DOOR [Incomplete]

Alfred glared at the door in front of him as if it had somehow killed his entire family. It was an exaggeration, of course; the door was simply in the way. Somehow, the American couldn't muster up the courage to knock. It was the only thing between him and Arthur, but he just couldn't do it.

Alfred sighed and raised his fist in another attempt to knock. He succeeded in rapping his knuckles on the firm wood once before pulling away as if burnt. He thought he was being lame when he glared at the door again as if his inability to knock was somehow its fault, but he was desperate for someone- something- to blame.

He was admittedly scared of what would happen once he saw Arthur. The Brit had avoided him all week after a fight over something he couldn't even remember but Alfred knew that he was the one who started it. He was in front of Arthur's door to apologize and ask for forgiveness, but Alfred had this sinking feeling that the Brit wouldn't easily forgive him this time.

But he knew he had to do it. The only thing standing in the way is the door, and his nerves and his fear. He just had to stop being a coward and knock already.

So he stood straighter and glared at the door one last time before raising his arm and knocking thrice. It was in a few moments that Arthur finally opened the door with a soft smile.

"I was wondering when you'd knock."

Alfred just smiled sheepishly and pulled the Brit in for a hug.


* This fic is marked "incomplete". "Incomplete" stories are stories/drabbles that were written as part of a much larger story that I currently do not have the time nor motivation to write. Each one will be posted as separate complete stories and are available for adoption. That is, if somebody wants to expand that particular fic, they are free to do so as long as the writers tell me beforehand that they're going to use the story.

* However, I will also try to complete these stories on my own, but only if enough people want me to. If you'd like to see this story expanded, you may do one of the following:

- Follow this story

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* Thank you for reading.! :)
