Viewing Party

A/N: All of the regulars that were in the episode have gathered at the home of Booth and Brennan to watch the documentary when it aired on TV. This is an account of what happened as they viewed. The words coming from the TV are in italics.

"Shush. It's about to start, settle down everyone." At Brennan's words everyone grabbed a seat and settled in to watch the documentary.

"Over the past decade, the partnership between the FBI and the Jeffersonian Institution's Forensic Division has resulted in over 250 murder convictions…"

"Yeah man, did you hear that. We rule." Hodgins chortled before being hushed by Angela. "Shh, I want to hear this."

"So I was out tending to a leachate leak out in cell six…"

"This place really did stink something awful." Brennan glared at Booth. "Shush." Booth reached out and took her hand, kissing her knuckles in apology.

Everyone settled back in their seats taking in the commentary when.

"…Now, I assumed they was cops, but by the way they was arguing, I figured they be married."

Chuckles broke out among the whole group gathered.

"Booth and I were not arguing!"

"Booth and I were not arguing at the scene…"

And the chuckles turned into guffaws. Booth placed his arm around Brennan. "It's okay Bones, it's just us, and no one is more in love than us right? It's all good."

"…He calls me Bones. Even though I'm his wife, and the mother of two of his children He still refers to me by a nickname I despise…"

Drawing back to look into her eyes, "You don't really despise the name do you?" Brennan shook her head no even while replying "It's not a very lover like name."

"Well I love you, and it's what I call you, it might not sound loverly to anyone else but to me it's the most loving name of all." Brennan sighed, and leaned into Booth, laying her head on his shoulder she mouthed the words. "I don't hate it at all."

"Come on guys, we're missing what's happening onscreen." Angela interrupted.

"Ew; Mommy that body looks worse than the one you showed in class. It would definitely make Hart vomit again."

Upon hearing this Michael Vincent fell over laughing. He finally got himself under control, sat up, and started listening to the TV again, just in time to hear his father say

"…It smelled like decaying bile-covered hell…"

Which; of course, set him off laughing again.

"Are we sure they should be watching this?" Booth asked worriedly.

"If it were anybody else's kids, I'd say no; but these two? It should be fine." Angela replied before smiling down at her son. "Okay laughing boy settle down so we don't all miss what comes next."

He sat up just in time to hear Booth call his father Bug Boy. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open as Booth continued to speak.

When Booth moved onto his squint impersonation all squint eyes in the room turned to glare at him.

When Aubrey entered the picture onscreen and started speaking the glares moved to encompass him too. Just as things were getting uncomfortable Christine exclaimed, "Look my drawing is in Daddy's office." The tension was broken, everyone aww-ed and Booth whispered to his daughter. "Thanks sweetheart."

"Okay, why didn't anyone tell me I have chocolate on my mouth?" Aubrey received a lot of smirks over this question. "Really?"

Cam sitting next to Arastoo nudged him a little when he appeared onscreen. She was noticeably amused by his comments about stab wounds and gunshots to the gut, also highly amused at Brennan shutting him down.

"Ew; gross body." Exclaimed Michael Vincent, erupting into gales of laughter again.

Booth looked to where Angela and Hodgins were stationed on the far end of the couch, "What have you been giving him to make him so giggly?" Hodgins held up his hands, palms out. "I have no clue what's up with him."

As she watched herself and Arastoo onscreen together, Cam leaned to whisper to Arastoo, "Okay, yeah. No wonder they knew something was going on between us." She paused before adding. "Of course Brennan's expression sure didn't help."

"You're blaming me? The two of you really were acting odd. They didn't need me to let them know something was up"

At the commercial break, "Okay, who wants something from the kitchen, and make it quick I want to be back before the commercials are over."

Aubrey stood. "Here Booth I'll help you. It'll be quicker that way."

Back from commercial break, "Look it's my school!" Christine practically bounced with excitement.

"Oh, way to shut that kid down Bones!" Booth chortled. "Oh no, here comes the; oh yeah, there it is; the gross dead body; and there goes the kid puking."

