A/N: Hello, again!

I thought long about this idea. This isn't really a story. No, it's more like a collection of drabbles and One shots and so on, with Ryoma and Rikkai as main victi- I mean characters. But don't worry, other characters also going to suff- Have a appearance.

I put comedy/humor, whatever, as one of the main genres but I'm not sure if I can fulfill this aspect. So, when I see, that I can't fulfill it, I'm going to remove it. (Which is probably gonna to happen, sorry.)

Lastly, English is not my native language! So, if you see some mistakes, please correct my friendly!

Thank you and Enjoy!

Bold: speaking in English

The tree of confessions

Many heard of it. Of the tree on Rikkai's campus. It was told, that under the tree, was a great place, for confessions. Most confessed their love under this tree. Fangirls and fanboys attacked anyone. The regulars, of course, were not an exception.

Some time, after Ryoma joined Rikkai


Bunta looked at the girl. The girl, that wanted to confess to him. She planed every detail. The girl even made some sweets! "So, what do you want?", the regular asked, uninterested. He knew how this was going to end. She would confess to him, he would say no and she would cry. "Bunta-kun." First name, without knowing him, at this level. Was Japan really a polite country? "I...I...really l-like..you!" Oh, there comes his part. He breathed one time and wanted to speak as he heard, "I even made some sweets, for you!" And he stopped.


"I made some sweets."

"Can I taste one?"

"Y-yes! Of c-course!"

'Kyaa~ Bunta-sama wants to taste my sweets!'

"Wow...they really good!"

"So, you're going to accept?"

"Ah, no...sorry."

The girl realized what he said.

'Bunta-sama...doesn't love me?'

"But you're sweets, good. You're going to be a good wife."

"Kya~ Bunta-sama said I'm going to be a good wife!"

"So...see you maybe."

With that, Bunta toke the sweets and walked away, letting a fangirl be in the seventh heaven.


He stood there, under the tree and waited until his fangirl was finished, with her confession. He didn't know what to do. If he tricked her, Yagyuu would scold him for playing, with the heart of a girl. But if he didn't Ryoma would laugh at him, because he couldn't even trick a fangirl. (Normal people, like Jackal and gentlemen like Yagyuu, question Ryoma's mental health.) And because he was the almighty Trickster, he probably would prove to Ryoma, that he could trick a fangirl. As the girl looked at him, hopefully, he decided what he would do.

'Sorry, Yagyuu. But I don't want to be laughed at from a twelve-year old girl.'

He tricked her and dumped her after two weeks, because the girl was making fun of Ryoma. After Sanada and Yukimura heard what he did to the "poor girl", they left him to run 200 laps. (Don't worry, they apologized, after they heard what the girl did. Yukimura even smiled, sadistically, for the whole day.)


To say, that Akaya wanted to run of and just let the girl standing there, was an understatement. The girl talked about how she "loved" him. He was sure she didn't even know how old he was! He sighed, happily, as she finished.

"So...do you want to go out with me?"

He panicked. He saw what Fukubuchou and Buchou did, as Niou played, with a girl. Okay, that girl deserved it. But they didn't know that for a week! What should he do? He couldn't just say, "Sorry, babe, I don't like you, because you don't know my anything, about me." He wasn't Niou-senpai! That would break her heart! Suddenly, he had an idea.

"Do you know how old I am?"


"False, I'm 13."

"Huh, you are?"

"Yes, do you know my best friend?"

"Niou Masaharu."

"Nope, Echizen Ryoma."


"Yes, what I want to say is that you don't even know much about me. So, let's just wait until you know anything about me."

"I see...thank you, Kirihara-kun." And she walked away.

Akaya smiled to himself. He didn't break her heart and she wouldn't come back, because she wouldn't ever know a thing about him! Or so he thought.

He didn't know, that the girl was a wonderful stalker.


Jackal blinked.


"I love Marui Bunta!"

"Okay...and why did you call me?"

"Because I heard, that he rejected already someone."

"I see...and what does that, have to do, with me?"

