
It was a beautiful day. A perfect day for an ice from Florean Fortescue's outdoors. He idly perused the Daily Prophet, skimming the business section. His spoon froze halfway to his mouth as he looked up and saw her. An incredibly beautiful, and hauntingly familiar witch walking out of Flourish and Blotts, carrying several books and reading one as she walked. As he watched, he saw a young girl who was on a collision course with the woman. He rose and headed toward them. Just as he was nearly there the inevitable happened and the woman dropped her books. Draco quickly scooped them up in one hand and help right the girl, who had fallen in the crash, with the other.

The young girl apologized profusely to the witch. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention!"

"It's quite alright," the woman consoled. "Next time, try to watch out better." She smiled at the girl and allowed her to continue on her way. She turned toward Draco, smile still in place. He handed her books over, and noticed a slight drop in her smile as her eyes met his.

"Your books, Miss Granger," he said, keeping his eyes locked on her beautiful brown eyes.

"Th-thank you, Mr. Malfoy, " she responded, her fingertips brushing his as she took her books. It was electrifying. He never imagined that she'd become even more beautiful than she was at the Yule Ball during fourth year. "I guess I'll be going," she stated, somewhat awkwardly.

"I was just having an ice. Would you care to join me?" He hoped she'd say yes. She'd been gone for so long and he was eager to try to get to know her better. Something he should have done years ago.

"I couldn't," she answered, hesitantly.

"It's really no problem. I was just thinking it'd be nice to have some company, when I saw you. Please" be gestured towards his table.

"I do have a few minutes to spare," she answered, with only the slightest hesitation. "Alright, I'll join you"

As he escorted her back to the table, his heartbeat quickened. 'Get yourself under control,' be thought to himself. 'You're no longer a green school boy.' He signaled the server after helping to seat her.

She placed her order and magically received her ice instantly. As she took her first bite he watched her close her eyes, savoring the sweet treat. He swallowed. She opened her eyes, and meet his. "Thank you," she said, sincerely. "You wouldn't believe how long it's been since I've had one of these." She smiled.

"You don't come to Diagon Alley often?" He already knew the answer.

"I've just got back from an extended stay with my parents in Australia. This is my first time back here in four years," she answered.

"What are your plans now that you're back?"

She was somewhat surprised by his interest, but answered all the same, "I'm looking for a permanent home to purchase. I'd like to get some sort of employment, but I honestly have no need to rush on that." She surprised both him and herself with her openness. "And yourself," she inquired, "what have you been doing all this time?"

"I develop medicinal potions for St. Mungo's," he answered.

"I have to say, I'm surprised you have employment at all. I thought Malfoy's didn't need to work." She blushed pink and humbly looked away. "I apologise. I didn't mean to sound rude."

"Don't apologize," he responded. "I'm not offended at all. In truth, I have no need to work. I do so because I find that I enjoy being able to use my skills and knowledge to help people." He broke into a charming grin. "I'm not the same selfish git I was back at Hogwarts."

She blushed further, and smiled shyly back at him. "That's good to know," she said.

Just then, the clock tower struck four. Hermione started into awareness. "Oh my!" she exclaimed. "I'm sorry, but I really must be going. I promised Ginny I'd come for dinner to catch up and meet the boys. It's been very nice talking to you, Mr. Malfoy."

"We've known each other over half our lives. Please, call me Draco."

"Draco," she repeated. "Call me Hermione. Thank you for the ice. I really did enjoy our chat."

"As did I, Hermione. Until next time."

She smiled. "Next time," she said simply, as she turned and headed towards the nearest travel point.

'Next time,' Draco thought. He'd make sure there would be a next time.