"Swan," Sergeant Miller called out just as I was heading out of the briefing room with Edward to start our shift. "I need to speak with you before you and Masen head out."

"Yes Sir." I nodded, glancing quickly at Edward before following him to his office, hoping this had nothing to do with the incident at Edward's house a few weeks prior. While it had been less than ideal, I had handled myself professionally and kept Edward out of it as much as I could to keep it above board. The last thing we needed was for Tanya's charges to be dropped over police misconduct, in the entirety of my police career that may have been the most important moment for me to keep my cool. And I had, and we had broken some important barriers that day.

Edward, Maddie and I were closer than ever, Maddie finally completely at ease with me and gaining confidence every day I saw her. I had yet to tell Edward or Maddie about my past, I'm not sure I could ever completely share with Maddie, there were some stories kids just weren't meant to hear. Edward, however; he deserved to know and the acceptable amount of time to tell him was running out. While he hadn't pushed me to open up, I know every day I chose not to made it impossible for us to move forward, to grow together, to build something more permanent. That was exactly what terrified me though, that my confessions, my past would be what drove us apart completely. That once he knew, whatever we were doing would be over and then I'd lose two of the most important people in my life.

I was terrified of rocking the boat now that things were just starting to get back to normal for us, after it seemed like we had a new obstacle to deal with every week since we'd met. I was finally back to 100 percent, Tanya had mouthed off to the judge during her hearing and secured herself in jail for the next six to eight months pending a full trial and it gave us all a chance to breathe. To rest easy knowing she wasn't going to pop up anytime soon and that Maddie didn't have to worry about her turning her life upside down again.

"Have a seat Swan." Sergeant Miller said casually, straightening a stack of papers that were on his desk and setting them on top of what appeared to be my employee file from Seattle P.D. as well as Sacramento and my time in the Army.

"How are you liking it here so far?" He asked as he leaned back in his large office chair, a stark contrast to the stiff position in which I was sitting across from him. Years surrounded by military as well as my nerves not allowing me to relax in the least.

"It seems to be a good fit for me Sergeant, and Masen has been an excellent F.T.O. I'm learning a lot from him." Sergeant Miller nodded his head slowly, watching me for a moment before giving me a small smile and turning his attention back to the paperwork on his desk before speaking again.

"That's good to hear, Masen is one of our best and I had been hoping the two of you would be a good fit. He said very similar things when I asked him to give me a formal review of your job performance so far. He stated he has learned quite a bit from you as well Swan. Officer Swan's dedication to this job and this community as a whole has reminded me the importance of being respectful in all situations, and to constantly be an example of what it means to wear this badge, in or out of uniform. She remains calm no matter what situation she is in, she remembers her training and is smart in every situation we have encountered. Officer Swan is an asset to this police department and I am lucky to have her as a partner."

"High praise coming from Officer Masen, I have to tell you Swan he is incredibly difficult to impress and does not pull punches."

"Thank you Sir." I struggled to keep my voice even as I let Edward's review sink in. If that is how he honestly saw me as an officer, Sergeant Miller was right, it was some of the highest compliments I could receive.

"We have an opening on the High Risk Team and I'd like to invite you to apply. I've looked over your file from Sacramento as well as your service record and I have to say your work history is incredibly impressive. Masen and McCarty speaking highly of you goes a long way with me, and the fact that you have experience in theater and undercover gives you an edge. You will still have to try out with the others that apply, pass the physical and tactical portions if you choose to apply, but as Masen said I think you could be a great asset to this department and this team."

"Thank you Sir, I cannot tell you what your faith in my abilities means and to be asked to apply for this position. I understand how big of a deal this is, would you mind if I thought it over first before I give you my answer? I take this opportunity extremely seriously Sir, and I'd like to make sure I'm ready for it before applying."

"I'm impressed and even more sure that I made the right choice by asking you to apply now Swan. That you realize this isn't a decision to be made lightly speaks volumes of your seriousness and understanding of this job. Try outs are next Saturday at 0900 if you decide you want to apply just bring your paperwork then and if you don't, there's no hard feelings and I will appreciate your honesty on the subject."

"Thank you Sir." I said earnestly, hoping he could see how genuine I was being with that inadequate statement as I stood and shook his hand. He gave me a small smile and a nod before I excused myself and headed out to meet Edward for our shift.

Thank you so much for your continued support, I am SOOO sorry for the delay in posting! I should be back on schedule now and posting regular updates, hopefully at least once a week now. I have missed these two and can't wait to jump back in and find out what Edward and Bella get up to next chapter!