"You're his best friend. You surly know what he likes, don't' you?"

Jackal was happy, that she thought he was Marui's best friend and decided to help her. They did much things together, to help her know how to deal with Marui.

"Thank you for the help."


Jackal waited to hear, that Marui had a girlfriend or rejected again someone. But it never came.

He didn't know, that the girl who confessed to Akaya, was this girl's best friend and told her what happened. So, the girl decided that she would lie to Jackal and say she loved Marui, so she could spend time, with him and gather information about him.


He was a gentleman. So, he would solve this as a gentleman.

"Would you like, to go out with me."

The girl knew he was gentleman. So, she expected a painless rejection.

"Nope, sorry, babe, you aren't pretty enough."

She blinked. Tears gathered and she ran away.

She didn't except, that Niou wanted to revenge on Yagyuu and decided to ruin his dignity. Niou smirked, as he saw her run away. Fukubuchou would give Yagyuu and sadly, him some laps.


Uh, he needed yet to run away from Yagyuu.


99.9%, she wouldn't take the rejection well. Before him stood a rich girl, that was used to get anything, she want. She wouldn't be happy, with him rejecting her. He sighed. What should he do?

"So? I'm waiting! Say already, that you love me!"

See? Someone, like she wouldn't be happy, with him rejecting him. Yanagi sighed. He decided, that he would explain her why he didn't love her. As he wanted to talk, he saw Ryoma standing, behind the girl.

That was it!

He looked after Ryoma a lot. Mostly, because the others are to deaf, Genichirou didn't have the time and Seiichi needed to rest. Even when Seiichi didn't need to rest, he was either playing tennis, looking after his plants or planning ways to kill everything, that could harm Ryoma. It was also so as children. He knew Seiichi and Genichirou since elementary school. He had met Ryoma as Seiichi brought her the most time with, because no one was really home, by them. Already then, he looked after her, while the two other did...things...elementary Students...shouldn't do. (At all perverts there, it's not what you think!)

He mentally asked her for help and she understood.

"Pardon me, do you know where the office of the principal is?"

Ryoma had hid her hair under her cap and wore something other, than the uniform. His fangirl looked troubled. Seemed like she didn't knew, what Ryoma said. That was his chance.

"Yes, I know where."

He then looked at the rich girl.

"I need to help him."


With a smile both ,Yanagi and Ryoma, walked away.

"...Did he just ditch me?"


It was that day, no one thought would happen. Someone, had the courage to confess to Sanada.

"So...so Would you like to go out with me?"

"I'm sorry, but I d-"

"He already has someone."

What? Both turned around and saw Ryoma.

"He...already has someone?"

"Yeah, Seiichi."



Not again. You see, as Seiichi's little sister Ryoma loved to tease him. As revenge for all his sadistic antics on her. But she loved to tease him the most, by pairing him up with Sanada.

"...I see, I wish you luck, Sanada-sama!"

"Wait...she didn't mean it so!"


"I...I really like you!"

Yukimura sighed, innerly. How much fangirls decided to confess to him, on this day? Well, he couldn't do a thing about it. As he wanted to reject her, nicely, something happened. A girl, he didn't know ran to them, while holding a knife and shouted, "Seiichi-sama is mine!" What the heck? The girl before him became scared and ran away. Yukimura blinked and then sighed.

"Niou, was this really necessary?"

Niou just grinned.


Ryoma sighed. The boy before her must be deaf or has to much courage. She wasn't called Ice Angel for nothing, after all. She didn't want to be late for pratice, so, she sighef and interrupted him.

"I'm not sorry, that I dont love you. Bye!", and walked away.

Why do boys and girls confess to her? Didn't they had something better to do?

She sighed again. It seemed like she needed to run 100 laps.

The fifthy-sixth time in the week.

"Who even gave me the title Ice Angel ?"

A/N: This is mostly just for my own problems. Honestly, I don't even know, why? Did you like it? I would be happy, if someone reviews, follows or favorites!

But then again, we would all be.