This is mostly just something I'm writing for fun, in-between any original fiction I am writing- to keep the creativity flowing. Essentially, this story will focus on an OC, but don't fret, she won't change the story too significantly. Essentially, this is just a slew of interactions. Each chapter will focus on a different character, and how they would interact with her; like support conversations. Only there won't be any S-Ranking, unless someone decides they actually like this OC and ask me to write a few scenarios for that. If you have any questions, let me know, hope you enjoy, and if you decide to review I'd be really happy. Thanks!

In short, the idea for this character sprung from a slightly silly talk about how only three people seem to pay any attention to how much money and how many supplies are being stored at any particular time. It seems a bit much, so, for funsies, I made a character to be the quartermaster.

Chapter One

Lissa was leading Robin willy-nilly around the garrison, showing him the more important things, though she never stayed in one spot for long, and never allowed the tactician to get his bearings. She was too impatient to introduce him to the other Shepherds, and it wasn't long before they encountered one.

A young woman was seated at a desk, ink stains on her hands and white sleeves, a pair of circular glasses perched on her nose, making her blue eyes seem enormous. A mess of brown hair was swept back out of her eyes into a ponytail. Her clothing was simple, but well-fitting and of fairly good quality- a white shirt, and dark grey pants- a bit of an oddity for a woman not dressed in combat garb, but then again Robin had met Sully yesterday. She hadn't even noticed the two, despite Lissa's boisterous voice, and was absorbed in a ledger of some kind- scribbling down numbers and doing some simple calculations.

Lissa tip-toed behind her and peeked over her shoulder.

"Funds again, Aurora? You are aware that we have plenty of money?"

The girl turned, and sighed in exasperation.

"Yliss. Has plenty of money. The Shepherds do not." She said it blandly, as if having uttered the phrase hundreds of times before. "While Lady Emmeryn has been more than kind enough to provide for our expenses, one day she might not be able to."

"Are we really so desperate for funds?" Robin interjected, honestly a bit concerned already. Aurora glanced at him with a chuckle.

"Hardly!" She grinned. "We don't have many, and we have ample gold to pay for anything that the few here need. But enough of business for now, yeah? What's your name? Never seen you around here before."

Robin blinked. The girl had spouted off everything rather quickly. She spoke at a fast clip, and it was difficult to keep up- nonetheless, he returned her smile, shaking her extended hand.

"Robin." He introduced. "I… suppose I'm your tactician."

"He's a genius!" Lissa practically shouted, bouncing on her toes a bit.

"I'm not a genius, I just am good at seeing how a battle is working out." Robin muttered.

"Well, genius or no, I get the feeling we'll be talking a lot." Aurora grinned. "I'm not a soldier really, but I do keep track of our funds and supplies. So if you have any problems with gear or think we need something specific, let me know, yeah?"

"Um… yeah." Robin rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. Something about how up-front the girl was and how fast her words seemed to formulate seemed to buck the conventions of talking with someone normally, and it made things seem almost disjointed.

"Okay, nice to meetcha~!" She said, grinning widely. "If you have a question, feel free to ask me!"

"She's a little overwhelming at first." Lissa giggled, as she led Robin towards a group near the center of the garrison. "But no-one takes better care of our stuff than she does!"

Aurora, technically was not a Shepherd. She was under their employ, and had formed bonds with them all certainly, but she was of no use to anyone in a battle. She was born into fairly high society, and lived most of her life in Ylisstol. She was no noble, by any means, but had quickly shown her aptitude for numbers and records-keeping. It seemed like she would have been on the path to become a scholar or historical recorder of events, until the Shepherds were formed.

She wasn't a warrior. The sight of blood made her woozy, and despite her physical strength- gained from hauling the Shepherd's gear to and fro all the time; it was clear early on that what would have been a minor wound on someone else was nearly deadly to her.

Chrom could remember all too clearly the day Aurora was wounded. It had nothing to do with combat, thank the gods. A spear the girl had been carrying sliced her arm, and she was found unconscious, bleeding on the floor. Lissa barely had time to heal her, and she was pale in the face, and shaky. It was disturbing, seeing so much blood from such a little cut.

Since that day, Aurora wasn't allowed to go anywhere without an Elixir hanging from her hip. Chrom had felt personally guilty for what had happened to her. It wasn't a rational reason. It was just the idea that she had nearly died under his command. However, she was determined to continue working.

And Aurora was the kind of girl who always got her way, in the end. While at first, she disliked being called a Shepherd due to staying out of combat, the insistence of her fellow troops stuck the term to her. She was a Shepherd and there was no denying it.

"One of us." Chrom always insisted.

Aurora just grinned at that.

"Well then, I'd better do my best, shouldn't I? I'll keep people alive by keeping them fed, armored and armed."

"And we appreciate that." The prince had chuckled, leaving her to her work. It wasn't that she needed to keep track of things constantly, but she found it a good habit, and it kept her focused.

She went about, checking on things- starting with the proper weapons- the Shepherds all kept and maintained their own weaponry, but there was a great deal of new and unused weapons that they generally went to when theirs broke- it was inevitable of course. It was Aurora's job to maintain these.