"…Maybe we don't; use the visuals…"

"Ms. Susan I think you're a little late shutting that down, there."

Brennan slapped him on the leg. "Booth, don't be mean."

"Normally I'd be doing a digital reconstruction…"

Michael Vincent grinned up at Angela. "Mommy you look very pretty."

"Aw, thanks sweetie."

Quiet ruled the room for a short while, as all of the inhabitants quietly watched the documentary.

Aubrey broke the silence. "This stuff is so cool." Then

"…King of the Lab..."

sounded from the TV and everyone was talking over everyone else with just random words coming through clearly, without and rhyme nor reason. "Really?" "…room" "I never!" "Egypt?" "INCEST?!"

"Look Aubrey is eating again, what a shock!"

"Bones, did that kid just say that you smell good? I think I need to keep my eye on him."

"Booth, don't be ridiculous."

Booth leaned forward. "Okay, I have a question. They've shown you presenting to the kids, they've shown the kids talking about you. What about when I was there, talking about being an FBI agent? Where is that?"

"Well Booth, the show isn't even half over. They could still show you; maybe they just wanted to show the more interesting presentation first."

"More interesting? Yeah, making a kid vomit is interesting alright." Booth growled sarcastically. "I guess a badge can't hold a candle to vomit."

As Brennan noticed the scene that was unfolding on the TV she remembered this was where she had spoken about Christine following in her footsteps, and thought it might be a good time for a distraction. "So Christine, what happened in class after I left?"

Christine tilted her head and appeared to study her mother while she thought. "Well, Ms. Susan asked everyone what they thought, and you saw that. Then they called Avril's daddy in next to talk about his job. He's a pharmacist at Target. He didn't make it sound very exciting. He said it's a lot of rude and impatient people." She thought about it a little more and added. "I guess when people are sick and need medicine they don't like waiting around."

Christine turned back to the TV in time to see Cam turn the picture of Michelle facedown. While Brennan sighed in relief at a crisis averted, and remembering other conversations, she wondered what else would come up in the episode.

They all watched as Arastoo and Brennan identified possible child abuse evidence, then Booth had to notify and question the dad all in the same interview.

Everyone was quiet and somber watching that interview, each lost in their own thoughts. Luckily at this point the children were distracted by Hank who had decided he was done sitting in his father's lap and apparently thought his sister's head would make a good seat.

"Hank no. You can sit in my lap, or next to me, but not on my head you silly boy. Oh look at the TV Hank, it's me and Daddy playing hockey. That was lots of fun. Maybe we can play hockey together later."

Booth leaned into Brennan, "She's a good big sister. Takes after her old man."

Brennan eyed him. "You're a big sister?"

"No silly, I look after my family, and she does too. That's all I mean."

Brennan leaned in to kiss. "You're both very good and caring people. I am glad that she takes after you for that."

"Awww." Brennan looked over to Angela, who was smirking at them. "You're both too sweet, your whole family is."

By this time the show had moved past Brennan's realization that maybe it wasn't child abuse, and they were on to Aubrey.

"Hey there I am again, and at least I don't have food on my mouth. I still can't believe no one told me about that." He cast a baleful eye around the room. "Okay this is still slightly embarrassing. Wait, what are they doing going through my stuff like that?"

Cam leaned around Arastoo so she'd have a clearer view of Aubrey, "Hey was that a picture of you with your mom?"

"Yeah, what of it? Other people have pictures of their families on their desk. You have one of your daughter. My mom is my family. After my dad ran off we were all each other had. She worked hard to pull us out of the sink-hole he'd left us in. I'm proud of what she's accomplished since then, she's a strong woman, and I'm happy to display her picture."

"Whoa, I was just asking. I wasn't saying anything bad. And as a mother I can only say that I think it's lovely."

"Oh, okay then." Aubrey sat back in his seat feeling slightly foolish at his outburst, but at the same time pleased too.

By this point in the documentary Cam had already delivered the results of the THC levels in the victim and Arastoo was showing her the victim's bones and the injuries indicating a tennis racket as a weapon.

