Disclaimer : Not Mine

Warning : Bad Grammar, Un-beta-ed, English not my native.

Rouge look down at the small bundle in her arms with a sense of wonder. Gently, she trace the freckle on the baby face, rubbing the small tuft of black hair and holding the small hand before that small digits grab her finger. She let out a small chuckle and looks up at the nurse beside her. All trace of fatigue is gone from her face and had been replacing with a glowing pride.

"He's beautiful and perfect,"

She didn't sail toward Fuusha Village immediate, instead Rogue take times to explore the East Blue. After successfully secure Roger body and giving him a Viking burial in front hundred of Marine (she using Firefyndre for dramatic effect), she set sails immediately but without a direction. She just keeps sailing just like the beginning of her journey.


She never realise the negative effect of using magic to hide and slow the growth of her pregnancy until she suddenly collapse at Cocayashi Village. She extremely lucky they had an ex-Marine doctor turns into Midwife there. The midwife gives her a long and stern lecture about how reckless she is. Of course the Midwife know who she is,

"There's only one person in the world that can use magic and its fit logically," the Midwife inform her, the female Devil Fruit users usually had a risky pregnancy due to their ability.

"I'm a witch," Rogue says to the Midwife deadpan which the Midwife waves her hand in front of her.

"Same different," the Midwife then giving her another long lecture how to take care herself during the pregnancy and dates for check-up. But not another lecture about doctor patient confidently when she asked her to keep it secret. She release Rogue from bed rest a week later.

In the end, she still wipes the Midwife and the Villagers memory for precaution. Too bad, she really likes the village, especially that Red Haired Mohawk Mom.


The magic that surround her pregnancy are too deep to untangle and slowly become unstable since her collapse, so Rouge does her best to maintain her health for the sake of the baby which wasn't easy as she think. Morning sickness was worst than before, the spasm of back pains, muscles and sometimes contraction that send her into panics. She was lucky that her female ghosts family on her side when thing become too much for her to endure. The good news is, she didn't have any weird food craving. Rogue shudders when she remember Rose food craving. No matter what she said, Hákarl and Rakfisk isn't delicacy and so does Salmiakki ice cream. But she endures it for her sake but not before she beat up Scorpius for choosing the Nordics Countries as their honeymoon holiday.

"It's not my fault that she craving that kind of food woman! It already been centuries already. Stop blaming me for that!,"

"Sod off Scor, beside, I'm the one who had to accompany her when she eating that. So yes, I will keep blaming you for those terrifying hours of my life.


She never arrive at Fuusha Village as she plan, instead she stuck at Orange Town for almost a year. As her magic wears down, the contractions become more frequent and painful as if a payback for her prolongs pregnancy. She pass out at Orange Town port again and awake three days later on a bed at clinic. She once again receive the familiar lecture only this time, the Doctor threaten to cuff her to bed if she ever think about getting out from bed. She complied but not because the Doctor said so but the worried look she got from her mom, Molly and Rose.

She gave birth a week later to a healthy baby boy.

She ends up in coma for a month after that.

The first week she wake up, she refuse to let down the baby and glares at the ghosts that gather around her and string a long curses that consist almost ten languages in her mind.

She grins in satisfaction when some of them flinch and look at her guilty.

Accept her parents who keep cooing at the baby.





"His name is Ace,"


"Ace Potter, Potter D Ace, Ace Weasley, Portgas D Ace or Gol D Ace,"

"The boy going to have identity crisis when he older,"

"'Lils... my sweet dear sister...,"

"No James, I will not accept any name from you, beside I never gives name to your brats,"


"Out of curiosity, what name did you choose?... It's that a list?,"

"Yes Al, it's a list... let's see... Kenny for Kennedy, Daniel or Dean for short, Johnathan or Jack and Rory,"



"What! It's a good name... it is,"

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say any of that,"

They end up with Portgas D Ace.


