Kate was dead. Garrett was dead, and the Russians had backed off. So life should be good now, right? Wrong. Edward was still royally pissed at me for the stunt I had pulled. He had barely spoken two words to me in the weeks that had passed since the incident. I wanted to say I got why he was still angry, but I really didn't. Okay, so I had broken a promise to him, but Garrett had taken my family away from me; he had practically destroyed my life. I had a right to want to end his life. Surely, Edward could see that. He couldn't honestly say he wouldn't have done the same thing if he had been in my position.
Rather than work out our issues, he had thrown himself into his work. He had been spending the majority of his time in New York taking over from my father, while he had left me on my own in Detroit. With the Russians gone, Marcus no longer needed to babysit me, so it had just been Bruno and me. I will admit, I was bored. I wasn't used to entertaining myself or spending all day alone. I wished he would just come home and shout at me or something, anything would be better than this.
We had gotten so close and now we couldn't be further apart. I was mad at him. I was mad at myself. Part of me felt like acting out just so I could get his attention. The other part of me felt like playing him at his own game, but knowing my luck, he wouldn't even notice that I was ignoring him. I wished I had someone to talk to, someone to seek out for advice, but I had no one. No mother, no sister, no friends, and I didn't exactly feel comfortable going to Esme to speak about her son.
I knew he was under a lot of stress right now. Taking over from my father wasn't an easy task and covering up the massacre in New York hadn't exactly been easy for him either. I wasn't down playing any of that. I just wanted my husband back. I wanted a little attention and not the odd phone call that he made to me out of a sense of duty.
I picked up my cell and tossed it across the room. Bruno jumped off the bed beside me and ran over to the phone, collecting it, and bringing it back to me. I sighed, patting his head as I took the phone from his mouth. If only all men were as attentive as he was.
A/N: Wow, so this story started with a black wedding dress and it sorta just snowballed from there.
A huge thank you to my Dream Team, Cristina, Sherry, Paige & Tiffany, I couldn't have written this story without your support and hard work. A massive thank you to my readers, for your reviews, and in general making this story such a joy to write.
We'll be back soon, with Tied to New York, until then Happy Easter!