Wow its been a long time. This is really easy to write amd I hope Im able to jump back into things.

A few days after Jace had left Clary flipped on the TV while eating her cereal before school. She didn't expect what she got.

"Jace Herondale reportedly was spotted in Manhattan this week while the rest of his band was touring Italy. Instagram posts on the bands page have been missing the lead singer and rumours have been spreading. What do you think really is happening here Cindy?"

Clary didn't realize her mom had left it on a gossip news channel ,but now that the subject of Jace had come up she was curious to see what crackpot theories were made. She spooned some cereal in her mouth and continued to watch.

"You know Mindy, I really think people are over reacting on this one. The entire band is from Manhattan. They are native to the state of New York. It could honestly be anything. He could have just been visiting his parents or checking in on his cat. Maybe there was a leak in his apartment and he went to check out damage. There could be an entire array of reasons he went back."

"Excellent point Cindy. There have been several fan theories posted on social media. We've gone through loads of them and have found a few very interesting ones."

"Awesome!" Cindy said, "Let's here!"

"Ally from Jacer2005 says that 'Jace is most definitely visited New York to crash Justin's 23rd birthday party that was held this weekend. They are great friends.'"

"I don't believe it Mindy. None of the pictures posted of Justin's party have Jace's finger in it. That's so false."

"Well Quincy from Quinstersinister said 'I'm pretty sure Jace came to crash Maya Denard's concert to beg her to get back together. They were a great couple and Jace finally realized that.'"

Clary scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"I don't believe it Mins. Jace just wasn't invested much in that relationship. It only lasted a month. They're both young and they just don't seem like soul mates."

"True, very true," Mindy said. "This next one though is one the team her at 'Mindy and Cindy' put together ourselves. So remember in October, the day they kicked their tour off in New York? It was reported that back stage Jace saved a girl that was being raped from her brother and the next three days they were spotted multiple times around together. They were going to karaoke bars and just generally roaming around the city together. What if Jace came back to spend a few days with her? It does seem highly likely."

"Omg,"Cindy squealed, " That's so it!"

Clary shut off the TV before it went any further. How could have that TV show cracked their secret with the little information they had? It truly blew Clary's mind.

She washed her dish and put in in the dishwasher. Clary did a few more little chores before grabbing her bag and started on her five minute walk to school.

She was so happy she only had about a month and a half left of school. She had been so adamant at getting her mother's permission to going on tour with Jace for the summer but once all efforts went to waste she was content to stay with Simon and nerd out for summer. Then once she started highschool she only had a month and a half until Jace came home.

As she had been so lost in thought thinking about the future, as she approached the gates to her school she bumped into the worst person she possibly could.

Isabelle Lightwood.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention!" Clary exclaimed apologetically.

"Can't you do anything right,slut!" Isabelle yelled. "You are so lucky I didn't have time to get coffee this morning and have you spill it all over me. You would have been dead."

Clary had become accustomed to Isabelle's bullying and pet names. If it wasn't slur it was whore, skank, ho, and an array of others. Clary at first had been deeply hurt that Isabelle said these things ,but standing up for herself would have made things worse. Stepping down and allowing Isabelle to indulge in her name calling made Clary's life a whole lot easier. If she didn't she'd have Isabelle down her throat all the time.

"I'm sorry again, Isabelle." Clary grabbed her fallen bag and scrambled away. She needed to find Simon and tell him the news about a new video game that was coming out.

She eventually found Simon hanging out by the water fountain talking to some guy she had never seen before. Curiously, she bounced over to Simon and introduced her self to the boy before turning to Simon.

"Si, did you here about the new Alienator game coming out soon? I thought you would really live it."

Simon shoved Clary away to continue to talk to the guy next to him. This left Clary in a confused state. Did she accidentally interrupt him? She tried again.

"Si? What's going on."

"Did you not get the hint? Go away, skank."

Clary felt her mouth fall open. No, this wasn't Simon. Simon her best friend would never had said this. Simon was a nice, caring boy who could tell Clary was upset before Clary even knew.

"What?" She felt the words come out of her mouth.

"You heard me. I saw Mindy and Cindy this morning. Leave. Nobody wants you here, Slut. Leave, or better yet go kill yourself."

Clary felt tears come to her eyes as Simon and the boy laughed there heads off. She needed to call Jace before she did something stupid. She needed to get out of the school before she found something stupid to do.

Apparently she had just been standing there because once the boys got their bearings they scoffed at her.

"Come on Sebastian," Simon sneered, "If she won't move I guess we have to."

Clary watched them go until they met up with the one and only Isabelle Lightwood. Clary couldn't breathe. She felt her entire world come shattering down around her. Glass shards hit against her heart and tore her apart.

She ran for the entrance. She got about halfway home when she collapse against the grass in a blubbering mess. She couldn't take it. It was too much.

She grabbed her phone from her pocket and called him, praying to god her would answer. Of course he did. It was Jace.

"What's up baby? Aren't you suppose to be in class."

She sobbed into the phone, " I can't do it anymore. Simon, he's gone. He's gone."

"Slow down, darling what happened."

So she told him. She told him about the months of torment from Isabelle and how today had been the turning point. How Simon telling her the awful things pushed everything Isabelle had been saying right in her face, making everything become true.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"he whispers over the phone.

"I didn't want you to think the same."

"I'm coming back. I'll cancel the rest of the tour. You need to get out of that situation."

"You can't," She whispered hoarsely. "You can't disappoint your fans. You told me to call you when I felt like hurting myself so I am. How am I suppose to call you if everytime you freak out and tell me you're coming home. I can't take that guilt."

"I'm just showing you that I care,"He told me smoothly.

"I know. I know."

She closed her eyes and laid against the grass. She let Jace's voice drown out the world.