I own nothing, not the characters, the space where this story exists, or even the eyes that you are using to read it. This is for entertainment purposes only, no money involved.

Homeroom at Youkai Academy was as it usually was; almost completely out of control. The catwoman like teacher was struggling to regain control of all the monsters in human form who were much more interested in teen gossip than in anything she had to say.

"Students... students please... meow..." Ms. Nekonome whimpered as she tried and failed to get her students attention. A hand held like a paw went up to her glasses to wipe away an imagined tear as the ear like tufts of hair on her head bounced and her tail reappeared to swing rigidly for side to said, the same why they always did when the poor woman started to get upset.

"Poor Ms. Nekonome." Moka said sadly as she watched the teacher starting to break down. The pink haired vampire girl gave the teacher a pitying look. "Maybe we should try to help her Tsukune..." She started as she turned to talk to her only real friend, but the words caught in her mouth as she saw the situation the boy was in.

"Come on Tsukune, I made them just for you. Here, I'll feed you mouth to mouth." Kurumu, the blue haired succubus was all over the human boy, pressing her over inflated breasts against his body and trying to get him to eat a cookie that she currently was holding out for him from between her lips. Tsukune was completely trapped underneath the girl's advances.

"Kurumu please, we're in class." Tsukune tried to reason with her, throwing Moka pleding looks, but the vampiress just turned away with a hmm sound, leaving the rather ordinary boy to his fate.

Actually, Tsukune was completely ordinary, just a regular Japanese human boy. His black hair had dark as were plain, his height was average, he wasn't that smart or very athletic, so it was a mystery how he managed to get two of the hottest girls in the class after him.

Though no one knew that he was a human, except for Moka. If they did, he would be a dead man before the day was through.

Moka was glad that Kurumu wasn't trying to use her charm to try and force Tsukune to love her anymore, but she still was angry about her constantly trying to hang onto him. She wanted Tsukune for herself. And she still hadn't really forgiven the succubus for trying to kill them.

The volume in the classroom was getting louder and louder as the teacher struggled to gain something close to control, but all voices stopped when a heavy knocking came from the door.

"Come in." Ms. Nekonome said with a sigh of relief as the student's turned to see what was going on, something finally holding their interests.

The door slide open to reveal the form of a giant man. The guy was so big that he had to duck slightly in order to fit through the doorway. If it wasn't for the fact that he was wearing a school uniform, they would have thought he was a teacher or something. He sure did have the air of an older man rather than a student.

He cross the room in just a few steps, each one slow and deliberate as if he was making sure that he was only moving as fast as a normal person would be, despite his height.

"Um, can I help you?" Ms. Nekonome asked in her chipper voice. The giant held up a hand with a piece of paper in it for the teacher. She took in and gave it a quick look over before smiling. "Oh, so you're the new student. Well, it is nice to have you. Would you mind writing your name on the board and introducing yourself to the class.

The giant silently nodded, turning to the board and carefully picking up one of the pieces of chalk in his massive hands. He slowly raised it and carefully wrote his name on the board as if to make sure that he didn't accidentally crush the chalk into a fine white powder.

Once he was done he turned to the class, giving them a clear view of his dull brown eyes underneath his messing brown hair. "I am Sado Yasutora." He said simply in a voice so deep that it cared easily through the room, echoing even though it wasn't very loud.

Everyone waited for him to say something else, but he didn't seem inclined too.

"Maybe you would like to tell the class a little about yourself." Ms. Nekonome prodded awkwardly.

"Hm..." Sado said as he tried to think of something to say. "I played in a band for a living."

Again everyone waited for something more, but again he didn't seem to realize it. Sado wasn't the best at telling stories. He didn' understand why just telling people the facts wasn't good enough.

"Alright then, how about you take a seat so that we can start class." Ms. Nekonome said in an attempt to get things moving again. Sado grunted and started towards an empty seat towards the back of the class.

"Well he seems rather... nice." Tsukune said nervously as the man slowly approached.

"Try a little dim." Kurumu scoffed. "He's probably a troll."

"Kurumu, you shouldn't judge people like that. Right Moka... Moka?" Tsukune glanced over at the vampiress to see her staring at the new student with wide eyes. She was shaking slightly as he approached.

"No... he can't be here. He just can't." Moka whispered, fear clear in her voice.

"Moka are you alright?" Tsukune asked, but the giant boy had reached them, he turned his head, looking down at Moka for a second.