"Who watch over Ace when I was in coma?,"

"Your mom, grand moms, sister in laws... I made them turn corporeal for certain time,"

"Where are you?,"

"Watching from afar, alongside with other males in our family,"

'grins' "That's what you get for accidentally let your grandson slip from you,"

"It's just one time; they treat it like criminal offence,"

"Sure dad...,"


Fuusha Village is exactly just like Garp said. It quiet and peaceful. The windmills spin slowly and the scenery is beautiful. The villagers are friendly, especially when she drop Grap name in their conversation. Apparently, they have been waiting for her arrival for a while now. The Mayor of the town, Woop Slap told her that Garp had told him about her condition and expects the delay on her arrival. She nods agree with him and thanks him for welcome her. The Mayor grins at her before take her to the house.

"But, I'm just arrive here,"

"Garp told me to let you stay in his house. Beside that man rarely stay there being the high ranking Marine and all,"

"Ohh...," was that all Rogue can said at the moment as her eyes land on the house in front of her. Instead of mansion like she imagines Garp would have, it turns out to be a Cottage. It located near the dense forest which Rogue immediately draws various magical ward in her mind protect the house. There's a huge space surrounding the house and trees around it, prefect for little Ace to play and explore. She looks at her son who look at the new surrounding with wide eyes.

"Well?," ask the Mayor with a smile on his face.

"It's perfect, thank you," she told him, but inside she can't help but worried if this favors will come back bite her ass later.


The perks having the nosy ghosts' family visit you is that you can dump them with babysitting duty while you doing others chores. The downside is the unexpected visit from someone you never thought will meet again. Since you no longer carries the Weasley-Potter blood (physically no, spiritually you still one of us) and never properly married. And that's exactly happen to Rogue as she walk toward Ace playpen in the living room while nursing her head after a heavy tome fall on her head when the deep belly laugh coming from there.

An irritating familiar laugh.

She arrives at the same time Ace shriek in happiness. Rogue stops and watch as the almost corporeal Roger tickles Ace relentlessly. Roger stops the attack when he senses someone, looks up and grins widely at the woman he loves most.

"Hello love,"




"You're late, I almost given up on seeing you again. Stay there. Watch Ace, if anything happen, I sic my mother on you," she then quickly turn around ignoring the confuse look from both of them."GET YOUR ASS HERE DAD!,"

"Hahaha... look like your mom in bad mood Ace, wanna play upsy daisy?"

"Yes! Daddy up!"

"Here we go!,"


"You tell me that I can't see him again,"

"I did,"

"And yet, there he is, playing with Ace,"

"He did,"


"He's crazy, just like the rest of us,"


"I rather not to talk what happen at there, I still having a headache just thinking about it,"


"Unlike the rest of us, he can't appear in mortal world frequently, so talk to him when you want him to appear, maximum three day per year,"

"Three day is more than enough,"



"I'm going to kill him! Again!,"


After finished warding the house and many other important thing (including beating her lover for the bruise at Ace forehead), Rogue send long awaited letters at Rayleigh, Shanks and Buggy. She told them about Ace (she only told them the gender of the child) and tell them that she already settle somewhere in the Blues and send them with her owl, Hogwarts or Hog for short. They replied back with enthusiasm and relief at her and Ace birth along with presents to him. Rogue watches with a smile as Ace happily play with his toys.

Their life in the Fuusha Village went smoothly, the villager easily accept both mother and son presence in the village. Her ghost families occasionally visit her, her child is happy and healthy and she slowly ease into civilian life.

Well sort of... and if anyone asks, Rogue blames Garp for this mess.


Ace just like his father, he may inherited her freckles and hairstyles but he definitely his father son. He loves to explore, first the house, then the yards and as he grows, he slowly enter the thick and dense jungle behind their house. At first, Rogue almost had a heart attack when he come back with bruise and scratch, she lecture him while giving him a bath and Ace only laugh and talk all the thing he see in the jungle. Seeing her son eyes bright with excitement, she only shakes her head in resignation. Definitely his father son.

She firmly ignores the snickers from her father about a little girl and her muddy footsteps.

At age five, Ace come back home with a group of man chasing after him. She beats up all of them, brutally. Ace cheering at the side with little Luffy.

That the first and later lead to many meeting with the Mountain Bandit and their leader Dadan.


Ace was three and half years old when Garp favors come bite her ass. She was cooking and talking to Rogers (he decide to appear on her and Ace birthdays and random day. Today was her birthday) when Ace run into the kitchen excitedly.