Addressing Arastoo, Cam remarked. "Okay, why is she commenting on what a good team we make? She didn't say anything like that when you were working with Dr. Brennan, and the two of you work well together."

Angela called out, "Are you kidding me. With the way the two of you were being so awkward and aware of each other? A person would have had to have lost all of their senses not to be aware there was something more going on with the two of you. If you want to keep something like that as a secret you have got to learn to be more natural."

Cam just rolled her eyes while Arastoo blushed and looked sheepish.

As the scene on TV moved to the diner and Booth and Brennan arguing about what Christine was going to be when she grew up the children had begun playing with cars on the floor. The older two vroom, vrooming while Hank sat mesmerized watching them and trying to track both of them at the same time.

The children might have missed Brennan talking about her childhood and being called Morticia, but Booth didn't, and he placed a comforting hand on her leg.

"…Honestly. I thought Booth was kind of cute…"

Upon hearing that Booth squirmed uncomfortably. Brennan whispered in his ear. "You're definitely more than just kind of cute."

Silence descended as everyone watched the story unfolding onscreen. They all already knew not only how it ended, but also how it all unfolded, still it was fascinating to watch. It was all such a different perspective than they'd usually see when working a case.

The interviews with the friend and the ex-girlfriend played out in silence. The switch to the Brennan/Booth household though brought excitement among the children at least.

"Look Hank, you're on TV. Do you see yourself on there?" Christine directed her brother's attention to the TV. He was chewing the foot of his giraffe as he nodded at the TV.

"Aw look at a young Booth. He was cute even then." Angela needled him.

Brennan looked over to Angela. "I think he's gotten better looking with age."

"Well yeah, that goes without saying." She agreed.

"I want to sell cars, like Toby's daddy."

Hodgins busted out laughing at this point. "Look at the expression on your faces."

"Okay, Bug Boy yuck it up. "

"…No absolutely not…"

"Uh, hey; Christine, I think we need to change Hank's diaper, yeah everybody smells that right? Come with Mommy to help with Hank." Brennan rushed to speak over herself on TV, not wanting her daughter to see her initial reaction to her possible career choice.

They headed out of the room to change the baby whether he needed it or not but returned a short time later. They were gone long enough to miss the conversation about Sweets, which Brennan didn't mind since Christine still missed Sweets, and she didn't want mention of him to make her sad tonight.

The three had settled in again just in time to see the Hodgins family have dinner. Brennan realized Angela had been talking about Hodgins' accident. She actually wasn't sorry to have missed that either. There really is so much sadness at times. She also noticed that Michael Vincent had moved from the floor where they'd left him playing with some cars, to stand next to his father's chair and put his around his father.

"Zack? Yeah, um, Dr. Zack Addy was..."

Hodgins rubbed his hands over his face then sighed. "They really waylaid me with that question about Zack. I was not expecting it. Did you see my face? What even made them bring him up?"

Brennan slightly raised her hand. "I think that might be my fault. I was explaining how the rotating interns work, how we started using my brightest grad students to assist on our cases after Zack. I hadn't intended to mention him, but it just slipped out. I thought I had diverted their attention, but I guess I didn't." Brennan gestured to Hodgins. "I'm sorry."

"…Vincent was right there on the platform when the bullet shattered the window and hit him in the chest…"

"Aw, poor Vincent. He really was a sweet guy." Angela was the first to speak, but Brennan quickly added. "Yes, I still miss him. He really was brilliant. I hope he really did know how much I cared."

Booth reached out to take her hand. "He knew Bones. I promise you, he knew." The tears filled her eyes, but as usual she managed to keep them from spilling over.

"…I think she tends to regard all of her interns as her children…"

She looked over to Arastoo upon hearing this and gave him a very slight smile, still managing to keep the tears at bay; barely.

Once again the occupants of the room were silent as they watched the evidence unfold onscreen.

The children were back to playing with the cars, losing interest with what was happening on TV for now. The adults were eating their snacks and sipping their drinks.

"It's interesting seeing the Jeffersonian side of things when we're not there, isn't it Booth?"

