically, tears were building up in her eyes.

"Caroline Grace Forbes, will you do me the amazing honour of becoming my wife?"

Klaus opened the box and presented Caroline with a stunning ring. A small silver band sat delicately in the middle of the box, a large diamond placed in the center, surrounded by small sapphires. Caroline nodded her head frantically, not trusting her voice. Tears of joy streaked down her cheeks and lefts glistening trailS behind them. She sunk to her knees in front of Klaus.

"No, you're supposed to stay up there! Trust me, I googled it!" Klaus joked, taking her hand in his. "So is that a yes?" he smiled.

"Yes you idiot! Yes of course! For the rest of eternity! Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!" Caroline laughed, flinging her arms around his and kissing with all the power she had . When they broke apart, they were both smilig like maniacs, Klaus grabbed Caroline's hand and gently slid the ring onto it. Caroline gave him a huge, white, dimpled smile. Klaus stood up and offered his hand down to Caroline who was still sat on the floor. "So, I guess we should go tell the family?" Klaus smiled. Caroline slid her hand into his and stood up next to him "I guess so" Caroline smiled.

They entwined their hands shared a loving look and carried on into their little piece of forvever.

Well there you have ladies and gents! It's done! Finished! Finito! it only took me like a whole year but I hope you liked it! It was so much fun to write It's it was even better to see all your reactions to it! Your reviews and support were amazing! -F