Hey guys. I'm finally back with more Forgotten Flower. I'm not back for good. Just going to upload a chapter or two whenever I get the motivation for it. Hope you enjoy the few I do have.

Last Time on Forgotten Flower

Rumple took Rose to the hospital to see Belle. Now that she had her memory back, she would remember her mother. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for Belle. He planned to find a way to return her memories now that he was back in town. He knew that Regina and Cora would eventually come after him again. Just because she had her heart back didn't mean that Cora didn't want to end him for his power. She was power hungry before she ripped out her own heart. That wouldn't change. For now, he had to tend to his daughter. He would then go for Neal.

"Rose, darling?" She looked up to him.

"Yes, Papa?" He knelt down to her.

"Before we see your mama, there's something you have to know." She tilted her head.


"Well, because of something that happened, she's lost her memories again. She doesn't remember anything, not even me. She may not recognize you, but that's not her fault. I don't want you to be upset when she doesn't realize who you are. She still loves you very much. She just doesn't remember." Rose was a bit upset. Her mama wouldn't remember who she was, but...at least she was okay. She was glad she was safe.

"Okay, Papa." Standing up, he took her hand and led her down the hall of the hospital. They stopped in front of a doorway. Rumple gestured for her to stay behind him and stay quiet. He then knocked on the frame of the door.

"Oh. Hello, Mr. Gold."

"Hello, Belle. I've brought you a visitor." He then brought Rose in front of him and presented the young girl. Rose's eyes widened as she saw her mother laid in bed...with a huge belly. She was having a baby? When did that happen? "This is Rose. Our daughter."

"Rose? Oh, Rose! Victor's told me so much about you." She didn't know who Victor was, but she didn't care at the moment. She ran over to the bed and hugged her mother. She was so happy to see her again. Belle hugged the small child back. She didn't remember her daughter, yet she felt a wave of joy, love and contentment holding the girl.

"I missed you, Mama." Those words were to mean nothing without her memories, but she still had to say it. She had been away from the only loving mother she knew for so long. She missed her soft voice. Her loving smile. Her warm embrace. She finally had her mama back. Rumple smiled at the display. His love and his daughter were finally reunited. Rose had her family back and so did he. Now that Baelfire had also returned, he finally had everyone.

Rose was so happy being back home. She had her mama, papa, and her friends. She didn't know what was going to happen with Regina and Cora, but she wasn't too worried about it at the moment. She was excited about Belle having a baby and wondering what the baby will be. Rumple went home, saying he needed to take care of some things. Rose was left with Quasi and Belle and couldn't be happier. Suddenly, everything stopped. Literally. Belle and Quasi were frozen in place. The picture on the TV stopped and so did the clock on the wall. Right outside, Rose could see a nurse frozen in the hall mid stride.

"You know..." She jumped and gasped at the new and unfamiliar voice. She turned a saw a man sitting in the chair on the other side of the room. He wore a dark suit, had dirty blonde hair and blue-green eyes. "Happy endings are great, but someone always gets screwed over in the end, don't they?"

"W-Who are you?" The man stood up.

"Oh no one important. Just a man that has lost his fair share of...investments because of you." She backed away on the bed.

"D-Do I know you?"

"No, you don't, but I know you. And your father, Rumpelstiltskin." Her eyes widened.

"You wanna hurt Papa?" He chuckled and shook his head as he approached her.

"Hurt him? Oh no. He's actually a very big help in my line of work. Well...he was before you came along. You have stopped quite a few souls coming my way and I don't like when people mess with my work." Rose tilted her head in confusion. Souls? What did he mean by that?

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" He looked down at her.

"It's simple. I want the souls that you denied me. Or I can take yours since...you don't seem to like killing people." Her eyes widened in shock. He smirked. "I see you understand what I'm getting at."

"But..." He held up his hand silencing her. He then summoned a scroll and read from it.

"You'll need to retrieve the souls of Elizabeth or Portia Hart as she's known in this world. There's also Cora Mills, and I'll forgive the hunchback since I still got a soul from that day..." She shook her head.

"W-Wait! I don't want to hurt anyone!"

"Well you should have thought about that before you decided to start saving people. It's usually better to just let things be. Had you done that, you wouldn't be in this situation, would you?" She said nothing. She didn't feel bad at all for helping people. It was the right thing to do no matter what. "Anyway, I need you to get me those souls."

"But I..." He holds up his hand silencing her.

"How about we make a deal? You're familiar with the concept of a deal aren't you? You do something for me and I do something for you. It's something your father specializes in."

"I know, but I don't want to make a deal with you. I'm not killing anyone."

"Oh, but I think you'll want this deal." He walked over to Belle and tapped her belly. "For the sake of your family."

"Don't hurt them!"

"I won't if you take my deal." She thought for a moment. She didn't want anything to happen to her family. Not after she just got them back.

"What's the deal?" He smirked.

"Good girl. My deal is soul for soul. Your father made a deal some centuries ago and long story short, the soul of his second born child belongs to me. I'll tear up the contract for the baby if you get me those souls. You don't want to tear apart your family, do you?" She was torn. She couldn't take anyone's life, but she couldn't let her baby brother or sister be taken away. She couldn't. What was she to do? "I see you need to thinking about this. I'll give you...about 24 hours to make your decision."


"Oh, and try to keep this a secret. If you tell anyone, I'll take the baby whether you take the deal or not." He suddenly disappeared and time resumed. Belle looked at Rose worriedly.

"Rose? Are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." She looked around slightly confused.

"Y-Yeah. I'm okay, Mama." She crawled up to her hugging her and rubbing her belly. She didn't want to lose her family. Not again, but she couldn't kill anyone. What was she supposed to do? Quasi thought her behavior was odd. He would have to remember to tell Rumpelstiltskin about it when he returned.