Hello fellow author's, this here is my first fan-fic. I've had this idea for a while now and thought I might as well post it, so without further ado, here is RWBY: The Chorus Chronicle!

Chapter one: You Ever Wonder?

BREAKING NEWS:- Infamous criminal, Roman Torchwick, has escaped Police Custody and is now on the loose! Roman Torchwick was en route to court to stand trial for his actions in a train crash two weeks ago that allowed the horrifying Grimm into the city of Vale, killing hundreds, when the transport carrying him was ambushed by White Fang terrorists. If you have any information regarding Roman Torchwicks whereabouts, then please contact Police immediately!

Team RWBY rushed through the Forever Falls as they followed the trail of infamous criminal, Roman Torchwick. They moved like a blur, the Grimm paying no attention to the four Huntresses in training. Torchwick had already caused devastation once in their precious city, and they wouldn't allow that monster to ruin any more lives!

"You think we'll get some sort of reward for this?" Yang asked, gaining a questioning look from her team-mates.

"What do you mean?" Blake enquired, wondering what her partner was talking about.

"I mean like, a bounty or something, ya know? It's not everyday we track a criminal down." Yang replied.

"If we find him." Blake reminded her partner. Both the VPD and Atlas military had failed to track him down, if they couldn't do it, what chance did they have?

"Quiet you two! Are you trying to attract every Grimm in a mile wide radius?" Weiss hissed, internally sighing at her partners incompetence.

All Yang did was roll her eyes as the four huntresses continued to follow the trail, going ever deeper into the Forever Falls.

The group had been running for some time when suddenly team leader Ruby Rose held her hand up to signal the group to stop. Weiss, Blake and Yang looked in confusion as Ruby stared somewhat menacingly into the distance.

"What is it?" Weiss whispered, her hand reaching for Myrtenaster.

"It's quiet...too quiet..." was all Ruby said as she stared into the distance, her eyes fixated on a pair of bushes that seemingly went on forever.

"That's so cheesy..." Yang groaned, the others nodding in agreement.

"Seriously guys, listen. What do you hear?" Ruby said, turning to her friends.

The team stopped and listened. Ruby was right, it was too quiet. No birds, no bees, no critters, not even a lousy Grimm could be heard. Weiss was the first to speak.

"So?" she asked, raising her eyebrow at Ruby. Ruby's reply was to simply walk over to the bushes and pull them back slightly.

Weiss, Blake and Yang walked to the opening and found themselves in shock. Right in front of them was the largest archaeological dig-site they had ever seen! Granted, they hadn't seen many dig-sites, but this one sure was gargantuan. The architecture was unfamiliar and probably dated back before the first recordings of man, if such a thing was possible.

"HOW!? HOW HAS NO-ONE REPORTED THIS TO THE NEWS!?" Weiss shouted, quickly being silenced by the entirety of her team.

"It probably has something to do with that." Blake stated, pointing to a patch of land near the entrance of the building. Weiss's eyes followed her finger, to find at least four Bull-Heads parked on the land, each one adorned in weaponry and the insignia of the White Fang.

"This has to be the place!" Ruby said, kneeling to grab a nearby stick which she then proceeded to use as a pencil.

"Ruby, the White Fang have thousands of potential safe houses to use, how can you be so sure?" Blake asked while Ruby continued to draw in the dirt.

"I just know it, trust me!" Ruby quickly replied, the dirt drawing seemingly taking on the appearance of the alien structure.

"Even if it is, how are we going to get in undetected? There could be around fifty or more White Fang in there!" Blake continued to ask, while Yang and Weiss nodded in agreement.

"Relax, we have one advantage over them." Ruby stated. The rest of the team looked at her in confusion, with Ruby giving off her a mischievous smile.

"The element of surprise."

Roman Torchwick looked on at the alien structure before him and smiled. After months of setbacks and a short time in jail, the pieces of the plan were beginning to fall together. Soon, the whole of Vale and the rest of Remnant would be at his mercy. With a single push of a button, he can send them all back to the dark ages unless they give into his demands! Not even Cinder would be safe from his wrath and he will make her the puppet, not him. Torchwick was immediately alerted to the electronic door opening. He turned to find one of the mutts from the White Fang walking towards him.