"Hm..." It was all he said, if you call that anything before he continued two rows back and sat down in a seat, the metal of the deck giving a cry of protest as his large body squeezed into the seat that was too small for him.

"Moka, do you know that guy?" Tsukune asked the girl, but she didn't respond, she just kept throwing worried glances to the back of the classroom towards the massive figure. Something was clearly up, and Tsukune wanted to know what it was.

But Ms. Nekonome had finally gotten the class started, so it would have to wait. He would talk to her about it during lunch.

Once lunch started, Tsukune immediately went to try to find Moka. Kurumu following him under the pretense of being Moka's friend too and worried about her, though Tsukune was not quite sure if that was true or if she just wanted a reason to stick around him.

It wasn't that Tsukune was a pervert who wanted to have his own personal herm. He didn't want to lead Kurumu on and make her think that she was his girlfriend in some way. But considering how badly see seemed to take things like rejection, it was probably safer to just let it go on, no matter how awkward it made things.

Besides, the succubus didn't seem to have any friends, and he kind of felt sorry for her.

They wondered around the school for a few minutes before finally finding Moka standing by herself on the roof, staring out into space. "Moka!" Tsukune said as he ran towards her.

"Eep!" Moka squeaked in surprise, jumping a half foot in the air as she turned to see Tsukune coming. "Oh Tsukune, you gave me a heart attack." She said with a sigh of relief, one hand going to her Rosario on top of her generous chest. Tsukune had to fight down a blush as his eyes were drawn to it by the motion.

"Hey Moka, what's the matter?" He asked her.

"Wha...what do you mean?" Moka studdered, trying to break eye contact as she looked a bit ashamed.

"He mean's why have you been acting like a scaredy cat all day? You've been shaking none stop since that Soda guy showed up during homeroom." Kurumu said, crossing her arms in such a way to lift up her breast even further.

'I am not a pervert. I am not a pervert.' Tsukune kept saying in his head. But out loud he said. "It's Sado, not soda. But she's right Moka, you've been action strange. Do you know that guy from somewhere?"

Moka hanged her head, her green eyes going to the floor as she tried to calm herself down. "It... I remember him from the time when I was in the human world. We went to the same middle school, though he was a year above me." Moka admitted weakly. "The school was full of bullies who were always teasing me and pushing me around because of my hair and because I said I was a vampire. I hated all humans because of the way that they treated me there."

Tsukune felt a small ping of guilt for being part of a species that would do something like that, but he couldn't exactly say that with Kurumu standing right there next to them.

"But even amung the bullies and delinquents, there were two that stood out above the others; Ichigo Kurosaki and Sado Yasutora." Moka said, she hugged herself as if to try to keep the memories from hurting her. "They where so scary. Every week they sent dozens of people to the hospital with their fights. They were always so cold and distant. I was terrified of them. I thought that they would eventually target me and that they would..." She stopped talking about it. "Why is he here? He's a year older than us. He's a human. So why is he here?"

"What!? Are you telling me that guy is a human!?" Kurumu said in shock. "No way, no human is that big." Tsukune's eyes widened as well. So this was the kind of guy that made Moka afraid of humans. He felt a little bad, but he wished that the guy would be found out and that seemed unlikely, he looked more like a monster than most of the monsters did.

Of course, he didn't notice the group of people who had been listening in on there conversation. "A human? This is unforgivable." A rat faced boy with tangled green hair said as he shrank back into the shadows with his group. "We'll have to teach that human a lesson for thinking that he could scare our idol."

The monsters all chuckled as they began to search through the campus, looking for their prey. Human fresh would be a nice change of pace after all this cafeteria food.

So this should get the general feel and idea out for anyone who wants to do something like this.

I'm not sure if I will ever continue this myself but I just wanted to get the concept out. People need to think outside of the box more.

I actually like Ichigo as a character during the Fullbringer arc, but that is the only time. Because during the entire show he has no hobbies, no long term goals, no philosophy, no job, no nothing. He is just an shonin main character without anything interesting added on. Whatever even happened to his murdered mother motivation? He kind of just forgets about it after it is first brought up. He hardly ever thinks about his family and only cares for his friends while they are kidnapped or under attack, at other times more or less ignoring them.

At least during the Fullbringer arc you get the feeling like he has a life, and that his friends are more than just hanger-ons.