"Mom! Mom! Mom! Hi daddy! Mooommm!"

"Hey Acey,"

"Yes Ace, what it is?,"



"Slow down kid, your mom and I don't understand what you talking about,"

"Oh okay, sowie," take a deep breath "Grandpa said, I going to get a baby brother. It is true mom?," Ace said slowly, word by word, clearly like the ghost teach him how to speak. Rogue expertly ignore the gloom and doom corner and look at her son.

"Well, if your grandpa said that, of course it is," Ace beaming at her causing her to glomp at her son and hug him. "And you, my cute little son, will be the great big brother to him," she said while almost suffocating her son. Ace mumble affirmation making her giggle, she then put him down kissed his forehead and give him cookies before telling him to play outside. Ace nods and run outside, she watch him fondly before turn toward her lover who still sitting at the corner and kick his butt. Roger look at her sorrowfully, making her to rolls her eyes at him.

"Stop being ridiculous, Roger,"

"B... but Ace said,"

"I heard it too, but don't forget it's was my father whom told him the news,"


"Did you think so low about me?"




Rogue love to say, it was a stormy night or twilight or any dramatic weather when Garp arrives with a favours. Alas, it's not. The weather was fair, the birds are chirping and she and Ace was having a picnic under the tree in front the house when Grap arrive. Ace greets Grap happily while Rogue narrows her eyes at the small bundle in his arm (the bundle look tiny in Grap massive arm). She silently stands up and walks toward him, Rogue nods at him and quietly took the bundle from Garp. The man didn't need to explain what it is, she can sense it the moment Garp arrive at their home. Ace, realize something happen slowly stay silent. He eyes the exchange curiously and looks at his mom whom smile gently at him.

When Rogue peer inside the bundle, her hearts melts at the sight of innocent face. Her finger gently traces the eyebrows, nose (the baby scrunch his nose at the touch), the pink lips and the chin. Rogue then crouch to Ace and show him the content in her arms.

"Ace, meets your little brother,"


Garp told her everything about the baby he bring to her,his name, parentage and much more. But for Rogue, only his name that matter, as she watch her son holding the baby, chattering about everything with utter adoration in his face, Monkey D Luffy is her son in everything but blood.

But even that can be arrange with the magic, Garp tears and wails that stop her.

&$^& !$-%&#$&-

Before Garp return back to his duty, he expresses his desire to train Ace. His comment about Ace parentage earns him a dodging session from Rogue.

"I'm not that naive to think that will stay secret forever Garp,"

"Then why the hell you keep attacking me!?"

"Ask me again in another three years you stone headed Marine!"

"Fine! Ohh and Luffy too!"




Ace was four when he realizes his family wasn't exactly normal. His dad, grandpa, grandma, cousins are actually ghost not a family secret tricks (he sulking for the whole day because walking through the wall really a cool trick). But that's okay because Ace loves all of them. Mom smile brightly and hug him when he say that.

Because nothing beat Mom hugs.

Ace was six when hear about it. He was at one of seedy diner in Gray Terminal when he saw his dad wanted poster and the talk about how the Marine had continue the search for the Witch Queen and the allegedly spawn of the unholy union of those two. And how those two should die in painful death just like the Pirate King. He innocently ask them more, halfway thru the explanation, he snaps. For the first time in his life, his blood roars loudly in his ears. He didn't realize what he did until a firm hand grab his wrist. Ace snap back and look at the person who dare to touch him. Anger suddenly drains from his body and fears replace on his face as he look at his mother.

His mother whom always radiate with gentle, love and happiness.

His mother whom now look at him with calm, cold and disappointment.

Ace look around the seedy diner, those whose thrash talking his family are now lying on the floor, some of them groaning in pain, some already pass out. He look at his body, there's bloodstains on his cloths, and some on his cheek. Ace look back at his mother who still look at him with the same expression before. His shoulder drops, he look down, shame runs through his body at his action.

"Come, let's go home," Mom said in a stern voice. Not a request, an order. Ace slowly follows his mother from behind.

That night on his bed, Ace hears his mom crying for the first time in his life and he grips the pillow so hard it almost tears apart.