"Sir, our scouts have reported in!" The grunt stated in an almost mechanical voice.

"Well, spit it out! I don't have all day!" Roman replied, catching the grunt slightly off guard.

"It's team RWBY sir, they've found us!"

What! Impossible, Roman thought to himself. The VPD and Atlas military had failed to find them, so how did four ridiculously dressed school girls find them!

"I thought you said we couldn't be traced!" Roman seethed, his lips curling into a snarl.

"They must have found a loop-hole, sir!" the grunt quickly replied, a hint of fear in his voice.

Roman turned and walked towards the artefact in the centre of the room and placed a hand on its metallic face.

"Is the Disrupter ready to fire yet?" Roman asked, turning slightly.

"Yes sir, but the charging time will take too long." The grunt replied, returning to his calm state.

Roman's snarl soon began to curl into a sinister smile as he removed his hand from the device.

"Perhaps the plan can be salvaged after all," was all Roman said before turning to the grunt "prepare a little 'welcome party' for our guests..."

Ruby rushed towards the entrance of the structure, taking cover in the shadows. She looked around before whistling, signalling her team-mates into the shadows. Ruby activated Crescent Rose, using the scope of the scythe-sniper hybrid weapon to look for any guards in the area.

"Huh," Ruby said, confusion clearly written on her face.

"What is it, sis?" Yang asked as she activated Ember Cilica while Weiss and Blake unsheathed Myrtenaster and Gambol Shroud respectively.

"There are no guards, that's odd..." Ruby replied, lowering her weapon before activating its Scythe form.

"I don't like this at all, it could be a trap." Weiss warned, looking around for any White Fang that could be watching.

"Oh come on Weiss, loosen up a little. What fun is life without a little danger every now and then?" Yang snickered, walking calmly towards the entrance with Ruby and Blake following close behind.

"It's a lot safer for starters..." Weiss muttered to herself as she followed the rest of her team to the structure. Before them all was a large doorway that was at least two metres high and five metres wide. Judging from the quality of the material and the numerous scorch marks dancing around the edge, no-one was getting in there quickly through destructive means.

"Hmm, perhaps we could hack our way in..." Weiss said, taking a sudden interest in the nearby control panel.

"You should upload a virus into the mainframe! I heard ones with a skull and crossbones work the best!" Yang suggested with an upraised finger.

"That isn't how it works you dolt!" Weiss hissed, causing Yang to snicker slightly.

"How long will it take?" Ruby asked, tightening her grip on Crescent Rose.

"I don't know, an hour at the least, but we could be here for days or-" Weiss was quickly cut off by a large grinding noise as the doors to the structure suddenly opened, revealing a well lit and straight forward corridor.

"Nice work Weiss!" Ruby cheerfully said before entering, followed by Yang and Blake.

"Uh, that wasn't me..." was all Weiss said as she followed her team-mates into the structure.

For a while they simply wandered the seemingly abandoned structure, coming across multiple pictures of armoured reptilian creatures wielding strange swords.

"I've never seen anything like this before..." Weiss whispered, gently touching one of the many engravings, this particular one being of one of the armoured reptiles atop a pile of Grimm corpses whilst wielding a whip of some sort, his arms raised in victory.

"It's tremendously well preserved." Blake chimed in, looking at awe at the detailed pictures.

"Guys, over here!" Ruby shouted. Her team-mates walked over to find themselves looking at the entrance to a large circular room. The room itself was almost big enough to fit ten Ursa Majors inside and still have enough room to fit more. But it was the centre piece that caught their eyes, for in the centre was a large pylon like structure that seemed to be attracting all the electricity in the room into it's hidden core. Attached to it was a control panel that seemed to be flashing a bright red.

The four huntresses entered the room, staring in awe at the metal device.

"What is it?" Ruby asked, her team offering no answer.

