I do not own durarara

More Warnings, SHIZAYAFTW, Mpreg, cursing, mild rape(not izaya for once), drama that I hope keeps you reading!\(^.^)/ Couples:

HibiyaxPsyche (read please despite this)




In this fic Shizuo is a prince of Ikebukuro a small country, and Izaya and Sakuraya are princes of Shinjuku another small country. Both countries are modern but follow old ways such as arrange marriages and Monarchies.

This is an Omega verse fic! Aka, there are Alphas, who are mostly male people who are strong and make good partners and lovers usually upper class, Beta who are the average male and female and are working class, and omegas who are usually weaker and make the best stay at home mothers and are lower class until they marry. Males can be Omegas and have children.


The wind was a crisp tight cold the night their hearts broke.

They had been laughing heartily, sharing fancy foods, and cuddling in the moon light against most rules. They were royals form two different families so hanging out in a public place, exspecially on top of a sky scraper, was against what they were taught. The cities were alive and gleaming, plentiful with parks, people, and this night love. This particular city was in Ikeburuo, a country Izaya had come to love like his own. And the source of that love put an arm around his slim shoulders.

"Ne, Shizu-chan~." The small Omega one purrs with a sexy smile." Maybe if the negotiations go bad we could be married."

"If they go well we can still get married." The older responded and finished the last sweet decadent chocolates they had been sharing.

"As if my dad would allow that..." Izaya pouted," And don't tell me that the thought of me, your thrilling virgin lover, being held but invisible chains and given no choice but to say, 'I do' doesn't turn you on," He leaned closer durning the last few words, his lips brushing against the older Alpha's ear in a tease, their vowels of chasity as royals keeping them for three years from being more intimate. He smiled and laughed seeing a blush form on the other." You love me~"

"Of course I do." Shizuo smiled and kissed those perfect plump lips. From the moment he had set eyes on the princes of Shinjuku, only the older twin stood out.

"Too bad your people hate my guts."

"That's what happens when you screw people over Izaya." The blond sighed, the smaller raven known for being a prankster and bad influence. Izaya had managed to cause much panic in the past, and had nearly gotten himself kick out of country many times if it weren't for the fact he was a royal.

"So cruel Shizu-chan~" The raven pouted," I'm generally honest to them. They just can't handle the truth. And if you go in about the treaties I ruined she deserved it." He frowned.

"You managed to scare Queen Saika."

"She was obviously trying to cause a war."

"... She was a demon." Shizuo remembered Izaya telling him everything about that night. There had been a huge fight, and Shizuo had to step in and fight off a horde a people under her curse.

"We all are demons Shizu-chan~" Izaya hugged his lover, seeking his warmth, and generally showing some rare affection."No one touches my things... But are you still impressed?"

"Impressed that Verona didn't kill you?"

Izaya stuck out his tongue," her search for your hand in marriage, and the throne here was pointless. I only helped her out the door."

Shizuo laughed deeply and handsomely, his whole body shaking in mirth. Verona was a princess second in line for a throne. She had come and tried to convince Shizuo it would be good to marry her, but even though he said no she kept pushing for it. One day after she had way over staid her welcome, Izaya had over heard her marriage proposal. She walked out with half a head of hair." What if she had came for you?"

"... Shizu-chan, I think you forget that I'm an Omega and she was an Alpha..." Izaya pointed out," no babies~"

"She still could of whipped you ass into shape."

"I thought only you wanted to whip my ass~"

The blush on Shizuo's face was brighter this time and Izaya cackled and giggled kissing the blond's nose.


The meeting hadn't gone well.

The two came back holding hands and laughing lightly, but the moment they stepped inside the grand castle, an old western type castle that was the heart of the city and the home of the royals, guards rushed them apart. Izaya had pouted and Shizuo nearly got into fight before being reminded punching a guard wouldn't look so good for a royal.

He growled and walked down a long red carpeted, and golden trimmed hall. Portraits of his ancestors hung next to precious armors, and decor that had seen many ages. The ceilings were high and laced with golden light, and there were many doors to the left leading to grand bed rooms and meeting halls built large enough to fit whole houses. To the right were huge paned windows outlined in beautiful stained glass, over looking the courtyard that had a black gate that tourists looked through. The night was getting later and the golden haired prince threw open the door into the king's private library.

"Father, how did the meeting go?" Shizuo asked looking to the blue eyed king who wore an old blue cape and had just removed his crown.

