Hello people and welcome to another chapter of Locust heir! It's so great to be able to make these amazing stories for you amazing people, also one quick question do you even like my harems? Or do you wish for more single pairings? Because I know some people who have a huge turnoff at harems. Anyway it's been interesting what people what to cross with, WARNING! I will not do DBZ or hellsing only because characters like Goku or Alucard could fucking rape the locust, and we can't have that for our great Locust empire, now can we? Anyway I'll make a short list of the next crossovers:

Highschool of the dead

Mortal kombat


Mass effect

Star Wars the clone wars

Rosario Vampire

Gears of war series (haven't met locust yet)

Tomb raider

Far cry

Legend of Korra

Halo reach

Akame Ga kill


Call of duty

Fallout (3,Vegas,4)

Highschool dxd

DC universe

Dark souls

Resident evil

Attack on Titan

Black lagoon

Walking dead (game or show, your choice)

Game of thrones

Grand theft auto


Most of these will only be cannon folder to upgrade Naruto and his armies power for worlds like DC or High school dxd

Anymore Games, Movies, TV shows, I haven't put a lot of anime because I'm not very familiar with a lot of them :/ Also these are not exactly in order some might come before or after the other listed above.

Locust Heir

I don't own Naruto or Gears of Wars, if I did I would of had the Carmine brothers survive and be more badass and have Clayton be with Samantha.

Inspiration: GrimReaper99x

It has been a week now since the dreaded day that everyone now dubbed 'E-Day' and while the Elemental nations was under siege against the locust, the Fire Nation was close to being captured, all the villages was captured in days, the final stronghold of the fire nation was the capital where the daimyo resided, and if Naruto got from Karn was correct he hadn't evacuated yet apparently he was arrogant enough to not understand the magnitude of the great Locust empire. He had a full mounted assault ready to take the capital while the other half of his army was back in the hollows sorting out the survivors and prisoners from the fire nation, women, children, men alike, some were sent for torture, others went for breeding so they could produce locust chakra users, others were servants, and mostly the cruelest of men such cases as rapist, and pedophiles were sent for target practice and to lobotomy, the locust may have been evil monstrous creatures but even those sort of crimes was sickening to them. Naruto heard from his spies that all the ninja, Samurai, civilians took up arms ready to fight, they were desperate to keep their nation, which was utterly pathetic in his eyes.

What the fire daimyo didn't know was that all the leaf ninjas were heading to Suna to help protect them, because they know fire nation was a lost cause at this point. He was currently preparing one half of his army underground to borrow right in the middle of the capital for all hell to break lose and for them to scatter and break formation out of fear.

Since he wanted this done and over with so he could go help Skorge and the others he decided to just rush them with all of forces, they would be surprised and outnumbered. It may kill off more of his men but it got the job done quick and easy, plus the locust repopulated quickly, not so much for the defenders though. He ordered the Corpsers to dig faster so he could be done away with these pests and take over this world they loved so much while the Corpsers roared in approval and sped up the process.

Seconds later the ground gave out and he charged forward with his army right behind him to serve their empire till death.

To put it in simpler terms it was a massacre, since he was basically blunt rushing them with the full might of his army they were unprepared for it, he started out by having the brumaks unleash hell onto their defenses rendering them useless. One minute the army was relaxing and preparing war with the locust, the next there getting slaughtered and crying out for help and crying out in agony and pain. Naruto just walked casually out of the hole while smirking at all the death and chaos around him while locust who were in his way either stepped aside or joined his little march towards the palace.

"Hehe this daimyo thinks he's god's gift to creation, such arrogance! It sickens me, I'll make sure the most gruesome torture is reserved for him and any other insects with such impulsive arrogance." Naruto finished with a sickening laugh, slightly scaring his troopers. Before he could mutter a another word the royal guards of the daimyo appeared armed to the teeth and ready.

"Stop! You foul demon you shall go no further by the decree of the fire daimyo!" One of the Royal guards who was noticeably bigger than the rest, seeing as he had bright red armor and was holding two chakra axes.