"Heeeeeeey 'Roara!" An unmistakable voice boomed out from behind her.

"Yes Vaike?" She sighed, not even turning. "You didn't lose your axe again… did you? Because if you did, I'm reserving every right to call you a buffoon."

"What?!" The muscular man huffed. "C'mon, will you ever let ol' Teach live that down? And no, I didn't lose it, I still have it. I just wanted to let ya know Chrom destroyed my practice axe… again."

The girl couldn't help it and giggled. "Why am I not surprised… Ah, here we are." She walked over to the barrel full of the wooden, and harmless practice weapons. She plucked an axe out, and spun, lightly smacking Vaike in the chest with it. He didn't even flinch, and the fake weapon held strong. She spun it, offering the handle to him.

"Nice one." He grinned. Aurora chuckled, and wrote a little note in her ledger-book. "Hey, Aurora, I know ya don't fight, but uh, Frederick the Terrible asked you to train with us a bit." He saw the color drain from her face at the thought of one of Frederick's nightmarish sessions and raised a hand. "Not his fitness thing! Gods no!"

Aurora relaxed visibly, sighing. "Oh, thank Naga. What did he want then? For me to spar with you from time to time? If that's the case, let him know I'd be more than happy to, whenever I have some time."

"You can tell him yourself." Vaike grinned. "He's coming this way. Good luck, girl." He strolled off, and Aurora muttered under her breath as she checked off a few things from her list.

"Diligent as ever I see." The knight was really tall up close. Aurora really felt short when up close to him. She smiled politely up at the man, becoming far more respectful than when she had been speaking to Vaike.

"Yessir." She grinned. "I have to keep working, 'else the trick will slip my mind. Something you needed from me Frederick? If this is about the sparring thing, Vaike just told me, and I can make time for that-"

"I'm afraid it's much more dire than that." He cut her off, a bit sternly. "Tomorrow, Chrom is taking a small group of soldiers to Regna Ferox, to negotiate. We're hoping to borrow some of their strength."

"Trouble at the borders again?"

"I'm afraid that Plegia is only one of our concerns. Has… anyone talked to you about what happened while His Highness and I were out?"

Aurora bit her lip. "I've heard whispers here and there, but so far all I know is that Chrom found a new Tactician for us. He seems competent enough, but… I take it this is worse." She closed her ledger book, staring Frederick down.

He sighed softly. This would take some explaining…

Aurora was in what could be described as a working frenzy. She had to make sure that there was enough food for everyone- they had all the weapons they needed. Luckily it was a short trip to the northern border, but after hearing of the new threat of Risen, she deemed it wise to pack some extra medicinal supplies as well.

"Let's see… Food for Chrom, Lissa, Frederick, Stahl, Sumia, Miriel, Sully, Robin… Who's this, "Virion?" must be someone new… Who am I forgetting?"

A low sigh seemed to emanate from the wall behind her. She glanced over, but saw nothing at first- until she squinted a bit.

"You forgot me… again…" Kellam seemed to pop right out of the wall in front of her. Even after seeing it hundreds of times, it still made Aurora jump in alarm.

She grinned meekly. "Sorry Kellam. I swear, I don't mean to forget. Lucky thing I wrote your name in a different ink on the ledger, or else It'd be even worse!"

"Oh, don't trouble yourself about it. Honestly, I'm flattered you realized I was here just from me sighing. Usually I have to shout or talk right behind someone."

"I suppose I just have a knack for detail." She wiped some sweat from her brow. "Actually, as long as you're here, could you tell me if you know who this "Virion" fellow is?"

"Archer, I think." Kellam said. "He was flirting with a few of the maidservants last I saw him."

"Hm." Aurora's eyes narrowed. "Could you do me a favor, if you aren't busy? Just keep him out of trouble if you can."

Kellam nodded, smiling a little. "I think so. By "trouble" you mean out of some poor girl's way?"

"In fact, better yet. Bring him to me." She smirked. "I might not be a commander or an officer, but I sure as hell am going to give him a good verbal lashing. Might be fun!"

"I hear Sully already knocked him on his back." Kellam chuckled, before disappearing.

Aurora grinned deviously, before sitting and returning to her work. "Hm, I should ask if Sumia will bring a pegasus. I know she hasn't bonded to a specific one yet, but it never hurts to ask…" Aurora wrote a note to herself. She also had to check with Sully and Stahl if their horses would have enough food and water. They wouldn't have to carry much- as they were right by the river, but a touch of paranoia never hurt.

She heard Virion before she saw him; a fairly heavy, flamboyant accent, uttering protests.

"Unhand me ruffians! I do not understand the meaning of this- if I have done wrong, merely inform me so!"

Aurora was surprised to hear Stahl's voice. It wasn't too surprising in retrospect- Stahl and Kellam were good friends; the young man had likely been roped into helping.

"You haven't done anything wrong. Our Quartermaster just needs to talk with you. We tried to tell you but you didn't listen, or didn't hear us, maybe. Look, just go have your little chat, it'll be fine. The Quartermaster won't eat you."

