Skateboarding through the rain and 35° weather, Peter Parker shivered enough to nearly fall off his skateboard. Only his spider senses kept him upright as he headed to Harry's house.
If Peter remembered the rain before leaving, he would have borrowed one of Tony's cars or taken the subway. But unfortunately, Peter didn't think, leaving him soaking wet the whole way from Avengers Tower to the Osborne mansion. That's right: The Avengers Tower.
Ever since Aunt May died, Peter had moved in with the Avengers. Supposedly, Tony Stark was the cousin of Richard and Ben Parker. At least, that's the story S.H.I.E.L.D. told the public. Can you imagine? Him and Stark, relatives?
Anyways, since that revelation Peter and Harry had become the two richest kids at Midtown High. Speaking of Harry, he had been down with either a cold or the flu and had missed the last two days of school. Being both Harry's friend and tutor, Peter took it upon himself to deliver missed work to Harry. He also taught Harry the basics of whatever they had learned that day.
Before his spiderbite, Peter would have worried more about catching whatever Harry had, but he figured his healing factor boosted his immune system enough to avoid something like a little cold. Anyways, Harry had nearly recovered, and should be returning to school tomorrow.
Dripping with rainwater, Peter sprinted over to the Osborne Mansion. Once under the cover of its roof, Peter removed his soaked jacket. After wiping his shoes off on the front door carpet, Peter headed up the marble staircase. His spider skills just barely protected him from slipping on the previously clean floor; he tracked in a bit of mud and rain on his way.
As he approached Harry's room, Peter could easily hear the voice inside. "No, I do not need a blanket! I'm warm enough as it is."
Normally, Peter knocked before coming in, but it sounded like Harry needed a save. Quickly walking in, Peter could see Harry lounging in his king-sized bed, reading off his STARK tablet (to defy his dad), and nearly being smothered by his blankets.
Peter's feet awkwardly squelched in his soaked shoes as he walked up to Harry's bed. "Harry, I know you hate getting rained on, but isn't this a little extreme? You don't have to fake being sick to avoid melting in the rain."
Harry's chapped lips formed a smile. "Hey, Pete." Harry gave him a wave. "You look like something the cat dragged in." Bernard, the Osborne' s butler quietly left the room. Harry sighed, relieved that the butler had left. Sure, he cared for him but enough was enough. Nearly back to full health, Harry saw no further need for coddling.
"Thanks for the escape; seriously though, you're soaked." Harry grinned as Peter shook his head like a dog, getting some water on Harry.
"I bring horrible tidings of evil sick days. Your homework, Mr. Osborn." Peter bowed dramatically before reaching into his backpack, careful to avoid the red and blue mask inside.
Harry rolled his eyes, which were less watery than the previous two days. Only the occasional cough or sneeze remained of his illness.
"Great. Homework." Changing the subject, Harry asked Peter, "So, how's life? Is living with Earth' s mightiest heroes taking its toll on you yet?"
"You be the judge. It's definitely a change, but it's kinda amazing. I get to be lab partners with Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. You'd be surprised how good of a cook Cap is. Oh! And Clint and I get to play pranks on the others. It's like having five big brothers, or something. Natasha's great too."
Harry shook his head. "Only you would fanboy over science." He paused to cough a bit before continuing. "How's MJ?"
"She's great. We can't wait to have you back at school tomorrow." Although Peter had taken off his jacket at the door, the shirt underneath was just as soaked. Peter shuddered, and slowly inched closer to the heater.
"Aren't you cold? It's gotta be like 30° outside, Pete." Harry shrugged off his blankets and made his way over to Peter.
"35. And I'm fine; it's only a little water." Peter survived a lot worse in his nightly stunts as Spider-Man, but Harry didn't know that.
"Come on, Pete. You've been hanging around me for the last couple of days. If you stay wet like this, you could get sick." Harry frowned.
Nearly smirking at the notion, Peter Parker finally relented to Harry's pointless concern. Him? Get sick? Impossible. Ever since the spider bite about a year and a half ago, Peter's immune system fought off any bug that even tried to penetrate his body. Still, for the concern of his friend, Peter let Harry hand him a towel to dry himself off, sort of. Clothes don't dry as easily as hair.
"There, happy?" Peter smiled at Harry as he grabbed the towel and tossed it in the laundry hamper. He looked over at his friend, who stood about two feet away from him.
Harry nodded, and started to say something, but was interrupted by two sneezes. It caught him by surprise, so it escaped mostly uncovered right onto an unsuspecting Peter. Peter blinked, but otherwise remained unbothered by it. Harry blew his sore nose on the tissues on his nightstand.
"Bless You."
"Thanks."Harry flopped onto his bed and closed his eyes momentarily.
"Well," Peter started. "I should probably head back now. I have some homework to finish."
Reluctantly, Harry nodded. "Me too. See you tomorrow, Pete?"
"See you, Harry." And with that, Peter left the mansion, returning to the downpour outside.
After finishing his homework and stopping by the Tony's kitchen for some leftover takeout, Peter donned his spandex and jumped out the window. His favorite part of being Spiderman: the freefall. Terrifying and exhilarating; it let him forget about everything else. Through the rush of adrenaline, everything appeared perfect for a second or two. But eventually Peter let a web fly towards the nearest building, and swung around the city.
It still hadn't stopped raining. While other materials either absorbed water, or resisted it, spandex seemed to do neither, leaving our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man rather uncomfortably wet. Thankfully, the constant downpour discouraged most villains from causing trouble. Only the insane ones came out in weather like this.
Speaking of insane, Dr. Conners recently escaped prison with the aid of his not-quite-subdued lizard side. And guess who had decided to make a reappearance in Time Square? The Lizard. So with a wave to the crazy pedestrians braving the rain, Spidey swung over to the chaos, ignoring the beginning of a headache.