Having no time for their foolishness Naruto snapped his fingers and two boomers stepped in front of him there permanent snarls scaring some of the samurais, before they could even react the two monstrous creatures growled one word which they all heard as 'boom' and then the valiant samurais knew no more, chuckling at their foolishness Naruto continued to advance towards the capital with millions of loyal soldiers in his wake, he stopped in front of the main gate holding his hand up to halt his massive army as well.

Naruto weaved through a couple of handsigns before bringing it to his hand, amplifying his voice. "Fire Daimyo give up and we'll make your punishment less worse, also if anyone gives up now, you shall serve the locust army faithfully and no harm shall come to you." Naruto said waiting a couple of minutes after his speaking for results, only a few came out and bowed before him showing they didn't want to fight, he nodded with his head to have a few drones take them to the hollows, they did so but slightly more gently for showing obedience to their master.

"Last chance!" Naruto shouted even louder, his response was a hail of arrows being rain down on them, all Naruto did was shield all of them with Kurama chakra protecting them while watching the arrows turn to ash at the acidic chakra.

Afterwards he commanded a few berserkers to start charging at the reinforced city doors to break them down, after a good five minutes they final collapsed and not a second later thousands of shinobi, civilians and samurais poured out ready to do battle with the locust, the locust also charged them head on ready to smite them down, both sides were getting cut down left and right moreso the 'resistance fighters' as the only thing keeping the locust down were slicing their head off because not even cutting off a limb was stopping the monstrous creatures.

All chaos was happening, Berserkers were charging through crowds of enemies and sometimes allies, boomers and mulchers were cutting down waves of enemies, tickers were committing suicide in the middle of enemies blowing them away more powerful than an explosive tag. Brumaks were mowing down squads with mounted miniguns and Corpsers were crushing humans under their massive bodies. Finally there forces started to dwindle because some either surrendered or retreated back into the capital to regroup.

After forcing all the surrendered soldiers into barges and ship them all to their individual task, he made all his soldiers regroup ready for the last assault to fully take over the land of fire than onto the land of water to help Skorge finish sieging Kirigakure. Looking up toward the sky he saw a multitude of fire rocks being launched across the sky hitting the capital walls, buildings, and some people also, all courtesy of the siege beast's he enslaved some time ago, but he was able to tame them so they wouldn't harm any locust in its way or fear facing his wrath, after a couple siege beast being crushed beneath him the rest finally learned to give their obedience to him. After his small trip on memory lane he started to advance onto the final stretch of the battle.

Once stepping foot in the main capital was when shit hit the fan, because Naruto signalled all his troops to advance and destroy on their own accord and take any prisoners if given the chance. Left and right all the locust were upon the humans in seconds, mowing them down, gutting them, beating them to death and much other gruesome deaths given to them. Walking through all the chaos with a smirk on his face Naruto was flanked by two armored kantus making there way to the daimyo main chamber who was no doubt being protected by powerful individuals. Walking inside he saw a multitude of armed ninjas ranging from kunai to greatswords some even preparing to weave through handsigns for jutsu, the armored kantus were about to get in front of their master to protect him using their extreme dense armor, Naruto just held his hand up to stop them before lifting a finger launching out a swarm of kryll who were jet black with a hint of red to them, general RAAM taught him how to use the kryll to his advantage.

An unexpected surprise when Myrrah and RAAM helped get him his own set of kryll was that they evolved when they bonded with Naruto, they found out that due to Kyuubi chakra they were able to become more dangerous than ever before, once you came into contact with Naruto's kryll the acidic chakra would burn you from the inside out if you weren't already dead from the relentless shredding the kryll gave you. After Naruto released his swarm they covered the entire room and started killing off the ninjas quickly receiving gut-wrenching and agonizing screams from said shinobi but grew quiet after another minute, recalling his pets back he saw the handiwork they did making him nod in approval, there lay several bones of the now dead shinobi while other remains either consisted of chunks of meat or ash from the acidic chakra the kryll gave off.

