I own nothing, not the characters, the space where this story exists, or even the eyes that you are using to read it. This is for entertainment purposes only, no money involved.

Usually the bus driver for Youkai Academy only drove his route once a month so to trap anyone who foolishly went into the campus without knowing exactly what it was there for a month before they could leave, whether dead or alive. But he had been called on just one week after the start of the new term in order to pick up another sucker from the human world who accidently decided to transfer into the academy of monsters.

The mustachioed monster chuckled as he wondered what the latest kid would be like. That last one, Tsusuka or whatever his name was didn't look like he would last a day, but you never knew with these humans.

So the dark bus driver pulled up to his one and only stop, prepared to scare the pants off of whatever human child set foot on his bus, preparing his evil cackle and scary comments before pulling on the lever to open the door.

"You heading for Youkai Academy?" He said in a low voice as he turned his red eyes towards the door.

"Yes." An even deeper voice said in response, one that almost made the bus driver shiver. The bus driver had too tilt his head back to see the new body's face as he stepped onto the bus, his head barely not brushing against the roof of the bus as he entered. The driver could have sworn he felt the entire thing tilt as the boy's heavy frame stepped onto it.

The boy looked like he was Mexican, standing at a height just short of seven feet tall and high cheek bones and hollow piercing brown eyes that far out matched the bus driver on the creepiness scale. A sort of dark energy seem to be pouring out of the boy's massive hands as he stared down at the driver, no sign of emotion on his face underneath his mop of dark brown hair. The bus driver gave those massive hands a wary look. He felt like if those hands got a hold of him, then he was as good as dead.

"Oh... alright then... take a seat." The drive said, forgetting to use his creepy voice in the shock of seeing the giant of a boy. The boy nodded silently as moved back towards the middle of the bus, his handbag looking comically small bay his side as his green blazer tried to hold in his king sized shoulders and ripped as hell arms.

"Didn't even know humans came in that size." The bus driver mumbled as he closed the doors and turned his eyes back to the rood. He suddenly didn't want to make fun of the kid anymore. "Is he really a freshmen?"

Sado Yasutora, or Chad as his friend Ichigo was so fond of calling him, was not supposed to be a freshmen. He wasn't supposed to be, but he was.

After their long abstinence from school when they were training to fight in the Winter War, both him and Ichigo had been kicked out of school, even though there grades were still in the top five percent.

Ichigo had said to hell with school and had decided to just take up a job working for the soul society for a living. It made since in a way. Since hollows were going to be coming after him day and night for the rest of his life, might as well make a job of killing them.

But Sado himself had wanted to honor his Uncle's wish and complete high school, so he went to try to find a school that would except him. As it turned out, that was harder than he thought it was going to be. With his bad track record for attendance and his history of getting into fights, he found it impossible to get into a nearby school or once that was in an affordable neighborhood, even with his good grades. He also didn't have any family, and many Japanese schools looked down on kids for that, not to mention his financial conditions. The interviews were always the worst, his large form and deep voice scared away so many recruiters that Sado almost gave up entirely.

But then while as Uruhara's shop taking with Renji about his problems, the store keeper over heard him and suggested a special school that he could get Sado into no questions asked. It was a high end school with dorms so he wouldn't have to worry about housing, and he was even giving a huge scholarship so he wouldn't have to get two side jobs any more just to pay for his living expenses. It was more than the Mexican Japanese boy could have hoped for.

Of course, there was a catch, just like there always was with the candy store owning ex-captain, but for Sado, it seemed like such a small thing that it was hardly worth mentioning.

The school he was going to was a school for monsters.

For most people that would have been a major turn off, but Sado hardly even cared. What was a couple hundred monsters to a guy like him. A man who could crush entire building between his massive fingers and how could be hit by a runaway train without even bugging an inch.

Most people would describe Sado to be tough as hell, and no monster would stop him from getting a good education and making his uncle proud.

The amount of energy coming from the bus drive wasn't even at the level of a seated member of the thirteen court guard squads, so he was pretty sure that he could handle anything they threw at him, since his raw strength was somewhere between that of a lieutenant and a captain.

The bus passed through a dark tunnel as Sado looked out the window, mentally preparing himself for the future. Though he had to admit it was a little surprising even to him.

As they pulled out of the tunnel they were on a cliff overlooking a large red sea, a large creepy looking woods right in front of them. Sado compared it to some of the other things he had seen before. It seemed a lot more try-hardy than most of his passed experience with supernatural places.

"Here we are." The bus driver said, trying to put back on his creepy voice as he opened up the doors. Sado got up and slowly walked off the bus. "Be careful now, Youkai Academy is a terrifying place." The bus driver said, hoping to see a bit more of a reaction as the human stood there looking out over the bloody sea.

"I'll manage." Sado said simply, his face unchanging.

"Ri...right." The bus driver said before closing his doors and backing up into the tunnel before disappearing from sight.

"Hmm." Sado grunted as he looked around the dead place, his eyes staring for a little at a jack-o-lantern headed scarecrow that seemed just a little weird to him.

Then he finally noticed a clump of slightly above average spirit energies a little ways off in the difference. Assuming that this was where he school was, he started off in that direction.

At first he was just at a walking pace, only slightly faster than a normal person because of his freakishly long legs. But soon he started into a jog and then put a bit of his spiritual energy into it and was taking massive strides that set him moving at slightly faster than the speed limit, his crashing footsteps causing small tremors with each bound.

In a matter of moments he was at the front gates, looking up at his new school. And in his normal manner, all he did was grunt, before moving in to seek out the front office.

Why hasn't anyone made a story where Chad goes to Youkai to become the protector of the Imōto? Think about it, this way it doesn't have to be a retarded herm story because Chad has all the sex appeal of a giant brick house.

What ever, here is a basic start. I plan on making one more chapter before leaving it for anyone else to pick up.

My point is, why does everyone have Ichigo going off and doing stuff? Ichigo has to be the least interesting character in Bleach. Kind of like Naruto is in his own show.

He is surrounded by amazing characters, but everyone picks him. Why? Why does everyone love the bland every hero with a demon side?