"... Not well..." Tsugaru spoke and sat at his desk letting his head fall into his hands.".. I am sorry, Shizuo..."

"...For what?" The prince asked and walked over past a grand fire place that housed a warm blaze. The shelves lining the room were almost over flowed with books and trinkets and jewels and golds. It was a room that obviously a rich king too shelter in.

"I'm sorry my son.." Tsugaru sighed," I have given you too much freedom for a royal, and now it grieves me to have to take it all back."

"What do you mean?"

"... You love Izaya."

Shizuo nodded, he and Izaya had been very open to Tsugaru who was known for being the kind king. They had spent all of their dates in Ikebukuro, and had invited Izaya over often.

"You love him despite what pranks and issues he has caused?"

"Dad, you like him too." Shizuo pointed out and got a nod.

"Him and Sakuraya deserve so much better then that Tyrant king is giving them... I am sorry Shizuo... But there has been an agreement."

"How's that bad?"

Tsugaru motioned for Shizuo to sit on the couch. The blond did and waited for the answer almost dreading it now that too much time had past for it to be good news at all.

"There's been an arranged marriage agreement. We all signed it saying you must wed an Orihara... But, as you can see there's only two omegas to choose from. This was very good good news." Tsugaru sighed," But that King stated he couldn't give us the crowned prince."

Shizuo frowned deeply."... He wont let me marry Izaya..."

"No... You are arranged to marry Sakuraya." The king let out and waited for the explosion, but instead heard a long deep growl. He gazed over at his son, his precious flesh and blood, and was glad there was some control of anger, but saddened since there were tears."I tried..."

"I know..."

"You've met him many times..."

"He already has someone he loves, and so do I!" Shizuo jumped to his feet in anger." What the hell is wrong with that bastard!?"


"I don't care! King or not. He fucking knows he's screwing us over! Arrange marriages are, and will always be wrong! There should be love between the two people involved."

"It's political Shizuo." Tsugaru sighed,"... your mother and I had the same thing. I had a love so great before her." Shizuo felt his anger wane hearing the tone of voice. He unclenched his fists and looked to his father." I had to marry your mother for the betterment of the country. And the one I truly loved retaliated in hurt and married a terrible man."

"I don't want something like that to happen to Izaya."

"It wasn't just his vote, a few people representatives expressed the dislike of Izaya and approved of Sakuraya. To them it was too cruel for 'The Flower Orihara' to stay with the devil clan." He sighed again, the night taking its tole. The remembrance of his love, that still after so many years beat, taking his drain of energy."'The Song Bird Queen', 'The Golden King',' The Pure Flower',' The Bastard Raven.'" He said the nicknames people had given the Oriharas in Ikebukuro.

The young prince frowned at Izaya's nickname and thought 'Flea' or 'My heart' was more properly fitting for him."Dad... I cannot do this."

"You must, and you will... I have regretted giving you so much freedom that you have been allowed to fall in love, and I hate the fact I must be the one to end it... I'm sorry you have fallen for a hopeless love."

"Like you." It was a statement, and spoken a bit harshly." Do you want me to be like you and your heart? You didn't fight to keep your love, but I will."

Tsugaru let out another long breath," there is no fighting... as of right now Izaya is being sent home. Sakuraya will say yes to the agreement since that is that King's say, and you both will save the countires."

Shizuo turned, he couldn't handle much more and marched to the door before freezing,"... what happened to your lover?"

"When you were born he acted again in blind anger and hurt... I've hurt him so much by never fighting for him, but I had to stay true to your mother... He got married two years after your mother and I did, to a tyrant, and once he got news of your birth, we got news that he was pregnant with twins about a week later... They hadn't even been married a year at that point." He frowned thinking of his pink eyed love,"... I cannot condone fighting, but I'm sure you and Izaya will think of something..."

"...Dad... Can you tell me who it was?"

Tsugaru shook his head," maybe one day, but no. Go to sleep my boy..." He ordered and walked to his desk again, sitting in the plush chair.


"Goodnight, my son." When the door shut Tsugaru smiled softly," I'm sure you and Izaya will come up with something."


The Queen of Shinjuku was crying, that was the first thing Izaya noticed entering the over night train room. It was huge and fancy, set for royals and decorated in platinum and black. The carpet was blue and soft, and there were white flowers and lilies in vases around the room. Sleek, and beautiful, with bright lights that flooded it with brilliant golden rays and decorated as if they lived there, but yet nothing like their grand castle at home.