Virion reluctantly allowed himself to be led to the figure whose back was to him. He could only imagine once that mop of hair turned to meet some aggressive barking general. Instead, he got a surprisingly pretty face.

"Thank you Stahl. Kellam too, if you're still there." She said it cooly, not letting her face betray any kind of emotion. She exchanged a look with the cavalier behind Virion, both of them doing an excellent job of hiding their mirth. Already a small crowd was subtly gathering- pretending to not be interested, but all of them were ready- especially Sully, who was the closest, and grinned broadly, eyes narrow.

"So, you're Virion are you?" She stood, opening her roster. "I just need to know; what ah, supplies might you need, as a soldier. Start with the absolute necessities." She kept her voice at its usual rapid clip, sounding precise and cool.

Virion flourished his arms out, a smile that could only be described as a bizarre cross between chivalrously charming and oddly roguish. "My dear lady, I require but a fine bow and fine arrows, to fell even the mightiest of opponents!"

Aurora smirked. "Ah. An archer. Well, we don't have one, so, you're in a good place, I suppose."

"The archest of archers in fact!" Virion boasted, unaware of the number of eyes on him. Aurora studied him, utterly disinterested in his boasts.

"Now… what's this I hear about you harassing the maids?" The sudden venom in her voice caught the man off his guard, but only for a moment.

"My dear lady, I am appalled that you would send such accusations towards me! My intentions were most harmless, I assure you!"

"Yes, well," Aurora said cooly. "I have nothing but your word to prove that. If what you say is true, then, very well, no harm done. I do have to ask you to stop that however."

Virion smiled smoothly, beginning to sense the girl was testing him. It still didn't stop him from being a fool.

"Ah, I see your game…" He smiled, narrowing his eyes.

"Pardon?" Aurora sounded nonplussed, idly examining a few of the weapons in a barrel, frowning and pulling one out- a slender fencing sabre- she focused on the edge, seeming concerned with its temper.

"A clever ploy, milady." Virion grinned, puffing his chest out a bit. "By ordering me to leave the other lovely ladies of the castle alone, it shall reduce the competition you shall have for noble Virion!"

Aurora didn't so much as blink. She slowly slid her fingers along the blade, as if checking for damage- before she made lightning fast swipe, neatly slicing through the fancy cravat he wore, without leaving so much as a scratch on him.

"Not a chance, you turky." She said, no longer hiding her disdain. "A blight-possessed monkey would be more delightful company than you. I find you utterly repulsive, a braggart and irksome to my eyes. Furthermore, whatever fragrance you are wearing offends the nostrils, and quite frankly, I am now certain that you are most definitely overcompensating for something. I bid you good day." She turned on her heel back to her work- to the tumultuous laughter and applause of the other Shepherds.

"H-how long have you all been there?" Virion spluttered, utterly dismayed, choosing to retreat with what little dignity he had left, plucking his beloved cravat off the floor and storming off. Eventually, the laughter subsided, and Sully slapped Aurora's shoulder lightly, grinning.

"Nice going." She chuckled. "That worked a hell of a lot better than a kick to the chest did. 'Blight-possessed monkey.' I'll hafta remember that one."

Aurora giggled. "Ahh, I'm sure he means no real harm. I just thought I'd put him in his place a little. He'll get over it eventually."

"He better!" The redhead grinned.

Eventually the crowd dispersed, and Aurora kept writing. She worked for hours more, checking and double-checking everyone's gear and supplies- she made extra-sure to check Kellam a few additional times. Soon, she had to move from sunlight to moonlight and candlelight, her hands utterly splattered in ink by the time she was done. She slumped forward, and fell asleep, landing on a blank page, fortunately.

"Um, Quartermaster…" Sumia was the one to gently shake her awake. "Hello?" She shook a bit too hard though, and nearly dragged the girl out of her chair. She hopped to her feet, stumbling.

"Oh!" She yelped. "I… Where-? Damn… Fell asleep again, didn't I? Are- how long was I out Sumia?"

"Not too long." The knight admitted, helping the sleepy woman to her feet, frowning in concern. "I only found you because I woke up and needed some air. But you need sleep."

"Don't I know it!" Aurora let out a chuckle. "Mm, you'll be accompanying Chrom, won't you?"

"Oh, yes!" She grinned sheepishly. "The captain said it'd be a good idea, even if I don't end up fighting."

"Well you should get some sleep too!" Aurora commanded. "I can't imagine marching without it!"

The women shared a laugh, as they walked back towards their rooms. They chatted idly about the day's events for a bit; before bidding each other 'goodnight', and heading to their respective rooms. Aurora collapsed into her bed, sighing.

"I have a bad feeling about this…" She muttered. "Godspeed you lot…" And with that, sleep claimed her.

If you lot have any advice, I'd love to hear it~ Opinions, criticisms, suggestions… all welcome! Thanks for reading, and if you could click that little review button I'd be happy as a clam~ Thanks for reading!