"What's it is Lu?"

"Mommy cryin... is mommy hurt?"



"No Lu, Mom wasn't hurt, she just sad,"

"Oohh... then, let's make Mommy happy,"

"Not tonight Lu, maybe tomorrow morning,"


"Go back to sleep Lu,"

"Hmm... hmm.. Night Acey,"

"Night Lu... love ya" that night, Ace make a promise not to make his mom cry again.


Rogue was crying...

Well sort of...

James and Al look at their little sister with raise eyebrow.

"I almost forgot how drama queen you are Lils," Al snort at him.

"Shut up James, I'm having breakdown here. This is the most stressing day of my life,"

"Wasn't that what you said when you broke up with your boyfriend. Or that time when you too busy with your Evaluation for Unspeakable and many more,"

"Fuck off James," Rogue growls at her smug looking brother.

"I didn't know you will upset that Ace know how to fight. The boy bound to know something with how he and Luffy keep watching you practice every morning," Al said calmly at his sister.

"I'm not upset about that... it just.. just... uwaahhh," Rogue sobs in her hands while her brothers watch unimpress. "He's so young and already *hic* *hic* I'm so proud of him... my baby already grow up. Ohh... Rogers would be so proud!," she said before continue to cry.

"Did you understand what she saying Al?,"

"She talking about Haki, the brat accidentally unlocks the Haki,"

"Huh... see, like I said, drama queen," Rogue flip a bird at her brother.


The next morning after the practice, Rogue and her children sits in living room and she start to tell them her and Rogers past. Ace and Luffy listen attentively and she can see the gears start moving in their mind.

She still refuses to tell them their adventures, stating it will spoil their own adventure in the future. No matter how many puppy eyes Luffy gives her.



"Yes Ace,"

"It is true that dad was a bad man? The devil?," Harry look at his grandson, whom look at him with trouble expression.

"Depend in certain point of view Ace. For who knew him closely, he's a great man, funny and reckless with temper. For the Marine, he's the epitome of evil, against everything they stand for and that evil including your mother. For civilian, it's a mixed view,"

"Ohh...," Ace said softly, looking dejected. Harry smile and ruffle the boy hair making him scowl at him.

"Why don't you look at him yourself and decide for yourself," Ace nods at his grandpa suggestion.


His father after he observed while him visiting them is a big dork. And Daddy love Mom, Ace and Luffy very much. For Ace, that's all matter.


After a long pressure (two days) Rogue finally conceded. She begins the story telling about her and Rogers adventure and their crew shenanigans.

She gleefully tells Garp, he can wave his dreams goodbye the next time he come visit.


Ace officially trains with Garp a week after his seventh birthday. Garp give him three day head start before start hunting him in the forest. They may accidentally scare the crap out of the Bandits. It's hard to understand Dadan ramblings but Rogues pats the woman shoulder and serve her the roast beef that she made.

Luffy look at his brother training and decide to join no matter how much Rogue disapprove. Of course Garp happily accept it. Her shoulder slumps as Ace and Luffy scream echoes in the forrest follow by Garp obnoxious laugh.


She draws a line when her children have to hunt and eat in the forest like a barbaric hairless monkey. She shows her displeasure by punting Garp across the village and lands him on his ship.

"Look like Garp anger her again,"

"Humph! She should kick him harder!"

"I wonder what he did know to make Rogue-san angry,"

"Probably something idiotic,"


Rogue may retire from the pirate but didn't mean she doing nothing but raising her children. She first and foremost is a researcher, explorer and businesswoman. The basement of the cottage has been turn into library, Hogwarts style. There's a small office in the library. Inside, it contains the lists of her business from the islands in the Paradise to the New World. She had research and explore every island they land, before and after joining Rogers, making notes in her journals and after the disband, she asks her crew to go the island she marks, stay there and open a shops according to her search. It was trial and error, but as time passes by, her business become successful. Rogue spends a week every month to personally check on their progress.

Thanks Merlin for the magic.

Eight years after disband; she is the richest and powerful woman in the world. As powerful as the Donxiquote Family.

Not that they know about that. Nor the Marine, or the World Government, or the Tennryuubito.