"That is an excellent question Red!"

The huntresses turned to source of the voice and saw Roman Torchwick standing at the other side of the room, a previously hidden door behind wide open. He twirled Melodic Cudgel in his right hand while a smug smile spread across his face.

Team RWBY quickly recovered from their initial shock and entered a combat stance.

"Torchwick!" Blake seethed, her grip on Gambol Shroud tightening.

Torchwick merely laughed at the four girls attempt to intimidate him as he calmly walked forward towards the control panel, the huntresses edging closer as well.

"Oh please ladies, drop the weapons so we can have a formal discussion without the bloodshed." Torchwick said, still walking towards the panel.

"I don't think so!" Blake growled, nearly leaving the rest of her team to take on the criminal by herself.

"Oh, but I thought you would have been more open to peaceful talks seeing as we have you outnumbered." Torchwick calmly stated, placing both hands on Melodic Cudgel.

"Really? Because from where I'm standing, we outmatch you! There are four of us and only one of you." Yang said, gesturing to herself and Torchwick.

"Actually, there are fifty of us and four of you!" Roman sneered, his smug smile turning malicious as he tapped his cane on the ground. Almost immediately, the door behind RWBY closed as multiple White Fang entered the room from the door behind Torchwick, forming a tight semi circle around the team.

"So, now will we talk peacefully?" Torchwick asked again.

"What is that thing?" Weiss demanded, pointing at the device behind Torchwick with Myrtenaster.

"Glad you asked princess!" Roman chuckled, earning a growl from Weiss. "This device here is an artefact of alien origin from a time long gone. The original purpose was unknown, but we found it was very capable of generating Electro Magnetic Pulses. After overriding its safety protocols and defence system, we have generated the weapon of the future, today!" Roman explained, walking closer to the control panel.

"How is that gonna help you, making a pretty and harmful pulse?" Ruby asked.

"Well Red, while it may be harmless, it WILL shut down all electronic equipment in Vale, including that of a certain city hall where all the representatives of Remnant are meeting at this very moment." Roman replied, the grin on his face turning more into a sneer.

"So?" was all that Yang could say, not seeing the point of Torchwicks 'dastardly' plan.

"Yang, it will shut down all electronic equipment, including life support!" Blake said in horror.

"And by the time they re-boot the system, the leaders of the world will all be dead! Marvellous, isn't it?" Roman added, his arms wide open in pre-mature victory.

All that RWBY could do was look in horror at Roman. All the leaders of the world, dead, from the single push of a button. Ruby was the first to speak.

"Why are you telling us all this?"

Roman chuckled at the seemingly innocent question.

"Oh Red, so innocent! What makes you think your leaving this room alive?" Roman asked, a sneer on his face. RWBY's eyes widened in horror as they realised what he was implying.

Torchwick pressed the console, which was immediately followed by the hum of machinery.

"Charging sequence initiated!" a robotic voice announced as the machine hummed louder. Torchwick then pointed at team RWBY.

"Sic-em boys!" he shouted. The White Fang were quick to reply fired volley after volley of bullets at the trapped huntresses.

Weiss quickly used one of her glyphs to form an ice shield around the group, the thick walls offering some reprise from the bullets.

"I told you it was a trap!" Weiss shouted, a look of annoyance on her face.

"Now what?" Yang asked, clanking Ember Cilica together.

"We improvise!" Ruby shouted, charging at the White Fang while screaming in an attempt to intimidate her foes.

Weiss sighed as she joined her partner, followed by Blake and Yang. The team worked in complete tandem with one another, Ruby using Crescent Rose to send White Fang flying while using her speed semblance to confuse them, Weiss placing ice and fire glyphs under the White Fangs feet to incapacitate them while Blake and Yang cut down any White Fang foolish enough to enter close quarter combat. Yet despite their efforts, for every White Fang knocked down, two seemed to take their place. They were outmatched and out-gunned, which was worsened by the fact they were beginning to tire, their attacks becoming slower and sloppy while their foes were gaining more and more hits on them. Weiss created another ice shield so her team could once again rest, but the White Fang took it as their chance to encroach further onto the huntresses.