Shrugging Naruto continued his long strides making loud thumping sounds with his feet while every so often he would hear his escorts growl in anticipation for the capture of the land of fire, strolling calmly through the halls Naruto wouldn't let anything step in his way to the rise of power, not even kami herself. Finally getting to the massive double doors which lead to the daimyo, he noticed it was extra fortified like that would deter him, cocking his fist in Kurama chakra he unleashed its power upon the door making it give way and fly off its hinges and top over onto a few guards standing a little too close to the door crushing them because of its weight. Making the wrinkled man widened his eyes in horror that just transpired. Walking in dozens of man charged him making Naruto smirk before releasing sort of a shockwave through pent up of Kurama chakra killing them instantly. He commanded his kantus soldiers to deal with the left side of the room while he dealt with the rest on the right, making them nod and curl up into a ball and roll into the soldiers puncturing some with their spiky armor.

Focusing on his own enemies Naruto started to weave through handsigns before shouting "Grand fireball jutsu!" launching a 5x bigger fireball than normal that engulfed most of the enemies turning them to ash. When Naruto was younger Kurama thought him how to unlock his chakra and utilize it to use it perfectly with the help of clones taught by the giant fox and chakra control, while in the midst of his siege on Konoha a week ago he ordered some of his man to go the hokage mansion, shinobi library, clan houses, and armories and take all their jutsus and weapons for later use, for the past week before the siege on the daimyo Naruto was hard at work learning how to learn some of the jutsu with the help of clones he was only able to master a couple jutsu two or three from each element but once he took Land of fire he'll train more before traveling to Kiri, plus that gives his soldiers more time to prepare, search for any survivors, and sort through all the prisoners they currently had.

Weaving through another set of hand signs he called out his next jutsu "Water style: Water dragon jutsu!" spewing a gigantic mass of water in the form of a dragon it rushed the rest of the soldiers with a roar slamming in them, unfortunately or fortunately however you saw it some were able to dodge in time, not without cutting down their numbers to almost none very quickly. He cracked his knuckles and beckoned the last few towards him, but they threw their weapons down looking scared shitless before getting on there knees and slamming their foreheads to the ground while begging for forgiveness making him groan in disappointment, but he still wanted to try another jutsu before dealing with the old geezer, "Doton: Doruki Gaeshi - Earth Land Flip!" Naruto shouted slamming his hands inside the ground before forcefully grabbing the slab of marble rock and with great strength flipped it over onto the remaining samurai, ninja, civilian alike making them scream to their deaths before being silenced after being crushed.

Cracking his neck Naruto looked to see how his soldiers were holding up and was pleased to see all their enemies either dead or surrendered, they on the other hand only had a few cuts, slashes, and burns that would serve as battle scars for them to learn from those mistakes. Looking over at the throne he was greeted to the site of the fire daimyo cowering in fear with a visible wet stain between his crotch making Naruto chuckle at the lack of confidence.

"P-P-Please spare me i can offer you anything! Money, fame, women even! You name it!" the fire daimyo said getting on his knees and begging to spare his old frail life. "Alright I'll tell you what I want" Naruto said with a evil chuckle making the old man spine tingle but nod vigorously nonetheless.

"I want...your head!" Naruto said with a grin before unsheathing his battle axe making the daimyo scream in a high-pitch voice before his head was taken off his shoulders and rolling on the ground with the same stupid expression.

"Finally, no offense my lord but if you didn't kill him soon I would of did the deed." The kantus on his left hissed

"None taken" Naruto said with a chuckle before snatching the daimyo head by the hair and walking back out into the battlefield followed by the two kantus, stepping foot outside he saw that the place looked entirely different before he went in as before it looked clean, brand new, elegant even but now it was a battlefield of death and destruction with bombs going off, bullets flying, jutsu's being launched across the room, the locust were obviously not giving up anytime soon as they kept advancing on the humans even if dozens were brought down while the humans looked tired, scared and was losing morale as more and more of there man kept falling right beside them.

Naruto threw the head in the middle of the battlefield catching locust and human attention alike to see what it was, and to one's pleasure and other horror they found out it was the daimyo head with his still present scream plastered on his face. This horrified some making them throw down their weapons and surrendered while others took the cowardly way by killing themselves making Naruto scoff at their dishonorable action.