She wonders what Garp expression will be, if she told him the truth when he brings her a birthday present. A high quality wine with a red and gold dancing lion logo on the bottle.



Blood runs freely outside the body as the beating continue.


A rib snap and piercing the lung.


Something foul and smelly splash on his face and the dirt.

I don't want to die...

The passerby look away terrified and scared.

Please... someone...


Kami-sama... please.

He dimly hears the sounds of fighting and beating. He pries his eyes open but fails. The he didn't know how long the fight is but flinch and whimpers at the same time when a hand touches his body.

"Pl... please... no more... I'm... so... sorry,"

"Hey.. hey.. it's okay, it's okay, I got you know. Hold on, I going to get help," the voice calmly said.

But he no longer hears that as the darkness claim him.

"Thank you... kami-sama,"


"It's quiet here, where's the brats?," ask Dadan with her mouth full. Rogue easily translates the word having the experience with that replied back.

"Ace in Terminal, Luffy at the port," Dadan raises her eyebrow at her word. "What?,"

"I never thought you manage to separate those two and what Lufty doing at the port anyway?"

Rogue hums while pouring herself a glass of rum. She glad that Dadan agree to come visit her twice a month (she had to bribe her foods and alcohols... lots of it's for her to agree). Interaction with the villager is fine but sometimes she misses the good old day when chatting with her crew with ease. Dadan, bless her cold and shrivelling heart realize that she wasn't straight and naive woman as she portray to be (she got the feeling that Mayor know, he just didn't care). She didn't say it directly in front of her but letting her know that she know by dropping the hints. This is why she invites her into her house.

"Learning about the ship and the seas," once her sons declare to be a pirates and swiftly ignore their grandfather scolding, (Rogue make sure the only beating they receive was during their practices and show Garp what happen if he did it outside the training) she goes down to the village and look for the old sailor or fishermen that willing to teach her sons just like her when she was young. "I'll let those two learn together but they fooling around the boat and Luffy almost drown, fall from the boat," Rogue let out a sighs. While the boat was ashore, Luffy still small and didn't know how to swim. For once terrified moment, she almost summons her magic to save Luffy and blow her cover, if not for Mayor help bringing her back to sense by slapping her. Ace looks so terrified and pale at that time and the aftermath he refuse to leave Luffy side or house. It takes time before he agrees to go out and obediently agreed when she told him that both of them will go to the port separately.

"And why the hell didn't you tech those brats yourself?,"

*snort* "You know why...,"

"Well... you did teach the basics to the brats, what so different with that?,"

"Because... theory will fly over their head just like their dad. Hands-on on other hand, they easily learn and remember,"


"Excuse me,"



"Hello, Portgas residence," Rogue ignore the rolling eyes from Dadan. Yes she know not many call their home

"Mom... uhhh,"

"Ace? What happen? Are you injure?," Ace denies it immediately and rattle what happen. Rogue listens attentively and told him to stay where he were and hang up.


"Go, I'll stay here," she shoo her. Rogue smirks at her and apparate from where she stands.


Rogue appears at the edge of Gray Terminal. She quickly releases her magic before homing into her son presence. It takes her a few second to locate her son and run towards him. Grey Terminal where the High Town dumps their garbage and the poor lives always changing. One moment there a roads and suddenly there's a garbage avalanche and there's no road. Therefore she didn't bother to use apparation, risking herself for landing on the garbage. The resident of the Terminal quickly makes way for her when they see her. It takes fifteen minute to reach her son. The first thing she saw was the bodies that she assume the bad guys and her son, whom franticly trying to save the unconscious and bleeding boy. She walks towards her son and gently put her hand on Ace shoulder. Ace look at her with relief. Without saying much, Rouge bent down and gently scoops the boy into her arms.

"Come Ace, we need to go now," Ace nods and wrap his arms around her waist. Making sure no one watching them (everyone clears the area once Ace finish beating them and no one willing to earn the ire of the only person who willing to help them) she apparate back to their home.


