Touma's day was not going good. Currently the unfortunate hero is on a bus, waiting for it to take him to his new school. With index gone, back to the England Church, he was somewhat lonely. later on in the year Touma had gotten a chance to transfer to a new school, for a was hesitate at first, but his teacher and his friends manged to convince him. As he was lost in his thoughts the bus driver spoke up.

"So, You're the new student at Youkai Academy, eh?" He asked with a wicked grin.

"Yeah I'm an exchange student from Academy City." The young man said snapping out of his daze.

"Academy City huh, whats you're name kid?"

"Touma Kamijou."

"Well you better prepare yourself kid." The bus driver said with a chuckle that sent a chill down his spine.

"F-for what?" Touma asked.

"Youkai Academy... is a terrifying school..."

Of Course it is... Such Misfortune .


Touma stood outside the bus with his eyes wide open, He could not believe his luck... Okay, well maybe he could. The landscape looked like he was in a horror movie. The sky was almost dark, and that was the most normal thing. The trees look rotted and twisted with large black birds on the branches, the ground was layered with tombstones, and the lake out on the cliff looked like the water was blood red.

This is, without a doubt, the weirdest place I've ever been to. He thought as the bus drove off.

"Look out!" A voice shouted.

Touma turned around just in time to see a bike slam into him.

"Such misfortune" he muttered. As he started to get up, he reached out and touched something soft and smooth. He heard a squeal and looked up to see a beautiful young girl with pink hair and green eyes. She was wearing a school uniform like his, but she had a skirt. She also had on, a strange choker; it had a chain with two large links connected to two small strings of beads. At the end of the chain was a large silver cross that had a red jem in the center.

"I'm sorry, I just got a little dizzy from my anemia." The girl said, still blurry eyed.

"Are you okay?"

"Uh yeah" Touma said, " He looked to his hand that had a little bit of blood on it.

"Just a bloody nose, nothing to worry about." He said. But the girl was unconvinced.

"Oh no! I hurt you." She said while pulling out a handkerchief.

"No seriously, i'm fine." Touma said while giving her a smile, but the girl just got a dazed look in her eyes.

"This scent..."

"Scent? What are you talk-HEY" Touma jumped a little as the girl fell against his chest.

"I'm sorry" She said, as she came closer to Touma's face. He turned crimson as she drew near.

"its because I'm a vampire."

"You're what!?" Suddenly Touma felt teeth sink into his neck. He sat there stunned for a moment before snapping back to reality and jumped back. "What are you doing?" Touma said.

"I'm sorry." The girl said with a bow.

"My name is Moka Akashiya, But you can call me Moka. Like I said earlier I'm a vampire. D-did I hurt you, sorry about that."

"No you didn't hurt me" Touma said with a sigh. It really didn't hurt just felt like his neck was asleep.

"Good" She said with a smile. an uncomfortable silence came upon the two before she spoke up.

"So do you hate our kind? Vampires?"

Vampires huh, It wouldn't be the strangest thing that's ever happened to me. Touma thought.

"Huh? Oh um. To be honest I've never met one," He said. Still a little bit skeptical.

"But You seem nice enough."

"Good" She said with a gorgeous smile.

"Well In that case would you like to be friends?"

Touma laughed. He couldn't help himself it was so weird it was funny.

"Sure. I'd like that; my name is Touma. Touma Kamijou."


Touma and Moka had been on their way to the opening ceremony, But they had gotten separated during it. So, as of right now Touma was walking to his class. He walked into his classroom and went to a desk next to the window in the back hand corner of the room. To be honest Touma had been wanting to start fresh at this new school. Actually do some work perhaps, now that World War Three was over. He also thought, that sense he was out of Academy City he would get into less fights.

Suddenly A women entered the room. As soon as Touma saw her his eyes widened, the women had short blond hair... With cat ears... and a tail... Shit.


"Welcome everyone to Youkai Academy" She said with a bright smile and a wave. "I am your homeroom teacher, Miss Shizuka Nekonome and as i'm sure you all know this is a school for monsters." Miss Nekonome said with a smile.

Now Touma could handle things very well, after all, coming from a city of Espers and getting tangled in the magic side of stuff were things he was used to. Not to mention having a power that cancels his own luck, so you could say he was prepared for a lot of unknown things, This however was not one of those things.


"Like it or not Humans currently rule the world." She continued.

"The purpose of this school is to teach you how to coexist with humans. Because of this all humans are to stay in there human form. This will teach you how to stay disguised in the Human world."

"Hey teach." Interrupted a large student with a lip ring.

"Wouldn't it be better if we just ate those puny humans? Except for the hot girls, I can think of better things to do with them."

Touma watched in disgust as the student licked his lip ring.

It looks like no matter where I go there's always going to be someone like him; I really don't want this to get any farther or I might have to step in. Touma thought.

The classroom door then slid open.

"Sorry I'm late, someone said from the hallway. "I got lost after the entrance ceremony."

"Oh that's fine just take a seat." The teacher said.

"Okay thanks" The pink haired girl said as she stepped into the room. When Moka entered the room every boy went nuts.

"Who is she?"

"That hair...Those eyes..."

"She's so beautiful."

But Moka only saw one boy in particular.


"Huh? Oh, Hi Moka." Touma said with a wave.

"TOUMA" Moka squealed tackling him to the ground.

Touma, happy to know at least one person in his class, was in complete HELL. Every boy in the class looked ready to kill him a hundred times over. On the bright side Moka is in his class.

Now what was I worrying about... Oh ya, I'm in a school full of monsters... Such Misfortune.

Hello readers, This is my little prologue of my new story, First up I will be using the Manga version of Rosario Vampire, as the ass kicking, well, Kicked ass. And as for A certain Magical Index this takes place after World War Three. I Don't really have a schedule or anything so i'll update if I feel like it. Review if you want. I hope you liked it.-Bobby Busha