Not returning to the Avengers Tower until nearly three in the morning, Peter all but collapsed onto the couch. Pulling his mask off with an unconcealed shiver, Peter let his eyes close. He really had meant to return to his room, but the couch felt like a warm fluffy cloud. Perfect for a tired, soaked, teenage superhero. Snuggling further into a corner, Peter's wet hair left a mark on Tony's otherwise spotless sofa. Within seconds, Peter completely passed out on the couch.
On the floor just above the common room, Steve lay in his bed. Formerly asleep, Steve woke because of something landing on his window. Confusedly, he made his way to the living room to see what made the noise. Walking down the stairs quietly, Steve noticed a red-and-blue-suited Peter sitting rather awkwardly on Tony's olympic sized couch and snoring a bit.
Putting a hand on his shoulder and sitting beside him, Steve expected Peter to jerk awake. Instead, he tilted sideways, ending up leaning on Steve. Tensing for a moment, Steve hesitantly looked at Peter. His face and posture were completely relaxed, and Steve didn't have the heart to wake him up.
Steve carefully picked up Peter, holding his knees and head in place. Steve had carried children that weighed more than Peter. The kid's crazy metabolism almost rivaled his own, not to mention the less than adequate amount of food he ate. With his superheroing, his school, and Avengers duties, Peter almost didn't have time to eat.
As he carried Peter to the Spider-Man level of the tower, Steve noticed Peter's wet hair practically glued to his skull. The rest of his suit clung to him likewise. So as much as Steve hated it, Peter needed to wake up. Healing factor or no, no one was invincible to hypothermia. Well, except those who had survived 70 years in a block of ice.
"Peter, wake up." Steve set him on the couch. Peter groaned, shielding his eyes from the light. "The light! It burns us precious!" Peter moaned, not ready to wake up for a other solid 20 hours.
Not understanding the reference, but finding it funny anyways, Steve chuckled. "Nice try, Peter. You need to change out of that suit and into normal clothes before you freeze to death."
"M'fine. Don't need pyjamas. Need sleep." Peter winced; his throat felt kinda sore and dry. Maybe dehydration?
Steve shook his head. "Get dry clothes on, and then I will let you sleep." Stepping out for a moment, Steve wondered how the kid did it. Most of the others only stopped the occasional alien invasion or bank robbery if they appeared near the area. Spidey took them all, from muggers to gangs to kidnappers, even purse-snatchers. He genuinely cared about the well-being of every New Yorker.
"I'm dressed, Cap. You can go now." Peter talked through the wall to Steve. "G'Night."
"Goodnight Peter." Steve called as he returned to his room for some well-earned rest. Inside the room, Peter again fell asleep, too tired to notice his increasing headache, and too exhausted to care.
Peter's alarm clock requested a death sentence the following morning. It woke him up at 7:00, allowing Peter only four hours of sleep. If Peter had a choice, he would chose staying home in an instant. But unfortunately, Peter had no choice. School awaited him, and it wasn't getting snowed out any time soon, so Peter dragged himself out of bed.
Running upstairs, Peter yanked on a jacket. When he got there, Peter heard laughter coming from the kitchen. Tony and Clint sat next to each other, laughing hysterically at something on Tony's STARK tablet. "Hey Pete, did you know that some people drew pictures of us as girls?" Clint' s eyes watered from laughter as he showed them all female Hulk.
Tony' s guffaws of laughter succeeded in waking the remainder of the Avengers. "I'm the prettiest." Tony boasts to Steve as he walks into the room, panting lightly from his morning jog. Steve quirks an eyebrow at the statement before blushing bright red when Clint flips around the tablet for him to see. No Spider-Woman is present in the picture, which barely bothers the sleep-deprived teen at all.
"Hey, there's no Spider-Man!" Tony notices as he flips through the pictures.
Peter nods, wincing as he shovels loads of cereal down his sore throat. It hurts less after some milk. "That's because no one knows what I look like under the mask; you can't make a girl version of a mask very well." Peter's voice awkwardly cracked at the end of his sentence. Thankfully no one else noticed, but it worried him. Peter had no intentions of going through puberty twice, thank you very much.
Once Peter finished his food, he dealt with the second most important matter at hand; his killer caffeine-headache. Grabbing a coffee mug from the counter, Peter gulped down the entire thing in less than a minute. He grimaced at the bitter aftertaste, but eagerly awaited the caffeine that would soon wake him up.
Tony noticed him over by the coffee, and called out. "Hey, Pete! Got any more coffee? There's too much blood in my caffeine-stream (Caffeine in my blood-stream)."
"Sure." Yawning quietly as he poured coffee, Peter regained some more of his consciousness, as well as his sore throat from earlier.
Then Bruce walked into the kitchen while reading his newspaper. He looked up at the rest of them, surprised. "I'm surprised to still see Peter here. School starts in fifteen minutes."
Normally, Peter woke up earlier. He left at about 7:40 AM most days, stopping for a quick swing around town before school.
Peter jumped out of his seat and ran for his skateboard and backpack. "Gotta go, guys. By the way, I think Steve makes the prettiest girl. Bye!" He ran out the door, grinning to himself.
Tony gasped in disbelief. "What! Spangles over me? That's harsh." Clint cracked up as Steve hid his face in his hands. Bruce looked up from his newspaper in confusion.
Tony recovered from his grief, and asked Bruce, "Do you want to see Lady Hulk?"
The average human takes one to three days to start showing signs of a a cold or the flu after being infected. For Peter it took three days, including the two previous days when he visited Harry. Although Peter started showing signs of a cold on day three, he didn't even realize he was sick until day five, and by then he couldn't do anything to stop his 'little' cold. Poor Peter Parker.