The boy is a mess. After their arrival, Rogue told Ace to clean up and pick up Luffy from the port and sits with Dadan. He tries to protest but quickly agree when she told him to pick up Lufty. Rogue brings the boy into one of the unused room and lay him on the bed. A quick check up reveal broken bones in various place, puncture lung and spleen, concussion, open wound on his body and broken tooth. It takes her a whole day just to heal the boy. He was lucky that James son appear to help her (the boy was muggle paediatrician doctor) or she might mess up something. After making sure the boy was fine, she goes out of the room and smirk at the sight in front of her.

Both her sons sleeping and leaning on Dadan whom flipping the birds and scowling at her.

Rogue chuckle before go to the kitchen and prepare teas and dinner for all of them. She hears the rustling and not a moment later, Dadan appears in her kitchen.

"Tea?," she grunts and Rogue put a cup in front of her. Both of them taking time enjoying the drinks when Dadan spoke.

"Ace told me what happen,"


"I know which group the brat talking about. It's your speciality,"


"A pirate crew goes by the name Bluejam, they have the base in the Grey Terminal,"

"Permanent or temporary?"

"By the look of it, permanent,"


"How is the boy?"

"He's badly injure and malnourished. I assume those thugs are his lackey?,"

"Yeah, is rare to see their Captain in Terminal but Porchemy can be seen there,"


"His First Mate," Rogue raises her eyebrow at her. Dadan snort while continue smoking. "Those asshole lackeys of him keep trying to take over my business many times. As if I let them!," Dadan chomp down the cigarettes in anger. "Well? What's are you going to do with them?,"

"Nothing... beside if I'm not mistaken, they're quite infamous around here,"

"Whatever, it's not like I need your help to hold them back anyway,"

"True, true,"


The boy keeps sleeping in the next few days. Ace and Luffy occasionally visit him before going out to their lesson or adventure. On the third day, while attending the boy with Luffy at his side talking animated about his day, he suddenly became quiet. Rogue look at him and saw a looks on his face. The look last during their lunch when he look at Rogue with a question. Ace also stop eating and look at his brother.

"Yes Lu... something on your mind?" Rogue asks gently.

"Is he going to be my other big brother?," Ace chokes on air while Rogue look at Luffy with surprise.

"Wh... what.. *cough* the hell are talking about?"

"Ace, language!"

"Sorry mom,"

"Sweetheart..." Rogue hesitate for a moment before continue "do you want another big brother?,"

"Umph! I think it's cool to have another. James and Al are cool but they're ghost. It's not fun when we play together," both of them ignore the spluttering rage that is Ace and continue, "Beside, if I had another brother, that way Ace-nii won't be lonely when I was at the port!" Luffy said confidently with his beaming and wide smile. Rogue look stuns and before she could replied back, Ace jump on the table and hugs his little brother tightly. Rogue expertly ignore the words coming out from Ace, he truly his father son. Rogers have done the same thing when she said yes to their relationship.

"Ace let you brother go, he almost turn blue already," she let Luffy take breaths for few time before continue to speak. "Luffy, we have to wait the boy awake and aware where he is first. Then we ask him the question, okay?," Luffy nods happily. From the way it is, no matter what the answer is, that boy will join their little family.

And for Rogue... she is fine with another addition into family. She uses to live in large family after all.


It was the fifth day when Rogue realize the boy was a noble from High Town (because where else the noble live?). She realizes this during the check up and cleaning the boy. If one could ignore his thin and malnourished body, the hints were all there. There's a signs of meticulous care of his hands, his nails (both fingers and toes) lack of cuticle. The cloths may look outdated, but its sturdy and high quality, not the noble kind of quality more likes the sea merchant quality. Their cloths are made to hold against the sea weather and sea salt. And the last damning evidence is his teeth. It clearly shows sign of dentist care despite the charcoal and blood on his front teeth. Rouge hums and thinking before shrugs. It doesn't matter to her of the boy being noble. She can count only handful of noble that she doesn't have urge to kill them on first sights. And she kind of understood why this boy chooses to live in the Gray Terminal instead of High Town.

It only makes her determine to make him as her son.


"Who is he?"

"You future son,"


"You disagree?"

"No... but, can we get a daughter next time?"


"Yes, honey?"

"Shut up,"

"Rogers that,"

"And stop hang out with Sirius!l"


He opens his eyes slowly

Where... am I?