Snapping his finger he told all his man to round up any survivors, look for anything valuable, after giving them their commands he radioed in to the controllers of the siege beasts to stop firing as they've officially captured the capital of the Land of fire the last stronghold of the country.

"We have official taken the Land of fire! One step closer to conquering the elemental nations! We shall take what is rightfully ours my children! Next is Kiri, we shall make these insects kneel before us!" Naruto shouted loudly making all his soldiers roar with excitement at the prospect of taking the surface for themselves.

"Also send some earth users up here to fix this place up, I think we will be occupying this place for a while, what do y'all think?" Naruto said with a raised eyebrow getting another round of approval before a couple left to go do their assigned task. Walking back inside he headed back into the throne room and took a seat on it and if he had to be honest it felt so right. A drone walked in kneeling to him before speaking, "My king those earth users are here to repair the capital, what shall we do with them afterwards." The drone hissed out

"Meh give em a hot meal for their hard work but if they try to harm anyone or escape put them down." Naruto waved dismissively before he smirked, "also send in my pets would you?" Naruto chuckled out making the drone nod and leave right away.

-30 minutes later-

Naruto was currently sitting on the throne still with his eyes closed and contemplating his next actions when a knock rung through the room. "Come in" Naruto said calmly a Theron guard came in holding a chain tightly grasped in his hand walking in it was discovered that it belong to two very well-known attractive and busty women, Hana and Tsume Inuzuka in all their glory.

Walking in like obedient dogs they were completely void of all clothing except for a collar around there neck connected to the chain, it also showed that they weren't putting up any resistance whatsoever. Letting go of the chain the Theron guard bowed before leaving, the two women crawled towards their new master, they stopped between his crotch and inhaled his scent with a wide smile.

"Pleasure me" Naruto commanded indicating to his stiff member, if it wasn't for the durable locust armor on him the piece of meat would've gotten free by now.

"Yes Naruto-sama" both mother and daughter duo chorused lustfully before they started to tug on his pants eagerly. Finally succeeding they brought his pants down to his ankles, underneath naruto was wearing a mixture of a loin cloth and boxers which looked ready to rip apart from the apparent strain under it. Growing impatient Naruto took the fabric off himself with one swift motion of his hands finally releasing his 14 inch member to slap Tsume across the face making them coo in excitement and lust. Bringing up their massive globs of flesh they mashed there breast together between Naruto massive dick making him groan in pleasure as they then proceeded to lick from top to bottom with their tongues making it look like they were licking a lollipop. They then proceeded to suck on his shaft making them moan in bliss as they exchanged his dick between each other multiple times, one sucking for five minutes then the other the same this proceeded for a half an hour before Naruto finally moaned out releasing thick ropes of cum all over there face, tits and hair for a good five minutes.

Not giving them the chance to recover he grabbed Tsume by the shoulders and lifting her to his lap where he then penetrated her tight pussy with his dick easily shoving 10 inches into her making her howl in pleasure causing her to stick her tongue out in bliss and roll her eyes in the back of her head, Naruto pounded into her repeatedly moving so fast that they were almost a blur, shoving two more inches in he finally reached the end of her womb pulling out making her whimper he slammed back into her with vigor making her cum.

"Ah yes! F-Fuck me harder you big dick stud! I want your pups!" Tsume screamed erotically as Naruto continued to pound her again while nibbling on her neck and ear causing her to cum multiple times in the span of five minutes causing her to gain a fuck stupid look on her face from the fucking, Hana on the side was moaning loudly like a dog in heat while rubbing one hand over her pussy and the other groping her large tit as she watched her master fuck her mother like there was no tomorrow.