"50% charged!" the robotic voice announced.

"We have to take out that device!" Blake shouted, panting between words.

"The control panel is our best bet, but how can we get to it in time?" Weiss suggested, though obviously she was in no state to perform her suggestion. Blake closed her eyes as she figured a way to the control panel, a risky way that she would most likely pay in blood, but seemingly the only way.

"I have an idea." she finally said, gaining her team-mates attention.

"What is it?" Ruby asked, barely getting the words out.

"Cover me!" was all she said as she rushed towards the White Fang. Her team barely had time to protest and so fired at the White Fang. Most were shot down, but one with a pair of broadswords drawn made it through, screaming a guttural war cry and making a beeline towards Blake.

"Blake, look out!" Yang shouted as the White Fang swung at her, but as the blade met the skin, her form dissipated. The White Fang looked around in confusion, as did the rest of team RWBY. Then, they saw her. Blake had jumped at the last second leaving a Shadow Clone in her wake and was leaping over every White Fang, too far out of range of sword and axe yet moving to fast for rifle and pistol. Blake held Gambol Shroud over her head and swung down on the control panel, cleaving it in two. The smug look of victory was wiped off Torchwicks face as the panel sparked wildly.

"YOU BITCH!" Torchwick shouted, back handing Blake, who was too exhausted to fight back. He placed a firm foot on her stomach, swiping a dust pistol from a White Fangs hand and taking aim at her head.

"BLAKE! NO!" Ruby shouted as Torchwick tightened his grip on the trigger. Suddenly, a large red pulse emanated around the room, knocking everyone off their feet. As they began to recover, they noticed the artefact was now glowing a blood red.

"SHALOUKUUAA! SURAKIE SUTO YOH?" a voice boomed across the room, confusing all present. There were multiple murmurs across the room as none had the courage to answer.

"What?" Ruby asked, breaking the silence.

There was a long pause as everyone waited for a response. Silence filled the room for what seemed like minutes.

Finally, the voice returned, yet unlike the last time were it spoke it let out a long drawn out...sigh? The artefact began to shake violently before letting out a bright white pulse that enveloped Blake, Torchwick and the White Fang. The rest of team RWBY shielded their eyes as the light died down, with those consumed by the light gone.

"BLAKE!?" Ruby shouted, rushing forward to where the faunus had previously been.

"Ruby wait!" Weiss shouted as she and Yang ran to grab the young leader. Suddenly, the same bright light from before pulsed out, and RWBY were about to be consumed. Only Yang spoke as the light enveloped them.

"Son of a bi-!"


The once great city of Armonia, once the shining beacon of all of Chorus, now reduced to a military stronghold. Surrounding the city was a vast wasteland that seemingly went on forever while on the western border were the edgings of a forest that housed many indigenous predators. We turn our attention to the west entrance, which was guarded by a Federal Army soldier and his New Republic companion. Under normal circumstances, these two soldiers wouldn't be standing in peaceful solitude, as they would be to focused on trying to kill one another. However, times change, and now the two factions are working together to fight back the nefarious Charon Industries and their notorious Space Pirates. These two particular soldiers were on guard duty, ensuring that the Pirates didn't break in through the small yet easily accessible west gate.

"Hey." the Fed said, turning to his New Republic colleague.

"Yeah?" the Republican replied, also turning to face the soldier.

"You ever wonder why we're here?" the Fed asked. Indeed, it was a question that required a large answer, so the Fed waited patiently for his colleague to think of an answer.

"Not really, no." the Republican answered, turning back to face the forest.

"Why?" the Fed asked unsatisfied with the answer giving. The Republican sighed before turning to face the Fed yet again.

"Well, we're out here on guard duty so that the Space Pirates don't sneak into Armonia and wipe everyone out in the middle of the night! That's why we're here, so not much to wonder about really is there?" the Republican summarised hastily, turning back again to face the forest. The Fed stood in silence, taking in his colleagues answer.

