Trust the Vampire pt 1

This is a one-shot of Mika and Yuu after the end of the first season with a small twist.

Rated M for graphic sexuality and language. Yaoi. Fluff. Romance.



Mika sprung forward and pulled the dark-haired boy into a tight embrace against his chest, nuzzling into his hair as he grunted his displeasure at his family's over exaggerated excitement.

"M-Mika! It's been a week already and you still get so excited to see me."

Mika pulled back just enough to stare into Yuu's eyes and smirked at the pouting boy.

Yuu had been in in a coma after they had met again for the first time in years and Mika had hardly left his side the entire time. When Yuu had finally awoken, he was greeted with the eager face of his lost family, tears in his eyes as he fell down into his lap in a longing embrace.

"You have no idea how much I missed you, Yuu-chan. I'm determined to make up for the lost time with every moment I can."

With that, the blonde nuzzled back against Yuu's neck, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist and closing his eyes against his scent. He would never let him out of his sight again. He would never watch his family cry and run because he had been too weak to save them. He was different now, and the growing hunger in his belly at the smell of Yuu's skin was reminding him just how different he was.

With a mewl of resignation, he pulled himself away from the temptation of Yuu's attractive scent, as he always did every time they were near, trying to shake away the lingering thought as he smiled at his family's slight blush.

"W-why do you always do that?" Yuu said, uneasily shifting his weight from one leg to the next as he stared into his blues eyes.

The blonde cocked his head to the side.

"Do what, Yuu-chan?"

"Ya know…. You always… smell me.. then cry and pull away…"

The green-eyed boy broke the eye contact to look at his boot, kicking at an imaginary object on the floor of his bedroom.

Mika let a sigh past his lips, stepping back into the other boy's space and catching his chin with his fingers to raise his eyes back to his own.

"Do you really want to know?" He asked with a coy smile, poking the boy in the nose with his other hand.

Yuu winced at the poke, grumbling and averting his gaze elsewhere as a blush stained his cheeks. Mika was always so sarcastic and tricky nowadays. And it was kinda embarrassing the way he pokes his nose and stands so close, even if they were family.

"W-why wouldn't I want to know, Mika- chan?" Came his soft reply as he attempted to erase the uneasiness he was feeling.

Mika gave a short chuckle before releasing Yuu's chin, bending down to invade Yuu's averted gaze. He looked up at him with a cute fanged smile before sticking his tongue out in a mocking gesture. It only managed to make Yuu blush harder and he gulped trying to regain his composure as Mika straightened back up.


Mika voice suddenly turned from playful to serious and Yuu was forced to shake off the blush and answer his gaze.

"Yea Mika?"

Mika shifted and he outstretched his arms, hanging his arms limply around Yuu's shoulders as he held his stare.

"You know I'd never hurt you, right?"

Yuu scrunched his eyebrows together as he pondered the question, more of why he would ask it rather than if he knew the answer or not. Of course he knew Mika wouldn't hurt him. He trusted him with everything. Before he could answer, Mika continued.

"Even though I'm a vampire now, I'd never ever think of hurting you."

He shifted slightly under the blonde's arms, still confused as to where this was going or why.

"That's why I always do that."

Yuu looked at him in surprise. Oh! He was trying to answer the question he had asked him earlier.

"What do you mean?"

Mika pulled his arms from Yuu and took a step backwards, covering his mouth as his eyes flickered to the ground before returning to the emerald pools.

"I mean… You always smell so good, Yuu-chan. So…. tempting."

A small smirk appeared on the blonde's lips and a familiar blush coated the other boy's face.

He always does that! He always finds a way to tease!

Yuu growled as his hands came up to hide his reddened face.

"Miiiikaaaaa. Why do you always say such embarrassing things!?"

Mika chuckled and peeled the boy's hands away from his pouting red face, clasping them in his own.

"Besides… I-If you wanted blood so badly...all you had to do was ask."

Mika's mouth dropped open into a fanged gape. No way he really meant that!

Yuu slid his eyes over to stare into the blue gems, a pouted frown still on his lips.

"I mean it, Mika-chan. You're my family and I accept you how you are. And if you get too thirsty and it hurts, just tell me and I will… help you."

Mika grabbed the sides of Yuu's face in his, earning a startled gasp from the boy as his widened blue eyes stared into the squinted green.

"No, I would never do tha-"

"I'm saying I want you to!"

A hush fell over the room as the two boys stared into eachother's eyes, Yuu's expression now serious and his face only slightly flushed now.

"Y-you mean it? You want me to?"

Yuu nodded slowly at the boy and Mika willed his mouth to close, swallowing a wad of saliva that had accumulated at the thought of tasting his blood.

Letting his hands slide down from Yuu's cheeks, they lingered over his jaw and throat before gently clutching his shoulders and a warm clasp on each side.


Mika looked up at him for confirmation and the dark-haired boy scoffed, looking off to the corner of the room before resting his arms around his back in a loose circle.

"Just do it already."