Naruto then grabbed her ass which hands sunk into before lifting her into the air before bringing her back down with such force causing a loud almost howl to escape her lips as all 14 inches of his dick finally went inside her pussy, Naruto smirking started to pound her even faster making her feel as if she was on cloud 9,

"Don't stop! Don't stop! Fuck me, oh god i'm all yours forever and ever! Just fuck me master! I'm your toy, your slave, anything you fucking want~" Tsume moaned out and continued like that for another thirty minutes before Naruto couldn't handle no more before slamming his dick all the way in her pussy before letting loose, he came deeply in her womb, he shot for a good five minutes before finally pulling out and spraying the rest of his load all over her face, tits, and pelvis, after Naruto finished cumming in Tsume she looked like she was nine-months pregnant as her belly was over bloated with his sticky cum as the older women laid there with a fucked stupid smile on her face.

Grabbing her hair he made her suck him clean to get all the excessive cum off his dick, chuckling Naruto still had lots of stamina to spare, Tsume barely softened him up yet so turning to the younger women who was on all fours shaking her ass at him erotically he grinned before walking behind her, he positioned his dick before slamming his full length into her without no hesitation making her actually howl in pleasure as Naruto started to ram his dick into her backdoor making her body twitch and convulse in pleasure at his penetration almost making her fall face first to the ground from the overload of pleasure. "You're definitely more tighter than your mother that's for sure" Naruto chuckled as he continued to hammer into her pussy as much vigor as her mother. As Naruto was pounding into Hana his mind wandered off elsewhere, his army was growing larger by the minute, his soldiers numbers reaching into the billions, he was finally able to produce chakra using locust which could use a element, not surprising most of them wielded the earth element while a few rare cases could actually use fire and lighting, so far there was only a few cases of any locust being able to use the wind element unfortunately and nothing on water.

It was through the breeding of locust and civilian and ninja women who worked as breeding stock for them to improve the locust army, through all the prisoners he's acquired most either turned into slaves to help mine through the hollows or servants to cater the every need for the most high ranking of locust such as theron guards or palace guards who protected the queen. Others such as one who were utter scum such as child molesters were either used to test new torture methods or target practice for new and upcoming locust soldiers, surprisingly there was a lot of child molesters and rapist in the land of fire for some reason.

Focusing the fucking he was giving to Hana he noticed she was half conscious as she cumming uncontrollably with reckless abandon, he couldn't blame her he's been fucking her for almost an hour now, so with one last grunt he buried his dick deep in her womb and shot his load in her just as he did for Tsume and just like the older women Hana was sporting an over bloated belly just a big or bigger than Tsume with cum leaking of her as drool was coming out of her mouth with her hair laided out all over the floor

"N-N-Naruto-sama I-I love you." And with that the daughter of Tsume Inuzuka passes out from sexual overload. Chuckling he pulled up his pants after wiping his dick clean with her hair before seeing Tsume was also passed out he picked both of them up and brought them to a nearby room to finally get some rest, he walked out heading back to the hollows to give his report to his queen.


"Im proud of you Naruto, very so, taking the land of fire in a week? That is most impressive you have helped the locust so much in such little time, its outstanding my future king" Queen Myrrah said standing in front of Naruto while stroking his whiskered cheek with a purr, he looked into her eyes before exchanging a passionate kiss with the one he loved above all else.

"Thank you I couldn't have done it without you Myrrah, thanks to yours and and the others teaching we shall take the surface which is rightfully ours." Naruto said with a determination burning in his eyes.

"I shall be there with you every step of the way through thick and thin" she said with a heartfelt smile placing her forehead to his making him smile, not a fake smile, not a insane one or an evil one but a true one, this is what he wants true love and a surface where when he has kids they can gaze at the sun not live underground.

"Now go my king and make us all proud, i have others duties to attend to and to oversee some training for new drones" Myrrah said with a smile making him nod with a smirk before he slapped her ass making it jiggle erotically making her giggle which sounded like music to his ear, after that he finally left to go take of some business himself.

Delving deeper into the hollows he passed many slaves who looked worse for wear, passing them some glared at him defiantly getting a backhand from a beast rider or drone while others bowed submissively to there new master, smirking he was glad some of these maggots knew their place in this new world they were forced into, he passed the lab of sorts, it looked like a human lab, looking high-tech with monitors and machines everywhere, only the smartest worked here, currently he saw in some tubes filled with liquid was brand new looking locust that were genetically engineered to help advance the locust.