"That's not what I meant." The fed finally replied, causing the Republican to turn in confusion.

"Oh?" the Republican enquired, wondering what his colleague actually meant.

"I mean, why are we here? You know? Was our universe created in some cosmic explosion and fate and all that being made up, or is there really a God out there who has a plan for us all? I don't know what the answer is man, but it sure does keep me up at night..."

The Republican stared in awe and bewilderment at his colleagues ACTUAL question. It took a while for the soldier to think of a reply, until finally he broke the silence.

"Now I know why Jenkins didn't want to go on guard duty with you..." the Republican grunted, turning once again to face the forest.

"Yeah...wait, what?" the Fed replied, almost innocently.

The Republican sighed, this time in anger, and turned to face the Fed yet again.

"Look, the thing is, you're just annoying! I mean, almost every time you speak it's a question!"

"I do?" the Fed ironically asked.

"You always ask stupid questions that no-one cares about!" the Republican stated, his anger growing.

"The origins of the universe is not a stupid question!" the Fed defended, his anger also beginning to rise.

"You always interrupt!" the Republican stated again, not realising the Feds sudden posture change.

"Shut up for a second!" the Fed ordered, seemingly looking out into the distance.

"YOU DID IT JUST THEN!" the Republican shouted, spreading out his arms in exasperation.

"Seriously shut up!" the Fed ordered again, this time more sternly. The Republican noticed the sudden change of mood and switched the safety off his DMR whilst the Fed cocked his Assault Rifle.

"What is it?" the Republican asked, aiming at the nearby tree-line.

"I'm picking up something..." the Fed replied, aiming his rifle at any sudden movement in the trees.

"Can you be a little more specific?" the Republican seethed under his breath.

"Electronic waves, like an EMP! And it's really close!" the Fed replied. The two soldiers backed closer to the entrance of the city.

"How close?" the Republican asked, fear weaved in his voice. Suddenly, a brilliant white flash engulfed an area of the forest, five miles off from the city. As the light receded, the two soldiers lowered their weapons. The Republican glared at the Fed who looked away sheepishly.

"My bad..." was all the Fed could say as his partner shook his head.

"Also, you have a tendency to oversell things!" the Republican said, returning to the previous argument.

"Wait, I've got another EMP signal coming in!" the Fed quickly shouted raising his weapon while the Republican only let out an exasperated sigh. "And this time, it really is close!"

"Oh really, and how close is that?" the Republican mockingly asked. Suddenly, a glowing white orb appeared before them, growing more volatile by the second. This time is was the Republicans turn to look sheepishly away.

"Oh..." the Republican blurted out.

The orb suddenly exploded, sending both soldiers flying towards the wall screaming. Both hit the wall with a loud thud that slightly cracked the stone work, but the soldiers were left uninjured. The Republican was first to recover as he began to cough up large amounts of dust that had entered his respirator. The Fed got up soon after, wiping off dust that seemingly caked the entirety of his white armour.

"What the hell was that?!" the Republican asked, picking up his DMR from the floor.

"I...I don't know." the Fed managed to say, retrieving his Assault Rifle and edging closer to the source of the explosion. The Republican slowly followed his colleague and gasped upon seeing the sight before him.

"Oh my god..." the Republican muttered. Before them was a large crater, the stone walkway that had once been there was completely obliterated, leaving only debris and smoke in its place.

"Holy shit, look!" the Fed shouted, pointing at the base of the crater. In the centre were three girls, the youngest must have been at least fifteen, lying unconscious in the crater.

"What the fuck!" the Republican shouted, standing back in awe as the Fed slid down into the crater. He moved into the centre of the group and looked for any sign of movement. The two oldest were breathing at a steady pace, but the youngest was barely moving.

"Oh crap..." the Fed muttered, checking for a pulse on the young girl. "We need a medic team now!"

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of RWBY: The Chorus Chronicle! I haven't got an update schedule planned but I'm hoping for at least one update every week. In the mean time, feel free to review and remember, constructive criticism is welcome.

Raging Archon out.