
Hi! My name is Emma Ross. I have two younger brothers and on little sister. I called them little because I'm the oldest and the fashion one in the family beside my mom. FYI, never unlock your door when you are not home, especially if a lizard crawled in there and chew your stuff.

Hello. I'm Logan Watson. I have a twin sister, named Lindy. We have a group of friends. I wouldn't call it a group because there are only five of us. Lindy, me, Jasmine, Garrett, and Delia. Yeah, five. I still can't believe Garrett has two t's in his name. But then again, I'm not that great at English.

Emma was in her room, texting Rosie. She caught something she wasn't happy with. "What?! Uh!" She stood up and toss her phone on the floor. "Uh, oh." What should she do? If she tells Jessie, she may never get a phone again. But if she doesn't, she'll get a broken phone. Then she thought of an idea. 'I'm so stupid' she thought.

She trotted downstairs. Emma looked around to see if anyone is home. Good. No one is home. She turned to face the elevator which opened Zuri and Ravi. "Hi!" Zuri asked, skipping out of the elevator with Ravi.

"Hey," said Emma, walking into the elevator. "So I an appointment with my friends. Tell Jessie I'll be home by noon."

"Sure thing," said Ravi, the innocent, unpopular child.

"I don't care," said Zuri.

As the elevator closed, she waited for the it to open back up again. When it does open, she was surprise for it to open for another apartment. A boy around his age, walked in. He had shorts and regular t-shirt on. Emma turned away from him. When they came down to the lobby, Emma was about to fall but the guy hold her. As he leaned down, he picked up her glitter phone case. "I assume this is yours."

Emma turned back and look at what he meant. "Thanks." She grabbed her phone case and turned away, feeling awkward.

When she reached the mall, she saw a brand new iPhone 6 with a hot pink colored. 'Oh my gosh' she thought. She looked around to see the cashier. "Um, how much are these?"

"$299.95," said the cashier.

"I'm so going to buy this," said Emma in excitement.

"What do you think you're doing?" asked a teenage girl who was around her age. She had long, straight, black hair and seem to be a fashion girl.

"Oh my gosh," said Emma, looking at her clothing. "I love those shoes."

"I'm sorry but I already told the cashier that this is going on my waiting list," she said coldly.

"Okay, chill," said Emma. "I'm sorry but I love this color and it will look so good on me than..." she moved her hands in circles around the girl, "...this."

"And what does that suppose to mean?" asked the girl.

"If the phone match, buy it," said Emma in disgust. 'Geez, what is her problem?' she thought.

The girl pushed her out of the way. "Um, can you get this on my wai-" She got pulled out by Emma.

"Here," said Emma, "No change please." The girl tripped her to fall down and stood up with messy hair.

"So, can you put it on my waiting list?" asked the girl.

"I'm sorry, but she had already bought it," said the cashier.

Emma stood up while the girl looked back at her. "You're gonna pay for this."

"Oh, honey," Emma started. "I already paid." The girl gave her cold eyes and walked out by jerking her arm to hit her.