There was some he remembered off the top of his hand such as one named simply as beasts, this type of locust was 5x time bigger than a berserker, the scientist were able to make it stronger,faster and slightly smarter than a average berserker, these monsters could rip a berserker in half easier than a walk in the park, they could lift up to 10 tons which was the equivalent of 20,000 pounds, these took a mixture of the brumak and berserker taking the appearance of an dinosaur like appearance, from what his soldiers told them they injected a small simply of his kyuubi chakra with his permission of course into the beast, so now it was able to call upon its potent chakra if it was to badly injured in battle which gave it something called 'blood rage' where there rage takes over and they attack any enemy in sight it also forced them to ignore all pain and show no remorse and killing as many as it could.

An interesting fact was if it was killed in blood rage mode it could choose to set off a miniature nuke with kyuubi chakra, the explosion most likely killing their enemy and even protecting its allies because it could control who was affected by the explosion, finally it developed its own unique armor where it was resistant to basically any attack such as berserker whereas the berserker was only affected by fire, the beast had no relatively known weaknesses.

The other was stalkers, Tall and skinny Locust that had sharp teeth, snake like tongue, and feet and claws. They were assigned dual pistols, longshots, and long and sharp blades attached to their arms. There considerably light but wear strong dark armor. They had a very special ability where their skin can blend in with their surroundings so well they are almost invisible. They are the fastest in the Locust horde. They are used for assassination, thief, recon, spying, scouting, and ambushes. Even if they are not as strong as most Locust, they were able hold their own in a fight. They also work in large groups/packs like wolves don't make up for their lack of strength.

That's all they had at the moment and Queen Myrrah and the scientist made sure they could populate their own section of species before being sent out into the field to make sure they weren't cut down so quickly and start from scratch. Finally getting to his destination he saw two boomers there guarding a door twice there size with their ever present snarls, seeing him they quickly got to a knee to show respect, he rested his hands on their shoulders to signal them to raise as they bowed their heads as Naruto walked through the door.

Inside he saw in the middle of the room was Orochimaru with a chakra seal slapped on his chest and metal gauntlets holding his arms and legs from moving freely with a priest Kantus wiping him with a spiked chain leaving bloody marks on his pale skin making the snake sannin grunt in pain. Noticing his king the priest gave one last hard slap to orochimaru with his hand almost breaking his jaw before getting behind him and grabbing his long black hair roughly almost ripping it from his scalp.

"Haha orochimaru the legendary sannin, oh how the mighty have fallen" Naruto chuckled with a cruel grin. "I'm not gonna lie, I'm gonna torture you alongside my man and we're gonna enjoy it, we're gonna use my personal favorite lobotomy." Naruto said with a grin before snapping his fingers and two drones came in carrying a table of whips, chains, hooks, and a very small curved knife.

Walking up to the Sannin the two drones forcefully grabbed the man's arms and throwing him on the ground and holding him down with their greater strength while he thrashed, squirmed and screamed.

"Do you know who I am? My sound village will be after your head for this, do you hear me! You tra-" Orochimaru screamed before being slapped again by the Kantus making his jaw slightly crooked, grabbing the small knife he clicked the start on it and it started to rotate making the blade gleam dangerously. Kneeling down he inched the dangerous device near his eye making the Sannin thrash even harder than before.

"Get that thing away from fme, iall hrave your furking hread for this!" Orochimaru screamed trying to speak with his half broken jaw, this is only caused Naruto to inch faster. "No stoppp!" Orochimaru screamed out in terror before all you heard was his blood curdling scream and the sound of the device in the room.

-Chapter End-


(Alpha): Queen Myrrah

Tsume Inuzuka

Hana Inuzuka

















Fem Haku




*No Hinata! I don't like her! If I do add her she shall be a slave to him or something else that I will leave to your imagination.*

Many more women shall come, I think it will be the most i've ever had

Suggest what cartoon, game, anime, or show the great locust should invade next after the elementals!

Naruto and the locust army will of course get stronger with each world so expect more chaos!

R&R ^_^