"Aubrey, would you prefer to be a squint instead of an agent?"

"No, of course not! I love my job, but I do think this is all interesting. Seeing all the scientific…." His voice trailed off under the weight of Booth's glower.

"Booth is an intelligent man. He's in touch…"

"Áw, Bones you said I'm intelligent." Booth beamed at his wife.

"Well it's the truth. You are intelligent. I think you rely on your gut way too much, but that doesn't mean you're not intelligent. I wouldn't be married to you nor have children with you if I thought you were a fool. You should know this."

"See Booth this is fascinating. The way they're looking at the bones is almost artistic. I love this stuff." Aubrey enthused.

Booth kind of grumbled and Aubrey settled back in his seat to continue watching as the squints gathered the evidence, and Booth and Brennan arrived at the home of the 'alleged' killer and through to the confession in the interview room.

Cam chuckled as the show moved back to Booth and Brennan bickering on the couch. "You two are so perfect for each other. Don't let anyone ever tell you different."

"So Emma what do you want to be when you grow up?..."

"There, that little girl asked a bunch of questions when I talked to the glass." Booth declared, as if making a very significant point.

"But she said policeman, not FBI agent." Brennan pointed out.

"Still, law enforcement!" "Um hm." He responded with a nod.

"Okay, all of those kids are adorable, bunches of kids. Hodgins we need to talk" Angela smiled at her husband.

"…the beauty in the world and is able to share it…"

"…someone who never stops looking…"

"…what every grownup wants to be, a kid…"

"…a husband and father…"

When the camera cut to Cam after hearing those words, Angela exclaimed "Oh my goodness Cam, look at you. I think I'm going to cry."

"…I want to spend the rest of my life with you…Marry me…"

"Oh yeah, now I'm crying." Angela fanned her eyes.

"Aww, honey." From Hodgins as he leaned in hi chair reaching for her hand.

"…That's a personal question…"

"…I'd like to be someone who's given more than they've taken…"

"…the mother of the world's greatest car salesperson…"

Cam looked around the room "What all of you said, those were beautiful words, just beautiful."

Just then Arastoo's ringtone sounded and he stepped away to answer. "Hey, Wendell did you watch?" … "All of you, huh?"…"Okay, look I did talk about all of you, I was explaining how the rotations worked, and that sometimes more than one of us worked a case, I talked about when we all worked on that case with the 9/11 victim, and when we worked for Dr. Brennan and Agent Booth's wedding, lots of things. That's how I ended up talking about Vincent, I showed them the picture, and well; you saw that part. You know they didn't use a lot of what was said in the interviews."…"Yes, I get that, but honestly we didn't' forget to mention all of you, they just didn't include it.

Overhearing Arastoo's side the conversation prompted Booth to lament "I can't believe the left out any mention of Parker. I mean they even shot footage of one of our video chats. How could they leave out any mention of one of my children?"

Angela spoke up then. "Didn't you say that they had to get a release from Rebecca for him to appear in the documentary, and that she really dragged her feet about signing it? Maybe she just waited so long that they went ahead and left out anything to do with him."

"They didn't need her release just for a mention of him. We discussed him several times in different interviews." Booth sighed, "Well they said they were shooting a lot more than they could use, and that most of what we said wouldn't make it into the final product and I understand that, but to completely cut out one of my children?"

In an attempt to break the tension Hodgins said: "Well that song will be stuck in my brain for a while now. How about the rest of you?" and he began humming the tune.

Brennan whose own phone had sounded just seconds after Arastoo's approached the group again. "That was Daisy, she watched with Lance. She just called to say she was really touched by the mention of Sweets. She said she plans to download a copy of the show when it's available because she wants to have it so that his son can see how much we all loved him."

Booth teared up upon hearing this and nodded. "That's nice. That'll be nice for him."

Christine and Michael Vincent ran up to the adults with Hank toddling along behind them. Christine spoke up first. "Can we play a game now that the show is over?"

Michael Vincent added "Yeah something we can all do. Please?"

As is typical with this group deciding on something they could all do took some bicker, some laughing, and some compromise.