His turns toward a muffle voice.


Another voice joins in. A warm, gentle and calm voice and presence. Something that he yearns for all his life.


Sleep my dear love, everything will be fine.

And he closes his eyes, with a small smile on his face.

Thank you...


He opens his eyes again. Instead of lying on his back, he leans back on big fluffy pillow. It took him a minute to realize how comfortable the bed is. Looking at the surrounding, he immediately knows he wasn't in Gray Terminal anymore. Or the High Town for the lack of guards. There's only one place left.

Fuschia Village then...

He slowly moves his legs and arms, checking and sighs out in relief when he realizes there is no permanent damage on his appendage. He bits his lip to avoid crying, this is the life that he chooses, he won't back down from it. He will get out from this bed right now, greet his saviour and leave this place. Go back to where he belongs. He valiantly ignore the rational part of his mind that stating he is a prideful idiots.

Suddenly, loud snore echoes the room, startle him badly and make him turn his head sharply towards the sound before planting his face on the bed while spitting out a curse as a spasm of pain wrecking out his body. He quickly lost track of time during that and awake at the sound of his own harsh breathing and his hand grip tightly another hand. A small hand, smaller than his. His eyes follow the arm and saw a small child with black hair look at him with a smile.

"Okay now? Nii-san," whisper the boy worriedly. It take him the moment to gather his mind and nods his head slowly, wary the same thing happen again. The smile became wider and happy before let goes his hand and jump off the bed. He thought the boy going to call his mother (he dimly remembers the warmth during one of his waking moment) but instead he walk towards the table at the window and carefully pours water from the jug into the glass. Looking at his full concentration face, he couldn't help but smile at him.

So cute...

The boy walks back (slowly this time) and hand him the glass. He accepts it and drinks it. Slowly, his mind reminds himself. After emptying the glass, he put at the bedside table and looks back at the boy, whom seat on the bed beside him. He clears his throat a couples of time before speaks.

"Thank you," once again he was rewards with a beaming smile. The boy quickly chattering about something (the boy talking to fast, his brain stutter to halt after a few second), but he got the fist of it.

He is in Fuschia Village (just like he thought)

The boy name Luffy (where did he hear that name?)

His brother save him... oh his name is Ace (don't tell me..?)

They were at Luffy house... Mama and Ace going out.

Mama name? Mama name is Rogue (so it is...)

Lady Rogue and her sons are popular in Gray Terminal. Lady Rogue because of her willingness to help the people, her eldest son was well known for his temper (it's hard to forget a seven years old beating up the man twice of his age with nothing but a lead pipe) and his protective nature against his little brother (rumour has it that the elder brother track down a person that hit his brother and beat him so hard that the adults male whimpering at the sight of the man. And that was MONTHS ago). The boy never knows how the brothers look likes but looking at Luffy, he understood why his brother is so damn violent.

Luffy is so damn cute.

"Ne... ne... what's your name Nii-san?"

"Oh.. sorry, my name is Sabo, thank you for saving me Luffy,"

"Hehhee... it's not me Sabo-nii, it Mama and Ace that save you," Sabo frown at the way Luffy call him.

"Luffy, why did you call me Nii-san?," Luffy open his mouth to answer when a voice can be hears at the door.

"That's because you going to be our brother and be Mom's son and it useless to say no" Sabo look at the boy at the door and know that was the elder brother, Ace. Luffy yells and jump down from the bed and bounce (literally bounce) and glomp at Ace. The boy smile before hug Luffy back (yeahh... he can see it, that brother complex) when his brains halt and repeat their sort of conversation.

"Wa... wait... WHAT!? WHEN DID IT HAPPEN?"

"It happens when I save your ass from those thugs. And by the way, I don't care how old you are, I'm the eldest in this family,"

"Wait a goddamn minute!l"

"Welcome to the family Sabo-nii,"

"I SAID WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE!" *hackhack coughcough* *whimpers* "Goddammit...this is not what I plan,"


Meanwhile, in the kitchen...

Rogue look up from her preparation and smiles at the sound of yells, something crashing follow by laugh.

"Well... he fit right into our family,"


"Now, he really fitting in,"

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