Mika's eyes lingered over his face before sliding down to his throat. He stepped in closer, nearly pressing their bodies together before dipping down and pressing his nose into the hair at the base of his neck. He inhaled deeply, closing his eyes as his hunger began to rise dramatically at the sweet fragrance of shampoo and flesh. He pulled back the fabric of Yuu's uniform, exposing the side of his neck completely to his sharp senses and a rumble of need filled his belly.

"It might hurt..." His voice came out a mere purr against the tan neck and he could feel the boy shiver at the heat it gave off. Yuu clenched tighter against his white robe and he nuzzled against the goosebumped skin in delicious anticipation of the taste.

"I-I'm fine. I can take it. Hurry up." His voice trembled slightly from his throat against his lips and he smirked into his neck before sliding his tongue out and raking it against his vein to test his reaction.

Yuu let out a small yelp at the feeling and Mika had to bite back the urge to laugh. 'How cute' he thought.

Unable to hold himself back any longer, Mika parted his lips with a small 'ahh' before he felt his tips touch the delicate skin. He paused only momentarily before sinking them into the skin, a soft moan leaving his throat as his lips cupped around his neck, blood beginning to trickle down from small pricks.

Yuu held in a whimper as the sharp stab of fangs pierced into his neck and he fisted the white cloth at Mika's back. 'Holy hell that hurt' he thought, wincing as he felt the sting of open wounds on his skin. The pain seemed to subside slightly as he felt the boy begin to suck the blood that came out. That way his lips, smooth tongue, and hot breath ghosted against his nerves made him shudder and blush deeply.

"Uhhhn! M-Mika, what're you doing!"

Yuu squirmed as he felt Mika yank his collar down lower, his tongue trailing down from his bruised neck to the juncture in between, his collar bone, and then slightly further down.

He felt Mika growl as he slid his tongue slowly back up past the bite mark then up his throat and jaw. Yuu's hands slid up to Mika's shoulders and he gently pushed on them, trying to pry him off.


Mika purred against his jawline before sliding his tongue up his cheek and stopping to pull back and looked into his eyes with his own half lidded.

Mika stood straight, wound his arms around Yuu's waist and pulled him flush against his body before nuzzling against the boy's cheek with his eyes closed.

Yuu yelped when he felt something hard pressing into his hips and he could feel steam come out of his ears at how hot his face felt.

"M-mika! What's gotten into you?!"

Mika pulled his face back just enough to be able to look into Yuu's eyes, and there was a slight mischievous sparkle in them that Yuu couldn't place.

"Did it feel good, Yuu-chan?"

His voice was velvety and husky as it slid past his red-stained lips.

Mika ran his tongue over them to clean them of any remaining blood before taking his bottom lip into his teeth, his eyes focusing on something under Yuu's nose.

"Eh!" Yuu squeaked at the question, too embarrassed to say yes, too honest to say no.

"Come on Yuu chan," He reached up to poke the boy's nose with one finger, the same way he always seemed to tease him.

"I can see it all over your face. You can't lie to me. I can also smell it in your scent and,"

Mika rolled his hips against Yuu's earning a whimper from the boy as the strained fabric of both of their groins pressed against each other's.

"I can feel it."

Mika smirked once again into Yuu's heated face but he broke the eye contact to lean down and breathe against Yuu's ear.

"Just tell me you want it, and I'll take over, Yuu-chan. Do you trust me?"

Yuu couldn't stop the moan that escaped his lips, seemingly no long able to contain the excitement and arousal that Mika demanded of his body and mind. 'Why is my body reacting this way to Mika? Why does every word that leaves his lips make my heart flutter and ache and every touch feel like heaven?' He thought, his mouth opening to pant as he concentrated on the feel of their bodies pressing together and Mika's breath on his sensitive lobe.

"Y-yes Mika. I trust you." His words came out in gasps and his arms clenched around Mika's back strongly, seeming to be the only thing holding him up.

"Do you want it? Do you want me to make you feel good?"

Another breathy moan left the dark-haired boy as Mika began sucking against his ear, rolling the lobe with his tongue and letting his teeth gently graze it.

"Unnnn….. Y-yes… Mika….. please…. uuuuhhh.. d-don't stop!"

Mika grinned and pulled back from the boy at his words, looking him up and down and watching as Yuu's mouth hung open in heavy pants and rosey cheeks.

He reached forwards and took the bottom of Yuu's shirt in his fingers, pulling it up slowly until Yuu was forced to raise his arms. Mika gingerly tugged it over his head and tossed it to the floor as his hungry eyes raked over the newly exposed flesh. He licked his suddenly dry lips at the sight and dropped down to the floor with a bent knee, his hands sliding down the boy's slender body on his descent. One hand wrapped around and pressed against the boy's bare back to sturdy him while the other ran along his stomach, up his ribs then clutched his side and he leaned in. Mika pressed his nose against the boy's stomach just above his bellybutton, inhaling his scent deeply before licking the soft flesh.

Without any real warning, he bit into his stomach, causing a small yelp that turned into a moan as the blonde lapped up the blood and lavished the surrounding area.

He was really enjoying all the sounds Yuu was making. He wondered just how vocal he could make the boy be.

-End Part 1-