In one of the spiny chair there was a raven head, and the slump form of the Queen, Izaya's mother."Mom...?"

"Izaya!" The Queen shot up and rushed over throwing his arms around his oldest child tighty. White fur getting in Izaya's face and their bodies pressed flat as the older sniffled," Mommy's sorry baby... Mommy is s-so sorry. I tried but..." He pulled back shaking his head, eyes watering again reminded of years ago."... It's happening all over again and this time we're the cause of it...I'm so sorry sweetie."

"What's going on?" Izaya asked and didn't push his mother away.

"Arranged marriage." A voice stated from his left. There now stood the king. The same height as Izaya, but with golden eyes and a golden crown. The Tyrant, the Evil, a spoiled and selfish master with too much money and too many toys. He yawned and held out his arm, a silent order for his queen to come to his side. He smiled plainly happy that the slightly shorter raven was sad and crying, and took joy in that fact, while looking at Izaya." Your love is void, and fruitless." He stated and gripped the Queen close, his hand on the submissive's hip, tightly holding him in place.

Izaya stared that them and stood strong, still even when the train began to move carrying him away from his love." Dad... What did you do?"

Hibiya smirked and kissed the top of Psyche's head knowing he was scaring his Queen," took an example of the past and put it to use for the betterment of the future... Sakuraya and Shizuo are engaged to be married."

Izaya was speechless for a while, but not shocked. His father was not a kind king. His father preyed upon the weak and the misery of others, so any chance he got to rip up a love, he did.

"Once Sakuraya accepts you will not be permitted to see Shizuo. You wont be allowed alone time with him, and... I forget the other rules." He checked the time," ask your mother in an hour or two." He muttered and gripped Psyche tightly.

"Hibiya!" The small pink eyed omega turned, not in the mood for the golden eyed, but black souled King.

"Psyche." Hibiya acknowleged back as if the other had only said his name as a greeting.

"Have you no heart?" The queen demanded and moved to Izaya." You're ruining the only kids we have, and you know it."

"I'm simply keeping royal blood where it should be. That Domestic should of never been allowed to be in the same room of Sakuraya. Also, I have made the decision to save both countries."

"Why not let Izaya marry Shizuo? Even if we managed to get Sakuraya to date a prince."

"Shizuo's people hate Izaya, they would only ruin and strain your relationsip." Hibiya yawned," I am tired. So please, Izaya," He gestuered to the door. Izaya growled and stalked by, he wouldn't have it. Shizuo and he had been dating for almost three years, they spent so much time together and all but flung themselves at each other every time they met. They never broke any rules, they haven't been intimate, and they have managed to keep their love away from the public eye. And now it was being halted due to the loveless valture King.

"What... The...Fuck..." He flung a knife at the wall in his room. He wanted to scream, but held his breath. it wasn't worth it. HIs father had never been loving, only cold hearted and a bastard. Right then Izaya felt sick, he felt bad for his mother and remembered the days the queen would sing to him and his twin. He felt worse suddenly,'...Sakuraya is going to be devastated.' He realized and sat on the bed.' Calm down... The marriage wont happen. Izaya, yes me, remain calm. You're smart you ocan do this.' The prince crossed his arms over his knees and thought for a long time.' Get Sakuraya to escape with Shitsuo to where Hibiya can't order them around. BUt how can I make it look like it was me?' He sighed and shook his head, no matter what it would look like it was his fault.

A brrrr sounded suddenly and he jumped feeling his pocket vibrate.

[Shizuo: What's the plan?]

Izaya smirked his heart beating fast. He smiled and texted back.

[Izaya: Something not very leagal~]

[Shizuo: so?]

Izaya laughed," Ah~ I love you Shizu-chan~"

[Izaya: I can get them too the border if you can get them in.]

[Shizuo: Give me two days... I love you.]

[Izaya: I love you too. Now get some rest.]

Izaya smiled and held his phone to his chest like a teenage girl. He rolled to his side and didn't at all feel his age, which was 18. He giggled,"... Dad is gonna hate this." He laughed and sighed," Mom will be proud." He knew of Psyche's origional love, but didn't know who it had been. But he didn't plan on loosing the one he loved. He refused and did not care if it was illegal, and if he were hated. For Shizuo, his heart and soul, he would do anything.


Red: I couldn't wait any longer! I need to get this story out of my head! So here it is! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! And please follow, and review and fav~


HibiyaxPsyche (read please despite this)

